Reminisce with me~

Tutor Me

When we walked into class we saw all the guys and Daehyun standing around my seat. We walked over and I sat in my chair.

“Why are you guys late to class” Jongup asked.

“Well aside from Min Hwa who always ditches, it’s weird to see Yongguk ditch too” Himchan smirked, “What’d you guys do” He asked wiggling his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes, “We just talked you weirdo,” I stated.

“Mhmm sure whatever you say” Himchan teased.

Yongguk punched him in the arm, “We just talked,” He said simply.

“You pulled Min Hwa out so fast and roughly I was worried what was going to happen” Daehyun said leaning back in his chair.

I narrowed my eyes, “Whatever Daehyun” I stuck out my tongue.

“I have the notes so you can look at it later, Zero Min” Youngjae stated.

I smiled, “Thanks snobby Youngjae” I joked.

“Hey I’m not snobby, I’m just totally fine showing and stating that I’m extremely smart” Youngjae stuck out his tongue.

I laughed, “Modesty goes along way Youngjae”, and with that the teacher walked in and we all took our seats and began class. The day passed by slowly but that was probably because I was actually awake for a majority of the day. Eventually it was lunchtime and I let out a long sigh and leaned back into my chair.

“I’m surprised that you’re still here Min-ah” Himchan smirked.

I rolled my eyes, “Whatever, I’m able to stay and sit and class ya know”.

“Whatever guys don’t start this, let’s get some food” Youngjae got up and began walking out of our classroom with us following close behind. When we got to the cafeteria we got some food and sat down at a table by a window.

“So tell me what have I missed since I left for Busan” Daehyun asked.

“Well I’ll tell you one thing that hasn’t changed is MinHwa still gets plenty of zeros on her tests” Youngjae stated. I punched him and kept eating. Youngjae rubbed his ear and looked at me, “You’re only angry because you know it’s true” He said and started eating.

Daehyun laughed, “I’ll also assume that you guys still fight a lot like you did when we were little huh” Daehyun asked.

“You have no idea” Jongup said leaning back in his chair. They continued to talk and brought up a lot of past events but most of them were ones that I didn’t know, ones I actually had no memory of. They were all having such a good time but I felt a little empty knowing that I couldn’t really reminisce on most of the memories that they were bring up.

“Min-ah you remember right” I heard my name called and I snapped out of my mini pity party.

“Huh” I stared blankly in the direction my name was being called.

“You remember when we were little there was one time when you got lost with Daehyun and we all had to go and find you” Yongguk asked.

I tried to think but nothing came to mind and I slowly shook my head, “I don’t” I said.

“Oh well we were really young then” Jongup said, “How about when we all got ice cream and Daehyun pushed you and you dropped your ice cream on zelo’s head and we left it that way for the entire day” Jongup asked.

I shook my head, “That happened?” I asked. I started to panic, how come I couldn’t remember anything that dealt with Daehyun. I mean I knew I forgot a lot of stuff but I didn’t understand why is it so selective now.

Yongguk started to realize that I was starting to freak out because my brain was starting to overload and tried to change the subject, “Guys I think its time we go back to our classroom. Class is about to start anyways” He said. The guys all looked at the clock.

“Oh crap, we’re going to be late” Youngjae quickly got up and threw all of his stuff late, “I’m never late!” He yelled and ran to the classroom. Himchan and Jongup ran after him with Daehyun lagging behind a little and he turned around a little to see Yongguk calming me down. Daehyun quickly turned around to caught up to the guys.

“You okay” Yongguk asked me.

I looked at him, “Yongguk how come I can’t remember” I asked.

Yongguk smiled at me kindly, “You will eventually, you might just be having a bad day” Yongguk said.

“Are you sure” I asked.

Knowing I was probably the easiest person to convince and calm down, Yongguk just went with what he was doing and nodded his head, “Of course when have I ever been wrong” He joked.

I smiled, “Okay”. We went back to the classroom but in the back of Yongguk’s mind he was really worried. He didn’t want to get my worrying about the past, especially something that only he knew about.

The school day was over before I knew it and I was glad because I couldn’t deal with being in school any longer. I got up from my seat and turned to the guys. “Ready to go home” I asked as I swung my bag over my shoulder. They all nodded except for Daehyun and Yongguk, who seemed to be staring into space.

“Guys” Himchan asked.

Daehyun finally snapped out of it, “Oh I have to go somewhere, sorry” He said.

“Uh yeah me too” Yongguk added, “Sorry Min-ah”.

I rolled my eyes, “It’s okay, I know you have other things to do besides babysit me” I smiled.

We left school and the guys just came over to my house like they always do, Zelo asked where Daehyun was but didn’t ask any farther he noticed I didn’t want him telling the guys that Daehyun lived with us. Meanwhile with Yongguk and Daehyun, Yongguk was tailing Daehyun and seeing where he was going so secretively. Daehyun went into a shop and it didn’t look too dangerous.

“Why did he have to be secretive about coming here” Yongguk asked himself. He just shrugged it off and all his worries and went home.

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mirrafm #1
Chapter 9: So far so good! Love this story so much. Please update soon authornim! ^^
Chapter 9: That must be Daehyun~ So, Yongguk's house wasn't in her neighborhood? Yongguk and Min didn't have any relationship? Min had amnesia. This will be a triangle love?
Chapter 2: Like what I thought! Daehyunie! He didn't make any appearance before (and I've just realized it) - -a
The new student also will be Daehyun ^u^
Chapter 1: A little bit change at the ending~ ^-^
Chapter 6: Omg, so thats what happened, i hope minhwa will regain all her memory soon :)
Chapter 5: Is minhwa have amnesia ? and what happened to minhwa in the past, why she can't remember daehyun, i'm dying from curious right now, authornim update soon :D
Chapter 5: Ooohhhhhhhohhhhh~~~ I wonder
What had happened to her in the past!!! ><
& Yongguk only knows!!!! What could it be!!!
LittleNobody317 #8
Chapter 4: So will minhwa tell dae that she doesnt remember him at all? Love the plot, update soon! :)
Chapter 4: Hohoho the drama begin, can't wait to see who's going to get her ^_^
Authornim thanks for updating ;D