Do you believe?

Finite Flowers

Sehun had stayed over Luhan’s house for a few days, and that calmed him down a lot. The both of them stayed home instead of attending classes those few days, spending their time with each other. Sehun had been much healthier after that, smiling more than usual and the circles under his eyes almost gone. Luhan later told Sehun to go back home because Luhan couldn’t provide him as much as his parents could, and Sehun would be much better off there. It took a lot of convincing, but Sehun eventually left.




They met up at a café on a day warmer than other days, with sunlight brightly splayed over Sehun’s blond hair – making it glow even more – as he waited for his hyung to arrive. The café was quiet, and Sehun had been to the shop well enough to know that the café often didn’t have customers at around this time. So when the bell rang when the entrance door was opened, Sehun knew who had arrived.

“Sorry I’m late. Lecture went on for a bit longer than usual.” Luhan apologised as he made himself comfortable on the seat opposite Sehun. They smiled at each other, mouths sealed shut but eyes full of stories to tell. This was something that always only went between the two of them. At times they would sync so perfectly that they even read each other’s minds; other times they were like a puzzle that would never be able to fit each other, which caused confusion and frustration.  They talked about the usual, forearms casually resting on the table side by side. At times Luhan would trace the veins of Sehun’s arms, and Sehun would playfully run his hands lightly along Luhan’s forearm. The subtle touches were still there, this time more satisfying than ever.

“I’m thinking of getting a job,” Sehun spoke as he stirred his coffee absentmindedly.

“Why?” Luhan asked, and Sehun’s eyes trailed down to his drink.

“…Well, I guess I’ll have to start thinking of the future, won’t I?” Sehun let out a small smile, and Luhan could tell that there was something more behind it, but said nothing.

“So how’s it going with your parents?” Luhan asked carefully for his own sake as well as Sehun’s. He still hadn’t recovered from the way Sehun’s father had thought of him and he wasn’t sure if Sehun was either. The younger boy picked up his coffee and sipped it.

“I don’t know,” He replied, face now pulled into a grim expression. Luhan’s eyebrows furrowed, and even though he could tell Sehun didn’t want to speak anymore, he pressed on.

“What do you mean by that? How are your parents?” Luhan asked, beginning to feel anxiety clawing at his gut.

“… Why are you asking me that?” Sehun retorted back, a frown playing dangerously on his lips as he them almost nervously. “I haven’t seen them for over a week.”

Luhan blinked for a moment, watching Sehun shut his eyes tightly as he waited for his words to sink into Luhan’s brain, waited for him to gape as he did now, and then expecting him to –

“What?! Where have you been all this time? Sleeping on the streets? Why didn’t you go home? Don’t tell me it’s all a trick and your parents are overseas?” Luhan began shooting off random observations and ideas, eyes reflecting emotions torn between worry, anger, frustration, disbelief. Wondering what Sehun had been doing all this time; wondering whether Sehun was joking (but convinced by the nervous look on Sehun’s face that he was not).

“I got an apartment,” Sehun replied, regaining composure when he was halfway through Luhan’s blabbering. Luhan stared for a while, again mouth agape, eyes wide as he stood frozen on the ground.

“An apartment? Where? How much does it cost a week? What about your toiletries, clothes, furniture?” Luhan demanded to know. Sehun knew it was going to turn out like this, but telling Luhan was inevitable.

“It’s not much.” Sehun replied, and told Luhan the price. Luhan stared again and was about to splutter but Sehun interrupted before he was faced with another attack of protests. “It’s near the school, so it’s all right, and they provided me with furniture. I went home once to grab my stuff.” Sehun is surprising calm about this, Luhan managed to observe through his muddled mess of a mind. He breathed in and out until he calmed down and sat back on his chair again, watching every crevice of Sehun’s face to note anything out of ordinary. So far there was nothing that told Luhan that Sehun was unhappy or stressful. In fact, Sehun’s face had more of a baby glow than usual.

“That’s why you’re thinking of getting a job?” Luhan watched Sehun suspiciously. Sehun nodded, almost guiltily.

“I don’t think my savings will last for very long,” He spoke truthfully. “That’s why I’m going to get a job, you know, just in case.” Luhan knew that the apartment was too costly for someone as young as Sehun, and he knew that Sehun was better off going home.

“Why don’t you just go back home and sort it out with your father?” Luhan asked softly. Sehun shook his head stubbornly and continued to drink his coffee.

“Yeah, and Dad’s going to listen to me,” He scoffed, his lips before drinking again. Suddenly a sound, something similar to a ringtone, rang in the air. No one moved.

