My [Fake] Boyfriend

“Where?” I asked.
"Sh...just be patient" Yoseob said, putting on the stereo. He turned it up loud. It was definitely not my kind of music. Hip hop. He started dancing in his seat to the beat, which was rocking the car.

“Ya.” I said. He turned, still dancing, bobbing his head back and forth. “What is this.” I said, head nodding toward the radio.

He smiled, biting his lip, moving his shoulders back and forth. “Music.” he said.

I crossed my arms, looking out the window. He must be crazy. There was no way I would get along with this kid. We had nothing in common. I turned back to look at him, and, since we had stopped at a light, he was doing some strange movement with his hands. It looked cool, but I wasn't at all impressed. I stared at him, shaking my head. “What ARE you doing.” I said.

He stopped, sighing. “Are you always like this?” he asked.

“Like what?” I demanded.

“So…stubborn.” He said, then before I could say anything, he sped forward, turning into a parking lot. “Here we are!~” he said brightly, turning off the car. “Let’s go.” He smiled at me, with creepy wide eyes.

I rolled my own eyes, and then got out of the car. Where were we? I looked at the building, a small place, with a broken sign that read “Blue Diner”.

“Blue Diner?” I read. Yoseob nodded.

I looked around. Except for a couple cars, the parking lot was deserted. I wondered how it would be inside. “So, we’re here to eat then?” I asked. It figured his favorite place would be somewhere with food. I looked him over, deciding his body wasn’t bad, but definitely not good.

He laughed. “Nope. You’ll see.”

Confused, I followed him inside.

The inside was as the name described. The lights were dim, and shaded blue. There were a few booths near the entrance, but as we walked forward, there were more circle tables scattered around. I noticed the same type of music he had played in the car playing here. On the farthest wall from us, was a stage, with a microphone. There was a screen behind it, which was currently off.

I cringed, looking around. It appeared to be some sort of club. There were many people here, too busy for a shy person like me, not to mention dust and dirt was everywhere. When was the last time some cleaned this place? To my right, I noticed a bar, with a kitchen behind it.

I stood by Yoseob nervously, wanting to be anywhere but here. The whole place creeped me out.

“What are we doing here…” I whispered.

Yoseob grabbed my arm. “Come on! Let me introduce you to my friends.”

He pulled me to a table near the front of the place, where two guys were sitting. They stood, seeing me.

“Hey guys, this is Hye Mi.” Yosoeb said, pushing me forward.

One of them, stood, bowing politely to shake my hand. “I’m Gikwang.” He said, grinning, causing his very chinky eyes to disappear. I looked him over, bowing back and saying hello. He was very attractive. His body was well built, yet he was adorable in the face. His eyes were beautiful, his smile as well. He was wearing a leather jacket, a of mine. I had to force my eyes away.

The other, a lean guy with 3 different shades of blonde in his hair, stood also, bowing. “Hello, I’m Kim Jonghyun.” He said.

I nodded. “Hye Mi.” I said.

“Let’s sit!” Yoseob said, pulling out a chair for me.

“So, how do you guys know eachother?” Gikwang asked. "You've never talked about her, Yoseob."

I sat awkwardly. “Well-“ I started, but was interrupted.

Yoseob slipped an arm around me. “She’s my girlfriend.” He said proudly, smiling.

My eyes widened as I heard this, and I pulled away. “Ya, are you tired of breathing? Do you want to die?” (where's that from?)

Yoseob laughed. "Well it's true, isn’t it?”

I bit my lip, wondering if this was part of the deal. Did I actually have to pretend to date him? I glared at him, and he gave me a questioning look. I sighed, nodding. “Well…”
Gikwang smiled, touching my shoulder from next to me. “Don’t worry. We won’t tell anyone. I understand if it’s supposed to be a secret.” He gave a sweet smile, and my heart skipped a beat.

Yoseob nodded. “See? I told you we could trust them.” He said, winking at me.

The nerve of this kid, deciding how this all was going to go, annoyed me. I rolled my eyes, and Jonghyun laughed. “You two look good together.” He said.

Gikwang nodded, agreeing.

I put my face in my hands, trying to hide the embarrassment. Yoseob said, “Don’t we?” He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him, and I pushed him away. “Ya.” I said.

