My [Fake] Boyfriend

We pulled up to my house, and Yoseob stopped the car.

"I had a nice time today, thank you guys." I said, smiling at Gikwang. Gikwang returned the smile and nodded.

"I'm glad you came! It was really great to meet you."

Yoseob pursed his lips, opening his door and walking out, shutting it behind him. I smiled again at Gikwang. "Bye." I said.

I opened my door and climbed out, rolling my eyes when I saw Yoseob. He grinned, crossing his arms. "You're interested in Gikwang, huh?"

Caught, I bit my lip and shook my head nervously. "A-Aniyo..." I said slowly. How did he figure that out? I hadn't been too obvious, had I? If I had...that meant Gikwang would have noticed it too! Was that why he was being so nice to me? My heart pounded and I rolled my eyes side to side, hoping not to catch eye contact with Yoseob.

He shook his head disapprovingly. "Everyone is interested in him...at first." he said. I looked up.


"Yeah, he's attractive. But you need more in a guy." he grinned. "Like me, I have looks AND personality." He teased.

I groaned. "It was nice today, goodbye." I said, passing him to go inside. I looked up, faced with Youngah standing there, crossing her arms.

"Ya." she said. One word, and it sent chills down my back.

I glared at her, half with fear and  half with hatred. "Oh, you're home?" I asked impolitely.

She laughed. "Tch. And, YOU'RE finally home? Did you really think you were going to get away with not being home when I get home from months away? HyeMi-ah, you really are someth-" She stopped talking, upon seeing Yoseob. She bit her lip and nodded her head toward him. "Who's that?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.

I turned, looking at Yoseob, who was standing there, confused.

"Oh, that...he's just..." I looked to the side, noticing Nichkhun come running out of his house and into our hard. I closed my eyes. Not now....I said to myself.

"Hye Mi!" he said, smiling. "What's up!" He leaned in to give me a hug, when Yoseob stepped forward and pushed him away.

"Hey, kid, this is my girl. Don't touch her okay?" Even if he was useless for most things, Yoseob was pretty good at acting. I smiled to thank him and Nichkhun backed away. Youngah and Nichkhun stared at us for a moment and Yoseob took my hand in his. "Hello. Who are you?" he asked Youngah.

Youngah flipped her hair and blinked, smiling proudly. "I'm Youngah, her sister." The emphasis she had on sister made me want to slap her, but all I did was squeeze Yoseob's hand tighter. He noticed, looking at me curiously, and I let up on it.

I gulped, saying, "Yoseob, this is Youngah...Youngah..this is my ..." I looked at Nichkhun, "boyfriend, Yoseob."

Youngah's eyes widened. "Boyfriend?" she said, her face turning to disgust.

I nodded. “That’s right.”

Yoseob smiled sweetly. “It’s nice to meet you, Youngah, but I have to get going, I was just dropping Hye Mi off to make sure she arrived safely, you’ll forgive us for being late, right?” He gave a cute stare, widening his eyes and tilting his head.

Youngah blushed, touching her face. “Ahh, it’s fine, as long as it’s not her fault.” She said. “Well then, see you soon- Oh! Who’s this?” she said.

We all turned our heads to see Gikwang, who had walked up from the car. “I’m sorry…I wanted to see what was going on, Ah annyeonghaseyo…”

Youngah bit her lip, smiling. “Hello, I’m Youngah, and you are?”

Gikwang reached out his hand. “Gikwang!” he said brightly, laughing. Youngah laughed too, taking his hand and shaking it.

I breathed deeply, jealous. Since Gikwang thought I was unavailable, and since Youngah not only was available but beautiful, charming, and persistent, there was a good chance that something might happen with them.

“They were just going.” I said rudely. “Bye Yoseob, goodbye Gikwang.” I faked a smile and pushed them away.

Gikwang smiled, waving back behind him, and Youngah cutely waved back. Once they drove off, she said, “Omo~ he’s so handsome!” she brought her arms to her heart and sighed, giggling.

I rolled my eyes. She looked at me and glared. “Ya. Get inside now.” She said, turning on her heel and leaving.

I sighed, then noticed Nichkhun still standing there. I bit my lip. “Well I’ll be going..” I said, walking forward. He grabbed my arm, stopping me.

“Ya. Are you really dating that boy?” he asked.

I closed my eyes, sighing. “Yes Nichkhun.” I replied.

He pulled me closer to him, looking into my eyes. “Why him?” he asked, his eyes filled with sadness. At times like these, I hated being mean to him, but it was all for the best, right?