“… Sehun, is that your phone?” Luhan asked eventually when the phone continued to ring stubbornly, as if it had taken the trait from Sehun. The younger boy ignored Luhan and looked out the window.

“Oh, look!” He pointed out the window, a smile lighting up his features, making those usually droopy eyes curve up into laughing crescents. Luhan turned towards the window, watching with disinterest as a plane flew through the window. He signed internally, knowing all too well that Sehun was probably trying to divert the topic. The phone died down, and Luhan decided not to ask about it.

“Sehun, why don’t we go to your father, together?” Luhan asked hopefully, and even though he had developed a kind of fear towards Sehun’s father, he was determined for Sehun to get back together with his family again. His placed his hand lightly over Sehun’s to make it more reassuring. Luhan thought he was about to be ignored again with the way Sehun stared intensely out at the window, but eventually the blond turned back to stare at Luhan, expression dreary.

“Hyung,” Sehun spoke, his voice sour and so, so miserable. Luhan could only watch, feeling his palms get sweatier, his heart racing against his chest, and immediately he knew what came next was not good. “Father thinks you’re getting in my way.”

Sehun knew this affected Luhan a lot and he winced as he watched Luhan fall back into his seat. Still, he didn’t want Luhan meeting his bastard of a father, not again if he hoped so, and that was why he needed to continue, no matter how hard it was on the both of them.

“He thinks you’re ruining my studying, and he thinks you’re going to steal me away from him. He thinks you’re …” Sehun kept going, but his words fell on deaf ears. Luhan stared at his lap, unsure of how he was supposed to feel because now guilt was crawling back and this time gripping onto his conscience harder than ever. And now it was because of him that Sehun had stopped going home.

“…that’s why he’s arranging the marriage earlier. See? See what he wants me to do? He finds out that I’m not his puppet anymore, and now he wants to control me again. He doesn’t see what you’ve done to me, hyung.” Sehun stared hard at Luhan until Luhan lifted his head and stared back. Sehun was so into trying to convince Luhan that it wasn’t his fault that he didn’t notice the guilt already evident in Luhan’s shining eyes.

“When I met you, hyung, I was stiff, like a snob, remember?” Sehun asked, almost demanded out of, Luhan. Luhan nodded half-heartedly.

“I thought rules were everything,” Luhan realised that Sehun had never spoken so much at a time before, and would’ve pointed it out if the situation didn’t depress him so. “I thought that, as long as I listened to my elders, did as I was told, I would be happy. I realised I wasn’t when I met you.

“What was life before then? I existed instead of living. I was going through the normal motions of life, at times wondering whether I was dead or alive. Everything would be fine, I told myself, as long as I listened and followed. But then you came in.

“You, Luhan, who didn’t take from no one. You, who, although not rich, living in a foreign country, and had to get by everything by working hard, seemed so alive to me. You, who reminded me of life the moment I saw you. You, who appreciated life more than anyone else. You and your eyes – “

Sehun now finally noticed Luhan’s eyes, and the spark that was usually so dazzling was beginning to fade. He lost himself, forgot what he was talking about.

“Hyung?” Sehun asked worriedly, sitting back down the chair when he realised he had stood up while talking. Concerned eyes stared into guilty ones, and fear gripped Sehun’s heart. There was nothing that had scared him more than this. “Hyung? You okay?”

“…Yeah.” Luhan said eventually, but Sehun wasn’t convinced, because the fear was clinging onto him tighter than ever, and Luhan’s eyes weren’t brightening at all.

“Hyung,” Sehun spoke desperately, eyes a mirror of panic, and he was like a child again; lost, cold and afraid in the middle of nowhere. “Tell me what’s on your mind.”

“We won’t work out, Sehun.” Luhan replied, and with that snapped out of his gloomy state, his spark back but this time full of determination as he stared at Sehun hotly.

“Wha –“

“Firstly, I am distracting you, Sehun. You cannot deny that.” Luhan’s tone had a tinge of sadness, one that he tried so desperately to hide but to no avail. “There’s that thing with your father not accepting me, and then there’s that engagement, and then there’s us – “

“We’ll work out,” Sehun cut in. “We’ll – “

Right then the phone rang again, and Sehun, frustrated, shut it off before throwing it to the side, muttering ‘I’ll get a new phone’ quietly to himself. Luhan stared at the phone, torn between wanting to crush it and pick it up to give it back. Instead he sat there, doing nothing of the sort.

