
EXO Scary Story One Shots!

Wu Yifan sat at his desk after a long day at work, reading scary stories when his best friend, Junmyeon, creeped up behind him. "Boo" Junmyeon whispered in Yifan's ear, startling him.

"You " Yifan, or Kris as Junmyeon liked to call him for short, shouted. Junmyeon, who went by Suho for short, laughed, finding it difficult to stop. "Sorry, hyung. You just seemed like you needed a good scare" Suho shrugged

"I'm actually reading some scary stories. So I think I'm just fine.." Kris looked up at Suho and then back down at his screen. "Really? I wanna read too" Suho beamed and sat down next to Kris, who blushed at the sudden closeness.


After the scary stories and some dinner, Suho talked about his day at work while Kris did the same. It was another normal day for the two partners when there was a knock at the door. Kris decided to answer and got up from his seat at the table. 

"Who would be at our door step this late at night?" Suho thought. He knew something wasn't right.

"Hyung, wait!" Suho stopped Kris. Kris halted and turned around. "What's wrong?" 

"Why would there be someone at our door this late at night? Honestly.. Think about it" Suho said rationally

"It's fine.. Stop being a worry wart.. Jeez" Kris brushed off Suho's concerns and continued to the door. Suho pouted and looked back down at his food. After he let out a sigh, he heard the door open and shot up from his seat and headed for the door to see for himself who was there

"Are you Wu Yifan?" the man at the door asked. Kris only nodded

"I have a delivery for you" the mailman said with tired eyes.

"At this late hour?" Suho asked from behind Kris, who elbowed him in the ribs. 

"It is pretty late.." Kris sighed and took the package

"A man came to our office and demanded we gave this to you right this minute, so we did.." the mail man yawned. 

"Well, next time, whoever it is. Make sure you get sleep first before complying to such ridiculous demands. Thank you for your service" Kris smiled and shut the door slowly. The mail man only tipped his hat and walked away

"What is it?" Suho asked

"I don't know.. I'm not expecting anything" Kris shrugged. "Let's open it". Suho only nodded and reached a small knife to open the box. Inside was a small hand mirror. Kris couldn't find a legit reason for the strange mail. But a simple mirror wouldn't harm a fly.

But the next day, while Suho was alone at home, another package came with his name on it. It was a mirror, but a much larger. Much like a bathroom mirror. The frame was beautiful and Suho smiled at he looked at himself in it. "So pretty. But... Why is it here?" Suho thought, but soon brushed it off and left the mirror by the front door, leaning on the couch


"SUHO!" Suho heard his name from downstairs. Downstairs was Kris looking down at the wall mirror. "What the hell is this?" Kris asked.. "It came in the mail for me" Suho shrugged. 

"Who could be sending us mirrors..??" Kris' mind started to race.. "I don't know. I was thinking we could just sell them during the neighborhood garage sale this weekend. Sound like a plan? We don't need them anyway" Suho said as he looked down at the wall mirror

"Yeah I guess not.." Kris let out a small smile and kicked off his shoes after a long day at work

After a few days.. Kris and Suho would notice something strange.. Their reflections in the wall mirror and even the hand mirror.. Just weren't right. As if they didn't move with them like in other mirrors in their house..

The day before the garage sale at 1am at night. Suho stayed up watching movies when he finally decided that it was time to sleep

Suho's POV

I looked up at the clock and noticed that it was almost 1am. "Crap. Kris and I have to be up early for the garage sale tomorrow" I reminded myself and turned off the TV. I was so excited to get rid of the mirrors. Something about them just wasn't right to us.

As I cleaned up a little and put some dishes away, I decided to do a little test with the wall mirror, that still leaned against the couch by the front door. I turned off all the lights and sat in front of the mirror. The only light I had to see myself was the moonlight coming in from the windows.

"I'm so stupid" I said to myself..

"This is so dumb.. Why am I doing this?"

But something.. told me not to go upstairs and to just look into the mirror, and wait for something to happen. 

After almost ten minutes of staring at myself, I'm starting to get sick of my own face. "This is BS" I thought again..

After staring continuously at myself, I finally decided to close my eyes for a moment.. But when I opened them..

For a split second, I could see that my eyes of my reflection were still closed.. But opened again, just like me. 

My reflection was... delayed..

Everything I did, my reflection copied maybe a millisecond slower.. Like there was a clone of myself following my movements on the other side of the mirror. I raised my arm over my head and waved my hand around slowly. And just like my blinking, my arm in the mirror was slightly delayed. I started to breathe heavily.. Feeling an unsettling presence

As I tested the mirror further, the delay my relfection had got worse and worse and my facial expressions started to change. "How--" I whispered.. My reflection isn't even me anymore!

I couldn't do it anymore, I sat up and ran away from the cursed mirror as fast as I could up the stairs into my room. I slammed the door and covered myself with my sheets. Apparently the noise I made woke Kris up because he came into my room half asleep.

