Service for the Dead

EXO Scary Story One Shots!

Jongin paced back and forth in the living room waiting for Kyungsoo, his roommate, and his closest friend, to come home after a night out with his parents and brother

Jongin, or Kai for short, hated being left alone. Since childhood, his biggest fear was to be abandoned. While he waited, he started to bite his nails. "Damn! I thought I told myself I'd quit!" he scolded himself.

Kai and Kyungsoo have been friends since grade school and haven't stopped being friends since that time. They promised each other that they would do everything together. Go to school together, go to work together, and sooner or later, move in together. Even Kai's first kiss was with Kyungsoo since Kai said he needed help practicing on another person.

As Kai made a rut in the ground from his pacing, he decided to call Kyungsoo.

Kai listened to the dial tone patiently, but Kyungsoo didn't pick up. "Maybe he's just on his way home" Kai thought

After another agonizing 10 minutes, Kai heard a key unlock the front door, he ran up to the door to meet eyes with his roommate, Kyungsoo jumped. "Jeez.. You scared me!"

"Hyung. You were gone forever!" Kai whined. Kyungsoo looked up at the clock. "I left at five and I said I'd be gone for about three hours.. Now it's eight" he said calmly

"8:05!" Kai corrected him. "Whatever! What's your issue? I told you that you could come with us.." Kyungsoo argued. "Well, your brother was there.." Kai looked down

"Jongdae?" Kyungsoo asked. "Duh.. What other brothers do you have?" Kai pouted. Kai didn't like Jongdae. When they were kids, Jongdae would always make fun of him because he was jealous of Kai. Jongdae felt that Kai was taking his spot as Kyungsoo's brother, so he mercilessly. Even today, Kai believes Jongdae would pull pranks, throw things, and call Kai names without remorse.

"I know you don't like him. But he's my brother. I can't erase him from my life just for you" Kyungsoo sighed. "Can you try?" Kai asked sarcastically.

"Shut up" Kyungsoo giggled, while Kai laughed back. "So I guess you're not gunna like what I say next.." Kyungsoo started

"Oh god what?" Kai asked, preparing himself

"Jongdae wants us to go to morning service at the church on 15th street. You and me both.."

"Your family isn't religious.."

"Apparently hyung wants to "try new things"" Kyungsoo quoted his brother.

"What a weirdo" Kai rolled his eyes. "So how early is morning?"



"Come on! Be a man!"

"Ugggghhh! Fine. I guess it can't get any worse than that.."

"Actually, I think it can.."


"Hyung wants us to spend the night at his house tonight.."

"Why? So he can dump worms and bird poop on my head while I'm sleeping?"

"Kim Jongin! He's my brother and he's grown up and he's a lot more mature than the last time you've seen him. Which was.. What? Six years ago??" Kyungsoo tried hard to defend Jongdae. Kai looked down at the ground. "That's not much of a difference" Kai mumbled.

"Whatever.. You're going. Whether you like it or not. Get pajamas and a clean set of clothes ready. And whatever else you might need" Kyungsoo ended the conversation as he walked into the kitchen, leaving Kai to pout. "Jongdae. Ugh.. This " 


When Kyungsoo and Kai made it to Jongdae's home, Kai couldn't believe how much Jongdae had changed. 

"Kim Jongin! Is that really you? You got so much taller" Jongdae smiled innocently. Kai smirked. "Maybe he really did change" he thought. But when they walked up close enough to him, Jongdae flicked Kai on the forehead... Hard

"Nevermind" Kai thought rubbing his forehead. "Hyung. What the hell?" Kyungsoo spat at his brother. "Once an a-hole, always an a-hole" Kai thought inwardly again. "That's how you tell an idiot hello" Jongdae laughed. Kai rolled his eyes. 

After the meet and greet was over, Jongdae set up three sleeping bags for him, his brother, and his roommate. When Jongdae pointed out whose sleeping bags were whose, Kai knelt down and felt his bag thoroughly. "Jongin, what are you doing?" Kyungsoo asked

"Checking for cockroaches" Kai said calmly. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes while Jongdae giggled. "Just like old times.. Come on Jongin, we're grown men. I'm not that immature 12-year-old anymore"

"Then no more flicking me in the head!" Kai made a small X shape with his index fingers. Jongdae just nodded. "I made sure your sleeping bag is next to Kyungsoo's so you two can cuddle" he laughed. 

"Actually. I'd like nothing more than to cuddle with my little Jongin" Kyungsoo stuck his nose up at his hyung and swung his arm around Kai. Kai could feel his face blush slightly while Jongdae just rolled his eyes.

After it got dark and the three boys were done playing video games around 12am, Kyungsoo couldn't sleep for some reason. For some reason, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. But, who was there to look at him? Kai and Jongdae are sleeping. 

Kyungsoo had Kai snuggling under his arm when he could see someone walk by the house out the window. "Who would be walking around at this hour?" he thought. 

Kyungsoo carefully laid Kai down to walk over to the window to close it, in hopes that it wouldn't distract his sleep. When he was about close the blinds, he took a closer look and saw that the streets were littered with people, walking down the street to Kyungsoo's right. In the direction to the church.. "Maybe they wanna be early? But why don't they drive?" Kyungsoo thought. His eyes started to adjust more and more. Soon, he saw that the people, barely looked like normal people at all. They looked skinny, their hair falling out, their clothes all torn up. Some were missing arms, legs, eyes, fingers. Kyungsoo couldn't believe his eyes. These people look like they've just stepped out of their respective GRAVES.

