Never-ending Nightmares

EXO Scary Story One Shots!

Luhan unlocked the door to his apartment to see Sehun in the kitchen, already preparing dinner. "Hey, how was your day at work?" Luhan asked

"Boring as usual" Sehun laughed. "How about you, hyung?"

"Same" Luhan giggled

Luhan worked at Target while Sehun worked at Party City

After their first meet and greet of the day, the two roommates, Sehun and Luhan ate dinner and cuddled on the couch as they watched a movie. That day at work, Luhan purchased the movie "It" for Sehun since it was close to Halloween and he was into scary movies.

But Sehun did have a soft spot... Clowns

"I didn't know it would have clowns.. I'm sorry" Luhan apologized sincerely as Sehun cowared underneath pillows and blankets. Luhan pulled him closer and kissed him on the forehead

"Did it not have a cover?" Sehun asked, knowing the cover would probably have a clown on it

"It didn't. It was blank because it was on sale" Luhan explained. Sehun took a deep breath and removed the blankets from his line of vision to watch the movie. But just as he did, the movie had a jump scare that made Sehun scream like a little girl. Luhan held in a laugh and covered Sehun in a blanket to keep him warm and feeling protected

"Hyung.." Sehun said after a moment of silence. "Yes?" Luhan cooed right before a long yawn.

"When was the last really bad nightmare your had?" he asked

"Uhm, I honestly can't remember... Why?" Luhan asked. The room fell silent again, waiting for Sehun's reply. 

"I just hear bad nightmares can sometimes follow you into reality" Sehun shivered. Luhan rolled his eyes, finding it hard to believe that his young roommate would believe such nonsense

"Please don't tell me you believe that bull. Who told you that?" Luhan laughed

"I read it actually. In a magazine" Sehun replied. 

"I think this movie is getting to you.. Maybe we should turn it off" Luhan concluded and without Sehun's approval, he turned the TV off in a flash. After that, they both had a little ice cream to calm themselves down and went to bed


In the middle of the night, a crash of thunder woke Luhan up. He sprung up from bed and heaved in and out. Once Luhan's eyes adjusted to the darkness, he came to realize that the room he was in was a room he didn't recognize, and the bed he was sleeping in didn't belong to him.

Luhan spotted a light next to the bed he was in on a night stand so he turned it on. The room he was in had patting all over the walls, and all that was in the room was the bed, the night stand, the lamp, and an axe sitting in the corner, covered in blood, as if it had been used recently to hurt someone. Luhan started to breathe heavily as he stood up. It felt like there was this unbelievable weight on his shoulders, as if there was a dead body propped on his shoulders. 

Then Luhan remembered his dear roommate. "Sehun" Luhan breathed and tried to run out of the room, but his legs disobeyed him and he walked towards the axe. As he stood over it, Luhan could feel this feeling of regret he'd have if he didn't take the axe, so he picked it up and walked for the door.

When Luhan left the room, he found himself back into his apartment, except it look a tad different. He looked into the main room and saw that the kitchen was on the left side of the room, and not on the right like it usually is. Meanwhile, the living room was also in the wrong spot. Luhan walked for Sehun's room and opened the door. Sehun's room looked normal, except Sehun was nowhere to be found, pushing Luhan closer to the edge.

When Luhan turned back around to the living room, he spotted a door in the ground. A basement door. "We don't have a basement" Luhan thought, but investigated it regardless. 

Luhan walked down a few steps and into a small and empty basement. The only thing he found was a woman hanging by her neck, aparently dead. Luhan looked up in concern, but was more focused on looking for Sehun. When Luhan turned around to the steps to look around more, Luhan found himself face to face with a man wearing a clown mask. Luhan's vision faded and next thing he knew, he sprung up again in the same bed, in the same room, as if the dream he was having was repeating itself.

Luhan didn't feel like getting up, but he had a burning drive to find Sehun since he hadn't already. This time, the axe was replaced with a knife. He picked up the knife and headed out of the room. Only this time, Luhan found himself in his mother's house. The only thing off about it was there was dolls, scattered everywhere, all looking in his direction. Luhan couldn't do it. He had to look away. Dolls were his soft spot.

"Sehun!!" Luhan called out, but got no responce. As the living room and kitchen resembled his mother's house, when Luhan turned around, he saw the hallway in his apartment. Luhan ran to Sehun's room. When the door swung open, he saw Sehun's room, but it was empty, and the walls were covered in blood. As he looked around the room in horror, Luhan's vision faded once again, and once again, he sprung up from a bed, his nightmares seemed to never end. 

The difference about the bed he was in was that the bed was his bed. For a short second, Luhan thought that maybe the nightmare was finally over, but he looked into the corner of the room and found the axe, the knife, and now a revolver. He rolled his eyes as his legs took on their mind of their own and walked him out of the room and into a house he failed to recognize. There was no finding Sehun now.

