My [Fake] Boyfriend

"Listen, today I'm going to a martial arts contest, and I want you to come." Yoseob said.

I held the phone up to my ear with my shoulder as I rubbed my hands with lotion. I was sitting crosslegged on my bed with a magazine in my lap. "What?" I asked. "Why?"

Yoseob groaned. "Why what?"

I wanted to ask him why he was inviting me to go places when we weren't actually dating, but what came out was, "Why are you going to a karate contest?"

"Martial arts." he corrected. "Because, Gikwang is competing."

My eyes lit up and I quickly grabbed the phone, hoping I heard him correctly. "Gikwang?" I asked excitedly.

Yoseob repeated, "Gikwang. Yes. So let's go. Hmm, be ready in an hour, alright?" I heard him hang up.

I bit my lip happily and put my hands on my face. Gikwang was going to be there.

Quickly, I got up and rushed into the bathroom to put on some makeup. When I finished, I applied some more, and then took some off, hoping I didn't look like I was trying to hard. I rushed into the closet and picked out a pink sweater and some shorts, then changed my mind. I slipped into a light yellow dress and put a white ribbon in my hair, grabbing a cute white handbag.

I examined my appearance in the mirror when the phone rang. I looked at the number, but it wasn't one I was familiar with.

"Hello?" I said.

"I'm here!" I heard.

"Yoseob?" I asked, confused.

"No, it's Gikwang. Yoseob's phone is at home. Hurry!"

Quickly, I hung up and rushed downstairs and outside, where the car was waiting. I jumped into the car and said hello to Gikwang, who was driving.

Gikwang turned around in his seat to say hello, smiling. His eyes smiled with him, and he giggled before moving the car away from my house. Yoseob, sitting in the front seat, shook his head. "I told you an hour." he said teasingly. "we've been waiting here for quite awhile."

Gikwang shook his head. "Don't , Seob." he said. "Don't mind him, okay?" he said, winking.

I smiled, happy that Gikwang was defending me. "Okay." I said, chuckling. I felt myself blush and I eyed him, not able to keep my eyes off.

Gikwang laughed. "Well how are you today? Ready to see me beat the crap out of some kids?" he said.

I laughed, maybe too enthusiastically, when I noticed Yoseob looking at me through the rear view mirror. His face was solemn, and I looked from Gikwang to me and back again, then looked out the window. I blinked, looking out my own window.

The car suddenly was way too quiet.

“Alright, here’s a good spot.” Yoseob said, smiling. He led me into the bleachers, and we sat down, looking out for Gikwang. “There he is.” Yoseob said.

I smiled, biting my lip as I watched Gikwang, well equipped in his uniform, walk onto the mat to stretch. I giggled; it was interesting to see him do the splits. After a few moments, I noticed Yoseob looking at me. He sighed and turned away. I bit my lip. Why was he acting so strange suddenly?

I continued to watch Gikwang, who was practicing a few jumps. I smiled, realizing he was pretty good at this. Gikwang noticed us in the bleachers and waved enthusiastically to get our attention.

Yoseob waved calmly back, unlike him, and I did as well, giving him a thumbs up. Yoseob continued to keep an eye on me, not saying a word.

After a while, Gikwang still hadn’t competed. I wanted to ask Yoseob why, but I was too afraid to talk to him at this point. All day, he had given me short responses and his face was grave and quiet, which I wasn’t used to. Finally, I gathered the courage when my curiosity got the better of me. “When does Gikwang compete?” I asked.

Yoseob his lips. “What? Oh. I’m not sure…I forgot to grab a program.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll do it.” I said, standing.

“I’ll come with you.” Yoseob stood, following me off the bleachers.

We walked across the gym floor, to where there was a stand of programs. I grabbed one off the stand and read it. “Oh! Gikwang is soon!” I exclaimed. “Hurry!” I started to run back to the bleachers, looking behind me to motion to Yoseob to follow.

