What Goes Up...Must Come Down

Crossing the Line [hiatus]



As soon as I stepped inside and smelled all the cooking of the meat I knew I was going to have fun, but when I saw who was sitting inside that private room I started to have second thoughts. I was seriously tempted to yell at Nari then run outside and find a way home. But as soon as she turned to me with her eyes widening and opening and closing like a fish out of water, I knew that this wasn’t planned. I pushed aside my thoughts and decided that it was going to happen sooner or later. If I was living in Seoul, even if I couldn’t accept it, I was going to approach my older brother…whether I liked it or not.

“Nari.” I muttered as soon was the waitress left, giving us questioning looks. “I’ll do it. I can’t avoid someone of my blood for the rest of my life right?” When Nari’s jaw dropped open I tried to laugh even if it came out more like a cough.

“Kimmie,if you want to…we can always eat somewhere else you know. I heard there was a Hello Kitty café somewhere around he--”I managed to break out into a real laugh as I pictured myself in a café surrounded by pink. Before anyone noticed we were just standing in the middle of the restaurant talking for the past few minutes, I grabbed her hand and pushed us through the crowd of fan girls. Before any of them could start complaining and possibly yanking our hair out, Nari put her hood over her head and signaled for me to do the same. Then she slid a card in what seemed to be an oversized keyhole and the door clicked open.

No one noticed when we came in, since they were all to immersed in their previous conversations, but as soon as the door shut Nari pulled our hoods off anyways. Looking around the room, I could instantly see that it was for people treated specially. The booths were luxurious, and the plates on the tables seemed to be much more expensive than the trays the waitresses earlier were carrying. There weren’t that many people in the room… maybe around 20 or so? But even so, the volume was outstanding. I saw Donghae sitting in a corner with a huge smile on his face, as a guy with bright, yellow, hair was telling him something. Most of the people I didn’t recognize, and I certainly didn’t see JongWoon anywhere, but there was one guy stood out to me. He seemed slightly bigger than the others, and he was oddly familiar. More familiar than Hae was, and for some reason I felt like he could’ve been a part of my family, or at least a close friend. My thoughts were soon confirmed as Nari dragged me over to him with a smile covering her face.
“SHIN-OPPA!” She squealed as he squeezed her and gave her a soft, affectionate smile. After they separated he looked up from her face and noticed me standing awkwardly with a satisfied grin on my face.

“Hey,” He said in a friendly tone, “I don’t think I’ve met you before.”

“That’s because you haven’t,” I said cheekily then stuck out my right hand “My name’s Kim Mi Young, but since you’re probably going to be married to my almost-sister, you can call me Kimmie.”

With one arm wrapped around Nari’s smiling form, he held out his other hand and enclosed mine into it. “You’re Mi Young? THE Mi Young? I’ve heard a ton about you. Apparently you’re the best person in the world, but have a bit of an uncontrollable temper when you get annoyed…according to this girl right here that is,” he smiled and nodded his head to the left, bumping his skull with Nari’s tiny one. 

I laughed when Nari gave him a pathetic punch, and watched as she stood up with her arms on her hips- attempting to look angry. This ‘Shin’ seemed to know her pretty well as he played along and pouted, trying to make her accept his silent apology.

“We’ll discuss this later,” she said while trying to send him a glare. “I’m going to go introduce Kimmie to the girls.” Then she stomped away and I had no choice but to walk after her, chuckling as I heard Shin’s loud laughter.

I had no idea where she was taking me, but it seemed like we were going to the very back of the room where the sound was easier on my ears. As we passed through the room we had to stop every few seconds because Nari was either being bear hugged by someone, or doing some super special handshake with someone else. When she finally plopped down into a booth right next to 2 other girls, my insecurity immediately went up. The first girl I saw was really noticeable, since she was super. tall. Which was nice to see since I was tired of craning my neck down just to talk to Nari all day. She was donning a black and red shirt that seemed to have an assortment of letters in it that I figured was another boy band. On top of the shirt was a small, silver Hello Kitty necklace. Her hair was really short and it was easy to mistake her for a guy if it wasn’t for her face. Her eyes were hidden under a pair of huge glasses but you could tell that they were a shade in between green and brown. She looked slightly like Hae, but in a more feminine way…nevertheless she was adorable in that “hidden beauty” sort of way.

