The Beginning

Finite Flowers

It was the beginning of December when they first met, hints of snowflakes falling down between them while cries of laughter and joy could be heard from all around them. Luhan could never forget that day - cold, freezing, utterly horrible weather, but nevertheless a day that would be forever etched into his mind.

Christmas had passed and so had New Year's. Every day Luhan and Sehun would text, from complaints to random texts to silly messages to deep talks. They agreed not to give each other any Christmas presents but in the end they treated each other to bubble tea. Once, for the fun of it, Luhan called Sehun instead of texted just so they could talk easier but Sehun was too shy to answer. Even when they were doing something, like eating or studying, they would occasionally text.

Once, during a lecture, Luhan was almost kicked out when he was caught with a vibrating phone. When he checked if there was anything wrong with Sehun, he almost growled in frustration when he saw the text.

>>Hyung, help me.(┳Д┳) I seem to have lost one sock. It's my favourite.

Just as Luhan was about to type back, another text popped up.

>>NVM. I was wearing it (*´∀`*)

Luhan ignored Sehun's texts for the rest of the day.



Luhan wondered how, for a rich person, Sehun had so much time on his hands. They texted until they fell asleep on their phones. Sehun said that he had a schedule to go through, had many sessions where he had to study, but he always ended up talking to Luhan for the rest of the day. One day Luhan asked whether he was actually studying, and Sehun replied that they had no exams yet, which gave Luhan a sigh of relief. Luhan enjoyed talking to Sehun more than he should and he reluctantly had to admit that he was a little addicted.

One day, at 5am in the morning, the buzz of his phone woke Luhan up. He checked it, wondering if maybe Sehun had had a bad dream again and needed to talk to him, but instead what he saw made him jump with excitement.

>>Do you want to come to my house?

Luhan typed so fast that his reply came out an unfinished >>Y

Sehun immediately sent the address and Luhan got ready as fast as possible.




When Luhan arrived, he couldn't believe how big Sehun's house was. He wondered if he had the right to step on the white steps as he walked up to the front door. Just as he was about to press the doorbell, though, the door swung open.

"Shh," Sehun put a finger to his lips as he gestured Luhan inside. Luhan blinked in confusion but did so. "Just that, er, my parents don't allow people in our house that they don't know well."

Luhan nodded quietly and took off his shoes before stepping in quietly. Before he could take another step, though, a voice interrupted them.

"Who is this?" Luhan turned around in time to find another young man, one about his age, speaking, and Sehun almost stomped his foot in defeat.

"None of your business, hyung. " He muttered, before gesturing for Luhan to move. Before he could move any further though, a strong hand grabbed his wrist and stopped him. Sehun's older brother's eyes widened largely as he stared at Luhan's face.

"Oh! This is the guy you've been talking about, I see." Luhan flushed as the man stared at him and let out a laugh. "He does look like a girl."

Luhan reddened and glared at Sehun, who glared at his brother. "That was ages ago," He hissed. "Just don't wake mum and dad u-"

"Why shouldn't you wake us up?" A feminine voice sounded and Luhan turned around yet again to find a woman in her pyjamas as she walked down the white marble steps. Luhan could tell that Sehun wanted to groan in frustration.

"Who is this?" The woman stared down, her expression judgemental and sophisticated even though she was wearing silk pyjamas.

"A friend," Sehun muttered. His mother squinted suspiciously as she walked down and took Luhan's arm.

"Sehun dear, go prepare us some tea while I speak to your friend." Sehun bit his lip before moving away, purposefully bumping into his laughing brother's shoulder before disappearing into the kitchen. The beautiful mother steered Luhan to what was supposedly a living room, but was double the size, and sat him down on one of their velvety couches.

"So," she began, watching Luhan cautiously. "Where are you from? What school do you go to? How old are you? What do your parents do for a living?" And while Luhan answered all these questions politely, a little shyly, he could tell that the mother was losing interest.

"You've got such a pretty face," She commented, as if his appearance was the only thing that interested her. Luhan, speechless at the supposed compliment, was saved when Sehun walked down with a tray of food.

"Can we go now?" Sehun muttered, but his mother only ignored him and instead asked Luhan whether he had done anything to his face.

"Oh! I thought you were younger than Sehunnie." She gasped when she found out how old he was. Luhan smiled politely while Sehun's mum began bombarding him with questions on what she should do to look younger.

"I... uh, think you look pretty young already." Luhan replied sincerely if not a little awkwardly. Sehun's mum brightened at the compliment, and with just that, seemed to have accepted him.

“What a nice boy you have for a friend, Sehunnie." She said, smiling. "You can go now."




From that day on, Sehun was allowed to bring Luhan to his house any day he liked, and Luhan visited at least once a fortnight.

