Waking Norms

Confusing What Is Real

It was already 6:00 in the morning and Jessica wasn't sure weather she had been asleep for a night or days.

Moving off the bed slowly Jessica let her feet hit the floor which was far heavier than she had ever felt before,

clutching the edges of the bed she was able to steady her balance as she stood up.

The cold floor seemed comfortable as Jessica walked effortlessly through the room without sound.

She had vaguely remembered the woman that she met when she had first entered the home, but the slender figure seemed absent.

"raven?" She asked softly as her voice echoed through the halls.

"You called?" A woman asked followed by a cool air of wind.

"Could you stray from appearing out of no-where?" Jessica asked continuing down the stairs as the slender woman followed behind, the heels of her black shoes leaving clicking sounds behind.

As Jessica reached the bottom of the stair case, Sooyoung moved in front of her.

"Yes?" Jessica asked the woman stopping her movement.

"You have been asleep for two days, I have prepared many dishes but I did not know which one you liked the most" Jessica sighed as the creature talked."Could you tell me?"

"I don't eat, there is no reason for you to make any dishes" Jessica moved pass the Raven.

"Jessica" he creature stated moving swiftly near the side of the black angel.

"You are to act 'human' there-fore you must learn to eat like a human"

Jessica turned to the creature on her side with hands folded across her chest.

"And if i don't?"

"You might never meet your wife"

With the blank answer Jessica cleared and uncrossed her arms moving to the large kitchen that was only a few feet away from the stairs.

"What time is it Sooyoung?" Jessica asked taking a seat in the chair that the raven had pulled out.

"6:00 pm my lord"

"And Sooyoung, please I beg you to never call me tat again"

"very well...Jessica" The creature said uncomfortably.

"Don't worry You'll get used to it"

"Here are a few meals i have prepared" Sooyoung stated placing plated of food in front of the angel.

"Wow you did make allot" Jessica commented.

"Well I had explained that..."

The raven was interrupted by knocks on the front door of the mansion.

Leaving the woman in the kitchen, Sooyoung moved to the door pulling the knob open.

"Jessica!" A voice yelled soaring into the home white feathers moving through the air.

The surprised the swift bird grabbed the wings of  the angel stopping the girl in the air.

"who is it?" Jessica asked from the other room.

"An angel?" The raven thought looking at the blonde haired creature that hung in the  air by the raven.

"Let me go!" The blonde curly haired beauty swarmed in the air glaring at the foreign monster.

The petite black winged beauty walked in to witness her friend pouting and arguing with the raven.

"Taeyeon?" She asked instructing Sooyoung to place the angel down.

"mmmph" Taeyeon huffed at the black bird which continued to survey her.

Taeyeon's wings moved back within her small frame as she faced Jessica.

"Who's that?" 

"I don't know, a gift from hell" Jessica walked back to the kitchen and Taeyeon followed after her.

"A gift from HELL" She exaggerated catching the attention of the long haired blonde."And you freaking accepted it?"

"Well she's a help, she helped me find my keys"

"Really, you still lose your keys?" Taeyeon slapped the forehead of the dark angel causing Taeyeon to smile.

"ish you want to help me always find them" 

Taeyeon shook her head unwillingly.

"excatly so this gift from Tiff...I mean hell is great" With the sentence the short curly haired blondes face went pale.

"I know its Tiffany" Taeyeon took a seat head lowered as she twirled her fingers.

"What do you know about Tiffany?" Jessica sat as well moving her seat closer to Taeyeon's.

"I sneaked around to the meeting that Yoona goes to and I hear her voice, she has Seohyun and" Tears began to trail down the white skin of the pure creature causing the heart of Jessica to clench.

"Im sorry" She placed her hand on the short girls shoulder.

"No Jessie you don't have to be sorry I just feel so stupid for thinking that she would leave me for 20 and more years just because of a mission"


"Gosh how can i fall for a lie like that?"

"Its not your fault" Jessica assured the weeping girl as she pulled the small frame into her arms.

"I just love her so much and I tired to make myself believe that...that" the pain became intense as the angel completely lost it grabbing the waist of the slender blonde who embraced her back.

"Theres nothing we can do about that" The ravens slightly accented voice said breaking the compassion between the two girls.

Jessica gave her a disapproved look which was replied with no comment but a simple shift in movement by the raven.

"If you want to meet the queen take this pendent, it will allow you to get in without trouble" With the sentence the angel looked up with dewy lips and tear soaked lashed that seemed even darker.

Taeyeon quickly took the black laced pendant that rested in the creature hand getting up from the chair and out of the arms of Jessica.

"I'm going to get Seohyun and..." 

"That's nearly impossible" Sooyoung bluntly stated.

"Your impossible" The childish blonde stated sticking her tongue out.

Jessica simply smiled looking at the angel and then the raven who seemed confused.

"I'm going Jessica" Taeyeon announced.

"Wait no, you werent actually serious" Jessica got up from her chair before watching the angel soar through the floor and deeper down the ground.

"My goodness Sooyoung do you know what you have done" The blonde said her hands rested on her hips.

"Don't be so blind angel, If that is her love there is no way the queen would kill her"

"Tiffany isn't the Tiffany we used to know. Shes a demon!" The woman lost her composer for a moment before moving her fingers to her temple and breathing in and out.

"Im sorry"

"No Angel, the queen has a necklace of the girl. That is the reason I observed her she still remembers everything about her" 

"Your kidding" Jessica commented sitting back in her chair.

"I don't joke Jessica" The raven finished exiting the kitchen.

"Wow she still remembers Taeyeon, Satin remembers her lover, what a joke" Jessica slightly laughed out a disbelief.

Standing from the kitchen chair, the angel exited the kitchen moving back up the stairs to her room.



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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 8: Krystal is here!!
Chapter 5: I cant wait to read next chap
1140 streak #3
Chapter 3: I cant imagine tiff being that evil and the ruler of hell here... But its nice that you separate the couples here now im begining to like it more... Hehehe
myniah09 #4
Chapter 3: Heaven and hell NICE....^^
myniah09 #5
This is very interesting story update soon....¡!!!!!!
1140 streak #6
Chapter 2: Wow amazing!! Update soon
PilotIsMyJob #7
Chapter 2: Wow!? This is awesome! I hope more people will tune your story..
cucuMAber #8
update soon please >.<
PilotIsMyJob #9
Update soon!!