
Confusing What Is Real


Within the deep corridors of earth lied the Empire of Hell.

Its ruler however was not a man or a large beast. 

The Queen of Hell was a beauty with dark black hair that shielded grey eyes and thick black lashes.

With skin the went so fair that the blue cold veins of the creature became visible.

"My lord" A demon said walking into the large doored room.

"What is it" The creature growled in an husky tone.

"The raven has been delivered"

The blonde demon stood in front of the higher being that stood by the large window that over saw the rest of the kingdom.

"Does she know?"

"No, the raven does not know her purpose, but we have put the dark angels on earth to over sea her doings"

"very well" The queen turned in the direction of her assistant and walked down the numerous steps to move closer to her.

"Make sure" The higher ruler placed her freezing hand on top of the blonde monsters shoulder."That the dark angel and heavens have no idea of what we are planning"

The girl nodded.

"And Hyoyeon" the queen released her grip on the girls shoulder while walking to the door."I hope it hasn't been you who has been taking care of that angel"

"ofcourse not my lord" the blonde bowed as the queen left the room.

"Lock the gates, I am moving to the prisons"The queen hissed outside the door.

Hyoyeon breathed out of anxiety as she heard the queens steps descend.

She then made her way to the control centers of the empire, as she began locking the prison gates as instructed.


The queen seeped lower through the layers of earth entering an area of complete ice. 

The temperature had no effect of the demon since it was the natural environment at which the creature had become adjusted to.

Dressed in thin silk her bare feet touched the ground of the cold internal earth making their way through the ice chips of the diluted thin air.

The creature only smiled admiring the various creatures locked in the gates of her prison, handcuffed to the freezing walls , how-ever those simple things that she had consumed on earth met nothing to her. 

What the demon wanted was to break on creature, one old familiar creature. 

As she approached the sheltered cell of the prison, the woman grabbed the Handel the burned from severe cold and pulled it down with ease. 

As the dark room widened the image of a broken angel hung from the highest level of the enormous room.

"How are you?" The queen asked with a laugh as she approached the broken angel that hung.

"I' been f....fine" The pure creature could hardly speak.

"hahaha... Its quite funny how long your stay here has been" The queen continued while levitating off the ice and up the air to face the battered creature that shook.

"is it too cold for you?" The woman mocked.

The angel did not respond moving her eyes from the demon.

"You know I thought you'd like being hung up on a cross hands and feet nailed, like that man you follow there in heaven"

"Do not insult my lord" The angel stated in a deep tone.

"Oh Seohyun, its a shame that your lord. You know the one you betrayed me for, it's funny that he hasn't sent anyone for you yet" The queen lied.

The angel did not reply.

"No more motivation" The demon asked moving traces of poison across the creatures abdomen.

"huhhhhh" Seohyun growled in pain feeling the continuous pain of the infectious poison.

"You know you really astound me, its been centuries and still your here" the woman growled with anger moving back to the ground.

"Do as you like, enjoy your extended stay here in my beautiful hell."

The woman moved slowly back to the door of the cell.

"Tiffany this is not how you solve your problems. This is not okay!!" the angel yelled as the demon continued on her way out.

"Good-bye Seohyun" the woman stated closing the little source of light off from the angel.

"You stupid fool" She cursed crashing back to the upper layer of her kingdom.

"These stupids angels, always in my way" 

Tiffany found herself back in her room finding comfort in the quietness of the entire atmosphere.

Unlike the myths Hell was a quite place and one that was frozen over.

Creatures did not feel continuous pain but rather did as they like and wanted under the reservations of their ruler and queen.

Tiffany Hwang.

Her body found comfort in a silk robe as her bare feet made their way across the marble floors.

"Why won't she break" The demon asked her-self holding onto the golden necklace that hung from her neck.

"And where are you?' She asked herself opening the chain that revealed a small image.

"why aren't you here?" The woman stared at the old image of herself and another girl, with blonde hair and a huge smile.

"Taeyeon why aren't you here with me?" 



A knock echoed in the empty halls of a large building.

"What?" A voice asked.

"It's me Taeyeon, i'm heading home now are you coming?" The angel asked.

"No, i'm not coming. I still have more work to do"

"Are you going to visit Seohyun?" The angel asked now entering the office of the higher status leader.

"I am, in fact I will being heading there soon."

"Well I can come along"Taeyeon offered taking a seat.

