Beginning the U-Turn of My Life

Crossing the Line [hiatus]



"You want me to go where?!" I swear that voice just shook my phone. I always knew everyone in our family had good lungs, but it looks like my sister doesn't use them for singing. I knew she hated me, but I never knew she despised me enough to yell at our own motherI could see her pacing across the thin wooden panels, which were threatening to come apart any second. Buying Umma a smartphone to video chat was a good idea, but one day I'm going to convince that woman to let me buy her a better house...or at least a comfy apartment...or maybe even a coff--

"You know how I feel about him and that so called band of his!" my sister screeched, bringing me out of my thoughts and back to listening to Umma and my dongsaeng argue. "He left us Umma. He said he was going for a fieldtrip but he left us. I never want to see him again." I cringed at her words, and frowned when her voice got softer. My dongsaeng isn’t one to let people see her cry.... people usually cry because of her. Seeing her shoulders shake in my mother’s embrace was hard enough, but hearing her words made it much harder.

“You know that’s not true…” my mom was always the one to soothe the hot tempered little girl. “He didn’t abandon us. You know he’s working hard in Seoul. He’s making lots of money for u—” All of a sudden Umma sighed as Kimmie abruptly stood up and started shouting again.

“If he’s ‘making us money’ then why do we still live in this shabby house? You always say that, but nothing ever changes. I’m still working 4 jobs, and Umma you know you’ve been trying to find more clients.”

“Mi Young…” Umma called her real name using her soothing voice “You know I like it here, it’s comfortable.”

“Umma. Do you still expect me to believe that? I am 22 years old now Umma. I’m not your darling little child anymore. I can make my own choices. And I choose not to live with Jong Woon.” I heard Kimmie stomp upstairs then a hand covered the phone’s camera as Umma moved it out of its hiding spot, and into the light so her face would be seen.

“I’m sorry you had to see all that Sungie~” She said with her wrinkled eyes holding back tears. I wanted to comfort her but the screen went blank as she hung up to most likely chase after Kimmie.

That’s right. I, Kim Jong Woon, also known as Yesung, one of the main vocalists of top Korean band Super Junior was eavesdropping on my family’s conversation. And I, Yesung also have a younger sister. Who hates me so much she refused to let the public know she’s related to me.


first chapter? :// I'l try to do better next timee~I promissee,oh and if you haven't noticed my self esteem isnt the best~So if you keep on getting things that say a story updated,and its just me editing my chapter, IM SORRYY,I REALLY AM:3

I'll try to stop that ;~~;

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Nightrise119 #1
loving this story ...=)
Aww I feel bad for both Kimmie and Yesung! so many misunderstanding :( <br />
haha Yesung, he's such a cutie XD
banana_bubbles #3
Poor Yesung, went through so much trouble that Kimmie never realized... >.<
That Madison is such devils. -_- Poor innocent and young Kimmie got influenced.
Wow we have the same picture for our stories. I used the pic of the hospital bed for chapter 8 of my story :)<br />
Anyway, nice work. I haven't read this for ages since I've been so busy. Aren't migraines really painful? Ouch :/
Yesung is sucha weird cutie. :3
Ah~ Kimmie needs to know Yesung loves her to death and still care for her! Sibling moments are the best!! :3<br />
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And hey! I love your background! :D
Looking forward to the next chaper ^^ :D <br />
Beautiful ending btw !!! :D
That was so sweet I just don't know what to say. Ah, sibling loveeeeeeee... even if its one-sided.