Luhan also met Sehun's father, one day, on the way out the door. The old man seemed to know just exactly where Luhan came from, and Luhan got the impression that he didn't like him much. Nevertheless, that didn’t stop him from visiting.



"Ah! I'm so tired." Sehun exclaimed as he lied back on his bed one day while Luhan visited to help Sehun with his homework. It seemed like Sehun had a bit of trouble. Luhan laughed and pushed Sehun to one side.

"I helped you! I'm tired too." Luhan complained when Sehun wouldn't budge.

"There's the floor," Sehun joked and stuffed his face into his pillow. Luhan rolled his eyes but smiled.

"Very respectful of you." He replied while throwing himself on top of Sehun as revenge. Hearing Sehun grunt in surprise and his arms flailing helplessly was enough to satisfy Luhan.

After a while of Luhan sitting on the floor (he let Sehun win) and Sehun lying on the bed, Sehun lifted his head from the pillow and turned it sideways.

"Bedtime story?" He requested, and after a while of bagging and annoying, Luhan gave in.

"Just give me water," He croaked while spotting a cup of water on the bedside table. Sehun seemed to have spotted it too, and the both of them reached for it. The contact of their fingers touching was enough for the both of them to retreat their hands, faces flushed. None of them noticed the embarrassment of the other as they were too busy trying to cover their own embarrassment up.

“… Never mind.” Luhan spoke after recovering from the incident. He let out a smile and began the story of a bratty rich kid named Sehun, which immediately made Sehun frown in disapproval.

“One day, as Bratty Seh-“

“That day, Mature Sehun met a princess-like boy named Luhan.” Sehun cut in with a cheeky grin. Luhan squinted in annoyance and decided to dismiss Sehun’s words, but every time he tried to, Sehun would cut in stubbornly. Finally Luhan sighed and gave in, continuing his story.

As he spoke, Sehun went from lying down to sitting up to lying down again until he ended up sitting next to Luhan, listening intently. Luhan knew his story wasn’t that captivating, but he was glad Sehun was pretending to enjoy it.

Sehun, meanwhile, drank all the words that spilled from Luhan’s mouth, all the same watching the way those pouty lips moved to the perfect shape of that nose, and then, finally, to those beautiful brown eyes.

“…and Bratty rich Sehun lived happily ever after.” The moment he finished his sentence, he noticed that Sehun was sitting so close that their shoulders and thighs touched. Immediately his heart sped faster, and while he expected Sehun to move away, he didn’t. They were closer than ever, the contact of their clothes sending sparks throughout their body.

“With princess-like boy named Luhan?” Sehun asked carefully but boldly, turning to hold Luhan’s gaze with his own. They watched each other, not once breaking eye contact, taking the time to scrutinise each other’s faces now that they were so close. Luhan’s breath was caught in his throat, realising that the only thing that got between them was their shoulders. He could feel a spark between them but he wasn’t one hundred per cent sure if it was mutual. What Sehun had asked was risky, something in which Luhan could reply in any way, could reject him or laugh it off. However, Luhan decided to take his own risk.

“Yes,” He replied, noticing the slight movement in Sehun’s eyes as they widened. Neither of them smiled, but they could feel the joy in each other, a mutual understanding between the two of them that was unspoken yet as clear as the words that rang in the air. “It’s them against the world.”


A.N: Thank you to those who read and liked my story! ^^ That was a great welcome for me for this site. Sorry if the first and second chapters felt a little rushed because this story was a random creation when my friend requested a story on Skype haha. I’ll try to update every week (or maybe less) just so you guys won’t have to wait so long. The date for upload is maybe Saturday? ^^ Thank you once again, especially those who commented and subscribed. Hope you continue to look forward to it. 

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the_twelvesxoxo #1
T^T you had me in a pool of tears that was utterly beautiful a miracle instead <3 You have proven me that Love will come back as it will always be yours that was really *thumbs up
Chapter 10: I readed this story i long time ago but i found it again today and readed it again in one go.
This story is so sweet and beautiful. No rushed things, no unecessary thing, just pure love and ups & downs of the daily life of two people.
I don't kinda like sad endings because i'm too emotional but both of the endings bought me to tears ;___; thank you for sharing
Chapter 11: sequel please author-nim!
atticusfinch #4
Chapter 10: good job author <3333 this was beautiful, as beautiful and touching as when i first read it. please keep it up ;u;
atticusfinch #5
Chapter 11: didn't comment in chap 10 because was so eager to read the alternative!!!
i'll go comment now all because i am ocd and don't like missing one chapter.
atticusfinch #6
Chapter 9: o m g w h a t s o s o o n ; - ;
atticusfinch #7
atticusfinch #8
Chapter 7: ;________________________________________;
atticusfinch #9
atticusfinch #10
i remember i read this a while back but that was when i didn't have an account. i'm going to read this again :)