Don't talk to me~

Tutor Me

I turned to see who was standing next to me and who I saw was none other than Daehyun and Yongguk wasn’t standing to far away. Daehyun smiled and grabbed his food. He started to eat and I quickly finished my food.

“Ajumma, thank you” I smiled and paid for my food. I tried to leave by someone grabbed my wrist and I turned to see Yongguk.

“You should come home” Yongguk said worried. I lightly pulled my wrist away and I sternly looked at Yongguk.

“To my home or our home?” I asked.

“Is that what you’re angry about” Daehyun asked, he finished eating his food and walked over. I didn’t say anything and just continued to look at them, “Is it?” Daehyun asked again.

“Min-ah if you don’t like it, then just tell us” Yongguk said.

I just let out a sigh, “Can you guys leave me alone for a bit?” I asked.

“Why?” Daehyun asked, “Don’t wanna tell us what’s going on” Daehyun teased.

“Just let me be alone for a little more okay” I said, “I’ll be back home sooner or later” I stated.

Yongguk just nodded his head and didn’t say more. Daehyun was about to talk but then he just let out a sigh and looked at me, “You’re still a pain in the ” Daehyun smirked.

“And I’m not planning to change anytime soon” I informed and I left the two without looking behind me. Back with Daehyun and Yongguk.

Yongguk let out a sigh, “So tell me exactly why you’re living with Min Hwa” Yongguk asked.

“I needed a place to stay” Daehyun replied simply.

“And you couldn’t think of any of the guys that you have here” Yongguk continued to question.

Daehyun sighed, “I guess it slipped my mind” Daehyun stated.

“Hmmm seems like a lot of things slip your mind, everything but Min Hwa at least,” Yongguk said.

Daehyun turned to Yongguk, “What are you trying to get at?” Daehyun asked.

“Why exactly did you come back?” Yongguk asked.

Daehyun smirked, “and if I said I wanted to reconnect with Min Hwa and her only”.

Yongguk stared, “Then you know I’m going stand in between you and her” Yongguk stated.

“And why’s that” Daehyun asked.

“You didn’t see Min-ah when you left, how sad she was and how much she wanted to see you to the point…” Yongguk paused, “It took her forever to get over it”. Deep down Yongguk knew he was lying, Min Hwa didn’t get over it, she forgot.

“You know your big brother act is going to get old” Daehyun stated, “you’ve been like that ever since we were little kids”, “This time I’m not planning to leave Min Hwa” Daehyun sternly said.

“What makes you so confidant?” Yongguk asked.

Daehyun laughed, “Don’t you remember how we were when we were little, Min Hwa and I were practically together everywhere, when we were eating, when we were sleeping, when we were playing, even when we were in the bath” Daehyun smirked, “She was with me way more than she was with you”.

“Yeah then you left for nearly 10 years and now you finally show up, do you expect her to have any feelings for you at all,” Yongguk stated.

Daehyun nodded his head, “If I was able to have her be by my side once, I can do it again”.

Yongguk laughed, “I shouldn’t be so surprised by your statement, you were always a very confident in anything you did”, “But are you sure you can be so confident this time around” Yongguk raised an eyebrow.

“Why couldn’t I” Daehyun said.

“You’ll just have to find out for yourself, if you can” Yongguk said, “I’m going to go back home. Our home” Yongguk smirked. Yongguk walked away and Daehyun just stood there.

“I guess some things never change” Daehyun sighed.

With myself, I was slowly blowing off some steam. I continued to wonder around and eventually I didn’t really know where I was. Then after awhile, I heard someone call my name.

“Min Hwa-ah” I turned around to see Youngjae.

“Youngjae” I said surprised and with a hoarse voice since I didn’t talk to anyone for a while.

Youngjae walked up to me, “What are you doing here” He asked.

“I…was just walking around” I informed

Youngjae looked at me, “as much as I love teasing you, when you look like that I get a little curious”.

“Look like what” I raised an eyebrow.

“Like the life was drained out of you” Youngjae said, “Had a long morning?” He asked carefully.

I sighed, “You have no idea”.

“Want to talk about it” Youngjae offered. I nodded my head and as we walked the streets, I told him about what happened this morning. Youngjae didn’t say much while I was talking to him.

“So that’s pretty much what happened” I stated.

Youngjae smirked a little, “I don’t see why you’re having a problem with your current situation”.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

Youngjae sighed, “I know you’re a little slow but I didn’t think you were this slow” He shook his head.

I glared at Youngjae, “Can you just tell me”.

“Daehyun is someone that you use to like, I guess, and Yongguk is the person that you like right now, I think” Youngjae said unsure of those statements, “and they’re currently living under the same roof as you. What girl would complain about this situation?” Youngjae stated.

I sighed, “I don’t even remember liking Daehyun” I stated, “and I’m not sure if I even still like Yongguk either”.

Youngjae rolled his eyes, “Okay let me explain this in a way that you can understand. You have two very popular and attractive men living in your apartment! You’re a girl! Be all hormonal and stuff” Youngjae said slowly and loud.

“I feel like confiding in you was a bad idea” I said.

Youngjae smiled, “You know I’m the only one that you can talk to at this point”, “Anyways just think about it. A lot of girls would love to be in your place, so just enjoy it while it lasts” Youngjae stood up.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“I have some school work I need to get to. Let me know how your little boy fest goes” Youngjae laughed and walked off.

I sighed and thought. “Maybe it’s not too bad having Yongguk and Daehyun over. They’re both really good guys and good looking so why am I so angry? I guess I’ll just let it be” I decided and thought to myself. I got up and started to walk home. When I slowly got closer to my house I didn’t realize that I was getting really tired. When I finally approached my house, I opened the door and went straight to the living room and I passed out on the couch. After what felt like forever, I woke up to the sound of the door being slammed shut and I shot up. When my eyes opened, I looked around me and I saw Daehyun and Yongguk glaring at each other.

“Daehyun you…” Yongguk quickly came over and grabbed Daehyun’s collar.

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mirrafm #1
Chapter 9: So far so good! Love this story so much. Please update soon authornim! ^^
Chapter 9: That must be Daehyun~ So, Yongguk's house wasn't in her neighborhood? Yongguk and Min didn't have any relationship? Min had amnesia. This will be a triangle love?
Chapter 2: Like what I thought! Daehyunie! He didn't make any appearance before (and I've just realized it) - -a
The new student also will be Daehyun ^u^
Chapter 1: A little bit change at the ending~ ^-^
Chapter 6: Omg, so thats what happened, i hope minhwa will regain all her memory soon :)
Chapter 5: Is minhwa have amnesia ? and what happened to minhwa in the past, why she can't remember daehyun, i'm dying from curious right now, authornim update soon :D
Chapter 5: Ooohhhhhhhohhhhh~~~ I wonder
What had happened to her in the past!!! ><
& Yongguk only knows!!!! What could it be!!!
LittleNobody317 #8
Chapter 4: So will minhwa tell dae that she doesnt remember him at all? Love the plot, update soon! :)
Chapter 4: Hohoho the drama begin, can't wait to see who's going to get her ^_^
Authornim thanks for updating ;D