
Confusing What Is Real


Taeyeon wasn't sure where she was, the travel down was far to long and exhausting for the angel who's bones froze the further she went.

With a slight gasp the blonde wings sprung wide as her legs reached a chilled ground covered in pure white flakes covering the layers of grass that once attempted to sprout.

The angels curls bounced lightly as the wind her large wings carried up blew the air. 

She hadn't wore much than what she usually had on, a simple pair of shorts and a light shirt all blended with the softest of clouds.

Unlike most who preferred a the white tone of the bouncy clouds Taeyeon enjoyed changing the blank tint to the shades to blues and pinks.

It was her specialty especially since the young angels liked her more for it.She always stood out, thought her beauty was undeniable the humor and wit of the petite woman shined brightly through.


Heaven was warm and blissful, the air always perfumed with the scent of fresh fruit and clean mist preparing to pour on the land below.

The atmosphere always free,a place which seemed nearly unimaginable to the beast who lived in hell accustomed to the chilled choppy air and frigid bitter atmosphere colder than any land of the earth.d

own here in hell the air was painstaking.

Taeyeon found it hard to even catch a clear breath without choking ,

the foreign atmosphere plagued with cold would not allow the heavenly creature to rest from its grasp.

The area itself oozed pain, a feeling the girl knew but never in such a strong collection and not all at once.

Though nervous she allowed her feet to hit the plush snow her winds slowing their movement,

it was dark not the darkness where the moon would beam radiant light from the sun into the sky but dark.

The kind of noir that seemed only possible during an eclipse which lasted far longer than it was meant.

Taeyeon couldn't see anything than the light flickers of homes lit late at night, most likely creature who didn't favor the day as much as night.



The key was still in her palm and Taeyeon held it with all her might scared that she might lose it and any chance of freeing Taeyeon and knowing the truth.

Not just of the entire raging wars between the two alternate empires but of Tiffany....the suspected Devil.

The fragile blonde couldn't pull herself far enough to believe that Tiffany,

the adorable small girl who always played with her,

dressed her in pretty floral dresses, the Tiffany who loved her, she just couldn't.

The thought wouldn't even move far enough to reach the centers of her lips, not far enough to allow her body to associate both words.

Truly the girl had come to prove what she believed, that the bold kind hearted was not and never was the devil.

Tiffany could never rule such a cold kingdom, she loved the warmth of the sun, beauty of small creatures and scent of cherry blossoms too much to even survive in such rigid temperatures.

Taeyeon believed so, she believed it with all the hope she could give to one idea and person.

It was clearly the truth the girl thought she knew and no one or thing could make her think otherwise and and if they tried she would fight for it, like she is doing right now.


Hiding wasn't a problem for Taeyeon since the night was black, she allowed her wings to moved back into her back as she settled down near a tree with a few bushes,

her body froze and shook at the sensation of the snow beneath her.

she couldn't bear the chilling that was touching her skin slowly turning it dry.

She knew that it was impossible to lose the tint of her golden skin in one mere night but the temperatures of the land caused her confidence to waver as the night progressed.

The sun was barely there as morning arose, the angle didn't wake at the sounds of cooking,

kids playing, birds singing or even the occasional thump of fruits dropping from a tree rather she awoke

at the sensation of a clump of snow falling from a thin bench on the tree which she had curled into a ball fall onto her head.

"Eeeeeeek~" she screamed loudly attracting the attention of a few people, or she assumed were people.

She had no idea of the creatures of hell, she knew that they varied for the condemned could be any as the saved were,

placing her hands over her own mouth the angle mummed herself lifting from the ground slowly.

Her legs shook violently as if she had been in the position for years, they were stiff and nearly numb, for support she leaned onto the tree helping herself up.

She could water swell in her eyes, it was painful as if her bones had given up on her , she was already thin was nearly no body fact which made the circumstance that much more miserable.

Once she mad it onto her two feet and felt confident enough to stand straight and breathed out her lungs feeling heavy with every breath she took in and out.

"Just get to the castle and you'll be fine" she told herself walking step by step,

her arms wrapped over her chest, it was hard for her not to pull out her wings and wrap them around her body but she knew not to dear expose them in hell, especially since she was alone.

There were no cases of angles being attacked in hell since the ones who came where equipped with weapons, spells and advanced technique.

But Taeyeon had non of that and what made it even worse was that she held a valuable key in her hand still holding onto it tightly. At the moment however she felt as if her hand was frozen and stuck in the motion.


