White Noise

EXO Scary Story One Shots!

"Hyung, help me with this tri-pod. It's way too heavy" Oh Sehun called over to his partner, Luhan. 

"Really? Then you need to start lifting some weights" Luhan giggled and picked up the tri-pod with Sehun's help

Sehun and Luhan were partners and were about to investigate their 20th case as professional ghost hunters. Before they were professionals, Sehun and Luhan were really good college friends. After their first year in community college, Luhan started getting calls from people asking for his help. When he discovered that the help they needed was figuring out what was happening in their house, and they believed it was paranormal activity, Luhan called Sehun and asked him to come with. After that, they've been working together ever since.

Luhan and Sehun have yet to capture any real ghost, paranormal activity, or even poltergeist footage. All they have been doing is proving everyone's ghost theories wrong, or in other words, debunking people's claims of ghost activity

But since Luhan and Sehun are both more believers than skeptics, they're losing hope of finding anything deemed credible as ghost footage

"I'll set it up in this room.. Go set up the rest of the mics around the building" Luhan ordered Sehun. 

Sehun ran down the hall to fetch the rest of the wireless mics to set up around the building. They're next case was a haunted light house. Luhan's favorite.

Sehun was picking out all the mics from their equipment box briefcase when he saw a little box with an antenna. "A.. radio?" Sehun thought.. "Why did Luhan bring a radio?"

As Sehun walked down one hall, trying hard to balance all the mics in his arms, he walked past the room Luhan was in. Sehun stopped and backed up to talk to him

"Hey. Why did you bring a radio?"

"Ah, I forgot to tell you. I read this thing someone sent to our website yesterday, apparently if a ghost is nearby, radios will emit this.. sound.. I can't remember what they called it.." Luhan explained the radio. Sehun nodded his head. Luhan snapped his fingers. "White noise! That's what he said. White noise" 

"Well I'm going to set the rest of these up" Sehun smiled and went ahead. Luhan smiled and continued to set the camera up..


"Here are the keys" the owner of the light house said, giving the keys to Luhan. "This is a nice gesture sir, but we always go on lock down during the night because we don't want to miss anything" Luhan rejected. 

The owner shook his head, took Luhan's hand, and put the keys in it. "Please don't go on lock down. It's not a good idea" the owner held up Luhan's hand and smiled. "Just in case.... Good luck" he finished and got in his truck and drove home, leaving Luhan and Sehun wondering.. "He must really think we can't handle it" Sehun shrugged. Luhan and Sehun turned around and started to walk back to the light house slowly. "Whatever makes him feel better. He must've had a really bad experience with the dead and he just wants us to be safe" Luhan suggested. 

As the sun went down, Luhan and Sehun sat outside the light house having a couple beers, and listening to music on the radio.. "I still don't quite understand the purpose of the radio" Sehun began again

"I know it'll start to emit white noise.. .. But why?" Sehun asked

"I don't know.. The person who sent us the email didn't explain. All they said was to bring a radio to our next location.. He went by the name of.. uhh Do Kyungsoo.." Luhan said. "Well I hope he's right.."

"I know. I just thanked him for the tip. I wonder if it'll work" Luhan scratched his head. Sehun just nodded silently

After another 15 mintues went by, Luhan's wrist watch beeped, letting the two men know that it's time for the investigation to begin. "Time to go in" Luhan said as he stood up, holding out his hand to help his partner up. As the walked in, Luhan locked the door. Before he closed it, he throught keys outside the lighthouse in the blanket they were sitting in and shut the door.. Luhan and Sehun both got their camcorders out and walked around the lighthouse a bit

Of course, there was always a small noise every now and then, but they both thought that the light house was really old and any old building would make noises, so it was normal.

After they walked the perimeter of the light house, Sehun decided to sit down with the computers and monitor the camera feeds while Luhan continued to walk around. Sehun felt on edge during every investigation, and so did Luhan, since they always do their investigations at night, but this one really had him tense. The only cases they ever had were in houses or sometimes establishments like bars or restaurants. One of their cases was even a hospital. And Sehun's favorite was the local bowling alley, since he loved bowling. But the light house was hard for him to take in. The very appearence of the light house, in and out, would creep anyone out. 

Luhan decided to search the very top of the light house first and make his way down. "If there are spirits in our presence, give us a sign.." Luhan said loudly. He waited for a while, but nothing happened.. Desperate for any activity, Luhan decided to provoke to spirits

Before the investigation, the owner told Luhan and Sehun that there was a very prominent ghost that haunted the light house named Kangmin who commited suicide by hanging many years ago. So Luhan used his knowledge to the best of his ability.

"Kangmin? Are you here with me?" Luhan started..

"You know, it's a real shame you.. killed yourself in this nice light house.. Maybe if you hadn't, this place would be a lot more peaceful.."

"That was a real stupid move.. Why'd you do it? I wanna know.. Why'd you kill yourself?"

