When You Hate

Crossing the Line [hiatus]



I love my sleep. It’s not fair that I haven’t been gotten any lately. This taxi ride is way too long for an area that is about 15 minutes away. I tried getting some rest, but I honestly don’t think that’s possible with everything going on. I slipped my cell phone out of my pocket to check the time, and the cute, bright lights reminded me and the few others that were currently in the car that it was 4:45 and that it was way too dark for my brightness to be on so high.

“Turn it off…” Nari groaned as she flipped her body to the opposite direction, squishing her face on to the window.

“Hey Nari?” I muttered after a few moments of silence, about to ask the question that was bugging me for a while. “…why don’t those two act like regular siblings?”

I felt her body tense up next to me and I started to regret asking in the first place. I was about to tell her to forget about the entire question until I heard her breathe in sharply.

“They don’t act like Donghae and you at all do they? And they definitely don’t act like Siwon and Uki either.” She said softly, her voice coming closer to me as she sat upright as if she was getting ready to lecture me. She waited until I faced her directly, like I was always told to do when Nari was beginning one of her hour long stories. Nari always began telling every one of her stories looking straight into your eyes.  You can always tell that every word coming out of was the truth by the way she bore holes into your eyes while speaking.

“So many reasons…” I heard her mutter softly. “You know how when you hate someone, you begin to hate every little thing they do? That’s pretty much how it is with Kimmie and Yesung. After a few incidents, Kimmie just started to completely hate her own brother. ”



So many thoughts were swirling in my head. I honestly had no idea how to answer Alex’s question. There was the whole on-going crisis with their dad, the fact that she still believes he lied, and everything that happened with those two at school and at home. After leaving poor Alex in silence for a little while, I decided to tell her about Madison. Even her name still gave me the shivers.

“Madison Yoon came and lived in our neighborhood when Kimmie and I were about 6 years old. Yesung was in… 4th grade I believe? Yeah, let’s go with that. Yesung the 4th grader.” I confirmed, gaining a chuckle from Alex who was probably picturing what the singer looked like when he was 9 years old.

 “She and Yesung became close friends really fast. They were never seen without each other, and Kimmie adored her. She completely and utterly looked up to her. Whenever we saw her, Kimmie would run up to her and give her a huge hug. It was probably because she was American and one of the wealthiest people on our block, that Kimmie loved her so much. She taught Kimmie a new English word whenever she could.” With each word, Alex’s face became slightly more confused, probably wondering why an American raised child in a rich family was living in a neighborhood as…shabby as ours was. “Hold on, this is off topic, but you know our rural city was a couple of miles outside of a huge industrial town? Ironic, but that’s how it was. Now that I think of it: that’s probably why Madison’s rich family moved to such a … lacking neighborhood. They were thieves you know? An entire family: mother, daughter, father sneaking into houses and grabbing whatever they could and calling it their own. It was absolutely disgusting. Kimmie didn’t realize it, but Madi was slowly influencing her to become a little ‘mini-Madi’.”

I took a glance out the window and realized that we were inching towards the dorm, meaning that I would probably have to wrap things up quickly. “To make a long story short, Kimmie almost began to follow Madi’s footsteps in stealing.  The night before her first theft, Yesung realized what Kimmie was about to do, and he reported them. Madison’s family disappeared within the next week and Kimmie knew Yesung had something to do with it. Kimmie was only 6 then, so she thought that Madi was taking her to some sort of surprise party that involved dressing in all black attire and bringing along a couple of flashlights and other sorts of thieving devices. Innocent 6 year old Kimmie thought Yesung was angry that he wasn’t invited and sent her away because of that. Kimmie looked up to Madison so much, that she refused to talk to her brother after her family left. Kimmie…she just doesn’t get it. Everything that Yesung does for her, she never sees the good light in it. It’s literally as if she’s blinded by the hatred she has for her own family member. I know that she’s my best friend and that I should be agreeing with her, but it’s actually somewhat ridiculous if you ask me.” I took a deep breath as I finished story telling time for the day and glanced at Alex’s reaction.

“Th-that’s horrible!” Alex sputtered with wide open. “Why do people hate their own family? That’s like those kids who get mad at their parents over Christmas gifts! I don’t get it. She has to accept him. Even if we shove those two into a room with a ton of chocola--“

“BEEEEEEEPPPPPP!” went the car horn as the obviously exhausted taxi driver tried to get our attention.

“Oh. How long we been sitting here?” Alex said softly, dropping her voice a couple of notches.

Before the driver could get anymore fed up with the two of us, I reached over Alex, opened the door and gently nudged her out. I waved goodbye to her and started to shut the door, only to find a long jean covered leg wedged between the door and the car.