As I turned back around, I noticed someone about to practice a kick, right in front of me. I stopped, my eyes wide, as I was kicked in the face. The pain was instant, and it knocked me over, causing me to fall. “Hye Mi!” I heard. I looked, and Gikwang came rushing over.

I was promptly caught in someone’s arms, who I assumed was Gikwang. Instead, when I looked up, Yoseob was holding me in place, his face shocked and worried. “Are you okay?!” he asked. “Why would you run like that? Didn’t you think to look where you’re going?!” Yoseob stood me up straight, and I held my head in pain. “Are you okay?” he asked again.

I nodded.

“Let’s go.” He took my hand, and guided my by my back toward the exit.

“Wait, we’re going to miss Gikwang’s competition!” I said, looking back at Gikwang, who was watching us nervously.

Yoseob squeezed my wrist tighter, pulling me outside of the building, despite my struggle and objections. He turned me around, holding my shoulders, his eyes still just as wide as they were a minute before. “Are you alright?” he asked again.

“I’m fine, so let’s go back!” My head was throbbing in pain, but I did not want to miss Gikwang competing.

I tried to leave, but Yoseob grabbed my hand again, pulling my against the wall of the building. “Stop.”

“What?!” I yelled. “I’m fine I say! I don’t want to miss Gikwang!”

Yoseob rolled his eyes angrily. “Ya. Why do you care about him? Why do you want to see him compete! I brought you here to be with me, not to only want to see Gikwang!”

I gasped. “Wh-what?” I asked.

“Don’t think about him! Don’t want to see him all the time! Don’t want to be with him!” Yoseob’s loud, angry voice startled me. It was definitely not like him to be like this.

My eyes grew wide and I dropped my mouth slightly open, surprised at Yoseob’s words. “What are you talking about…” I finally asid softly.

Yoseob turned around, running his hands through his hair. I tried to take a step forward, but I nervously kept my place, not allowing myself to move. He turned back around, his hands on his face. “Let’s just go. You’re going to miss Gikwang’s performance.” 


"Tell Gikwang to take you home. I have to leave." Yoseob said seriously.

I bit my lip. "Where are you going?"

Yoseob shook his head. "Have fun." I watched him slowly exit the building, his head down the whole way out. I sighed, wondering what came over him. What did he mean when he said I shouldn't only care about Gikwang? Was he perhaps....jealous? I laughed the thought out of my head. There was no way.

But the more I thought about it, the more nervous I became. Yoseob was definitely not happy with me, and I couldn't figure out why. My thoughts distracted me as I watched Gikwang win not one, but 3 of his tournaments.

Afterwards, Gikwang found me. He had a wide smile on his face. "Are you okay?" he asked, reaching out to touch my head. I nodded, embarrassed at the contact.

He smiled, his eyes forming 2 beautiful crescents. "Where's Seob? Bathroom?" he asked.

I shook my head. "No...he left...." I said, biting my lip.

Gikwang's eyes widened again. "Left? Where?" I shrugged. Gikwang nodded. "Hmm. Well let me take you home then. Did you enjoy the competition?"

I nodded, complimenting him, and we walked out of the building to the car. I looked around, suddenly feeling guilty about lwtting Yoseob leave like that. But what exactly was he angry about anyway??



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Please update soon ^^
foreversucks #2
:DD nichkhun??
yayyy yoseob~!!!^^ update soon
foreverbeastfans123 #4
plssss update soon... why not updating..?:(
The story is so good... don't end it like this...huhu
B2UTY-K #5
Please update !!
foreverbeastfans123 #6
pls pls update soon.... really love this fanfic... :)
yoseob n kikwang n nichun... totally cool~
foreverbeastfans123 #7
pls update soon.... pls!! plsss
dayahrawr #8
Yoseob is perfect for Hye Mi
I want her end with yoseob.
Yoseob come baaaaack~~!!!