Upcoming Truths

Crossing the Line [hiatus]



Isn’t it amazing how often I’m forced to drag bodies into vehicles? Especially when I’m trying to have a good time? Aish, these boys are seriously lucky I love them so much. I was extremely tempted to whack Yesung with my purse when I saw him moping on a booth, with his limp body sprawled across the leather seats, and face and stomach imprinting the material. I was motivated enough to lift my purse high up into the air, clutched tightly in my right hand. Only to slowly bring it back down when Yesung lifted his head up, noticed my figure and whimpered.

“…Mi Young?” He whispered, his eyes squinted and slowly filling with tears.

I was always hurt to see any of the guys with tears in their eyes, but after hearing what Yesung said to Kimmie, I wasn’t exactly sure how to approach him. “No, you dope. It’s me Nari; now get your up and out of here before I hit you.” I demanded, while shaking my purse in his view.

“…why? There’s no point anymore,” he muttered softly, putting his face back into the leather. “My own sister hates me. What did I do wrong?”

To be honest with you, I wasn’t that shocked at all. Since I’ve worked with drunken Super Junior many times before, I had a chance to learn many different uses of bribery.  Bribery otherwise known as: secrets that the boys worked so hard in keeping, only to be spilled when they weren’t thinking correctly.  So typically, I knew Yesung’s deepest secrets. His immense care for his younger sister was something he oddly made sure no one knew of. All I knew was that he adored Kimmie. I never knew why he tried so hard to hide that, as if he was ashamed, but I did my best not to tell a soul.

“Are you ignoring me too?” Yesung suddenly whimpered softly, snapping me out of my thoughts and back into the cumbersome situation I was currently in. “Everyone hates me,” he said while curling his drunken body into a fetal position, wrapping his arms around his knees, and resting his head on top of his trembling knee caps.

“Of course not,” I whispered softly as I slowly sat myself next to him and attempted to throw my tiny arm over his broad shoulders. “Kimmie…you know how she is. Stubborn, but you’ll find a way to get through to her. You’ll find a way to cross her enemy line.”

‘Crossing her line’ was a phrase that Yesung and I constantly used whenever we tried to set-up a way to make Kimmie realize just how amazing her brother was, and how much he loved her.

“…she said I was ashamed Nar. She thinks I didn’t visit because I’m ashamed of them.” He blubbered while letting tears slip out of his eyes.

I held his face in my hands, lightly slapped his cheeks and sighed, “You know perfectly well how much I hate working with you guys when you’re drunk right? Don’t start whining about how much your sister hates you until you sober up and think straight arasso?”

With a slight nod, I helped him up and slowly steered him to the exit of the room where the sea of possibly dangerous fan girls had given up and decreased in size. I looked around the almost deserted room and realized that the only people left besides me and Yesung were either workers cleaning or Siwon being polite and clearing away tables.  I caught Siwon’s attention and made sure he knew that the last of our group was leaving.  I checked to see if Yesung’s hood up and when it was I shoved us through the remainder of girls. Once we got outside the sight before me almost made me start falling over and choking on my own laughter if only I wasn’t so exhausted.

Alex was shoving drunk and cuddly Kyuhyun into the van while he had his lips puckered and his hands were tangled in Hyukjae’s blond hair who was already seated in the van desperately trying to pry his shoes off to use his scent as his only defense. Donghae was in a similar situation, with Sungmin clinging tightly to his sculpted body and beginning to beg for new pink socks. Kimmie was seated in the backseat, and I could see her hair pressed against the tinted window and Shindong collapsed in the seat beside her. Teukie, being the Umma was resting in the front passenger seat with his eyes closed and waiting for everyone to get settled in the car. Manager oppa was in the driver’s seat as usual, and on the phone most likely sorting another schedule conflict. The other two managers were chasing after Kibum and Ryeowook who weren’t exactly drunk but running around the parking lot all giddy-like.  Uki was seated on Heechul’s back who was somehow flat on the ground begging Uki not to chop his hair off. 

After helping whoever I could, the huge van now consisted of all the girls, Kyumin sleeping on top of each other, Yesung who was still sobbing his eyes out, Ryewook, Teukie, Kibum, and all the other crazed members…except for one. After his millionth head count, old man Teuk finally realized exactly who was missing. We were missing his 83-line partner -the one and only Kim Heechul, the man who was currently curled up in a ball in the opposite area of the parking lot. Once Uki spotted his curled up form, she stepped out of the car, faced his direction and yelled.

“Kim Heechul! If you don’t get your over here in 2 minutes I swear I will shave off the remainder of your army hair!”

She began loudly counting down and once he realized she wasn’t kidding he stood up immediately with wide eyes and started trotting towards the car. When he finally stepped foot in the car, manager oppa sped away not caring about who was seated or not.



Does anyone else think car rides are awkward? Unless we’re all yelling at Leeteuk that he should never touch a steering wheel again, or wondering about where we’re going, the car is just…silent. And add that to the fact that it’s well past midnight, we’ve been partying for pretty much the entire day, over half the members are drunk, and that there’s a new addition to our huge Super Junior family… all that made me realize that the awkwardness was seriously floating in every single part of the ginormous van.

Speaking about the new addition, I actually like her. I mean, I usually take a little while to get close to people, but there’s something in Kimmie that makes me automatically like her. Maybe it’s the fact she reminds me so much of myself, and I feel as if I should take care of her and make her look at Yesung differently? Whatever it is, I’m going to make sure I do whatever I can to help Yesung and Kimmie’s broken sibling relationship.

“Time to get everyone out.” Manager Ahjusshi suddenly sighed, shattering the silence and shocking the few of us whose brains were currently working. Once he helped us literally pile the half-dead bodies into the elevator he waved goodbye and made his way out of the apartment building. Exhausted, I collapsed, supporting myself on Uki’s tiny body, and was surprised when she didn’t nudge me off.  Once we reached the 11th floor Uki gently peeled me off of her, grabbed Kimmie and Hyukjae, and then signaled to them that they needed to help her to somehow get Yesung, Kyuhyun, and Sungmin safely off the elevator.

Eunhyuk immediately claimed the lightest member and lifted Sungmin around his back and disappeared into the dorm. I knew how Yesung was a tad bit too truthful when he had too much alcohol so naturally I wanted Kimmie to be forced to lug Yesung into his room and maybe hear some of his thoughts. With a knowing smirk, Uki winked at me then began kicking Kyuhyun in an attempt to wake him up.  Kimmie with no other choice widened her eyes and began slightly quivering as she bent down and started to lift her older brother up by his arms.

I have no excuse as  to why I updated so late this time ://.


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Nightrise119 #1
loving this story ...=)
Aww I feel bad for both Kimmie and Yesung! so many misunderstanding :( <br />
haha Yesung, he's such a cutie XD
banana_bubbles #3
Poor Yesung, went through so much trouble that Kimmie never realized... >.<
That Madison is such devils. -_- Poor innocent and young Kimmie got influenced.
Wow we have the same picture for our stories. I used the pic of the hospital bed for chapter 8 of my story :)<br />
Anyway, nice work. I haven't read this for ages since I've been so busy. Aren't migraines really painful? Ouch :/
Yesung is sucha weird cutie. :3
Ah~ Kimmie needs to know Yesung loves her to death and still care for her! Sibling moments are the best!! :3<br />
<br />
And hey! I love your background! :D
Looking forward to the next chaper ^^ :D <br />
Beautiful ending btw !!! :D
That was so sweet I just don't know what to say. Ah, sibling loveeeeeeee... even if its one-sided.