
Confusing What Is Real

2014-Seoul,South Korea


She soar above the heavens as she had countless times before searching among the humans below who hurried through their busy mornings.

"mmmhh" Jessica sighed tired from the non-stop search. 

Her hope of finding her long lost wife had begin to lessen with the centuries but she hadn't planned on every ending.

Instead she soar towards the cement ground allowing her noir wings to blow wind below her as she neared the ground allowing her to land softly.

Her thin heels touched the ground and the wings that spread 6 feet retracted into her back disappearing into the pale skin.

She stopped by a small shop which had become her favorite breakfast location due to the fact that it had lasted as long as she did.

Jessica placed on glasses that shielded her grey eyes from the intense sun light that hit the earth and walked into the shop.

Quietly and unnoticeably Jessica found a seat near the window slumping back in the chair as she relaxed.

"hello Ma-am can I help you" a young girl asked dressed in a shirt that exhibited the hops logo and her name.

"Yes, I will have a black coffee"

"Will that be all?' 

"yes" Jessica nodded turning back to the streets allowing her eyes to search faces through the dark shades.

As the time progressed she found her-self looking at figures without purpose as her lips found their way to the black mug of coffee every now and then.

But within seconds she dropped the clay mug onto the table jumping out the chair as she dropped far more money then she owed onto the table.

Her mind tried to pursue her that she hadn't seen the familiar figure of her wife as she ran onto the side walk.

"Yuri" she called following a girl who's arms were wrapped around a young man.

"I can't believe that you were scared of my parents" The girl said to the young man as they crossed the street.

Desperately Jessica followed the two crossing the busy road ignoring the cars that passed.

A loud scream of a foreign voice yelled causing Jessica to turn to a car the came directly at her.

Suddenly Jessica flashed from in front of the vehicle causing the driver to stop and for her to disappear from harm.

"People have only gotten careless as the centuries have passed" Jessica stated flying above the vehicle whose driver searched for her body frantically.

Ignored, the woman looked for the girl who she sore she remembered slowly moving above the crowd of citizens who claimed to have witnessed a accident

and among that crowd she spotted a face, and then she heard a voice, and then she realized she had found her wife.

"Yuri" Jessica called flying next to the girl among the crowd.

Even though she knew that she couldn't be seen she cautiously reached for the girl now next to her.

Only inches away and in a instant Yuri turned to her.

"Honey, where do you think hat woman went"

Jessica's heart speed hearing the sweet tone of her lover.

And then she realized the girl was looking through her at someone else. 

Quickly that angle soar into the air and looked down at the man Yuri was speaking to and almost brokenheartedly she watched the man wrap his arms around Yuri and pull her closer.

"Issh" Jessica growled moving next to the man who she examined.

"Did you hear that?" he asked Yuri who looked at him questionably.

"no honey I think you loosing your mind" she pinched his cheek leaving the scene.

Ignored the angel looked at the man with a glare and followed.

"I wonder where that woman went?" 

"I'm right hear" Jessica thought as she left the pair of lovers.

"I've always been here" 

Jessica flew almost with anger into the Heavens to meet with high rulers in the effort of gaining position on earth in effort to interact with her wife.

The Heavens

Reaching the highest clouds above, Jessica allowed her wings to retract as her heels felt the endless softness of the air below her.

Moving to the gold engraved gates which stood hundreds of feet high , Jessica moved to the sensors at the side of the gate and places her eyes near the machine which scanned them.

After her eyes were examined the large gates opened allowing the angel to enter.

In front of  her stood a familiar Utopia of white large building surrounded in glass and gold which gleamed in the immense light.

As usual the Angel walked to the large hall which regulated all souls and angels along with demons and ghost. 

Placing her dark shades on, Jessica walked into the building attracting attention from others due to her dark clothing.

"Jessica" a soft voice called with excitement causing Jessica to turn around.

A young girl with curly blonde hair came towards her with arms open as she wrapped her arms tightly around the petite angels body.

"Taeyeon" Jessica smiled wrapping her own arms around the pure beauty.

"Hay, what you doing here Girl" Taeyeon joking shoved the girls shoulder back.