Kyungsoo couldn't move when one of the people on the street noticed him watching them. The person, who seemed to look more like a man started to walk up closer to the window to meet eyes with Kyungsoo, even though Kyungsoo was the only one with eyes.

He wanted to scream, but he had Kai and Jongdae sleeping right behind him. Was it really worth it to scream?

Kyungsoo closed the blinds before the walking skeleton could make it all the way across the lawn. He watched the window for another few seconds in horror and just like out of the movies, Kyungsoo could see the skeleton's hand when he slammed it against the glass, making a loud thud that woke up Kai

"Hyung. What was that?" Kai asked only half awake. Kyungsoo laid Kai down and laid down with him. "Nothing Jongin, just go back to sleep" Kyungsoo lulled Kai back to sleep. Kai snuggled up against Kyungsoo and took a deep breath. Weird enough, Kai was more comfortable at Jongdae's house than Jongdae's own brother.

Surprisingly, Kyungsoo started to fall asleep faster than ever. And within twenty minutes, he was asleep. 

All three boys were once again woken up all together by the church bells. "What's going on?" Kai asked 

"It's the bells. We're late!" Jongdae gasped. Kyungsoo got up slowly. Jongdae rushed the two younger boys awake. They all got dressed and left, without eating breakfast or looking at the clock. When they were outside, to Kyungsoo's surprise, the street was quiet and clean. "Maybe it was just a nightmare" he thought. Nobody was out of there houses and the sun hadn't risen yet. It was as quiet as death. All they heard was the sound of their shoes on the side walk and the sound of their own breathing.

When they made it to the church, service had already begun. Jongdae cursed himself for being late since this was his idea. They all quietly sat down in the back next to the door and sulked.

Kai and Kyungsoo didn't look anywhere but the ground while Jongdae looked to his left and saw one of his neighbors. "Annyeong~" he smiled and greeted in a whisper. Then something hit him

His neighbor, Mrs. Han, died in a car and train collision not only two months ago.. "Mrs. Han.. W-What are y-you doing here?" Jongdae asked his dead, yet living neighbor. Mrs. Han looked to her right at Jongdae. By this time, Kai and Kyungsoo watched what was happening and gasped at Mrs. Han's appearence. Her clothes were all torn, the skin and flesh on her face was pale and falling off, she had no nose or eyes. Jongdae could feel his stomach churn. Mrs. Han got closer to his face and whispered..

"You shouldn't be here"

Jongdae looked back over at Kai and Kyungsoo. Then they realized that they were being watched by everyone in the church, who were all just as... dead. Kyungsoo spotted the man that came up to the window in the crowd and felt so much more uneasy.. "You guys.. We should leave" Kai suggested quietly. They both got up and walked to the door. Jongdae was the last to leave the building. He took a quick glance behind him before leaving and saw that all the undead members of the church were now chasing after them..

"AAAAHH! GO GO!" Jongdae nearly pushed his brother out the door to get out faster. 

"Get out!" "YOU DON'T BELONG HERE!" "NEVER COME BACK!" the skeletons screeched as they chased the three boys down the street back into the residental area. One skeleton got so close to Jongdae, that he grabbed the jacket off of his back. Jongdae didn't care much about it, so he kept running. 

Once they made it back to the house. The sun was just about to come up. Kai ran back into the house first, hid under his sleeping bag, and sobbed. Kyungsoo came in to catch his breath. When he realized Kai was on the ground sobbing, he picked him up and cradled him in his arms. Jongdae closed the door and locked it. Kyungsoo looked up at his brother while he had his back to the front door and slid down to the ground. All three boys cried for the next hour and a half.


Later that day, there was a knock at the door. It was one of Jongdae's neighbors and classmate Kim Junmyun.

When Jongdae opened the door, Junmyun jumped at his neighbor's awful appearence. "Woah, dude, you look like hell" he said in awe. "Thanks, it's good to see you too, hyung" Jongdae said sarcastically. 

"Well.. I was out visiting my grandmother's resting place and I saw this on the ground on top of one grave. It has your name on it, so.." Junmyun explained and handed Jongdae his jacket. Only now, it was torn to shreds.

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Lilianlimi #2
Chapter 16: omg that's creppy >___<
Chapter 15: So your no longer continuing this??
But I like it~~~
LongLiveTheBeast #4
Chapter 15: Goddamit i love this but it almost made me crap my pants. I liked the lighthouse chap the best.
mahava #5
Chapter 4: ugh, i only read this chapter in the begining and got scared already...and the facts that i'm home alone, and my house just happend built right beside the cemetry didn't help it all..

i think i'll read these in the afternoon only, which mean tomorrow... yeah, good story anyway ^^
hanate #6
Chapter 13: im curious about this other kris from this parallel universe.....very intriguing.....
Chapter 13: Yes! Definitely HunHan part 2. !!
Lilianlimi #8
Chapter 13: Uuugghhh...i became a little bit afraid to see my reflection on mirror >__< and i would love to read the part 2 of hunhan chapter! XDDD
Chapter 13: Good luck, fighting !