Family Problems

Finite Flowers

"Good Afternoon," Luhan spoke politely as he bowed lowly to Sehun's parents before rushing to climb up the steps to Sehun's bedroom.

"My, he's such a sweet boy." Sehun's mother sighed and turned to her husband. "Don't you think?"

Sehun's father only grunted in response, barely acknowledging the boy that had so suddenly entered his son's life.

"Sehunnie," Luhan greeted as he opened the door, and gasped in horror. Sehun's bedroom was a mess, and Sehun himself was also a mess.

"I CAN'T DO THIS, HYUNG!" He exclaimed and messed up his hair with both his hands. He was sitting at his study table, books laid out before him. Papers and books were strewn on the floor everywhere, and Luhan couldn’t even take one step without being in danger of tripping over.

"It's okay," Luhan murmured soothingly while placing reassuring hands on Sehun's broad shoulders once he had gotten through the mess. "I'll help you."

"Okay," Sehun whispered, almost scared. He looked at his homework and pointed to all the questions. "I don't get any of this!" There was a moment of silence as Luhan looked through the questions.

"...I don't either." With that the both of them exploded, Luhan into fits of laughter and Sehun spluttering in frustration. After they died down, Luhan confessed that he was only joking. He returned to his spot next to Sehun and looked over the questions carefully and quietly. Sehun couldn't help but notice how long Luhan's eyelashes were and how his high cheekbones only made his features more feminine but handsome at the same time.

"All right, so we'll start with this one." Luhan began, pointing with his nimble finger at the question that Sehun had drawn sad smileys all over. Sehun nodded and let Luhan continue. As Luhan explained, sometimes writing notes on the paper, Sehun realised that he wasn't listening, instead watching the way Luhan would move his bangs out of the way of his eyes, his lips forming a slight pout whenever he spoke, and the way Luhan would smile sheepishly whenever he stopped and forgot something.

"Do you get it?" Those wide, brown doe eyes had turned and stared into his own. Wow. Sehun thought while willingly losing himself inside Luhan’s eyes. His eyes are sparkling … so pretty …  

"Are you listening? Sehunnie ... Sehun!" Luhan's gentle but suddenly sharp voice broke Sehun's train of thought.

"Yeah..." He replied, almost dreamily, and blinked before bringing himself back to reality. "Thanks." Luhan smiled triumphantly and continued on to the next question.

All throughout the studying, Sehun could only dedicate a quarter of himself on his work, because why should he when there was something much more interesting right next to him?





When Luhan suggested for them to take a break, Sehun had realised that he had only understood about one or two questions out of around fifteen. It didn't matter, he supposed. After all it was only practise exams. Whenever he tried to snap himself out of it, however, he only found something just as captivating about Luhan as his appearance. There was his face, of course, then in comes his hand, his writing, and even the way he hovered over Sehun when doing something and looking at Sehun to see if he understood.

Okay, just listen to the words he says. Concentrate, you fool. Sehun thought to himself desperately but still slightly half-heartedly as he glared at the paper while hearing the words. Instead he found himself listening to Luhan's voice and the slight accent he had. Sehun chuckled quietly to himself then, loving the way Luhan spoke and just loving the smoothness of his voice.

"Aren't you glad we got through that?" Luhan asked, a bright smile on his face when they decided to take another break. Sehun muttered in agreement. It’s all right. He thought to himself. I’ll just study later. Exams are a few months away anyway. The both of them lied down on Sehun's bed with a loud sigh, tired and worn out. For a while they exchanged small, silly jokes, but then went silent. When this happened, Sehun knew Luhan was thinking.

"Sehun-ah," Luhan's voice rang through the air, breaking the silence even with his soft tone. Sehun twisted his body until he was facing Luhan. "Have I done something to your father?"

"Why?" Sehun asked, curious and concerned at the serious tone of Luhan's voice.

"It's just seems like he doesn't like me or something," Luhan continued. Sehun rolled his eyes.

"He's cold around people, don't worry about it." Even though Sehun had spoken this to comfort Luhan, the older boy still wasn't convinced. Sehun realised that this seemed to bother Luhan a lot.

"Does he always glare at people? Sometimes he pretends I'm not there." Although Sehun was dismissing all of these thoughts, Luhan still felt as if he'd done something wrong.

Of course Sehunnie wouldn’t understand. Luhan thought to himself when they were silent once more. It’s not like I’ve told him that his father outright ignores me when I try to speak directly to him. Luhan shook his head and decided to ignore it. Maybe his father was cold after all and that he was just some paranoid child trying to impress his lover’s parents.

A sharp knock made the both of them flinch, and even though they were doing nothing but lying side by side on the bed, they quickly got up.

"What?" Sehun called in annoyance.

"Father wants to speak to you," Someone who sounded like Sehun's brother spoke from the other side of the door. Sehun groaned.

"Tell him to wait. I'm studying!" Sehun spoke stubbornly, but his brother was just as stubborn.

"Now. He'll come up if you don't go down in three minutes."

Luhan immediately felt uncomfortable. He quite liked Sehun's family, but he wasn't sure Sehun's father felt the same.

"It's all right, Sehun. We're taking a break anyway." Luhan smiled, not wanting Sehun's dad to think of him as someone who made Sehun neglect his family members.

"But that's the poi-"

"Just go." Before Sehun could do anything, Luhan had pushed him out of the door. Annoyed, Sehun half-stomped down the stairs.

When Sehun left, his brother hadn't.

"Uh, Han," He called, a nickname for Luhan that he only used whenever Sehun wasn't around. He seemed to find it amusing, sharing an inside joke with Luhan that Sehun wasn't a part of.