“Sehun, I know this is hard on you and me, hard on the both of us, but we have to at least be able to be apart – “

“What happened?” Sehun stubbornly interrupted once again, refusing to hear Luhan out.

“Wha – ”

“What happened to us against the world?”

At that, Luhan could only stare, lips moving but no sound coming out. There was nothing more he could say to that argument. Sehun knew straight away that he had won.






“Welcome back, mother, father.” Luhan greeted in Mandarin when he arrived downstairs and finding his parents sitting down on the couch, watching TV, some bags unpacked and others untouched. They smiled brightly at him.

“It was so tiring, wasn’t it?” His mum let out a huge sigh as she looked over at her husband, who quietly agreed.

“Lulu,” Luhan’s mother called while he was getting up his bag and Sehun’s phone. Luhan had picked it up after Sehun left, finding it such a waste to just leave it there, and decided to do something he didn’t want to do, but had to.


“We gotta tell you something. It’s great news!” Luhan noted the happiness in his mother’s voice and smiled, feeling slightly guilty for disappointing his mother.

“Sorry, mum, but can you tell me later? I have to go somewhere.”

“All right, dear. Be safe and make sure you come back early!” She chirped.

Well, at least when I’m back I’ll be cheered up by the good news, Luhan thought, biting his lip as his heart thumped in unease. He left the house, completely unaware that the next time he stepped foot inside would be the time where his heart would be shattered into a million pieces.


Luhan took a deep breath, watching the grand house stand before him, white and glamorous, tall and intimidating. With shaky fingers, he cautiously pressed the doorbell. Even from the outside, Luhan could tell that the sound rang throughout the house. He clutched the phone in his hand tightly, knowing that he had to do this.

He was here to return Sehun’s phone after it had been thrown out so thoughtlessly. Sehun wouldn’t take it back, and Luhan had no other choice but to confront his family, hoping and praying that it was Sehun’s brother or mother that answered the door.

He wasn’t so lucky today.

“What?” came a deep grunt as the door creaked open. Luhan gulped, eyes wide as he stiffened when he was met with a large and grumpy man.

“I-I’m here to return Sehun’s phone.” Luhan blurted out after bowing, revealing the phone on the palm of his hand. Sehun’s father seemed to have realised who had come before him, and his eyes had narrowed, alert.

“Get in.”

“N-No, it’s fine. I’m just here to –“

“Get in.” The voice ordered, and Luhan felt his tense legs move themselves inside. Once again he was met with the largeness of the house, the ceiling so high above his head, everything so massive. He noted the older man’s gesture and sat himself on one of the couches, not daring to lean back in case it seemed too casual. Sehun’s father sat opposite him.

“So taking Sehun away is not enough, eh?” The large man growled, staring at Luhan with immense intensity. Luhan shut his lips tightly, feeling guilt rise up from inside him.

“No, sir, he just wouldn’t answer his phone no matter what. I tried to give it back to him, but –“

“Do you realise what you’ve done to my son?” Luhan could hear the anger, as it was so evident in the man’s tone. “You’ve turned him into a rebellious brat. You, a middle-class poor boy, have now made him retaliate against my wishe – “

“I’m sorry, sir, but I’m certain he doesn’t want to be engaged at this early age.” Luhan could feel anger rising as much as his guilt, and had spoken before he could stop himself. Still, he felt no regret as he stared at the older man more fiercely than before. “He’s young, and still doesn’t understand his priorities, sir, and I will try my best to help him realise what’s more impor – “

“YOU?!” The older man roared, which made Luhan flinch. “Ever since YOU came, he’s been neglecting the most important things. He’s stopped studying, and now he’s barely passing his exams, and he won’t even consider going to America. Why do you think I’ve decided to engage him this early? If he can’t get into a college, he can’t earn good money, and his reputation will be down. I’m ensuring he’ll have a better future, whereas you…. You’re ruining his life!” Luhan was silent, playing the words over and over in his head, staring at his fidgeting hands.

“Get out, boy. I don’t want to ever see you again. Stay away from my son,” It wasn’t only the words that affected Luhan, but the venom in the tone, the pure hatred in the man’s voice was enough to punch Luhan in the gut. “And take the stupid phone with you.”  He stood up, picked up the phone on the table, stared at the ground and bowed a few times before rushing for the door.

“You’re ruining his future. You’re tearing our family apart. Bring him back.” Luhan could hear Sehun’s father mutter to himself, heart scrunched up with guilt as he closed the door behind him.






