
EXO Scary Story One Shots!

"Luhan! Good to see you again bro!" Kim Jongin, one of his coworkers, greeted him on the runway. Jongin and Luhan were baggage handlers and air traffic controllers for the local airport. 

"Hey dude! I thought you went to Tokyo!" Luhan said as he picked up heavy bags off the conveyer belt from the planes' belly. "I did. You just haven't been paying attention!" Jongin yelled louder over the noisy planes taking off and landing. 

Luhan rolled his eyes and lifted the large bags. "How long have you been back?"

"About a month. I thought you knew" Jongin was taken aback at Luhan's behavior. "I've actually been occupied with something to be honest" Luhan sighed truthfully as he picked up the light signal cones from his truck to direct the next plane coming in. Now that the runway was relatively clear and less noisy, Jongin backed away from Luhan to talk

"Something you wanna talk about?" Jongin asked. Luhan shook his head. "Not really... It's not very important.." he smiled

But in reality, it was important to Luhan. For the last month, children from his neighborhood and his neighborhood alone have been disappearing at night, taken from an unknown individual. 

Since Luhan has no children to protect, he would think it's not his problem. But his best friend and neighbor, Minseok, lives with his 6-year-old nephew, which is somewhat of a son figure to both Minseok and Luhan. They've both raised him since he was born. 

What's to stop the kidnapper from taking him next?

After a few more hours down at the airport, Luhan changed back into his street clothes and went out for potato soup.

"Hey Luhan, how was work? I assume you just came back from the airport?" the owner of the potato soup shop smiled when Luhan walked in.

"I'm good, Kris. And yeah, I did just come back.."

When Luhan sat down, Kris saw that it seemed like there was something wrong with him so he sat across from Luhan. "It's a tad late to be eating.. Don't you think?"

"Then why do you stay open so late?" Luhan argued with a giggle

"... Touche... My dad and I extended the hours cause we're running low on business. There seems to be something wrong with you. Wanna talk?" 

"Not really"

"Am I right when I say there's something wrong?"


"I can read you like an open book"

"Yes you can"

After Luhan ate his potato soup, he left for his house. When he got there, it was dark and Minseok was out on his front lawn playing with his nephew, Minsung

"Luhan hyung!" Minsung yelled and embraced Luhan's waist. He giggled and hugged back. "Hey there bud! How was your day?" 

Minseok got up from his spot in the grassy lawn and gave Luhan a warm hug. "How was your day. Minsung missed you a lot" Minseok smiled. "You shouldn't be out here in the open" Luhan scolded him quietly 

"I'm sorry. He wanted to play outside..."

"Well bring him outside in the daytime" Luhan almost raised his voice.

"Luhan?" Minsung asked from the patio, holding a ball in his hand. "Yes baby?" he asked

"I'm thirsty" Minsung pouted.. Luhan sighed and walked towards the little boy and picked him up. "Then let's get you some milk" Luhan smiled and walked inside..

After Luhan and Minseok played with Minsung for an hour, Luhan decided to go home next door and crash. After brushing his teeth and getting into bed, he fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow. 


Then, suddenly, Luhan was woken up by someone pounding on the front door. Luhan trudged out of bed as the knocking got louder. "Whaaaaat" he moaned. Then, he heard Minseok's voice behind the door cry "Luhan-ah! Please answer the door!"

Once he heard this, Luhan felt a burst of energy and ran to the door and opened it. Before him was Minseok, his cheeks damp with tears, whimperig. "Minseok-ah" Luhan felt himself choke up at the sight of his love crying. He took him into an embrace and pet his hair.

"Minsung.. He's gone! I can't find him anywhere" Minseok sobbed. Luhan's eyes widened and he pulled away from Minseok and tears fell from his eyes

"Our baby.. He's gone" Minseok cried.

"We have to find him" Luhan declared

Luhan and Minseok gathered a search party to find Minsung. They searched any place he could be hidden, but nothing..

"Minseok. I'm gunna check over there" Luhan stopped Minseok and pointed to the creek. "But it's really dark and dangerous, you could trip on something" Minseok urged Luhan not to go

"It's the only place we haven't looked. It's worth a shot. You stay here" Luhan halted Minseok. "Okay" he whimpered. And like that, Luhan was into the creek, looking for Minsung..


Luhan shined his flashlight on everything in sight. "Minsung-ah!" he yelled over and over. "Come to hyung sweetheart!"

The more Luhan went deeper into the creek, the more quiet, cold, and dark it was; He felt like something was watching him....

But nothing came up. Luhan started to panic after he realized that he couldn't find where he entered. So he didn't have a way out. 

Then... Suddenly...

"Hyung..?" Luhan could hear Minsung's gentle voice from a distance. Luhan turned around and flashed his light. There was Minsung, smiling at the sight of his father figure. "Baby.. Come here.. I'm gunna take you home!" Luhan kneeled down and stretched his arms out. Minsung, with no hesitation, ran towards Luhan and hugged him tightly. Luhan let out a deep breath and closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes, Luhan could see from a distance, a silhouette of a man. He seemed to have no neck and broad shoulders.. When he flashed his flashlight on the man, there was nothing there. Luhan shook it off. and ran out of the creek with Minsung in his arms.

"MINSEOK!" Luhan screamed. When Minseok heard this, he turned around and fell to his knees at the sight of his nephew in Luhan's arms, appearing unharmed.

"My babies!" he sobbed and let Luhan hold Minsung in his arms. "Are you okay? You scared me to death!" Minseok cried. 

"I'm okay" Minsung smiled. "Where have you been!?" Minseok asked

"With someone"

"Who baby? Who were you with?"

"I don't know his name" Minsung answered

Luhan looked down at Minseok worriedly. 


At 4am, Minseok, Luhan, and Minsung went to SPD to describe the silhouette that Luhan saw..


"So, Luhan, tell me what you saw.." Detective Cha asked. Luhan refreshed his memory..

"I think it was...." Luhan recalled


"It seemed to have no neck.. And really broad shoulders, as if it was stretching out its biceps"

"Luhan.. Why do you keep calling him an it?" the detective asked

"Because I feel like calling it a him is inaccurate information" he answered

"What I saw.... Wasn't human" Luhan looked down at his hands 


After Luhan made it home at 6am, he went out with Minseok to install home security systems in both of their homes, hoping it would keep anyone unwelcomed out. 

Three days after Minsung's kidnapping, Luhan started to get text messages from unknown numbers that didn't seem like any language he had ever seen. He showed Minseok but, he, having a major in foreign languages, couldn't tell him which language it was. "I don't know what to tell you.. Maybe you should take it to the police if it's bothering you" Minseok gave his advice.

"No. I really don't wanna go back to the police again" Luhan refused. Minseok rolled his eyes.. "You know I want you to be safe.. If going to the police station will help, then going to the police you shall" Minseok said. Luhan sighed and looked down. Minseok saw this and caressed Luhan's cheek with his hand. "I just want us to be safe" Minseok smiled. Luhan looked up and smiled. "I know"


The next day while Luhan was at work, He got a call from an unknown number.. "To answer.. Or to not answer" Luhan thought. He finally decided and pressed "answer".

"Hello?" he said. The other end was silent for a moment. Then all he could hear was a loud screeching noise in his ear, giving him a head ache. Luhan pulled the phone away from his ear and cringed. 

"Luhan, is everything okay?" Jongin walked up to him and looked down at his phone. "I think it was just a prank call" Luhan sighed and massaged his temple.

"I never answer unknown numbers" Jongin patted Luhan on the back. Luhan nodded his head and placed his cell phone back in his back pocket. 

That day at work, Luhan got twenty more phone calls from an unknown number. After the twentieth call, he finally yanked the battery out and put his phone in his backpack and continued with work..

After work was over, Luhan had Minseok come over with Minsung for dinner. 

"You're okay, right? I heard from Jongin that you got a bunch of calls from someone.." Minseok asked "It's okay. I just ignored them.. How has Minsung been?"

"Actually, he keeps drawing these weird pictures. It's starting to bother me.." Minseok said truthfully. Luhan sighed and laid his head on Minseok's shoulder. "It's okay. He's probably traumatized by his experience. Give it some time" Luhan said softly. Miseok took a deep breath and wrapped his arms around Luhan's waist.

While Luhan and Minseok cuddled on the couch, MInsung played with Luhan's pet cat. 


Later that night, Luhan was woken up a knock at the door. His first reaction was Minseok was here to tell him that Minsung was missing again, so he jumped out of bed and sprinted to the front door. "Minseok? Is that you?" he asked looking through his peephole. But to his surprise, nobody was there. 

Luhan opened his door and saw nobody. He grabbed the wooden baseball bat by the door and ventured out of his house and into his driveway, but he found that he was the only one in sight. "Maybe I was just having a dream" he thought rationally and walked back into his house, locking the door behind him. Just as he was about to walk back to his room, there was another knock at the door. Luhan quickly pinched his arm, which hurt quite a bit. "Okay, now I'm really not dreaming.." he thought and held up his baseball bat. When he looked through the peephole, there was a black mass blocking his sight of his front porch. Luhan turned his back on his front door and crouched down. "Should I open the door?" he thought

Just then, there was an even louder knock at his door, making Luhan jump. "Who is it?" he asked, but no answer. He started to shake and breathe heavy, hoping they would just go away..


"LET ME IN!!!" the person behind the door roared. Luhan screamed and covered his head with his arms when the person behind the door started to pound on the door with all their force.

"GO AWAAAAY!" Luhan cried. The pounding on the door made his entire house shake. "NOOOOO!" Luhan sobbed

"LEEEET MEE IIIN!" another loud command was heard behind the door. But this time, the voice sounded like two voices merged together, making Luhan even more uneasy. "WHAT ARE YOU??" he shouted.

Just then, the knocking seized and Luhan opened his eyes. 

"What was that?" he thought as he took the oppurtunity to run to his room and cry.

After five minutes, there was more knocking, but this time, it was normal and calm knocking. "GO AWAAAAY!" Luhan screamed from his room

"Luhan?!" he heard Minseok from behind the door... Luhan sprinted from his room in tears to open the door. When he saw Minseok, he threw himself towards him and sobbed. "I heard you screaming.. What happened?" Minseok asked. Luhan was unable to answer, he could only cry. "T-Theer-rre w-wass so-oomeone h-h-herre-e" he tried his hardest to speak.

"Who was here?" Minseok asked.

Luhan finally started to calm down and went limp in Minseok's arms. "I..." Luhan took a deep breath and rubbed his face. 

When he let go of Minseok and looked up at him, he saw the same silhouette of the figure that took Minsung not even ten feet behind him.

Luhan froze.. Not knowing what to do, he stayed silent. "Luhan.. What happened?? Who was here??" Minseok kept asking. But the words couldn't make it out of his mouth. 

Every time Luhan would blink the figure would inch closer to Minseok.. He started to breathe heavy and he clutched his chest. "Luhan.. S-Speak to me" Minseok started to cry, finding it hard to see his love like this.

Finally, Luhan pulled Minseok into the house. The figure reached for the door as Luhan tried to close it, making him scream. But the figure wasn't quick enough and Luhan shut and locked his door.

Minseok held Luhan in his arms as he told him the event in detail, making Minseok's jaw drop. "What do you think it was?" 

"I think it was the thing that took Minsung. I told on it to the police.. I gave them its description and now it's coming to get me" Luhan said in one breath. "That's ridiculous. Who ever is kidnapping the children in our neighborhood will be arrested soon.." Minseok rolled his eyes, but held Luhan tighter. "The thing that took Minsung was not a human being..." Luhan repeated. Minseok felt like crying, convinced that Luhan was going crazy.

"Everything is going to be okay.. Okay?" Minseok held Luhan's cheeks in his palms and smiled. Luhan teared up, but nodded. Minseok smiled and leaned in for a soft, meaningful kiss


That night, Minseok took Luhan to his house next door so they could watch Minsung together. But the next day when Luhan attempted to gather his things from his house to go to work, the inside of his house was thrashed, as if a tornado had ruined it. All the furniture was flipped over, all his silverware was shattered, the wallpaper was ripped off the walls, all of his pictures with him and his friends and family were torn to shreds. 

Yet, Luhan still went to work, but with tears in his eyes..

While Luhan was at work, Minseok stayed home because Minsung was feeling sick. 

"Minseok hyung" Minsung asked from the living room. 

"Yes baby?" Minseok asked while he washed dishes. 

"Do you love Luhan hyung?" 

Minseok paused what he was doing so he could blush... "Very much, honey" he smiled

"Then why aren't you with him? You should see him so you can protect him.."

"I'm here to take care of you because you're getting sick again.. I keep telling you to wash your hands more often"

"Luhan hyung is more important" Minsung muttered loud enough for Minseok to hear. Minseok put the dishes down to meet his nephew in the living room. "Luhannie needs to work.. He's at work right now and he can't be disturbed.." Minseok said kneeling down in front of Minsung to brush any dirt or dust on the young boy's shirt. "You should get the same job as him.."

"I'm not a big fan of what he does.. He has his job cause he wants to get closer to planes.. Remember? When he said he wants to be a pilot? He said he'll fly you where ever you wanna go?" Minseok choked back tears as he thought and spoke of Luhan.

Minsung nodded innocently. "Well, that's a very important job you know. It requires a lot of focus. And I can't be in the way of his dream.. Understand?" he said. Minsung nodded again. "I want you guys to be together forever" he smiled at his uncle.

Minseok blushed and walked back towards the kitchen. "Would you like me to mak--" he started, but was cut off by a loud knock at the door. "Who is it?" Minseok asked from inside the house, but he got no answer. 

"Who is it, hyung?" Minsung asked..

Just then, Minseok started to remember Luhan's story and how it resembled what was happening. "Minsunggie, go to your room sweetheart" Minseok said while he pushed his nephew closer to his room. "And lock the door!" he ordered. When he heard Minsung lock his bedroom door with him in it, Minseok approached the front door slowly. "Who is it?" he asked again, but no answer


"LET ME IN!" a deformed voice from behind the door shouted, followed by more pounding on the door. Minseok jumped and flattened himself against the wall as he listened to the pounding getting louder. Then, Minseok heard Minsung's scream.


"Luhan! Take cart five and pick up the passengers baggage. They'll be landing soon." Luhan's boss rushed into the break room and shouted. Luhan sat up from his conversation with Jongin. "Be careful, hyung" Jongin said and laid his head down on the couch. Soon, Jongin could hear a phone ring, Luhan's phone, which he had left in the break room. 

Luhan revved up cart #5 and drove to the gate where the next plane will be arriving. When he got there, he looked off into the dark runway, lit by green and blue lights, and saw a figure. At first, as he was trained, he walked towards the figure with his flashlight in hand. "Hello? This is a dangerous place to be. I'll have to ask you to step inside" Luhan said. But when he got close enough, he recognized the figure as the creature from his neighborhood. The one that had been kidnapping children. The one that kidnapped Minsung. Luhan stopped in his tracks and took a stiffled breath. With hesitiation, he shined the light from his flashlight on the creature's face. And what he saw....

Jongin picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID. "It's Minseok" Jongin thought and pressed answer. "Hello?"

"Luhan hyung?" Jongin heard a little boy's voice

"Who is this?" Jongin asked. "It's Minsung. Luhan hyung needs to come home. Someone is trying to break in and Minseok hyung is really scared.."

Jongin gasped. "I'll let him know right now. Thank you Minsung. You're a good boy" Jongin said and hung up.

Jongin put Luhan's phone in his pocket and sprinted out of the break room and onto the runway. "Hyung!" Jongin yelled when he found Luhan looking out into the distance on his knees. "Hyung! You have to get home! Minseok and Minsung are in trouble! Go, I'll handle this" Jongin helped Luhan up back to his feet. Without a word, Luhan ran back inside and was on his way home. 