Just as Luhan took another step, the same clown from the basement sprung up from behind the kitchen counter and shot Luhan with a dart which stuck him in the neck. 

Just as his vision blurred again, he could Sehun's voice calling his name from a distance. Luhan's vision started to sharpen and he saw Sehun looking down at him, shaking him awake. "Hyung! Wake up damn it!" Sehun cursed 

"Is this a dream?" Luhan asked, not being able to determine what was his dreaming life and what was his waking life. "This is reality, hyung. You must've had a bad nightmare" Sehun shook his head as he held Luhan's hand. 

"What happened?" Luhan asked. Sehun shrugged. "I don't know. I just heard a scream and came to your room. When I came in, you had this look on your face and it seemed like you were in pain". "You heard a scream? Was it mine?" Luhan asked again. Sehun only shook his head. 

"Maybe you should sleep in my bed tonight, hyung" Sehun said, starting to bring Luhan to his feet. "Look at you. Taking action, caring for your hyung" Luhan giggled and followed Sehun into his room. When they got there, Sehun and Luhan fell asleep in each other's arms


The next day, Luhan went to work as usual, as did Sehun.

But Luhan didn't today would be different for him. As he looked down at his phone for the time, he rolled his eyes to see that he still had two hours to go. "I can do it" Luhan sighed and stepped out of the bathroom. For the next two hours, he seemed to only focus on one thing. Clowns

Luhan watched people walk by with clowns on their shirts, people were buying clown masks, and when he had to go into the isles to fix the shelves, the only things that seemed to be out of place were clown masks and clown dolls. And they all resembled the clown from his nightmare. White skin, green hair, rosey red lips and a red nose.

As he fixed the shelves of cat food, Luhan headed back to the registers when a person was blocking him from leaving the isle. The person was wearing a clown mask. Luhan gasped and had the feeling that he was going to faint, so he grabbed the shelf to his right. He couldn't do anything after that except stare at the masked person

Luhan tip-toed closer to the person and tried to walk by. "Hi" is all he said

"Do you need help?" Luhan asked. But they said nothing.

"Okay, well. I'm gunna go now.." he said as he slid by. Surprisingly, Luhan walked right past the person without getting into any trouble. When Luhan turned around, they were gone


"HEY YOU!" Sehun's long-time friend, Jongin called from outside the doors of his work place with a smile. Sehun turned and around and gestured him to come in. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything" Jongin walked up to the register counter. 

"No, today is actually kinda slow and quiet" Sehun shrugged and looked around the empty store. "Indeed it has. How's Luhan?" Jongin asked.

"He's okay. He had a horrible nightmare last night though"

"I hate nightmares" Jongin shivered.

"Yeah, well. I'm sure he's gotten over it and he's just fine now" Sehun smiled and fiddled with the small toys on the counter


"Luhan!" Luhan's childhood friend, Minseok ran up to the register and smiled. "What are you doing here? Don't stand here, people might come up to me and need help" Luhan warned Minseok

"Oh Luhan. Always so serious on the job. What's been going on? It actually seems to be kinda empty here" Minseok said looking around the building. "I don't know what you mean" Luhan tilted his head, looking around at the baron wasteland..

"I guess you're right" he added

"Luhan!" both Minseok and Luhan heard his boss shout his name. Luhan spun around and his boss threw him a set of keys. "You're locking up tonight" he said

"What!? But sir, it's late.. and.." Luhan tried to think of a good excuse not to lock up, fearing he might run into the clown from his dreams once again. "I don't care if it's late. We close late. I thought you knew this" the boss hissed and walked out of the store. "When do you close?" Minseok asked

"10pm" Luhan said as he searched for a clock on the wall, finding one beneath the snack bar, seeing that it was 9:40pm

"Minseok. Stay with me, please. I hate locking up alone" Luhan pleaded. "Since when? Last I checked, you loved being alone" Minseok crossed his arms. Luhan shook his head and grabbed his friend's arm. "Please don't leave me here by myself" Luhan's face started to lose its color

"You look really pale. Maybe you need to sit down" Minseok said. Luhan nodded and plopped down on the ground. 

"Look, I will stay with you.. But I must ask.. What has you so afraid?" Minseok asked as he rubbed circles in his back. Luhan looked off into space and shook his head. "I don't know.. I really don't know.." he sighed, not feeling the need to tell Minseok about the person in the clown mask


"Time to lock up, Sehun. You did good today" Sehun's manager smiled and went for the door. "Thanks sir" Sehun smiled and grabbed his jacket. "Still living with Luhan?" his boss asked, to which Sehun nodded. "I'm gunna go meet him at Target and we'll go home"


Luhan searched every aisle with Minseok close behind him. "Are we looking for something important?" Minseok asked out of nowhere, making Luhan jump.. "N-Not really.." Luhan replied on edge.. 

