Troublesome Responsibilities

Crossing the Line [hiatus]



I liked the girl, I honestly did. There was just something unusual about the way she looked like she wanted to cry when she introduced herself as ‘JongWoon’s Sister.’ There was something else when Al dragged her all the way to the infamous ing duo. I mean, even though Siwon annoys the hell out of me, and no matter how much he bugs me, I love him. Then again, I can’t not love him. But this girl, she was different. There was pure hatred in those eyes, and trust me, I know all too well what that looks like. She looked like she was going to collapse when Yesung said her name.

“Wh-..where the hell have you been all this time?” Kimmie said with a raggedy voice.

“In the bathroom? ….I mean, at first I was getting a drink but I didn’t realize I took that long“ Yesung replied with his wide, blinking, questioning eyes. I love Yesung and all but sometimes I’m completely convinced that his head is full of rocks.

“What …? I meant when Umma needed you. When we all needed you. Do you realize we’ve been working our asses off to some psychopath women and here you are lounging around? Singing. I’m guessing you don’t even know where Appa is right now.”

I looked at Alex, and as soon as she glanced back at me I mouthed, “What the is going on?” receiving a shrug from her and an icy death glare from Siwon whose overprotectiveness was beyond creepy.

“Kimmie…why…” Yesung whispered under his breath, barely audible, and I’m pretty certain Kimmie didn’t hear him at all. “Yah Kim Mi Young.” He suddenly said coldly. His odd 360 change in attitude shocked us all, and I was personally appalled by the way he spoke to his own sibling. “Don’t act like this. You haven’t seen me in what? 5 or more freaking years and you give me attitude? Isn’t that a bit rude?”

“The only reason why I haven’t seen you is because you are too ashamed to come down and see any of us!” Kimmie said in a tone clashing between miserable and just plain pissed off. “I’m pretty sure you’ve been to France? Yet you can’t come to your own hometown? I can’t believe you!”

With a long sigh Yesung clenched his eyes shut, pursed his lips and managed to say, “We. Will discuss this another time. Don’t make a scene here. That’s just straight up embarrassing.”

Yesung did not just call his own sister embarrassing. I couldn’t believe my ears. Where did my awkward turtle loving dork go? Any girl would be shocked to be called embarrassing, so naturally Kimmie was. Her face was slowly turning red, and the bulge in her jacket pocket where her hand was became more prominent as she obviously clenched her fist. I just met her less than an hour ago, but she was a part of the huge Super Junior family right? It was only natural for Alex and I to start feeling a bit defensive.

“H...hyung calm down.” Siwon stuttered while trying to calm Yesung down, obviously sharing the thoughts of me and Alex.

“Seriously Yesung, what the heck? You don’t have to be so rude to her,” Alex said while slinging a comforting arm around Kimmie.

Yesung’s eyes suddenly began to water lightly, like they usually did when he talked about his family, but as soon as the tears came they disappeared. His eyes seemed like they froze over, and they looked just as icy as Siwon’s glare. “Just leave already.” He retorted ever so rudely.

Alex’s jaw dropped slightly, my eyes bugged out, and Siwon’s eyebrows went higher than ever before. Poor Kimmie was shaking so much her fist fell out of her pocket and landed by her thigh. Her other hand reached up to her own head and began to clench her hair into a bunch. A habit that I noticed Nari seemed to do often when she was upset.

When the waitress finally came into the private room, she made her rounds and when she placed the plates on YeWon’s table, Yesung turned around in his seat abruptly and gave all his attention to his food. Completely fed up by his odd behavior, I grabbed Kimmie’s fist, and began to walk away.

We didn’t turn around until I began to hear Siwon ask him what was wrong. I spun on my heel, squeezed Kimmie’s hand, and started to voice my own thoughts. “Oppa, leave him alone until he figures out what the is going on in his head.” I demanded while boring holes through the back of Yesung’s striped sweater.

Once we stomped our way to our own booth I threw my body onto the chair. I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples, trying to convince myself that everything happening was just an extremely late April fool’s joke, and that Kimmie was just another one of those ullzzangs Nari befriended lately. I snapped my eyes back open and when I realized what we were missing.

Nari.Where the hell was she?



I know I’m not the most outgoing person. Nari knows that, and so does Uki. So why am I the one comforting Kimmie while Uki sits on the only comfy chair and rubs her head?! I’m sitting here on the weird booth, awkwardly patting Kimmie’s back while she mutters something about killing Nari with a bunch of turtles. Ah that’s right! Where was Nari during all this? I mean, we all know that she runs and hides during confronting situations, but this is her best friend we’re talking about. Someone she’s known since she was in diapers! As soon as that thought left my brain I saw Nari awkwardly navigate her way through the other booths and towards ours. One of the waitresses with a long white shirt and pants under a black apron was lagging behind her carrying a stack of plates. I jumped up and clapped at the sight of our food finally arriving, and then squinted my eyes at Nari when she quietly sat herself down.

“So… What exactly have you been up to Mrs. Shin?” I asked her while my eyes continuously shot daggers at her head.
“Uhm...I spilled something on my pants—“she started to say, until Uki’s head snapped back up at the sound of her voice.

“I don’t want any excuses. I want an explanation,” She said smoothly then turned to face Kimmie’s trembling figure and her still clenched fist, “From both of you.”

After listening to only half of Nari’s explanation about why she repeatedly leaves during jaw dropping moments, we tuned out and forced Kimmie to explain. To be honest, she reminded me of myself. How I hated my fish of a brother after appa died, and how much I wanted to kill him when he made me dress and act like a guy for who knows how long! I guess I could see where she was coming from, refusing to call Yesung…Yesung, since it’s as if he was a whole new person. It was almost like she thought that SM was ashamed of her older brother, the little country boy with the outstanding vocals.

I didn’t realize that we had been listening to explanations for an hour or two without food until my stomach started complaining.

“Oh my goodness!” I suddenly exclaimed while stabbing my pair of chopsticks into the plate sitting in front of me, “I’m sooo sorry I forgot about you~.” I cooed at the wonderful array of meat laid out on the table.

“Dork,” Nari muttered shaking her head, before she broke her own pair of chopsticks and began placing strips of raw meat onto the grill in front of her. Once the scent of cooking meat surrounded our table, the four of us pushed aside the earlier events, and began to stuff ourselves with the forgotten meat.

We ate peacefully, not talking about Yesung at all, and just making sure Kimmie knew she was the unnie of me and Uki, but not Nari since she’s like the naggy umma of us all. All of a sudden a crash was heard from the other side of the room. I quickly shoved the few remainders of food in my mouth, got out of my chair and scurried to where Donghae was at.


Of course I was a bit shocked when I heard the commotion, but then again, even though our table has been banned from alcohol, all the other tables weren’t. And if you have over 15 grown men planning to spend hours celebrating, no matter what their mental age might be, at least one of them is going to get drunk. Adorable Alex is always the first one to react, so naturally she immediately got up and ran to her brother’s side. Sighing, I placed a grid in my head already planning out whom to take care of. The innocent couple Eunhae was obviously sober as always, so they weren't anything to worry about. Kyuhyun would be a problem, but Al usually had him covered. I typically run off to help Shindong, but since I wasn’t exactly speaking to him at the moment I decided to let Kimmie deal with him.

With a sigh and a slight shake of her head, Uki pushed aside her food and got up. “Just watch over Jongwoon arasso? I’ll make sure Eunhae help me, and I’ll watch over my hypocritical brother.”

Just as I was about to get up and start working on loading the drunk idols into the various cars, I noticed Kimmie staring at me with her huge, confused eyes, that looked almost exactly liked Yesung’s.

“We do this at every party,” I explained, with a roll of my eyes. “Basically, the guys get drunk and it’s our job to shove them into the cars and get them home safely. Some of them aren’t stupid and didn’t drink, so they’re helping too, but you should try moving Shin-oppa anyways arasso?”

With that I grabbed my purse, and moved my way to my best friend’s older brother. I honestly hated having this sort of responsibility, but it was always fun in the end. Because they were drunk, at least one hidden secret was spilled, and I was more than a tad bit curious to hear Yesung’s thoughts about his sister’s arrival. 


....I'm going to regret posting this, I just know it. It's just that,I haven't given you guys an update in like what? 2 weeks? Dx And plus, I didn't want mah new subbies to think badly of me so I kinda rushed through this:/ So forced. I didn't get a chance to finish editing it before my mother crashed into my room yelling at me:3, but thats cool.
...and I kinda despised the idea of having to do my geometry homework>-< soo, this came up. Ahh math. How I loathe you.

ANYWAYSS~ I hope you guys like it x33, and I sure hope I didn't mess up Alex&Uki in anyway://

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Nightrise119 #1
loving this story ...=)
Aww I feel bad for both Kimmie and Yesung! so many misunderstanding :( <br />
haha Yesung, he's such a cutie XD
banana_bubbles #3
Poor Yesung, went through so much trouble that Kimmie never realized... >.<
That Madison is such devils. -_- Poor innocent and young Kimmie got influenced.
Wow we have the same picture for our stories. I used the pic of the hospital bed for chapter 8 of my story :)<br />
Anyway, nice work. I haven't read this for ages since I've been so busy. Aren't migraines really painful? Ouch :/
Yesung is sucha weird cutie. :3
Ah~ Kimmie needs to know Yesung loves her to death and still care for her! Sibling moments are the best!! :3<br />
<br />
And hey! I love your background! :D
Looking forward to the next chaper ^^ :D <br />
Beautiful ending btw !!! :D
That was so sweet I just don't know what to say. Ah, sibling loveeeeeeee... even if its one-sided.