A simple dare

Finite Flowers

Sehun stepped into the clearing behind the fountain, a bunch of flowers in his hand, waiting for someone to come up to him, anyone. He would hand those flowers to whoever and ask them out, just like that. Obviously a stranger would reject and walk away. A simple dare, embarrassingly funny but fairly harmless.



Luhan, after losing a bet, had to do a dare. He was forced to say yes to every request and wholeheartedly do it or else they would force him into the ice cold water in winter. Wearing a cloak, being pushed around and asked to do many things by his friends, Luhan has had enough. With that, he stomped away to the side, eyes glaring at the ground until finally he bumped into someone.

"Here, my love." Was the words that came out of the stranger's mouth. Surprised and confused, Luhan looked up. The young stranger held out the bunch of flowers to him, with a tight, clenched smile. He looked like he was about to choke. Speechless, Luhan took the flowers by instinct. Before either of them could say anything else, Luhan's loud friends found them.

"Now there's our servant!" They laughed as they approached their friend. Just as Luhan didn't think this was about to get any worse, it just got worse.

The man who had given the flowers to Luhan spoke, his voice quiet again but his request loud and clear.

"Will you go out with me?"

At first, the area was silent, waiting as if to hear Luhan's answer. Luhan's friends looked expectantly at him, their expressions screaming with glee, with 'if you don't say yes, then you'll find yourself in the lake tomorrow morning'. Rushed, knowing that this must be a joke, Luhan hurriedly said 'yes'. The taller man's eyes widened considerably, obviously not expecting this outcome, and immediately Luhan linked his arm through the stranger's and led him away, ignoring the hoots and calls from his friends.

When Luhan's friends were out of sight, he sighed in relief and turned to the stranger.

"Look, I know you know that I didn-"

"Do you know what you just did?" Sehun asked, his face contorted into an almost pained expression. Luhan winced. Just as Sehun was about to speak, his phone vibrated and he checked the messages. Already his phone was flooded with texts like 'you found yourself a new girl', 'have fun with your gf', 'shes kinda cute even though shes a bit tall for a girl but oh well', 'didnt know you liked boyish girls eh' 'videotaped you guys (thumbs up) have fun going on a date together (heart)'

Sehun could almost hear the snickers from his friends as he shut off his phone, tempted to throw it in the lake. Luhan obviously saw the expression and was quiet, his wide doe eyes blinking innocently at the taller man. