My [Fake] Boyfriend

"Yoseob?" I asked, my eyebrows curling into a confused look.

"Come on Hye Mi, let's go." Yoseob rushed over to me, picking me up from the ground. Nichkhun by now had stumbled backwards in fear, letting Yoseob retrieve me without any kind of interferance.

I felt Yoseob's fingers intertwine with mine, and my eyes shifted back and forth nervously. I bit my lip, anxiously waiting for him to pull us out of the house. Meanwhile, Yoseob glared at Nichkhun. "Stay away from Hye Mi." he said, clenching his teeth. Without another look back, he had pulled me outside and across the lawn until we were in front of my home.

We stopped, and Yoseob squeezed my hand, facing away from me. His head hung down, and he shook it, then turned around to look at me.

He let go of my hand, which I clutched in pain at his tight grasp. I looked up at him, and his eyes softened. "Are you okay?" he asked, his eyes frantic.

I blinked, then took a deep breath, nodding slowly. "Yes...thanks to you...how did you know I was there?" I narrowed my eyes at him, and he his lip, looking away for a second.

"I...." he started, chuckling softly. "I actually came here and saw him take you inside.."

Confused, I tilted my head to one side. "You...came here? Why?"

Yoseob rubbed the back of his neck, smiling slightly. "That is...I..."

"Ah! Hye Mi-ah!"

We turned our heads, and Gikwang came running toward us, smiling brightly. He stopped in front of me, his head turning from Yoseob to me and back. "What are you doing here?" he asked, widening his eyes.

Yoseob looked side to side, then scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I was just leaving." he said solemnly. He brushed past me and began walking down the driveway, into his car. I blinked several times, my mouth opening slightly.

"Ya, Yoseob! Where are you going?" I called after him. There was no response. I bit my lip and sighed, feeling responsible for his leaving. When he was gone, I looked down at my feet shamefully.

"Are you okay?" Gikwang asked. I looked up and smiled. "Oh, good. Ready to go?" I nodded, and he took my arm in his, guiding me down the street to where his car was parked.

"Here." Gikwang handed me an ice cream cone, taking his place next to me. I thanked him and held it in my hand, sighing. For some reason, I felt terrible, even amidst Gikwang's sincere kindness and endearing smile.

"Is it okay?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

I nodded, but said nothing. I still hadn't touched the ice cream. "Gikwang..." I said slowly. "Why...do you care for me like this?"

Gikwang turned to face me, his eyes confused. "Like what?" he questioned.

I shook my head slowly. "Like...why do you want to be so kind to me? And buy me ice cream...or be there when I'm down? Is there a reason?" I looked up, unsure of what I wanted to come out of his mouth.

Gikwang's smile faded, and he turned away, gulping. "Ah...Hye Mi...." he started. "You still don't know?" He turned back to face me, tilting his head to the side. "Well tell me this...why do you think I do?"

I pursed my lips, racking my brain for an answer. Even still, I couldn't think of one. Before, it made sense that he would want to help Yoseob's friend along, but now? It didn't make sense. "I....I don't know." I stammered, finally the ice cream. I turned back to face him, and he smiled.

"Well, to be honest, it has to do with Yoseob."

"Yoseob?" I asked, my eyes falling sadly. "Why?"

"I guess...because you were his for some time...I feel obligated to keep you happy for him. I think he really misses you, and it might give him peace to know you're not upset."

I laughed, rolling my eyes. "He doesn't miss me." I whispered, eating my ice cream.

"Yoseob told me about your fake relationship."

I widened my eyes, swallowing. "I...what?"

Gikwang nodded. "I had already suspected it was something like that though. I mean, what kind of girl wants to date him? But he seemed so sincere about it. So that's why, I feel sorry. Almost as if he ended it for me."

My mouth dropped open. "What do you mean?" I felt my heart lurch, and I leaned forward, nearly dropping the ice cream onto my dress. I shook my head, trying to read Gikwang's face, which was unusually straight.

Gikwang chuckled, then turned his face toward mine. "I like you, Hye Mi."

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Please update soon ^^
foreversucks #2
:DD nichkhun??
yayyy yoseob~!!!^^ update soon
foreverbeastfans123 #4
plssss update soon... why not updating..?:(
The story is so good... don't end it like this...huhu
B2UTY-K #5
Please update !!
foreverbeastfans123 #6
pls pls update soon.... really love this fanfic... :)
yoseob n kikwang n nichun... totally cool~
foreverbeastfans123 #7
pls update soon.... pls!! plsss
dayahrawr #8
Yoseob is perfect for Hye Mi
I want her end with yoseob.
Yoseob come baaaaack~~!!!