Gikwang and Jonghyun laughed. “You guys are like a married couple. Ya Yang Yoseob, why didn’t you tell us about her earlier?” Gikwang asked, playfully hitting his friend.

Yoseob shrugged, sitting back proudly. "You wouldn't have believed me unless you saw her anyway." He noticed the clock, then said, “Hey guys, it’s time!”

“For what?” I asked as they nodded and got up.

“You just sit here.” Yoseob said. I watched his friends walk off, then grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him back down sitting on his chair.

“Ya.” I said. “What is this about? We’re dating now? I thought you were just going to help me pretend around Nichkhun.” I asked, narrowing my eyes.

He smiled. “You could’ve stopped it.” He got up, walking off.

What did he mean by that? Seriously, I was annoyed with this kid now. “Tch.” I said, watching them leave. How could they leave me all alone here anyway? I crossed my arms, looking around at all the people. They were just sitting there, sipping on drinks. It was only 1 in the afternoon…

I heard a microphone turn on, and a voice come on. I looked up, and Yoseob was standing there. “Welcome everybody!” he said, “We’re going to give you a great show!” He smiled, then stepped back, where he and Gikwang were standing. Some music came on, and the two began dancing. At first, I watched, despising their dancing, but then I watched Gikwang more closely. His formerly cute face had turned serious and…almost y. I watched his moves, he made it seem so easy, it flowed when he danced.

As I watched, I wondered how someone could be so good at dancing. Yoseob was good too, but since I had bad feelings toward him, I tried not to watch. Gikwang, however, had left a good impression on me, and after this dance, my thoughts about him improved even more. They finished their dance, and Gikwang rushed off the platform and sat next to me. “How was it?” he asked, breathless. I watched a drop of sweat slide down his smooth skin and drip onto his shirt. He flipped his hair out of his face.

I blinked quickly, gulping. “Ah, it was…it was nice.” I said, turning away, hoping I wasn’t blushing.

Gikwang laughed. “Yoseob’s going to do his hat trick, watch!”

I looked up at Yoseob, who was flipping his hat around his hands, arms, into the air, catching it in his teeth, and popping it back onto his head. He smiled, and the people watching all clapped, impressed. I had to admit, I, too was impressed at his skills. However, no matter how talented he was, he was still annoying.

“So..you guys come here...to dance?” I asked Gikwang as Yoseob made his way off the stage and Jonghyun went up.

Gikwang smiled at me. “We just like entertaining. They pay us to entertain the guests here sometimes. Other people also come here for karoake, dance offs and such...it depends really.”
I nodded, watching Jonghyun, who had started to sing. Yoseob sat next to me, slyly putting his arm around my shoulder.

“So, what do you think of this place?” he asked.

I thought for a moment. I didn't like the atmosphere or the music, but my attraction to Gikwang made this all worthwhile. I smiled. "It's great, actually." I said.

Yoseob grinned. "Jinja?"

I nodded. "Ah."

"You should come here more often. Maybe you can dance or something too!" Gikwang said enthusiastically.

I turned to look at him, seeing he had pulled off his jacket, revealing a white tank top and the most beautiful arms I had ever seen. I gulped, biting my lip. He caught me looking and his face became concerned. “Is this inappropriate?” he asked, about to put on the jacket again.

I smiled at his consideration, then shook my head. “No…it’s fine…” Just fine… 

A/N 2 new characters...what do you think?
leave your comments!!! ♥  they are wanted :P
thanks for all the subscribers!! ^-^ 

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Please update soon ^^
foreversucks #2
:DD nichkhun??
yayyy yoseob~!!!^^ update soon
foreverbeastfans123 #4
plssss update soon... why not updating..?:(
The story is so good... don't end it like this...huhu
B2UTY-K #5
Please update !!
foreverbeastfans123 #6
pls pls update soon.... really love this fanfic... :)
yoseob n kikwang n nichun... totally cool~
foreverbeastfans123 #7
pls update soon.... pls!! plsss
dayahrawr #8
Yoseob is perfect for Hye Mi
I want her end with yoseob.
Yoseob come baaaaack~~!!!