Straight after that he met with Sehun at a park. While he waited, he could feel regret for going to Sehun’s house, because while earlier he had deemed Sehun’s father as the villain, now it wasn’t the case. Not at all. Not after seeing the brief sadness in Sehun’s father’s eyes and genuine worry creep into the tone of his voice, evident even though it was hidden amongst layers and layers of anger. Sehun’s father seemed as if he cared about his reputation a little more than his own son’s wishes, but he still cared about his son even though he didn’t show it much. Also, he looked as if he hadn’t slept in days, and that was probably why he was at home on such a day.

“Hyung!” Sehun called and Luhan looked up, finding Sehun running down, wearing something that was ridiculous on him, a dirty jumpsuit that looked like it was for work. His hair was pulled back as he wore his black cap, and the jumpsuit looked too baggy for him as he jogged towards Luhan.

“What are you wearing?” Luhan asked, a laugh about to burst from his lungs as he watched his dongsaeng sit next to him. Luhan let Sehun catch his breath for a while.

“My … job …” He panted.

“How was it?”

“It’s all right. Everyone there is nice to me and everything,” Sehun let out a bright smile. “It’s a bit tiring though, carrying goods from one shop to another.”

“And I gotta start saving up,” Sehun continued once he had caught his breath. “I’m making sure not to buy anything unnecessary, but lack of bubble tea is kinda killing me …”

“Sehun, you know you could crash at my house. My parents should be fine with – “

“No. I don’t need your help.” Sehun cut in, his eyes lifting to meet Luhan’s shining ones. Luhan could see the exhaustion evident on Sehun’s face, but Sehun was too stubborn to listen. Luhan knew Sehun didn’t want his help because he knew it would inconvenience Luhan a lot, but Luhan could also see that it was something else. The way Sehun’s eyes brightened, irises glowing with life. Luhan could see that this new approach of being independent was harsh on Sehun but also gave him so much of a challenge that he felt alive.

“But still. I need a phone and such, and I’m wondering whether I – “

“You can use my old one.” Luhan perked up as he watched Sehun, his sparkling eyes rivalling Sehun’s. The blond was about to protest, but Luhan won’t allow it.

“I want to talk to you through phone, okay? Just do it for me.” Luhan pleaded. “I’ll pay for your credit too. No buts, because I want to be able to talk to you whenever I want to, and I want you to be able to reply.”

“Hyung, I – “

“Okay, fine. I won’t pay for that much credit.” Luhan let out a sigh when Sehun seemed content enough with the answer. The younger man let out a small yawn and leaned back while closing his eyes.

“Thanks.” He let out a huge sigh and relaxed his body. Luhan watched, his eyes running over Sehun’s pale face from his sharp jawline to his straight, blond hair. Anyone could tell that Luhan watched adoringly with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

“Sehunnie …” He began, watching those eyelashes flutter before brown eyes opened, turned, and watched him. Watched him with a playful smile hovering dangerously on his lips, those eyes full of patience but behind them a strong will, and full of excitement even though he was exhausted. Since when was Sehun this lively, this …

“Happy,” Luhan mumbled to himself, and Sehun tilted his head.


“Maybe it’s just me, but it looks like you’re happier these days.” Luhan observed, watching Sehun with wide eyes as he waited for Sehun’s answer.

“I am.” Sehun laughed into his hand and his other one reached down to grab Luhan’s hand into his. Luhan realised that Sehun’s hand was warm, almost hot, even though he wasn’t wearing much. The heat transferred, and Luhan could only let out a small smile as he unconsciously scooted closer to Sehun for warmth. If only Luhan could be this happy … but he couldn’t. As long as these troubling thoughts continued to haunt his mind, he couldn’t be content like Sehun.

Luhan opened his mouth, and even though he couldn’t bear to say it, say it and break all of Sehun’s momentary joy away, he had to. His hold on Sehun’s hand unconsciously tightened, almost as if he needed Sehun’s comfort to boost his courage.

“… We’re not going to be together.” He spoke quietly, so quietly that for a moment he thought Sehun couldn’t hear. Sehun had leaned in closer, and if it weren’t for that he wouldn’t have caught the words. Shocked, he stared down at Luhan, watched those long eyelashes flutter as they stared off into a distance, those pink lips pulled into a thin, straight line.

“What are you talking about?” He whispered. “We’re right here, aren’t we?” The hand that Sehun held tightened in response.

“It’s not going to happen.” Luhan continued through gritted teeth, his hand subconsciously clenching harder and harder on Sehun’s. “Can’t you see that? We aren’t going to last forever.” The harsh truth had been resting on Luhan’s shoulders, weighing him down, the pain of it all slapping him back into reality.