"Suicide is never the answer, Kangmin.. I guess it just shows that you were not a very strong person"

"But it's okay, people commit suicide every day"

"But why here? In a light house? Why couldn't you have just done it in your home?"

"Seems to me that you wanted attention" Luhan went on and on. Trying to make the spirits angry

"How many spirits are here with you, Kangmin? I assume you're not the only one.. How many friends have you got here, huh?"


Sehun watched all four moniters diligently as best as he could. "Why did you have to set up four cameras, hyung? I only have two eyes!" Sehun thought. He didn't want to miss a single thing.. 

Just as Sehun was about to rub his eyes, a black mass went across the screen of camera #2, making Sehun jump. Camera #2 was in the storage room. Sehun picked up his walkie talkie to speak to Luhan. "Hyung.. W-Where are you right now?" he stuttered

"I'm on my way back down from the light room. I was planning on going to the storage room next.."

Sehun looked back at the monitors and saw that something else flew across the screen on camera #2 again. Something was definitely in the storage room.

"Why? What's wrong? Did you see something?" Luhan asked. 

"There's something in the storage room. Get there quickly" Sehun ordered his partner. At this, Luhan ran down the steps faster to get to the storage room. Just then, something else went across the screen of camera #1, in the empty room just down the hall from Sehun. "Luhan will never make it down here in time.. Maybe I should just check it out" Sehun thought and stood up. The room with camera #1 was only about ten steps away from where the monitors were set up

Sehun grabbed his EVP recorder and walked with hesitation towards the room. Just as he was about to walk in, he heard Luhan's footsteps from down the hall. Sehun jumped into the room and scanned everything with his flashlight. When he realized he was alone, Sehun his EVP recorder and started talking

"Is there anyone else with me right now?"

"Someone not alive anymore?"

"Me and Luhan aren't here to hurt you. We just want to talk"

"We're interested in you.. Please cooperate.." Sehun said in a soothing voice. Sehun was not like Luhan. Luhan's methods were to induce fear and anger on the spirits as much as he could. While Sehun tried to use positive reinforcement on the spirits. They were both like good cop, bad cop

Nothing happened as Sehun spoke. He could only hope that he had captured something on his EVP recorder. Suddenly, Sehun started to hear static, very faint and far away static. Sehun walked out of the room and realized that the static was white noise, coming from the radio that was put right next to the monitors. Sehun rushed over to the monitors and put his EVP recorder next to the radio and waited. Hopefully, a voice would be recorded. Sehun listened to the white noise until it made him uncomfortable, and he shut the radio off and sat in silence. As Sehun took in a deep breath, Luhan ran down the hall to Sehun. Sweaty and breathing heavy, Luhan put down his camcorder and EVP recorder and sat down. "Hyung, what happened? You look horrible!" Sehun asked and rubbed circles in Luhan's back. Luhan looked up at Sehun and sighed

"I found something" was all he said. Sehun's eyes widened. "Really?" he asked. Luhan nodded

Luhan rewinded his footage and showed it to Sehun...


Luhan entered the storage room with no hesitation and started scanning the room with his flashlight.. "If there is another spirit in my presence, make yourself known" Luhan said sternly. He recorded in front of him when something fell off one of the shelves in front Luhan, who let out a little scream. He looked ahead and saw a silhouette of a man at the other end of the room. Luhan got a short shot of the silhouette and ran out..

-end of footage-

When the video ended, Sehun looked down at the ground and handed Luhan his camcorder. Luhan saw that Sehun was lost in thought and crouched down to make eye contact. "Are you okay?" Luhan asked. Sehun just nodded.. "I'm just really starting to get scared"

Luhan held Sehun's cheek in his hand and sighed. "I am too. But you gotta be strong for your hyung. Got it?" Luhan said and ran his fingers through Sehun's hair. Sehun felt relief at the feeling of Luhan's touch and nodded. 

In truth, Sehun was pretty young for a career like this. And Luhan knew taking care of him wouldn't be an easy task, but their passion overshadowed their doubt, which made it easier for Sehun to overcome the challenges 

... But this challenge wasn't like the other challenges...


By the time Sehun had calmed down, all of the chaos seemed to die down and he continued to watch the monitors while Luhan went back out to investigate. Sehun was too afraid he'd miss something on the monitors if he rubbed his eyes for just a second, but his eyes ached and burned. Sehun took in a deep breath and finally rubbed his eyes. The feeling was divine. As he rubbed his eyes, he heard a bloodcurdling scream.

"LUHAN!" Sehun screamed and ran through the halls without his camcorder or EVP recorder. After running for a while up the steps. He heard the same scream. That's when he realized that it wasn't Luhan's scream. It was the scream of a woman.

Sehun continued to run around and saw a flash of lightening come throught the windows. Sehun stopped to take a breath. Then he heard another scream... Luhan's scream.


Luhan wandered around the steps when he heard the scream of a woman. He squeezed his eyes shut and held onto his ears since the scream was so close, as if a woman was screaming in his ear. As the room fell silent, a flash of lightening from outside revealed a shadow of a person hanging by their neck on the wall.