"What's wrong, Suho?" he asked me. I was at a loss for words. No way he'd believe me..

"Hyung.. Everything is fine now.. I just.. I need someone. I can't be alone. Not now" I babbled on. Kris only nodded his head and crawled into bed with me, putting his arm around me. I felt his warmth and took in a deep sigh. "It's okay now.." Kris said right before I started to drift off..

Kris' POV

"Why am I in Suho's room?" I asked myself as my eyes finally adjusted to the darkness after I woke up. I turned around and saw Suho, fast asleep.

"Oh yeah, he had a nightmare.. Forgot about that..." I thought. It was then when I decided to go downstairs to get some water

When I went down the stairs, I barely paid attention to anything. I could've fallen down the stairs and not even notice..

But something was off....

Not normal. 

I walked back to the mirror and saw that..

I couldn't see it

My own relfection..

I couldn't see my own reflection.

I raised my arm put my hand on the mirror, still not seeing any trace of myself.

That's when I felt a presence.. Standing behind me. I turned around and saw a man.. That looked like me, but it wasn't.

Since he was standing by the light, he flipped the switch and the lights came on. Then, I blinked.. And he was gone. I turned back around to the mirror

And there was my reflection..

"What just happened??" I thought and walked back up the stairs with great haste.

3rd person POV

The next morning, Kris and Suho spoke about their experiences with the cursed mirror.. "He looked like you, but it wasn't you?" Suho repeated Kris' words. "Yes.. Swear to god" Kris sighed

"It might.. It might have been yourself that you saw, hyung" Suho suggested. 

"What do you mean?" Kris asked. "Well.. You know how we only see ourselves in mirrors, reflections, in pictures and videos, and that's about it, right? Studies show that if you came face to face with yourself, somewhat like a clone, you wouldn't recognize yourself.. You might see similarities.. But it just wouldn't look like you in your eyes" Suho explained what he knew. Kris could only look down at his breakfast and think

As the garage sale went on for the rest of the day, Suho and Kris managed to sell the wall and hand mirror, reluctantly of course, but still managed to get rid of them. 

As the sun went down, Suho was putting what they didn't get rid of back into their garage when he saw Kris standing across the street. "Hyung! What the hell are you doing over there? Come and help me please!" Suho said to Kris, who didn't respond.

He only stared at him

"HYUNG!!" Suho shouted louder. 

"What is it?" Suho heard Kris from behind him. Suho spun around and saw Kris, holding things in his hands. "You know I'm being helpful.. Why are you so crabby?" Kris asked, then continued to put things away. Suho turned around to the street and saw that the person, who looked just like Kris, was gone

"That could not have been a stranger who looked like Kris" Suho thought

"That was definitely him"

"It was his.. Other self"

"From the mirror.. In the parallel universe on the other side of the mirror.. He managed to make it to our side."

"Now there is a second Kris"

"Roaming the same realm"


Hey all! I'm really happy you all have been so patient with me. I've had a lot of college business and I'm going to a job interview in a couple days.. I wish I could give all of you a hug for being so nice to me! If you wanna talk to me, I love to talk. Send me a message here or something or go to my twitter @drunkstarlight or my tumblr @youngrenegade89

Funny story: My last HunHan chapter is actually not finished.. I was writing it but I forgot to check the 'hide chapter' box, so it is incomplete and has yet to be spell checked.

But I've decided, as long as you guys like it, I don't see a reason to change it.. I'm thinking I'll make a short part 2 though. Tell me what you think I should do with the story..

For this chapter, I decided to use the runner-up OTP that got second place in the vote. Hope you like this one even though its a little short. The next one is gunna be loooooong so please be patient. It'll be great and I've already started on it. Okay, sorry I had a lot to say xD Follow me on Twitter or Tumblr, I'd love it. Saranghae <3

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Lilianlimi #2
Chapter 16: omg that's creppy >___<
Chapter 15: So your no longer continuing this??
But I like it~~~
LongLiveTheBeast #4
Chapter 15: Goddamit i love this but it almost made me crap my pants. I liked the lighthouse chap the best.
mahava #5
Chapter 4: ugh, i only read this chapter in the begining and got scared already...and the facts that i'm home alone, and my house just happend built right beside the cemetry didn't help it all..

i think i'll read these in the afternoon only, which mean tomorrow... yeah, good story anyway ^^
hanate #6
Chapter 13: im curious about this other kris from this parallel universe.....very intriguing.....
Chapter 13: Yes! Definitely HunHan part 2. !!
Lilianlimi #8
Chapter 13: Uuugghhh...i became a little bit afraid to see my reflection on mirror >__< and i would love to read the part 2 of hunhan chapter! XDDD
Chapter 13: Good luck, fighting !