“Go back to your family, Sehun.” Luhan pleaded. “They’re worried about you.”

“This is about my father?” Sehun growled, torn between wanting to grab Luhan and shake the hell out of him or hug him tight. “You idiot, why did you go back?”

“That doesn’t matter. It’ll be better for you and your family if you –“

“My father’s trying to control me!”

“Sehun, would you have agreed to go to America, or go along with the arranged marriage before you met me?” Luhan asked quietly. Sehun stopped talking for a moment, contemplating this, playing this over his head, trying to think up of a reply that was honest and yet an answer the Luhan couldn’t use to retaliate against him.

“I might’ve, but that’s not the po – “

“That’s exactly the point! Please, Sehun. He’s doing what’s best for you. I’m tearing your family apart, and I’m distracting you, and I’m –“

“Luhan, what did you say earlier?” Sehun grabbed Luhan‘s shoulder with his free hand, pressing his forehead to his hyung’s. Luhan blinked, watched the dark circles under Sehun’s eyes and wondered when they had become deeper, but it was nothing compared to Sehun’s eyes – those usually gentle and almost dull gaze now intense, fierce, hot with something close to ire, and so alive.

“I – “ Luhan could say nothing because Sehun’s grip on his shoulder was so tight it hurt, burned, and so did his heart, hurting and yearning for the man before him but knowing he can’t have him. Not forever.

“Hyung, you said I looked happy.” Sehun’s grip loosened as he let out a sigh. The anger in his eyes now dissipated as fast as it had appeared, but the spark was still there. “I am. I’m happier than I ever was, being this free and not having to be tied down to rules and orders …”

“I’m happy because you came in my life. I have to admit, it’s a little harder concentrating on work when you’re around, and I know for a fact my father doesn’t like you, but so what?” Sehun gripped Luhan’s hand tightly. “You showed me what freedom is, hyung, and I’m really happy for that.

“The thing with my father we can work out later. He needs to be less stubborn, and once he changes his mind I swear I’ll go home straight away. I just need to show him how much I disagree, and I need to show him that I can live without him. In the meantime, I’ll just take on a few jobs and study at home, I promise.”

While Sehun spoke, Luhan couldn’t help but realise now that Sehun looked older, more mature; more of a man. And slowly he was beginning to convince Luhan.

“But it’ll be easier, won’t it, if we stay as friends instead of – “

“You don’t understand, Hyung. We can work this out. You said we could, and I believe we can.” Sehun said, his lips while squeezing Luhan’s tense, frozen hand. “Right now, we’re both here, and we both feel the same, and while we have each other and these feelings in our hearts, we can do whatever we want. I have my problems, and we’ll solve them together, right? You’ll stay by my side, won’t you?” Luhan, at this, nodded fervently because there was nothing more he wanted than helping Sehun.

“You’ll believe in us, won’t you?” Luhan stared up, those gentle eyes staring back down, dark brown orbs so enticing, so convincing. All thought that Luhan bore in his mind, his doubts on their relationship, his certainty in his feelings, were erased the moment those words left Sehun’s lips. Right now, as the hand on Luhan’s shoulder let go and instead wrapped itself around Luhan’s back, pulling him into a tight hug, Luhan believed it. As his free arm s around to the small of Sehun’s back, pulling him close, pulling him tight, their hands connected and clenched so tightly that it hurt, he believed they could be together, he believed that they were unstoppable, inseparable; he believed in love, he believed in miracles; he believed in everything and anything that Sehun believed in.

Most of all, he believed in them.






“I’m home!” Luhan shouted cheerfully as he took off his shoes before stepping foot. He could feel eager footsteps and before he knew it his mother had pulled him into a living room before standing next to her husband, both faces pulled into huge, goofy grins.

“What’s the news?” Luhan asked and couldn’t help but mirror back their smiles because it was so contagious. His parents looked at each other, then at him.

“We’re going back to China in three months,” His parents smiled at each other and Luhan watched patiently, waiting.

“and we’re taking you with us!” Luhan’s smile widened if possible. He hadn’t seen his friends in ages, almost five years, and his family, and their old neighbours …

Luhan couldn’t contain his excitement, but he felt a little sad for leaving Sehun, hoping that it was a brief visit so that he could hurry up and get back to the object of his interest.