The second girl seemed to around the height of Nari, maybe even shorter. Appearance wise, they almost seemed like opposites, especially with her longer brown hair and precise makeup. One thing that they both had in common was their eyes. They were different, but they both were unique shades of green. They really stood out to me, but then again everyone’s eyes did.

Nari comfortably slung her arm around the taller girl, and began to introduce me to the two of them.

“Guys~ welcome the new member of our clan.” She said as she grabbed my arm and yanked me down to collapse into the seat next to her. “This is Kim Mi Young, age 22. She’s uhm…” she stopped and looked at me, probably wondering if she should reveal who my brother was.

With a huff I started to introduce myself. “ Nari already said this, but yeah, I’m Mi Young, and you can call me Kimmie if you want…anything else to say? Oh yeah, I guess I should mention I’m Jong Woon’s sister, and that I’m in Seoul against my will.”

“22 years huh? Korean age or American?”

“Ahh,I wish I was born in America, but nope~ 22 by Korean age.”
“ Either way don’t call me unnie because that makes me sound old,” the shorter one said with a smirk displaying a massive amount of charisma, and confidence in a non-cocky way. “I’m Uki Seohae Choi, and that dork way over there with the “I <3 Jesus” wristbands is my amazing older brother, Choi Siwon.” She said with a nod, and then finished off with a wave. After a couple seconds of silence she then turned to nudge the girl with the short hair who whined and poked at her ramen.

“Aiiissshh,” Uki muttered “This awkward giant right here is Alex. Not much more to say.”
“You liar!” She pouted then decided to introduce herself, “Uhmm, my name’s Alex Lee, and fishy face Donghae over there is my terrible but loving bro and…oh yeah! I love Hello Kitty and DBSK…”
I was about to ask what DBSK stood for, and why she had it on her shirt until Uki and Nari fell over in a fit of laughter. Confused, I just looked at Nari with arched eyebrows and shook her by the shoulders until some sense got into her.

“You would!” Nari started while gasping for air, “Only you would introduce yourself to a completely new person by saying you’re obsessed with Hello Kitty and DBSK.”

“Shut uuuup!” Alex said, while elbowing Nari square in the back, “I’m not good with introductions, or speaking to random people in the first place! You already knew that Nar~”

“Allright~Alright I’m sorry Al,” Nari tried, but then rolled her eyes with a smile when she saw Alex with her back to her and arms crossed over her chest. “Allleeexxxxxx,I was going to take you for ice cream tomorrow,but if you’re going to be like this never mi—“
“Noo! I wanna go!” Alex said,her eyes brightening at the mention of sweets. I laughed at their dorkiness and was felt even more at home when Uki tapped my shoulder and shook her head.

“They’re always like this. Dorks, but they’re my dorks I guess.” She said with a chuckle. “Sooo…you here for school? Cause apparently, in order to get a good education you have to be away from home.”

“I’m not sure yet…” I said frowning at my awkwardness, “I mean, I’m going to enroll later, but I don’t even know where to start yet.”
“No help here, I go to school in Cambridge baby~ I’d help out but I don’t deal well with all these creepy ahujusshi teachers trying to tell me I’m not right, when clearly I am.”  She said while rolling her eyes, she started talking a bit louder since the argument between Alex,Nari and ice cream was getting pretty heated. “I mean this one right here is going to school too, so at least you’ll have someone you know right?” She leaned over me and whacked Nari’s leg with her small hand attempting to get her attention.

Nari grabbed Uki’s hand just as she was about to pull back and glared at her. “What is it?” Nari said clearly irritated with Alex’s ramble about how amazing this…U-Know person was. How they got from ice cream to knowing something, I will never figure out.