Luhan gasped and flattened himself on the brick wall, and that's when he let out a loud scream.

Suddenly, Luhan felt like he forgot to breathe and slid down to ground, not being able to take his eyes off the place where he saw the shadow. There was nobody hanging, only a shadow. Luhan dropped his equipment on one stair when he felt Sehun shake him.. "Hyung! Are you okay? What happened!? HYUNG!" Sehun shouted.

Sehun looked up to where Luhan was looking and saw nothing. Then another flash of lightening revealed the shadow again. Sehun and took a sharp intake of breath and froze. "Oh my god" he whispered. Sehun held Luhan's hand. Then, another scream. Sehun and Luhan both shut their eyes and plugged their ears with their fingers.

"I wanna leave. Hyung, let's just go home!" Sehun cried on Luhan's shoulder. Luhan refused to move or speak. He only looked up at the shadow in horror everytime the lightening flashed. "Hyung. You gotta stand up" Sehun ordered his hyung as he tried getting him to walk. Luhan was finally able to stand and Sehun helped him walk back down the steps to their monitors where Sehun thought was most safe.

When they were back down at the monitors by the front door, Sehun realized that Luhan's face was ridiculously pale. Sehun grabbed a water bottle from his bag and begged Luhan to drink from it. "Hyung.. Please" he sobbed. Luhan finally drank the water and closed his eyes. Sehun cuddled next to Luhan for the rest of the night and cried. "It's gunna be okay" Sehun whispered

As the night went on, the rain fell harder, and the screams got louder and closer every time. Doors slammed shut constantly and the radio next to the monitors made noise all night. As the screams got louder, so did the white noise. Sehun held Luhan's head close to his heart and his hair and sobbed..



Sehun and Luhan were woken up by their restless sleep by a knock at the door. "Boys! Are you okay in there??" the owner of the light house asked from outside. "The key is to your left on the blanket" Luhan said in a raspy voice. Soon, the door was unlocked and the owner found Luhan and Sehun on the ground, cringing from the sunlight let in by the door. "What happened to you?" the owner asked. Sehun got up first. "We kinda had a rough night. It's always like this" he lied. 

"We'll just be packing up now" Luhan said as he got up from his uncomfortable spot on the ground. The owner of the light house closed the door and waited in his truck for the two ghost hunters to take all their equipment down.

Luhan and Sehun looked at each other. They were too afraid to go back deep into the light house to take down the cameras, but they soon mustered up the courage and took their equipment down carefully.

A long thirty minutes passed and Luhan and Sehun emerged from light house with all of their belongings. 

"Thank you both for doing this.. Send me whatever evidence you find" the owner said from the driver seat of his truck. Then it hit Luhan and Sehun. They have to look through all of the footage. Luhan gulped

"We will. You're welcome and thank you for this oppurtunity" he said. Sehun nodded and walked over to their car. The owner drove off and Luhan stood in one spot, hoping that they wouldn't find much..

Later what Luhan and Sehun found was almost unbelievable. They were scared to send it to the owner since he was old and had a faint heart. "What do we do?" Luhan said. 

"We'll only send him a few peices, not all of it" Sehun proposed.

A couple days after they sent the evidence to the owner, Sehun and Luhan called him and asked him what he thought. 

"It was insane. Almost gave me a heart attack.." he said

Sehun and Luhan looked at each other awkwardly. "Imagine what would've happened if we sent him everything" Sehun sighed..




Sorry for the really weird and pointless ending.. Well now I REALLY don't know what to write about next. I love writing about Luhan. He's my other Chinese bias(with Lay) I don't really wanna write about anymore ghosts. I'm having some serious writer's block. Someone help me. Please comment. I need help. Don't be silent <3 ^-^

And if you all were wondering what EVP means, it stands for Electronic Voice Phenomenon. it's a sound or a form of speech that is captured on a device and cannot be heard unless it's actually recorded. And these noises are usually found in static and radio transmissions. I watch a lot of ghost hunters :P

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Lilianlimi #2
Chapter 16: omg that's creppy >___<
Chapter 15: So your no longer continuing this??
But I like it~~~
LongLiveTheBeast #4
Chapter 15: Goddamit i love this but it almost made me crap my pants. I liked the lighthouse chap the best.
mahava #5
Chapter 4: ugh, i only read this chapter in the begining and got scared already...and the facts that i'm home alone, and my house just happend built right beside the cemetry didn't help it all..

i think i'll read these in the afternoon only, which mean tomorrow... yeah, good story anyway ^^
hanate #6
Chapter 13: im curious about this other kris from this parallel universe.....very intriguing.....
Chapter 13: Yes! Definitely HunHan part 2. !!
Lilianlimi #8
Chapter 13: Uuugghhh...i became a little bit afraid to see my reflection on mirror >__< and i would love to read the part 2 of hunhan chapter! XDDD
Chapter 13: Good luck, fighting !