Remembering Bits

Confusing What Is Real

Yuri made her way downstairs in the morning after hearing the sound of cooking down-stairs.

"When did he get home?" Yuri asked herself, especially since she knew that she was a light sleeper.

"Hay babe" He smiled at the woman who had pulled her hair into a pony tail and wore a light white dress.

"You look cute"

"Awwww thank you" She smiled sitting at the kitchen island table where her fiance placed a a plate of eggs ,pancake,and cubed fruit in front of her.

"Thank you" she said taking a fork from the drawers and eating.

"I'm surprised you didn't wake up when I came home last night" he said passing a cup of tea over to her as he sat down drinking a mug of hot coffee.

"Huh?" She turned to him as he smiled in response taking a crumb of egg on the side of .

"Well usually your up at the clicking of the front door but last night you were knocked out, and I checked to see if you were drunk but you weren't."

"Well maybe I sleep better when you're not here" She joked getting a laugh from the young man.

"Well I have to head back to work..."

"With Jessica" Yuri interrupted seeming a bit eager. 

"Ye-ah" he eyes her wondering why she was so jumpy, "She's my boss remember plus I have a few papers I have to turn in"

"Ahhh but you haven't had much sleep. How about you go to sleep and I turn in the papers for you"

"Really?" He smiled his voice higher, surprised by his girlfriend's offer.


"Okay" He handed her the brief case and kissed her forehead. "Thanks babe"

"No problem" Yuri smiled grabbing a light cardigan and her car keys and exiting the home.

"She seems eager" He aid to himself before finishing the fruit on the girl's plate and making his way upstairs.

"Why did I just do that?" Yuri asked herself as she buckled the car seat.

She drove out of the drive way hearing a light bump.

She immediately stopped the car, unbuckled the belt and opened that car door moving the brief case that she placed on her lap onto the passenger seat.

"Omo what did I hit?" she asked moving to the back of her car.

She viewed a white furred cat laying on it's side and seeming dead.

"Oh My!" she nearly yelled as she picked the feline up and carried it into the car, thank goodness there was no blood coming from the cat.

"Ah ah" Yuri wasn't sure what to do, she held the cat like a baby as she opened the driver door and took a seat laying the creature on her lap.

"Okay the office is closer so I'll go and turn in the paper and then go to the vet, yeah okay" she agreed with herself, closing the car door and driving out of the drive way.

She moved into the street hurrying to the building, the cat every time she stopped at a red light.

Pulling into the large building parking lot Yuri holding the cat in one hand and the suite case in another exited the car, using her leg to shut the door.

She hurried into the building getting a few looks since she was holding a black cat in her hand.

"Ummm ma-am you cat..."Before the stranger could finish her words Yuri spoke.

"I'm sorry I'll be really quick" she didn't wait for a response as she hurried on through the halls making it to a elevator.

"Thank goodness no one is here" she whispered to herself clicking the buttons quickly so that no one could enter.

The girl tapped her toes nervously and wanting the machine to move faster.

As soon as the clicking nose sounded and the doors opened Yuri made her way out of the silver small machine making her way through another set of white walled halls only decorated with large glass windows giving way to offices and  large meeting rooms.

Quickly, well because of her pace, she reached the office marked with the name 'Jessica Jung'.

She breathed out and dropping the suite raised her hand but before her hand could come in contact with the metal of the door it opened.

With a cold air instantly brushing pass the sides of her face the opened door give way to an elegant blond sitting with hands writing and face lowered slightly as she wrote.

"Um miss.Jung?" she cleared feeling a instant calmness as she made her way in.

"Please place the feline down" she raven spoke her voice soothing yet dark.

"Oh yes" Yuri said with a smile of nervousness due to the fact that the woman absolutely frightened her.

She placed the snow furred cat onto the side chair softly only to view the creature jumping up on it four paws.

Yuri gasped surprised and truly afraid, "It-its alive?"

"What did you want to ask" Jessica asked giving the sweetest smile to the young girl who turned around to her changing her direction from the cat.

Yuri smiled in response surprised by the woman's softness.

"I have some papers that Mark had to turn in" The woman got up from her chair walking over to the still girl and taking the suite case from her.

"Is that all" she asked the noir haired girl who looked up at her examining the features of her face.

"You seem so..." Without acknowledging her sudden actions Yuri raised her hand gliding it softly along the angels cheeks and down to her chin.

Sooyoung took her hand and griped the girl's wrist stopping any further movement.

"I'll have to stop you there" she spoke to the girl,

Yuri moved her hand from the woman's face and bowed in apology.

"If that's all please leave" Jessica said clearing as the girl bowed again.

Yuri made her way to the door before turning to the cat and making a few calls to get the feline to follow her which didn't work.

"Due you mind the cat staying here?" She asked looking at the tall woman who's black hair straight and fine fell down her back. 

"Not at all"

With that Yuri made her way out apologizing again as Jessica only smiled at her.


When the girl left the room making her way to the elevator and to the last floor of the building Sooyoung finally spoke.