Taeyeon walked through the streets, they were clean like the ones in heave, but they were sleek as if made from metal or some kind of ore.

The sensation under her feet was cold but no ice layed on the pathways only around it.

The angel found her self a bit self conscious since she hadn't much on for the temperature but no one looked at her they all went about their business some children would look but remain mum giving her a sneering or questionable look.

it was strange for the girl, if it had been heaven she would already have meet over five strangers willing to help her and cloth her, even feed her and offer her to stay a night or two,

but down her it was as if no one cared. Though dangerous to say it was amusing, the entire atmosphere was so calm and frightening.

The creatures seemed at peace or rather she viewed them that way but being cold isn't really the peace one would seek to eternity.

Biting her bottom lip, a common habit for the girl, Taeyeon continued walking, it seemed as if hours had passed as she continued walking.

The empire was huge but one thing stood out, an enormous building which stood tremendous compared to the high cordors of heaven.

The building was made of ice clear and foggy in tint, it stood stall so tall that it seemed to nearly pierce through the supposed sky of the land.

The edges curved in round spirals, elegant and precise, the other areas sharp, slender, but still thick enough to be unbreakable.

The girl feared asking anything of the creatures which passed her by with no smiles or even a glance. She continued to walk the building growing more and more massive as she drew near.


"Hay" The angel jerked back nearly falling over her feet, the voice was deep and frightening she wasn't sure if she should continue walking.

The creature looked her up and down as it sat on the third tears of steps leading up to another mansion.

Taeyeon stumbled over responses in her head as she looked at the ground thinking rapidly, whether she should run quickly.

"Where are you heading?" the voice interrupted her thought its slathering tone creeping into her ears dangerously slow.

"T-to that bu-building" she stuttered in part due to the bone chilling cold and the fear that ran up her spine

and through her veins influenced by the creatures chilling deep black eyes, frightening teeth that exposed them self between parted ice blue lips.

"The empress home?"

"Empress?" Taeyeon asked wondering why they would call the devil such a famine name, it had to be a man.

"yes the empress, who rules this empire and everything in it."

The creature lifted itself from the stair case walking over to the petite woman who backed away with every step the creature took towards her frame.

"Are you new here?" The blonde took a moment stopping her movement as the woman did as well.

"Yes" she abruptly spoke recieving a slight but evident smile from the creature. "Well you can't get in like that" Taeyeon watched as the black eyes scanned her up and down.

"How should I look?"

"First you should look decent"

Though afraid Taeyeon couldn't help but scan the woman's attire, she wore what seemed to be black latex pants accompanied with a tight fitting which traced the form of her torso and bust,

she only smiled as the angels eyes reached her face roaming over the girl fair snow white skin that was blemish free and only posses a few scars that traced from the side of her forehead to her ear.

The woman's nose was slender and lips as will, but what stood out most was the cascading red locks of the woman, the hair laced with a rich blood like shade that waved through soft waves and reached the woman's knees. 


"Long right?"

Taeyeon blinked drawing herself from the captivating features of the creature that toward over her, she blamed it on the shoes the woman wore, the heels thin and high in black as well.

"yes it is quite long"

she finally said after persuaying herself into believing that she wasn't short at all compared to the woman.

"I can't cut it soo..."

"Why is that forbidden or....something" Taeyeon looked down she was speaking to loudly and could hear her voice bounce back into her ear.

The woman only smiled a inviting and terifying curve on her lips before speaking.

"If I do i might kill an entire villiage, own or even city"

The angel gasped at the vast amount of lives involved in the womans words.

"That's horrible"

"There worse down here" she whispered even though it seemed uneccesary.

"By the way would you like to come in?"

Taeyeon nodded stopping her movement as she reached the third step the creature ahead of her.

"What is your name?"



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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 8: Krystal is here!!
Chapter 5: I cant wait to read next chap
1140 streak #3
Chapter 3: I cant imagine tiff being that evil and the ruler of hell here... But its nice that you separate the couples here now im begining to like it more... Hehehe
myniah09 #4
Chapter 3: Heaven and hell NICE....^^
myniah09 #5
This is very interesting story update soon....¡!!!!!!
1140 streak #6
Chapter 2: Wow amazing!! Update soon
PilotIsMyJob #7
Chapter 2: Wow!? This is awesome! I hope more people will tune your story..
cucuMAber #8
update soon please >.<
PilotIsMyJob #9
Update soon!!