Entering the Zone of the Enemy~

Crossing the Line [hiatus]



I knew this would happen. I mean, of course it would happen. Why in the world shouldn’t a bus break down during a 14 hour drive? And not to mention the fact that at least one tire was somehow always getting into a pothole. This is why I absolutely despise buses. I miss Seoul, and Shin, and my dorm, and all that other good stuff that isn’t on the bus. The only thing I could do to take my mind off the bumpiness of the ride was blabber about my wedding, and I wasn’t even supposed to tell Kimmie about that unless I wanted to get strangled by her sock and Yesung’s turtle. And by looking at Kimmie’s face, I was actually a bit thankful when the passengers started making a ruckus just because something typical happened…just a bit. Putting on my pouty face, I used my incredible acting skills and stomped my short self all the way to the front of the bus then out the door, to where the driver was.

“Ahjusshi…do you know what’s wrong?” I said making sure I kept my voice soft and friendly. When he didn’t answer me and continued to stick his head into the hood of the bus I decided to give up my cutesy act.

“Yah!” I yelled, slamming my fist into the bus, causing him to look up at me with wide, wrinkly eyes. “Ahjusshi. When someone is talking to you, it’s common sense to answer them. OR you can at least look up when you hear a person’s voice 2 feet away from you. I understand that today could have been a long day for you, but I’m more than positive that this day has been longer for me. I had to drive here all the way from Seoul and then leave.my.precious.car.here. Just to ride a stinking bus for 14 hours. Do you realize how that feels? I have to wait at least 3 days until—”

“Ahh…kids.” He said, cutting me off. The nerve of this haraboji astonishes me. Even that one word in his voice pissed me off. Aren’t old men supposed to be cute and full of wisdom? Not this one apparently. He’s most likely one of those old ahjusshis that think they know everything just because they’re well… older than everyone around them, and hate every person in between the ages of 1 and 29. The way he’s looking at my clothes in disgust makes me want to puke. “You’re one of those Seoul girls aren’t you? Tsktsktsk…these spoiled little brats.” He said before poking his head back into the front of the bus even though the problem was more likely to be one of the tires.

After making sure he saw me kick the front tire with my heel using all the strength I had left from this incredibly irritating day, I made my way back into the bus flipping my phone open and speed dialing the first person even though he was sure to be busy.  



I watched Nari slouch back into her seat with her phone pressed against her ear using her small shoulder to support it. Her hands were occupied, fiddling with the huge-and now apparently loose, heel of one of her coral platform sandals. Seeing as how she seemed mad enough, I decided to save my incredibly witty comment about her height another time, and just stayed silent and watched her with worrisome eyes.                                                                      

“Oppa pleeeaaasseeeee?” My worrisome eyes disappeared as they rolled up to the top of my head, and all the way back down. Part of the reason why I befriended Nari was because her split personalities matched mine, and that amused me greatly. Her excessive aegyo though, was another story. “Ah...a filming...Arasso…I guess it’ll be alright if he came instead. Aniyo, I haven’t told her yet, but she’s going to figure it out sooner or later. She’s not like him, get used to that. Deh~ I miss you too…see you soon~”

“Have I given you the lecture of the annoyance I get while watching mushy couples?” I demanded as soon as her phone snapped shut.

“Only about a million times, now put your eye knives away and come with me to get your suitcase. Something’s wrong with the bus, and it doesn’t seem like it’s going to get fixed anytime soon.”

Split personality strikes again. Just a minute ago she was doing her aegyo over the phone, and now she’s bossing me around. Knowing from experience that it’s better not to say anything when she’s like this, I just followed her down the aisle of the bus, grabbed my bag from the carrier…thing (?) and walked out of the oversized bus, where a car was apparently waiting for us.

Inside the car was an oddly familiar looking guy. His clothes were a bit too fancy for someone who was just driving us to…I still don’t know where. His white shirt was tucked into his black jeans, with odd stripes all over. He had huge sunglasses on, that covered half his face and a hat covering his head, as if he was hiding. Even if his face was hidden, something about him seemed really familiar to me.



Kimmie kept staring at Hae as if he had stolen something of hers. She kept tilting her head to the left and right, probably wondering if she had seen him somewhere. Before she could realize who he was, I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards his car.

I knocked on his window and laughed when I saw how he was dressed. Childish Hae always brought attention to himself, even if he was trying to be disguised. “NARI!” He screamed, knocking me over with a bear hug as soon as the door opened. “What are you even doing here out of all places? I was coming home from a schedule when hyung called and told me he’d watch any movie with me if I stopped here to pick up you and Yesu--”

“Let’s get in the car then talk alright?” I said worried that he would say something about Yesung…even that name made Kimmie mad “The bus passengers are starting to look like they want to steal your car.”


After somehow fitting Kimmie’s huge suitcase into the trunk we were seated in the backseat of Donghae’s car while he drove towards Seoul in awkwardness. I’m not used to silence and I was about to say something, but was shocked when Kimmie spoke up first.

“Do I know you? I think I’ve seen you somewhere.”

“I guess you might have,” I cringed, hoping Hae wouldn’t say anything that would blow our cover. “I mean, I know a lot of people.”

“Do you cry a lot?”
“…excuse me? I guess I do…why?”
“I’m sure I know you, but I just don’t know how—you’re Jong Woon’s friend! I saw you that one time when Umma made me come to see his ‘school’! You were the one crying in the corner!”

“Crying in the corner…? Mimi? No way! You’re Mimi? I haven’t heard from you in years!”

“Nari-ah! Why didn’t you tell me you were engaged to crybaby fishy here?”

Now that caught my attention. “Yah. Kim Mi Young. I am not getting married to Donghae, no matter how attractive he is. That would be way to much work…it’d actually be more like raising a child.” I said, while shuddering.

“Awhh, Nari why are you so mean to me?” Donghae asked while making that fishy pout of his. “Oh look at that, we’re here. Now get out of my car before I tell Shindong hyung how mean you were to me.”

“You wouldn’t.” I said as I stepped outside of the car, and sure enough he was parked right outside of my apartment, the apartment that would soon become me and Kimmie’s apartment…if she cooperates.

“Nari…wh-where are we?” Kimmie stuttered, her grip tightening on her suitcase as Donghae pulled out of the driveway. She kept looking at all the cars driving by with wide eyes, her eyes widening as she noticed  the huge building a couple blocks away with a sign that said SM in big, pink letters and in smaller black letters: S.M. ENTERTAINMENT.

“Welcome to your enemy territory hun, you’re living in Seoul.” 

YAYYY~ The length is decent;33


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Nightrise119 #1
loving this story ...=)
Aww I feel bad for both Kimmie and Yesung! so many misunderstanding :( <br />
haha Yesung, he's such a cutie XD
banana_bubbles #3
Poor Yesung, went through so much trouble that Kimmie never realized... >.<
That Madison is such devils. -_- Poor innocent and young Kimmie got influenced.
Wow we have the same picture for our stories. I used the pic of the hospital bed for chapter 8 of my story :)<br />
Anyway, nice work. I haven't read this for ages since I've been so busy. Aren't migraines really painful? Ouch :/
Yesung is sucha weird cutie. :3
Ah~ Kimmie needs to know Yesung loves her to death and still care for her! Sibling moments are the best!! :3<br />
<br />
And hey! I love your background! :D
Looking forward to the next chaper ^^ :D <br />
Beautiful ending btw !!! :D
That was so sweet I just don't know what to say. Ah, sibling loveeeeeeee... even if its one-sided.