"Are you alright?" she asked her old language accent boldly appearing as the girl left.

"I am" 

"Please don't freeze like that Jessica"

"Yeah it's not a good look" A foreign voice added.

The angel turned to the direction viewing a woman on her ouch with slightly curled snow like hair hat trailed down her back and over her bottom.

"Put some clothes on nun goyang-i"

"People call me Hyuna now Raven" the woman smirked her pale snow white skin highlighting the soft blossom shades of pink on her elbows,knees, and even around the lopes of her ear and nose.

"So" she stood from the chair long hair covering the "This is the lovely dark angel" she moved closer to the blonde who only examined her.

"You don't remember me?" she asked in a heightened tone taking the woman by surprise.

"Ohhhh Jesss-i-ca I am so disappointed, I worked with your mother when you were just a rebellious teen. You would come to my store with the girl that just left and eat everything"

Jessica was still a bit lost as she viewed the woman lean against the desk, "Okay remember when you had that horrible sickness that one time at sixteen and your mother came to my store, I was that lady that gave you that horrible tea, the blue slimy one"

"Awww that tasted horrible" the girl spoke remembering the taste.

Hyuna laughed a bit, "Yeah but at least it helped"

"Wait your on Earth now/" Jessica asked her memory of the woman coming back instantly at the taste of the liquid seem to appear on her tongue due to the memory.

"Yup, I've been on this earth for decades now. I always use to sneak out from the median corridors that why I was always going to speak to the advisors"

"oooh I always thought you worked there"

"No I just got caught a-lot and because of our lovely mother I was able to get out"

"You two were really close"

The woman gave a soft smile before speaking.

"Your hair it's golden now?" She seemed rather amazed by the angels hair as she remembered he girl with snow like hair for centuries.

"Yes because I spent so many years hair it seemed to have changed"

Hyuna smiled softly before putting a thin finger onto the girl's forehand, Jessica instantly grabbed her wrist as a reflex but let go.

"I'm sorry"

"No, Your use to it now" The woman seemed sadden as she spoke.

She then regained her action and placed her middle finger onto the center of the girls forehead.

Jessica could feel a sense of warmth surge through her.

"Your health is really bad" Hyuna removed her hand from the girl's forehead moving back to the side of the desk which she had leaned over to touch the girl's head.

"And why have you forced your wings in"

"Well" Jessica smiled not sure how to put the entire situation together. "I forgot to eat for a long time and Sooyoung thought it would be better for me not to use my wings.

"Silly" The woman spoke looking at the raven with a slight glare but not receiving a response. "Come come" She instructed Jessica to move from behind her desk and over to her.

Jessica moved next to the woman who stood in front o her, "Now turn" Hyuna spoke spinning her finger.

With a delicate movement her hands glided over the girl's back, again a serge of warmth moved through the angels frame.

The woman then moved back knowing what would happen next, within seconds the wide noir wings pulled out effortlessly.

"how does it feel?" 

"Good" Jessica turned to the cat with a smile. "It feels really good" her wings moved around a bit as if she was stretching them.

"I'm glad you got your mothers smile" Hyuna mumbled only to receive a questioning look from the angel with a keen sense of hearing. "Because it's beautiful" The woman said her then black eyes swirling into a light set of gold and pink.

"Please get some clothes on nun go-.... I mean Hyuna" the Raven spoke again taking her jacket and placing it over the woman who seemed to growl at her touch.

"We should get going" Jessica said viewing her watch, she wanted to get to know the woman more and sense the work allowed her to leave as she pleased she made her way out of the room.

Hyuna followed and so did Sooyoung but staying behind the feline placed her clear long nails onto the Raven's shoulder holding her in place.

"Don't ever touch my child again" The threat was soft but clear and frightening, the creature who never showed emotion had a sense of fear in her eyes as the woman continued walking.

"Still frightening as ever" Sooyoung said to herself swiftly making her way to the two women.

----------Hyuna's back Story-----------

I ran and then I ran non stop but not because I like running, that's stupid, it's because I hate hell.

It's so cold, always freezing and never changing. 

I didn't do anything wrong, I never killed anyone,lied to anyone, I've never damned a single soul in my life. But my parent's they were sent here a long time ago and well I guess even the most evil can fall in love.

My family are part of a face of felines so naturally we're warm but truly I still wish for more.

I was born here, in hell, where you never feel the sun or even sense the soft wind filled with floral.

But I really don't like it here, at all. I love my parents and my brother's freaking awesome but I just...

I want to escape.

I ran to a frozen stream where I would usually see the angels drop down, not the fallen ones but inspectors or that's what mother says, I think their spys.

I stop by a iced bush covered with spikes and shaded ice blue it was pretty big so I hid under it for a while, in my cat form to stay warm, waiting for some one or something to land.

Nothing came today so I had to go home.

The next day I went again and hid under the same bush but again no one came. When I went home my mom asked where I had been like she usually did.

I'm a teenager so I can take care of my self. That's what I tell her I know she gets a bit hurt but it's true 18 years is enough.