When Luhan came home, barely able to drive since he was so distraught, the neighborhood was silent. Luhan didn't waste any time and ran to the front door of Minseok's house. 

Minseok looked up in terror at the creature that made it into his home. His breathing had stopped and he was paralyzed. "Miseok hyung!" Minsung screamed from his room. Minseok tried to tear his gaze away it and run for Minsung's room. It just watched as Minseok limped towards Minsung's room. 

But Minseok was barely able to stand, breathe, walk, or speak. Soon, his legs gave out and Minseok fainted. 

Minsung cried underneath his bed when it knocked on his door. "Hyung??" he asked.. But no answer.. 

".... Let me in..." it said in a whisper, which sent shivers up his spine

Minsung was sobbing all by himself when he heard pounding on the door. "MINSEOK-AH! MINSUNG-AH! IT'S LUHAN! ARE YOU OKAY!!" he heard Luhan from outside the house. "HYUNG!" Minsung screamed. Minseok opened his eyes slowly to the sound of Luhan's voice. "MINSEOK! MINSUNG!" Luhan screamed again.

"LUHAN!" Minseok made out a yell.

When Minseok looked up, he could see it moving to the door to meet Luhan. "NO!" Minseok cried. "STAY AWAY FROM HIM!"

It swung the door open and Luhan jumped back. He looked into the house and saw Minseok on the floor. "MINSEOK!" he cried. "LUHAN! RUN!" Minseok yelled back. Just when Luhan was about to run into the house, it took Luhan by the neck and raised him off the ground. Luhan choked in its hands while Minseok tried to get up, but his legs were too weak.  

"Luhan!" Minseok sobbed while he watched him fade. All Luhan could see was white, his head felt lighter with every breath he tried to take. Afraid that his last sight before he died was its face, he closed his eyes and looked back up at the ceiling. His visions and hearing became blurry and there was a ringing in his head.

But then, he heard a faint popping noise, and Luhan could feel his body fall down to the earth again.

Minseok watched in horror when their neighbor from across the street, Byun Baekhyun, fired his pistol and shot it right in the back of its head. It dropped Luhan and fell to the ground. Minseok cried on the living room floor while Baekhyun's hands shook in fear. 

Luhan coughed and heaved, trying to catch his breath when their neighbor dropped his gun and tended to him. 

After the gunshot was heard, other people in the nighborhood called 119 and police weren't prepared for what was waiting for them on Minseok's doorstep. Paramedics showed up, gave Luhan the air he needed, and helped Minseok stand on his feet again. 

"I owe you one.." Minseok sighed and shook Baekhyun's hand, who was still a tad in shock. "It's okay. I j-just hope Luhan will be alright" he said. 

After the ordeal, Luhan recovered and went on with his regular life with Minseok and Minsung while its dead body was carried to a laboratory in Russia to be studied by astrobiologists


Hope this one is a good one. :D It's an alien fic with a little bit of fluff ^^

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Lilianlimi #2
Chapter 16: omg that's creppy >___<
Chapter 15: So your no longer continuing this??
But I like it~~~
LongLiveTheBeast #4
Chapter 15: Goddamit i love this but it almost made me crap my pants. I liked the lighthouse chap the best.
mahava #5
Chapter 4: ugh, i only read this chapter in the begining and got scared already...and the facts that i'm home alone, and my house just happend built right beside the cemetry didn't help it all..

i think i'll read these in the afternoon only, which mean tomorrow... yeah, good story anyway ^^
hanate #6
Chapter 13: im curious about this other kris from this parallel universe.....very intriguing.....
Chapter 13: Yes! Definitely HunHan part 2. !!
Lilianlimi #8
Chapter 13: Uuugghhh...i became a little bit afraid to see my reflection on mirror >__< and i would love to read the part 2 of hunhan chapter! XDDD
Chapter 13: Good luck, fighting !