"Oh, Sehun is here" Minseok said when he looked through the Target doors. Luhan's head shot up at the sound of Sehun's name. 

"Sehun-ah!" Luhan shouted and ran to him to embrace him. "Hyung! Are you okay?" Sehun asked, returning Luhan's hug.. "Minseok hyung.. What's going on?"

"Luhan has to close up shop and he doesn't want to be alone.." Minseok answered, to which Sehun just nodded his head.

After Luhan left with Sehun, he was wide awake, far from going to sleep. 


"Hyung... You're still awake?" Sehun said when he went to check on him at 3:30am. "I don't know what's wrong with me, Sehun.. I just can't fall asleep.. But I shouldn't ruin your sleep with my ridiculousness.. Go to sleep" Luhan said and spun around in his chair back to his desk. Sehun sighed and went back to sleep



Sehun's sprung up out of bed after what he precieved to be a gunshot. "HYUNG!" Sehun screamed and got up to open the door, but it was locked. He was locked into his own room, which was impossible since his room didn't have a lock

While Sehun yanked and yanked on the door knob, the door started to creek open, as if someone was pulling on the door knob to keep him inside. 

"Hyung, what are you doing?!?! Let me out!" Sehun screamed, thinking Luhan was just messing with him. But after a while, the force on the other side of the door was lifted and Sehun's door swung open, and he went flying back. To his amazement, nobody was at his door. He ran out of his room and into Luhan's and found Luhan fast asleep. Sehun relaxed his muscles and took a deep breath. 

"But who was at my door?" Sehun thought as he headed back to his room. As he turned around to exit Luhan's room, Sehun was face to face with another Luhan, with an axe in his hand, his face covered in blood. Sehun gasped. Without warning, Luhan raised the axe and swung at Sehun's head.

Just then, Sehun sprung up from his bed again.. 

"Thank god it was only a dream" Sehun thought while he took time to recover from the nightmare. Just as his eyes adjusted to the dark room, he could see that he wasn't in his room, he was in Luhan's bed in Luhan's room, and there were dozens of dark figures surrounded the bed, looking down at Sehun. 

He reached for the light and saw that all the figures...

Were clowns

Sehun let out a scream before he woke up again in another bed. He sat up to find himself in his own bed again, but he had a feeling the nightmare wasn't over.


Luhan's eyes snapped open when he heard a thud coming from the hallway. "Sehun?" he called out, but got no response. After waiting for another noise, his door swung open and he saw Sehun standing in his doorway, face covered in blood, clutching a kitchen knife. "S-Sehun? Are you alright?" Luhan asked, feeling tears in his eyes.

Sehun only silently ran into Luhan's room, raising the knife and stabbing him in the ribs, but Luhan woke up again before he could feel any pain. He sprung up from his bed, but it wasn't his bed, it was his mother's bed. "What..?" he whispered as he felt the sheets and pillows. He reached for the night stand light. The light revealed the clown he saw in his dream last night and at work, standing in the corner. 

"GO AWAAAAY!" Luhan howled. But the clown only stood there, staring at him


Sehun sat up from bed. His first instinct was to go to Luhan's room, so he did. What he found there was a person hanging by their neck from the ceiling, his mother. Sehun let out another scream as tears fell from his eyes..

He was delirious when he heard a female voice whisper in his ear 

".....Don't turn around....."


Luhan stayed up, staring at the clown. Fear turned to anger as he got out of his mother's bed. "What do you want from me?" Luhan asked quietly

But he got no response, all he heard was a screeching noise.. a very LOUD screeching noise. Luhan arched his back inward, covered his ears, and squeezed his eyes shut. When he looked up the person in the clown mask was gone. 

Just as he was about to search his mother's house, he heard a male voice whisper in his ear

"...... Don't turn around....."


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Lilianlimi #2
Chapter 16: omg that's creppy >___<
Chapter 15: So your no longer continuing this??
But I like it~~~
LongLiveTheBeast #4
Chapter 15: Goddamit i love this but it almost made me crap my pants. I liked the lighthouse chap the best.
mahava #5
Chapter 4: ugh, i only read this chapter in the begining and got scared already...and the facts that i'm home alone, and my house just happend built right beside the cemetry didn't help it all..

i think i'll read these in the afternoon only, which mean tomorrow... yeah, good story anyway ^^
hanate #6
Chapter 13: im curious about this other kris from this parallel universe.....very intriguing.....
Chapter 13: Yes! Definitely HunHan part 2. !!
Lilianlimi #8
Chapter 13: Uuugghhh...i became a little bit afraid to see my reflection on mirror >__< and i would love to read the part 2 of hunhan chapter! XDDD
Chapter 13: Good luck, fighting !