Right before Uki could respond to Nari’s attitude, a tall, handsome man with a fitted white shirt walked to our table with a couple of menus for us.

“Here you are ladies,” he said cheesily as he bowed and put the menus on the table. “Well hi there,” He said while making direct eye contact with me, “I don’t think we’ve met before?”

“Shut up Siwon,” Uki said flatly, shocking me…and only me. “Stop trying to be cheesy~and introduce yourself regularly.”

“I was just about to, until you so rudely interrupted me. And now that we’re talking, you know the rule don’t you?”

“Tch,you’ve told me about a million times already. Don’t come back to the dorms drunk or I’m getting my kicked out of Seoul.”

“You obviously weren’t listening to me during my ‘million’ lectures. I’m only saying this once Uki Seohae Choi. You will not even touch one drop of alcohol or yes, I will kick you all the way back to Cambridge whether you like it or not.”Siwon said with determination in his eyes. After a stare down with Uki, he stomped back to his table, pulled out a chair, and slouched into it. Then he began to nod as he and a guy with slightly curly hair started talking furiously.

“Ahahaha,do I see some YeWon action going on over there?” Alex said with a smirk.

“Y..Y..Ye?” I mentally cursed at myself, a punishment for stuttering. “As in..Y..Y..Yesu..” Nari looked like she was about to say something until Alex clasped her hands together.

“AH! That’s right! You probably haven’t seen him have you?” She said excitedly, “Well lessgo see him then! It’s not like he’s doing anything important!” By this point she had already stood up and grabbed my hand and was beginning to drag me across the room with Uki and Nari following.

Nari,who is always at a loss for words during drastic situations just kept looking from me to Alex with wide eyes and kept uttering something along the lines of: I don’t….idea… Not good…Jong Woon…Kimmie..no…

Once we reached the table, I was literally shaking in terror and was hoping they wouldn’t look up and I would be able to run back to the safety of my booth. All my hope was lost when Uki punched Siwon on the shoulder.

“YAH! Quit discussing your next ing plan and say hi to your sister Sungie!”

My face fell even lower when Siwon and Jong Woon looked up. Siwon, obviously annoyed with his sister’s punch was about to retort something until he saw his hyung’s face. Jong Woon was smiling as he looked up to see Uki’s fist sitting on Siwon’s chair, then furrowed his eyebrows when he heard her utter the word ‘sister.’ Once his eyes fell on me they widened and took over half of his face.

“Mi Young…” he said softly. 


This was probably the fastest update i have written so far. and why is that?
because i wanted to get uki&alex in here as soon as i could:3.


Cause I just got a  TON of new subscribers, more than DOUBLE of what I had before so I didn't want to dissapoint you all~
All thanks to BamxAngiee cause she's frigging amazing and is telling people to check this story out? Mannn, I didn't even have her baby in here,and yet....gahhh so amazing*--*
so.I haven't completley gotten Alex and Uki's personalities,but i tried my best?i sure hope I won't screw them up in the future... D:. Theyre both so unique so it's harrrrddddd ;____;



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Nightrise119 #1
loving this story ...=)
Aww I feel bad for both Kimmie and Yesung! so many misunderstanding :( <br />
haha Yesung, he's such a cutie XD
banana_bubbles #3
Poor Yesung, went through so much trouble that Kimmie never realized... >.<
That Madison is such devils. -_- Poor innocent and young Kimmie got influenced.
Wow we have the same picture for our stories. I used the pic of the hospital bed for chapter 8 of my story :)<br />
Anyway, nice work. I haven't read this for ages since I've been so busy. Aren't migraines really painful? Ouch :/
Yesung is sucha weird cutie. :3
Ah~ Kimmie needs to know Yesung loves her to death and still care for her! Sibling moments are the best!! :3<br />
<br />
And hey! I love your background! :D
Looking forward to the next chaper ^^ :D <br />
Beautiful ending btw !!! :D
That was so sweet I just don't know what to say. Ah, sibling loveeeeeeee... even if its one-sided.