“You hurt me.” The owner of the leg …stated. “And now you owe me,” said the smiling head poking through the crevice made by the car and the slightly open door.

“Come on Nari!” Alex whined cutely, “We have to plan and talk. Let’s go! I’m not going to let you go to your dorm alone, and plus you can just stay in my room for the night! With Uki too! She should hear everything. Mini slumber party, let’s do ittt!”

“I’m sorry miss,” a voice coming from the front of the taxi said, shocking me. “Are you going to leave or not?”

“She’s going alright,” Alex said happily as she dragged me by the arm out of the car, into the light of the rising sun, and willingly inside the skyscraping dorm.


YESUNG’S POV                              

“The doctor said she’s fine. The doctor said she’s going to be completely alright,” I repeatedly muttered to myself while pacing around the tiny hospital room.

I ran my fingers through my hair and gripped at my roots. “Everything will be fine.”
I let my hands drop by my sides and I stared at the ceiling while I paced and muttered again. I passed by the open bathroom and ran inside when I saw a glimpse of myself.

Overgrown grass that’s been trampled over by kindergarteners playing football was the only way to describe what my hair looked like. My eyes were red with anxiety and lack of sleep.  Worry wrinkles were slightly starting to form over my eyebrows. I sighed at my reflection and stared blankly at the tile floor wondering what to do next. A familiar tune started to come from outside of the bathroom. I lifted my head in response to the sound and tried to pinpoint what it was.

“UMMA!” I ran out of the bathroom and tripped over my feet once I recognized the sound of my mother’s special ringtone. Groaning, I scrambled back up and ran towards my phone.

“Yesung? Are you alright? You called me over 20 times at 5 AM! Is Kimmie okay?” Umma’s voice echoed through my ears, bombarding me with questions.

“She fell asleep Umma! I …I took her to the hospital and they said she’d be okay, but they have no idea how long this is going to last!”

“You never know how long it’s going to last. Just always have someone by her side arasso? ” Her voice was still sleepy and groggy sounding and it immediately made me feel guilty.

“Agi~,” she called, even after 24 years. “Is the connection breaking again? You just have to make sure someone’s constantly checking on her alright?”

“Neh Umma. I understand, go back to bed now okay? I’m sorry for waking you up this early, I didn’t realize.”

“It’s alright son,” was what I heard lightly coming out of the static through my phone. “I have to wake up this early anyways.”

The static noise took over my hearing as per usual when I’m on the phone with my mom, so I hung up and slipped it safely into my pocket. I grabbed a pillow from the couch and propped it on the floor right next to the cot Kimmie laid on. Carefully avoiding all the medical equipment I made myself comfortable right there on the floor.

“If anyone comes in here, they’ll wonder why I didn’t sleep on the couch,” I muttered to myself. “I’ll just tell them that Umma told me to stay near her, and that couch is just a tad bit too far.”

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and made sure that it would wake me up in hour intervals so I could check on my sister every now and then before I drifted off to sleep beside her. 


Yesung is strange. But you gotta love him eh? :3 


hello?Anyone still with me? D: 6 Weeks and 4 days.

Goodness, I am a terrible person. I will get down on my knees and beg for your forgivness >//<

You guys can hate me.  You now have a valid reason to do so.>//<  It's just that~...finals week was hell. Straight up hell. And prepping for it? errgghh. I'm not the only one right?

To all my new subbies: Hi~! I hope I won't dissapoint you(: I'll try harder to... suffice, I guess? 


I think~ I'm not going to do the no text selection thinggy~ Cause I realize that I like highlighting the text as I'm reading...IDK. Maybe it's just me? x3. 

Comments.Are.Motivation. I never realized how motivating comments are to an author till now~ So pleeaaase?:DD 

I promise updates will come in more smoothly and more...exciting? I guess...as of now. Pinky Promise. Again.

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Nightrise119 #1
loving this story ...=)
Aww I feel bad for both Kimmie and Yesung! so many misunderstanding :( <br />
haha Yesung, he's such a cutie XD
banana_bubbles #3
Poor Yesung, went through so much trouble that Kimmie never realized... >.<
That Madison is such devils. -_- Poor innocent and young Kimmie got influenced.
Wow we have the same picture for our stories. I used the pic of the hospital bed for chapter 8 of my story :)<br />
Anyway, nice work. I haven't read this for ages since I've been so busy. Aren't migraines really painful? Ouch :/
Yesung is sucha weird cutie. :3
Ah~ Kimmie needs to know Yesung loves her to death and still care for her! Sibling moments are the best!! :3<br />
<br />
And hey! I love your background! :D
Looking forward to the next chaper ^^ :D <br />
Beautiful ending btw !!! :D
That was so sweet I just don't know what to say. Ah, sibling loveeeeeeee... even if its one-sided.