"Mum made some cookies. You should go down to get some soon." With that, he closed the door gently. At first Luhan decided to wait for Sehun while sitting down on the soft bed, but as time passed and Sehun didn't come back up, Luhan decided to just go.

On the way down, he could hear Sehun's mum and brother speaking in the background.

"That's not how you do it, dea-"

"Mum! I know how to do this! I took cooking classes in middle school!"


"Mother, Lu-Hyung will like this, I swear." They continued arguing.

Luhan let out a small smile. They were really kind to have prepared food whenever he came over. As he approached the end of the steps, he was about to turn around and head toward the kitchen, but soft voices stopped him.

The door to the room closest to the foot of the stairs was slightly ajar. Luhan had never been to that part of the house before - it was supposedly Sehun's father's private office. Luhan, out of politeness, decided to walk over and gently close the door, but the topic they were discussing stopped him.

"You're approaching your last year of high school,'' A deep voice spoke, tone strict with a hint of scary. “and it's no time to mess around anymore.

"You need to get serious on your studies, and I expect you to be home the moment school finishes, and make sure that any free time you have you will be using it to study."

"But father, exams are-"

"I will not hear a word from you. If your little friend here is distracting you, then dispose of him." There was a tense silence that filled the room for a while.

"He is not a thing, father!" Sehun spoke louder this time, tone fierce, offended, but moreover, furious.

"Oh Sehun, that ... that boy you're always hanging around with is distracting you!"

"He's not!"

"He is. He's a low-class brat who is only getting close to you to get your money -"

"Oh, so that's how it is." Sehun's voice had quietened yet again, but this time rage was evident in his tone. "Just because he's not rich, or famous, or that his parents have good jobs, you're looking down on him."

"Of course not. I care about your wellbeing and your futu-"

"All you care about, father, is your reputation and your money. You don't care about much else. If you cared, you'd come home more oft-" A loud slap could be heard. Luhan decided that it was enough eavesdropping. The sound rang throughout the almost empty house, and even the voices from the kitchen had quieted.

Luhan knew that if he had stayed by the door it would be extremely awkward. Instead, with light movements, he bounded up the steps, relieved that the staircase was made out of marble and not hollow wood. He sat on the bed, could hear the family reuniting, discussing in quiet whispers and at times even loud shouts from either the father or the youngest son could be heard.

So that’s how he thinks of me. Luhan thought to himself. There was no hurt, no anger; just numbness; because it wasn't Sehun's father's opinion of him that affected him - it was the realisation that it was him that made Sehun's grades drop. It was true that he wasn't rich or famous or too smart - he was an average kid, after all. What bothered Luhan wasn't the fact that Sehun's father had insulted him like he was a mere cockroach against the rich marble floors, but was the fact that he was right. And the fact that he might be interfering with Sehun's studies.

After a long while he heard footsteps before the door opened. He looked up and saw a neutral-faced Sehun, expression so unreadable that it could either be mistaken for boredom or anger.

"Food's ready," He mumbled, letting out the slightest hint of a grin. Luhan warily observed Sehun and realised that the small smile was sincere. He forced a smile back. He also noticed the way Sehun would only look at him from the corner of his eye, as if hiding the other side of his face. Luhan knew that Sehun knew he noticed, but the both of them said nothing.

He went down, not forgetting the bag he brought, and as they seated themselves on the tables, the tense air was evident. Even Sehun's brother's usual taunts weren’t as amusing, and were even half-hearted. Luhan mentally wished that the dinner could be over quickly.

While Sehun's brother and mother cleared up, Sehun turned to Luhan, who had so far refused to meet his eyes.

"It's still light. Do you wanna hang out at a park?" Sehun asked, and although his tone was light there was no hiding the fact that he spoke through clenched teeth. Out of the corner of his eye, Luhan could see Sehun's father watching the both of them. From the looks of things, it seems as if Sehun was purposely defying his father, and Luhan didn't want conflicts between this family.

"Actually, wow!" Luhan faked surprise. "I totally forgot. I have an essay to do, you know, from college." He let out the best smile he could conjure, hurriedly grabbed his bag, bowed to all of Sehun's family members and was out the door before Sehun could say a word.

That night, Sehun had spammed Luhan with random messages, silly messages and even messages of concern. While usually Luhan would give in to Sehun's persistence and reply back, this time he did not look at his phone even once, relieved when the spams finally slowed after the next day, until he only saw one text every hour.

Once again thank you so much for subscribing and commenting ^^  Ahhhhhhhhh asianfanfics is so hard to use the only thing I know is how to add a chapter ORZZ

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the_twelvesxoxo #1
T^T you had me in a pool of tears that was utterly beautiful a miracle instead <3 You have proven me that Love will come back as it will always be yours that was really *thumbs up
Chapter 10: I readed this story i long time ago but i found it again today and readed it again in one go.
This story is so sweet and beautiful. No rushed things, no unecessary thing, just pure love and ups & downs of the daily life of two people.
I don't kinda like sad endings because i'm too emotional but both of the endings bought me to tears ;___; thank you for sharing
Chapter 11: sequel please author-nim!
atticusfinch #4
Chapter 10: good job author <3333 this was beautiful, as beautiful and touching as when i first read it. please keep it up ;u;
atticusfinch #5
Chapter 11: didn't comment in chap 10 because was so eager to read the alternative!!!
i'll go comment now all because i am ocd and don't like missing one chapter.
atticusfinch #6
Chapter 9: o m g w h a t s o s o o n ; - ;
atticusfinch #7
atticusfinch #8
Chapter 7: ;________________________________________;
atticusfinch #9
atticusfinch #10
i remember i read this a while back but that was when i didn't have an account. i'm going to read this again :)