
Confusing What Is Real

"where are we heading?" Jessica asked already dressed and standing by the mansion exit.

"To your job"

"Alright then, lets go" the angel said moving to the door which was quickly opened by the raven, the ray illuminating the rather dark home.

"Are you alright with the light?" Sooyoung asked as she shut the door behind her, watching the woman walk slowly down the marble stairs.

"I can bear with it" Jessica placed the dark shades on, moving the golden strands of hair behind her pale ears that were studded with diamond rocks and amber.

She had picked from the already placed clothing in the room where she slept.

As the angel stepped on the base of the ground her body stooped low, unfamiliar with the environment around her.

The raven moved swiftly nearly slicing through the air with her supernatural ability, her chilled arms wrapped around the woman's torso preventing the thin figure from falling onto the ground.

"Thank you"

"Please be careful" the tall figure pulled her hair back which had strayed from the sleep ponytail she had placed it in,"It won't be good if you can't adjust quickly"

"I would if my back wasn't in so much pain"

"You'll be fine"

The word's of the creature were blunt, and as she finished she walked moving open the passenger seat of the car.

"Get in"

The angel took a moment before stepping into the car allowing the noir haired creature to shut the door behind her.

As Sooyoung took a seat and shut the door, she turned to the woman who looked back at her in reaction to the sensation of the woman's beaming eyes which strayed from their traditional dark tint and colored green.

"What are you doing?" her tone was calm as she asked the cold bird what exactly was occurring.

"I'm going to make you feel a bit more comfortable" 

"How" the angel felt a bit of anxiety but maintained her composer in front of the hellish monster.

"Hand,pulse,and blood"


"Give me your hand, your blood, and allow me to boil your veins"

"That sounds painful" she removed her shades.

"It's fine, you can deal with the pain" Sooyoung turned to the front placing her hand's on the starring wheel and preparing to start the vehicle. 


The creature obeyed.

"I will allow you to do it"

"very well then"

The slender woman wrapped her fingers around the creatures left hand, digging her claw like nails into the flesh and watching as dark tinted blood escaped through the  layers.

"..." Jessica cursed through her teeth as the raven continued to dig.

"Alright then" Sooyoung spoke causing Jessica to look from her hand and to the woman.

"I can feel a faint pulse, so I'm going to shock it  and cause it to beat harder" The blonde lifted an eyebrow in question, "Though you have one now a stronger pulse will make you seem more...human"

"Alright do it already"Jessica nearly screamed.

The raven continued with the action as the angel started to swear harshly the pain rate increasing rapidly.

"Oh my God is it over"

"Don't speak that name," The voice was stern as the dark creatures eyes faded to noir.

"Just do it"

A fe minutes progressed and Jessica was set on the fact that the raven was killing her but within a split second it was over.

She looked down at her hand, expecting to see an even more bloody mess than she had viewed earlier. But to her surprise no blood was even visible.

"It's done"

"Wait where did the blood go?"

"Does it matter" the ravens tone was chilled as her dark black eyes turned to the road, her heels steeping onto the pedal starting the car engine.

"Ummm yes...where did my blood go?"

"Well you're dead"

"Okay" Jessica said already knowing of her un-earthly body.

"That mean's that your blood dissolves quickly."

"So you're saying that my blood dissolved away into thin air?" 


"Ahhhh okay" The blonde wasn't sure what to say nor think, she simply moved her slender fingers through the golden locks turning to the front.

"I'm the CEO?" 

"yes" Sooyoung whispered into the blondes ear as they walked into the building a group of people giving smiles at the blonde which were returned uncomfortably, since the angel was not too use to constant human communication.

"Okay, and one of your workers happens to be Kwon Yuri's" Jessica nearly froze at the name skipping a few steps before she could catch the ground once again.


The blonde turned immediately to the women a concerning look on her face.

"That is correct, Kwon Yuri is engaged to get married" The Raven spoke sliding her long fingers around the silver handle connected to a sheer glass door that reflected like a mirror. 

he pulled the door open revealing a white room, with large glass that replaced most of the wall, and gave way to shine soft sunlight, creating elegant shadows that seemed through the embroidered curtains of the room.

"It's too bright" Jessica turned around looking back into the modern office as she tried to avoid the the sensation.

"It can not hurt you for too long" 

Jessica looked up at the slender creature whose prominent jaw line was illuminated by the light tracing the bone structure that had been untouched by any light for so many years. 

The long noir strands where held securely as the pony tail fell far beyond the slender waist of the woman.

"I can't..."

"Miss Jung, i can assure that I have done everything in my power to make sure that you have become as 'human' as possible,s o please get into the office before the young man arrives"

The blonde took a deep breath in , a bit afraid but not showing any signs of her uneasiness.

"Very well then" she spoke turning stepping a slender heel into to marble ground as she walked further in towards the sleek silver desk that held a ultra-thin laptop and a few white books lined with thick plain sheets.

Sooyoung walked ahead her movement swift and un-seen by an human eyes, by the angel could few her figure plainly as it moved.

She pulled the metal chair out looking at the sun-kissed haired angel and then at the chair, her intentions were blunt and the woman simply complied as she sat down her shades blocking the strong rays.

She placed her pale arms onto the desk adjusting her figure to sit tall and take in steady breaths to calm her soul down.

"He will be here in"

At the last count Sooyoung spoke, the young man entered with a smile, Jessica standing to greet him.