"There's no need" Yoona responded closing her documents.

'Well it's the least I can do"

"I mean you can't go. We will be collecting information on Seohyuns condition and hearings"

"But I..."

"TAEYEON!" The woman yelled slamming her hands onto the table.

"I'm sorry I know your hurting Yoona" Taeyeon moved her hands over over the brunettes own holding it.

"Im fine!" Yoona yanked her hand away while turning from her friend.

"Please just head home" 

"okay" Taeyeon responded leaving the room and closing the door.

But the angel did not head home, instead she waited for the woman to head to the offices and her meeting.


Yoona soon after locked her office door and hurried through the halls of the large building to the medical unite.

Following along Taeyeon softly floated off the floor in effort to avoid noise.

"Have you all started?" Yoona asked entering the large medical room and closing the door behind herself. Taeyeon stayed outside and listened.

"No we haven't listened to anything at all. We were waiting on you" A low voice sounded, the group of angels were members of the elite heaven security and Yoona was the chief of the group.

Slowly her heels echoed through the large room as she moved closer to her wives body on the medical table.

"Oh my she looks worse" the woman's voice sounded with panic as she watched the cold burns appear on the angels skin.

"The cold has been increasingly severe on her skin and appear on her actual figure here on earth" One of the males explained.

"wow" Yoona said out of horror.

She moved her hand over her lovers face transmitting as much heat as she cold to the frozen angels body.

"huhh" The huffed out of exhaustion.

"Please chief don't exert yourself" A female angel told Yoona holding onto her body that fell weak.

"if i don't she might die there" Yoona commented.

"We shall help" The group of leaders said moving their hands over parts of the angels body and transmitting enough energy to transact the bruises that began to appear on the woman's fair skin.

"Thankyou" Yoona said as the other angels nodded.

"Now back to the task, the demon has met with Seohyun this week" One of the men stated using his power to create a screen of audio exhibition.

"Here is what we collected" A woman stated starting the audio track.

As the conversation between the demon and angel progressed Taeyeon eyes began to swell at the sound of a familiar voice.

"Tiffany?" She asked herself amazed at the sound.

"Tiffany is the demon lord?" She placed her hand over out of the astounding discovery.

"So what is it that we can do?" Yoona asked holding onto the lifeless angels hand that laid on the table.

"Well right now all we can do is wait" The female leader stated to Yoona.

"Wait, wait?" Yoonas voice cracked as she viewed her wifes body.

"Yoona?" A voice asked.

"Seohyun?" Yoona moved closer to her wife's face.

"Can she hear us" A man asked.

But received no response.

"Seohyun can you hear me?"

"Ye...yes. baby" Seohyun barely pronouced her eyes still closed and body still. Only her cold lips pronounced words.

"Oh my Seohyun how are you? I'm sorry it's been so long. I..I've been trying to" Tears began to roll from the strong rulers eyes causing the panel of followers to look with sympathy already know the long wait of the two lovers.

"Don't cry" Seohyun said before the lips went mute.

"No, No Seohyun NOOO!!!"Yoona yelled as One of the male angels held her in an embrace.

"Im sorry" He told her as the woman pushed him away.

"It's fine. We can only do what is possible" 

Before Yoona made her way out the room, Taeyeon had flown away still shocked with the news that her lover and best friend was the sole enemy her creator.

Finding silence in the illuminated area of her room Taeyeon thought and continued thinking of a way to get Seohyun out of hell. But still the angel could not imagine Tiffany being the ruler of hell.

And though she heard the voice, the vibrant angel made herself believe that it was not Tiffany.

"It can't be her, thats not possible. It can't be"

The angel told her self the same sentence while falling asleep. 








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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 8: Krystal is here!!
Chapter 5: I cant wait to read next chap
1140 streak #3
Chapter 3: I cant imagine tiff being that evil and the ruler of hell here... But its nice that you separate the couples here now im begining to like it more... Hehehe
myniah09 #4
Chapter 3: Heaven and hell NICE....^^
myniah09 #5
This is very interesting story update soon....¡!!!!!!
1140 streak #6
Chapter 2: Wow amazing!! Update soon
PilotIsMyJob #7
Chapter 2: Wow!? This is awesome! I hope more people will tune your story..
cucuMAber #8
update soon please >.<
PilotIsMyJob #9
Update soon!!