My [Fake] Boyfriend

"W-What?" I asked, clutching the phone tightly in my hand.  "Why?" my voice cracked, and for reasons I didn't know, my heart had dropped in my chest, leaving an empty pit of unhappiness.

Yoseob sighed. "I have my reasons. I just feel it's best for me not to see you anymore. Goodbye, HyeMi ah." His voice was soft and sorrowful, much unlike his usual peppy attitude.

"Hello?" I said into the phone. "Yoseob..?" There was no answer.

I bit my lip, slowly lowering the phone to my lap. I looked around, then sniffed, wiping a tear from my eye. Why was I getting emotional? I stood up at once, shaking myself all over. What was this feeling?

"Hye Mi, my daughter...." "Appa, I'm so happy you're home!!" I said, hugging my father's knees.

My mother smiled at her husband, kissing his cheek. "Welcome home, yeobo." We sat down at the dinner table, eating the casserole my mother had prepared. "How's your food, Yoseob?" my mother asked affectionately.

I turned to my side, face with Yoseob, sitting next to me in Gikwang's martial arts uniform. I thought this perfectly normal, and smiled at him, taking his hand in mine.

He winked at me. "The food is wonderful." he told my mother.

Suddenly Gikwang walked in the door, slamming it open, showing off his sweet smile and oversized muscles.

My heart fluttered, then burst into pieces when I saw a young lady whom he was locked arms with. I gasped, dropping my knife. As I did, Yoseob dove to catch it, and it peirced him in the heart, letting him bleed out of Gikwang's uniform onto the floor.

My father had now stood, heading toward the young lady immediately. He grabbed her hand, and he held his waist, tickling the fur on his chin with her finger, while tapping her big toe on the ground behind her. She batted her eyes and gave a seductive smile to my father, who turned to leave with her.

"No!" I yelled, starting after them. As I did, Yoseob suddenly appeared in front of me. "I'm going too." he said seriously.

I felt my eyes pour water, as I tried to question him for an excuse. He gave none, but followed my father out the door. I screamed, "Why is everyone leavin me!", then tried running to them, but Gikwang restrained me.

He smiled innocently and said, "Don't leave. Stay here with me." he winked.

I started to shake nervously, my entire body in spasms. I shook my head over and over. This could not be happening.

"Oh my GOD youre finally awake. Are you...crying?" Youngah said. She rolled her eyes in annoyance. 

I sat up, rubbing my head. It was only a dream. I sighed thankfully, then turned to my stepsister. "What do you want?" I asked.

"Your phone has been ringing for eveeer, I can hear it from downstairs." she picked it up from next to me. "I think it's your boyfriend." she said, handing it over.

"Yoseob?" I asked eagerly.

She put her hands on hips. "Well what other boyfriend do you have? Come on." she rolled her eyes and turned around, storming out.

I took my phone, grinning. My heart wa suddenly beating much faster than I was used to. I bit my lip and answered enthusiastically. "Yes?" I asked.

"Hye Mi-ssi?"

"Gikwang?" my heart sunk, but I was pleased at his call. I felt myself blush and become nervous.

"Hye Mi! Are you okay? Yoseob told me about your breakup."

I bit my lip, closing my eyes as I ran a tire hand through my tangled hair. "Oh..." I said finally.

"I'm so sorry." Gikwang started. "Listen, if you need anything, someone to talk to, or hang out with, you can call me, okay? I don't know what happened between you two but I'm sure you're upset about it....oh no...did I make it worse?"

I smiled slightly at his care, then said, "I'm fine, thank you. That means alot."

Gikwang paused. "You sure?" he asked.

I nodded. "Mm."

"Well thats a relief. I was worried you were as sad as Yoseob is."

My heart stopped. I widened my eyes, my head frantic. "What?" I asked.

"Oh... Nevermind," Gikwang said, "So listen, if you aren't doing anything, how bout getting out of the house to do something fun and get your mind off things?"