He placed his arm out, dressed in a neat prim suite shaded navy with accent's of white collard shirt beneath, towards Jessica who shook it. A smile not appearing once on her lips.

She sat back down her shaded glasses still on.

"So why would you like to join the company" Jessica spoke, reciting the traditional questions of any job interview.

After a long time of speaking Jessica took a breath in viewing the smiling man who she had decided she already did not prefer.

"You are hired"

"Really! Are you serious. Oh My Gosh i was so nervous" the man confessed with a wide smile and shaking the angels hand again.

Jessica pulled her hand away a bit freighted by the intense amount of heat radiating from the man's hand. 

"I came with my girlfriend today and she was nervous for me"

"Girlfriend?" Jessica asked already knowing the girl was in the building but just having to ask anyway's.

"yeah she's waiting down the hall, probably really nervous too"

"Oh really" the angel's mind raced quickly and the Raven could tell as her eyes glance slightly at the woman. "She had no reason to, shall we go tell her that you have the job?"

His face brightened even more at the blondes suggestion,"Okay, yeah lets go" 

Jessica moved from behind the desk as Sooyoung pushed in back into place viewing the bloodless woman walk near the man who held the door for her, the black she wore only emphasizing the sheer tone.

"She's right down this hall" he spoke moving ahead of Jessica to tell Yuri of his new boss arrival.

Jessica halted hearing for the first time speed up, "Calm down" Sooyoung spoke a frost lingering on her breath.

"I'm calm" Jessica suggested releasing her grip from the fist she had unknowingly placed them in.

"Move" Sooyoung instructed interrupting the blondes un-stable mind set.

Jessica noded moving forward and around the corner where the large waiting room was, standing near the wall the blonde viewed the two.

But the only image she could view was Yuri  , standing dressed in skinny blue jeans and a crisp white shirt that exhibited her noir curly locks perfectly. 

"Yuri" she whispered to herself watching a the smiling girl walked towards her, the young man's arm around her waist.

"Slowly Jessica removed her glasses revealing the light grey eyes which surprised the couple a bit.

"You're very beautiful" Yuri said with a sweet smile.

Jessica smiled in response but wasn't sure what was appropriate to do. She wanted to grab the girl by the waist, pull her from the man's grasp and take her home, but she couldn't do least not yet.

her finger tingled at their ends as she viewed the woman inches from her.

"Miss.Jung would like to congratulate you and your husband" Sooyoung spoke.

"He got the job!" The smile Yuri exposed felt like an arrow to the heart, as Jessica smiled even more feeling her heart race even faster. 

"Congratulations" Jessica finally said. "Oh thank you" Yuri pulled the woman into a hug.

"Yuri!!" the man spoke as the girl backed away from the blonde.

"I'm so sorry"

"No It's fine" Jessica gulped her smile fading.

"I shall be going now" She bowed slightly at the couple before turning around waling.

Sooyoung bid farewell as well and followed the angel, her eyes wondering with curiosity.

"Yahhh i told you to act calm" He spoke softly slapping the girl's shoulder.

"Sorry i couldn't help it. Plus I just felt the urge to hug her"

"That's not a reason Yuri"

"Sorry, but why didn't you tell me you got the job. I'm so happy for you babe"

"I know, I'm happy for me too"

"Beef?" Yuri offered as a gift.


The couple smiled at each other, Yuri pecking the man's lips before making their way to the elevator.

"Did you see her eyes?"

"Yeah their incredible" the man spoke standing next to the girl in the elevator as she pressed the button leading to the main floor.

"I don't know, I feel like I've seen them before"

"yeah yeah " the man joked with his soon to be wife smiling as she tried to tell him that she wasn't crazy. 

Jessica walked turning around the corner before she fell to the ground Sooyoung immediately catching the body before it could hit the hard marble.

"Are you okay?"

"My heart" The angel clutched onto her chest afraid.

"You'll be fine" the raven assured lifting the woman up and helping her back to the office.

"It seem's your connection is stronger than I thought"

"Connection?" Jessica asked her arm around the creatures shoulder.

"Yes, after so many centuries I'm surprised how strong it still is if not even more"

"You mean she still lives me?" the blonde turned her face to the creature who sat her down in the long sofa located in the room.

"yes...but she doesn't know it"

Disappointment washed of the woman's face.

"Great my wife doesn't remember she loves me. It can't get better than this"

It's been so long and I have to give a huge sorry to you guys for the wait, I kind of had a writer's block with this story but after finishing one of my stories and listening to a lot of classical music I've got my mojo back on. Again I'm sorry guys I love you all and this story, that's why I didn't delete it. I'll definitely try to update more frequently from now on.

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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 8: Krystal is here!!
Chapter 5: I cant wait to read next chap
1140 streak #3
Chapter 3: I cant imagine tiff being that evil and the ruler of hell here... But its nice that you separate the couples here now im begining to like it more... Hehehe
myniah09 #4
Chapter 3: Heaven and hell NICE....^^
myniah09 #5
This is very interesting story update soon....¡!!!!!!
1140 streak #6
Chapter 2: Wow amazing!! Update soon
PilotIsMyJob #7
Chapter 2: Wow!? This is awesome! I hope more people will tune your story..
cucuMAber #8
update soon please >.<
PilotIsMyJob #9
Update soon!!