I blinked. “Because…I…like him.” I said, forcing the words.

Nichkhun laughed a little. “You don’t like him.” He said, shaking his head.

How did he know?! I gulped, then tried to look like that hadn’t phased me. “It’s a love hate relationship.” I said, hoping he’d believe this.

Nichkhun nodded. “Arasso. Well if you start to hate him more than love him, I’m here.” He leaned in closer to my face, to where I could feel him breathing down my neck. I swallowed, and he said, “Good luck with your relationship." he winked. "Goodbye, Hye Mi.” He let go, harshly, and turned, walking away.

My mind was racing. He was actually leaving first? Did this mean, he was gone for good? I smiled triumphantly, watching him leave. Thank God.

“Hye Mi!” Youngah called from the window. I rolled my eyes and ran inside, where punishment was no doubt waiting for me.

"He's not fully convinced." Yoseob said, after I told him that since Nichkhun had seemed to back off, we didn't have to pretend to date anymore. I groaned. It hadn't been that long since "dating" Yoseob, and I was already tired of it.

"Yes he is! That's why he said 'good luck'!" I screamed into the phone.

"I'm telling you, he's going to start major stalking now! That's why we have to make sure we fully convince him!"

I sighed, rolling my eyes while I switched the phone to my other ear, holding it by my shoudler I got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen to fix myself a sandwhich. "And how will going to the store with you convince him!?" I said, angrily.

"Think about it. You said he's a stalker, right? So he'll probably follow you. And then, he'll see that we're at the grocery store. Only real couples go to the grocery store together." he said, matter of factly.

I slopped some grape jelly onto a slice of bread. "That's true...."

"Exactly. I'll be there in 5 minutes."

"What?" I said, but he had already hung up. "Aishh, this kid." I said, noticing Youngah, who had just walked in. Her hands were on her hips and she raised her eyebrows. She showed up unexpectedly too often.

"Who was that?"

I finished the sandwhich and mumbled, "No one. Here." I gave her the sandwhich and rushed upstairs to change out of my PJs.

"5 minutes?" I asked myself. "He's crazy." I pulled on a short dress and some sandels, pulling my hair out ofmy ponytail and brushing it through. I didn't bother with makeup, but grabbed a tan purse and ran downstairs, not bothering to say goodbye before rushing out the door.

"I told you he'd follow us." Yoseob said as I noticed Nichkhun's car trailing behind us. Yoseob found a parking spot and swerved into it. "Let's go." He said.

We jumped out of the car and he grabbed my hand. I looked at him nervously and he smiled, as if it was all natural. I tried to make myself act as normal as he was, but holding hands with someone wasn't usual for me. Nonetheless, I managed until we got inside, when I wriggled free. There were too many people around.

Yoseob grabbed a basket and I preceded forward ahead of him. "Ya wait up!" he said.

I turned around impatiently, still walking, when I saw Yoseob run toward me and grab my arm, spinning me around. He pulled me into his arms, wrapping them tightly around me. I felt his hand on my head, which he pressed against his warm chest. I gulped, feeling his and my own hearts beating faster. I had never been this close to a guy.

He my hair, then let me go. I looked into his eyes, my lips and blinking. "are you okay?" he asked.

"Ye?" I said, caught off guard.

"You almost ran right into that table full of food!" he exclaimed.

I had? "Oh..." I said, my heart dropping. He had saved me, again. "Thank you." I said. For some reason I wished it wasn't just him saving me. I looked aorund,  then noticed Nichkhun standing in the store's entryway, mouth open. Had he seen the whole thing? Yoseob followed my gaze and nodded, smiling.

"Ah, that was good! We really got lucky! I think he saw it all! We're really good at this fake relationship thing." he said, holding his hand out for a high-five.

I nodded. "Ah, yes....fake..."

A/N omg guys im so sorry.
this chapter was
really poorly written T T
ill edit it when i can...

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Please update soon ^^
foreversucks #2
:DD nichkhun??
yayyy yoseob~!!!^^ update soon
foreverbeastfans123 #4
plssss update soon... why not updating..?:(
The story is so good... don't end it like this...huhu
B2UTY-K #5
Please update !!
foreverbeastfans123 #6
pls pls update soon.... really love this fanfic... :)
yoseob n kikwang n nichun... totally cool~
foreverbeastfans123 #7
pls update soon.... pls!! plsss
dayahrawr #8
Yoseob is perfect for Hye Mi
I want her end with yoseob.
Yoseob come baaaaack~~!!!