“For how long?” He asked, hoping that it would be around 1-2 weeks and not too long. Although it was nice to go home for once in a few years, and he couldn’t wait to eat his hometown food again, he wanted to be back here soon, because this place had become his home too. His parents responded with strange looks on their faces.

“What do you mean? We’re moving back permanently! Oh, son, aren’t you happy? You’ve always missed your friends, both your father and I could tell … We felt so bad for dragging you here, and because of that, your father decided to find good job back home so you don’t have to be so homesick anymore… “ They both continued talking, excited chatters of ‘Now we can hang out at that same café again!’ but Luhan wasn’t listening anymore.

Permanently? He thought, lost for words. The future he had just so recently pictured with Sehun broke down before his eyes, and he quietly left the room and ran to his own, his parents too happy to notice.

When he had the door safely closed behind him, he threw himself on the bed, caught between shutting his eyes tightly and opening them to stare at the ceiling that he had grown accustomed to these five years. Three months? Three months left?

It wasn’t enough. Three months were nothing compared to the rest of his life, and now that Sehun had entered his life, Luhan couldn’t make him leave. Wouldn’t. He pictured Sehun, from the tip of his blond hair to the bottom of his toes, his heart wrenching painfully when he imagined a life without him. As he closed his eyes, Luhan imagined his life in his head, starting from the moment he met Sehun to the time he left Sehun in the park, laughing at their moments, smiling at Sehun’s habits, and frowning at Sehun’s stubbornness. He was up to the part when Sehun had come over that night, watching him become such a wreck, his hair all over the place, eyes droopy; that time, when Luhan had absentmindedly brought him close, noticed those eyelashes glisten with tears as they shut themselves tightly, those dark circles so prominent it worried Luhan to the bone; watched those lips themselves every now and then … watched the whole of Sehun. Realised how, even though Sehun was in his most imperfect state, Luhan had found him vulnerably beautiful. That moment, when watching Sehun sleep, Luhan had, more than anything, wanted to protect Sehun and be there with him for as long as he could.  It was when his vision of Sehun blurred when a thought struck him. The realisation dawned on him, and Luhan laughed at how obvious it was all along. A new burden, young and nervous but had as much impact as other burdens, settled itself on Luhan lightly.

“I’m in love with him,” Luhan choked out, as if speaking made it easier than thinking. It didn’t. Those shy touches they shared, the way his heart had raced against his chest whenever he made contact with Sehun or was close enough to, those feelings he had; he knew Sehun was different, knew what he felt for Sehun was different but he never thought it to be this degree, this powerful; this strong an impact. It all made sense now, but it also made it harder for Luhan; harder for Luhan to leave.

Luhan’s chest constricted painfully when he thought of how Sehun would react if he heard this, pictured those bright features sink down as the expression on Sehun’s face mirrored exactly how Luhan felt when he realised. It hurt so much to picture Sehun hurt, let alone let him truly be hurt. Luhan decided to keep it to himself, until he could work out a solution where the man he loved, Oh Sehun, would be less hurt.

“I’m in love,” He blurted out and let out a bitter laugh, feeling tears well up the corners of his closed eyes and drip downwards. Just when he was starting to believe in the both of them, his whole world turned upside down.

Finally brought together, their ties and feelings stronger than ever, their insecurities lost somewhere between love and hope, only to be wrenched apart again.

Such was a cruel fate that chose them as its pawns.

Thank you for the comments and subscribers once again ^^ Couldn't have done it without you guys XD

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the_twelvesxoxo #1
T^T you had me in a pool of tears that was utterly beautiful a miracle instead <3 You have proven me that Love will come back as it will always be yours that was really *thumbs up
Chapter 10: I readed this story i long time ago but i found it again today and readed it again in one go.
This story is so sweet and beautiful. No rushed things, no unecessary thing, just pure love and ups & downs of the daily life of two people.
I don't kinda like sad endings because i'm too emotional but both of the endings bought me to tears ;___; thank you for sharing
Chapter 11: sequel please author-nim!
atticusfinch #4
Chapter 10: good job author <3333 this was beautiful, as beautiful and touching as when i first read it. please keep it up ;u;
atticusfinch #5
Chapter 11: didn't comment in chap 10 because was so eager to read the alternative!!!
i'll go comment now all because i am ocd and don't like missing one chapter.
atticusfinch #6
Chapter 9: o m g w h a t s o s o o n ; - ;
atticusfinch #7
atticusfinch #8
Chapter 7: ;________________________________________;
atticusfinch #9
atticusfinch #10
i remember i read this a while back but that was when i didn't have an account. i'm going to read this again :)