I smiled. He was so thoughtful. "Sure." I said. I hung up the phone, then clutched my stomach. Even with Gikwang being so kind, I was feeling completely uneasy. "Aish." I said, ignoring my confusion.

I rolled my eyes at myself and got up, heading to my closet to find something to wear.

"Where do you think you're going?" Youngah asked as I passed her room in my white shorts and teal shirt. "Out." I said. I looked in her room.

She was sitting on her bed, ankles crossed over one another, reading Seventeen. I my lips. "Well I'll be going..."

"Wait! Are you hanging out with Yoseob! Is his friend going to be there?!" I ignored her calls and rushed down the stairs, avoiding my stepmother who was in the kitchen, her arm around a tall man cooking on our stove.

I bit my lip in anger. "If father was here..." I said to myself before sneaking outside.

"Ah! HyeMi!" Nichkhun said, jumping over his lawn to be next to me.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm busy." I said, walking away. He followed next to me.

"Busy? How so? Where are you going dressed like that? Don't you think those shorts are a little short?" his eyes locked at my thighs, and he widened them, then shook his head. "Tsk Tsk, Hye Mi. That's kind of provocative."

I stopped walking, turning to him. I glared, my eyes narrowing. "Please leave me alone." I said firmly.

Nichkhun, taken aback, dropped his mouth open. I pushed past him, and he grabbed my wrist. I tried pulling free, but his grasp was too tight.

"Let go." I said. Nichkhun shook his head. He pulled me by the arm back toward his house. "Stop! What are you doing?" I yelled, struggling against his strong hold.

For once, he kept silent, dragging me across his lawn. We reached his house and he opened the door, throwing me inside. My eyes were wide, and face frantic. I yelled, trying to run back out of his house, when he slammed the door shut behind him, throwing me against the wall.

His hands pressed against my shoulders, and his gaze hit my eyes. I blinked, trying to get his creepy, senile look away, but he continued to stare. "I'm tired of you ignoring me." he said simply. "So now, you can't."

I bit my lip, sweat and tears dripping down my face. All my attempts to trek free proved futile, and I began to sob, not wanting to know what would happen next. Nichkhun shoved he harder against the wall.

"Stop that!" he said, his face red.

In my back pocket, I felt my phone vibrate. I stopped my cries, realizing it must be Gikwang wondering where I am. Nichkhun heard the buzz and slipped his hand down my side to my back pocket, carefully removing my phone.

"No please..." I said, shaking my head over and over. "Nichkhun I'm your friend, let me go..."

Nichkhun laughed, then clicked my phone. He read the caller ID out loud. "Gikwang?" he asked.

I took an audible inhale. "Please, don't do anything." I begged, pushing one of his arms away from me. I started to run, but he took me by the hem of my shirt and pressed me back against the wall, holding me there with his elbow pressed on my neck.

Struggling to breathe, I gasped, grabbing his arm. I tried with all my might to pull him free, but it was no use. Nichkhun gave me a sardonic smile, then lifted my phone to his ear. "Hello?" he asked.

At that second, the door burst open.

Nichkhun turned around, gasping. He dropped me to the floor, and I grasped my neck in pain, breathing heavily. I looked up to the front door to see what had happened. I gasped, my eyes widening when I saw him. "Let her go." he said.

A/N hi guys! thanks for subscribing!

i decided that I will work on this story more often!!! <3

be sure to check out my Junhyung Oneshots! ^^

by the way, the reason for a chapter decrease is because i combined 2. if you were wondering

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Please update soon ^^
foreversucks #2
:DD nichkhun??
yayyy yoseob~!!!^^ update soon
foreverbeastfans123 #4
plssss update soon... why not updating..?:(
The story is so good... don't end it like this...huhu
B2UTY-K #5
Please update !!
foreverbeastfans123 #6
pls pls update soon.... really love this fanfic... :)
yoseob n kikwang n nichun... totally cool~
foreverbeastfans123 #7
pls update soon.... pls!! plsss
dayahrawr #8
Yoseob is perfect for Hye Mi
I want her end with yoseob.
Yoseob come baaaaack~~!!!