"Well..." Jessica smiled un-comfortably knowing that her request would be a difficult one.

"What?" Taeyeon looked at the creature suspicious. "I found Yuri" Jessica stated cutting the older angels unwariness.

"Oh my goodness, That's great" Placing her hands on Jessica's shoulder Taeyeon moved the light figure around as if she was looking for something.

"Sooo..." Jessica looked at her with a 'what' expression.

"Where is she Jessica?'

"That's the problem"

"issh what is she in love or something" A moment of silence passed before Taeyeon jaw dropped as the taller girl exhibited a expression of agreement.

"Gosh what are you going to do?"

"I was planning to ask for perminate stay on earth for a while" Knowing that her request was quite extreme Jessica avoided the older woman's eyes.

"Welp you can try" Taeyeon finally said.

"really?" she asked surprised by the woman's compliance.

"Well yeah" Taeyeon smiled knowing the girls background. "I know what you've been through Jessica deserve that much"

Amazed Jessica hugged the angel who smiled with cheer.

"okay Jessey, go meet with Yoona for actual emplacements of  conditions"

"Okay, Thank you" Jessica finished having already lost the excitement she had moments before and moving back to her traditional cold aura.

Moving through the large building of rooms, Jessica reached a door marked with the name she was searching for, Im Yoona.


"Come in Jessica, I already know its you" A voice said from behind the door.

"Hello Yoona" Jessica said closing the door behind her.

"What is it that you want Jessica"

"What an introduction" The dark angel joked but not receiving a laugh from the high leader.

Clearing Jessica took a seat across from the brunette whose long strands passed her shoulder and down her waist.

"I wanted to ask for perminate placement on earth" with the statement from Jessica, Yoona's face rose from the papers she had been checking.

"And why would you want that" The leader asked placing her pen onto the table and crossing her arms.

"I found my wife, but she's with another person"

"Why should that make you want to take the chance of damaging your thin life span?" The blue eyed angel asked.

"She's the only reason I am still alieve, and if I go on living knowing that her heart isn't mine anymore, then what would all these years have been for"

"Is that the reason?"

Jessica nodded.

"Alright, I can feel the passion emitting from you and it's almost dangerous espically since your part...deamon... so I will work things out"

"Can you do it now?" 

"Jessica!" Yoona almost yelled at the eager woman sitting in front of her.

"I've just waited so long, I really want to see her, and touch her and..."

"Alright I understand, all I can do for you right now is give you a home,job and temporary protection from the sun..."

"Thank-you" Jessica replied without any excitement thought she was jumping inside.

"but do watch your time, for if you don't you will suffer sever pain"

"I understand Yoona Thank you" she got up from the chair.

"The potion is to Taeyeon, give her this piece of paper and she will give it to you" the angel explained her long nails painted blush sliding the small paper over to Jessica.


"Good-bye" Yoona responded.


Jessica walked out the office her heart beating with anticipation, quickly she handed the blonde angel her piece of paper and received a Vail of liquid.

"Good-luck Jessica" Taeyeon told her as she left the building.

The creature only waved back as she found her way to the same gates that she had encountered thousands of years ago.

Finding her way out, the gates opened allowing the angel to exit and open her wings soaring down like a meteor through the soft clouds.

Hoping to land in the same location she had that morning , Jessica found her way to the middle of the street, invisible.

But it was mid-night and the streets were barely occupied and she realized that she would have to wait another day to meet her wife again.





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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 8: Krystal is here!!
Chapter 5: I cant wait to read next chap
1134 streak #3
Chapter 3: I cant imagine tiff being that evil and the ruler of hell here... But its nice that you separate the couples here now im begining to like it more... Hehehe
myniah09 #4
Chapter 3: Heaven and hell NICE....^^
myniah09 #5
This is very interesting story update soon....¡!!!!!!
1134 streak #6
Chapter 2: Wow amazing!! Update soon
PilotIsMyJob #7
Chapter 2: Wow!? This is awesome! I hope more people will tune your story..
cucuMAber #8
update soon please >.<
PilotIsMyJob #9
Update soon!!