From that day I went back to the same ara and I would see some angels and say 'hi' but they never talked to me they would just smile and leave.

But today will be different. It already had been a month and I was pretty familiar with the entire process, in fact I would call myself a professional ,well maybe not.

I waited there in the snow, I didn't wear much since i was used to the cold but I saw this one angel once, I never talked to her but she looked really young, like me, and she would always come down and shiver.

"I guess she's a newbie" is what I would think but I felt really bad for her since she seemed so cold and lost.

"Hay" I said when I saw her land, thank goodness it was her or my mission would have been dumb and pointless.

"Hello kitty" she smiled at me.

I changed my form quickly and she smiled even wider, I'm guessing she recognized.

Thats why I liked her even more, she always spoke to me when i called her and most of all remembered my face. 

"Are you cold?" I asked still under the bush.

"Just I bit" I know she was lieing but angels don't lie so maybe it was the truth.I tossed the jacket to her, it was one of the best jackets made in hell and sense theres no money down here and no stealing or any crime it was free. My mother knows the maker and she gave it to me as a present since I am "sooo beautiful" and I quote.

The angel looked at me then the jacket and smiled even bigger.

"You got this for me?" her voice had heightened.

"Yeah is something wrong?" I asked a bit afraid.

"No" she smiled taking the jacket and putting it on but what happened next was even weirder she came over and hugged me.

I was really scared, I've never had a hug from a angel, it was so warm and she smelled really sweet like soft clouds and warm air.

"My name is Gayoon what yours" she pulled from me.

"It's Hyuna"

"Nice to meet you Yuna" she smiled widely.

"It's Hyuna" I corrected her.

"I like Yuna better"

"But..." I didn't know what to say.

"Lets be friends"

"Okay lets be friends" I smiled back this time I hugged her and she giggled. It was soo cute.

---------two years later-----

"Hay Yuna" she waved landing down with the jacket I gave her on.

"Hay Gayoon how are you doing?"

"Not so good" she looked said as she moved closer to me. I stood by the stream now since she told me her schedule and everything, I didn't have to be so afraid.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you love me?" Her question was out of the blue but I didn't hesitate to answer.

"Yes, of-course I love you"

"really?" this time she held onto my shoulders shaking me a bit.

"Yes yes really" I laughed, knowing Gayoon for this long and seeing her often I know she's not really the type to shake someone so I was a bit amused by it.

"What's wrong" I asked her again as she released me from her  grip.

"Will you marry me?"

I stopped for a moment my eyes widening.

"You do know I live in hell right?"

"Well I can take you up if you want..." 

"Yes I want to ...." I was excited but I didn't want to go up just because of being there.

"Do you really love me?" I asked, I already knew I liked her at first I thought it was because she was really warm and smelled super duper good but after these years I've realized that I love everything about her.

The way she would laugh at almost everything, especially when I would tell her stories about my life, I also adored the way she would bite down on my wrist every time she knew I was holding  anything back and most of all I adored who she was, her smile,her face,and her sweet personality.

But I didn't know how she felt about me.

I waited for a response but was surprised as I felt her lips against my own. 

I was taken back by it but truly it felt amazing, there so soft like pillows and tasted like fresh peaches in spring.

"I love you Yuna, please go with me and marry me"

"They won't accept me" i stopped her as she held onto my hand looking at me.

"I'm from hell, I've lived here all my life. They won't accept me"

"They don't have to accept you I accept you that's all that matters"she smiles squishing my cheeks.

"Hay stop that" I laugh as she continued to play with my face before stopping.

"Maybe they don't have to know, I could use a discuses and and yeah oh my that's what I'll do" i could tell she was thinking of something elaborate but only a bit came from her lips.

Willingly I accepted however and she Gayoon, took me to the median, not heaven and not earth but between where life is heavenly but not placed with intensive light.

I liked it there it was really nice and well I got to be with Gayoon so that's all that mattered or at least that's all at mattered then.


New characters, so what do you guys think? I absolutely love Hyuna and Gayoon pairing like I ship them so freaking hard I ship them like I Snsd hahaha.

Well tell me what you guys think by leaving a comment below. I will try to put more yulsic in there and hopefully I'll be able to explain what's going on with Taeyeon and Tiffany in Hell. oooooh that'll be exciting. *Wink wink* Bye guys thanks for reading love y'all









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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 8: Krystal is here!!
Chapter 5: I cant wait to read next chap
1134 streak #3
Chapter 3: I cant imagine tiff being that evil and the ruler of hell here... But its nice that you separate the couples here now im begining to like it more... Hehehe
myniah09 #4
Chapter 3: Heaven and hell NICE....^^
myniah09 #5
This is very interesting story update soon....¡!!!!!!
1134 streak #6
Chapter 2: Wow amazing!! Update soon
PilotIsMyJob #7
Chapter 2: Wow!? This is awesome! I hope more people will tune your story..
cucuMAber #8
update soon please >.<
PilotIsMyJob #9
Update soon!!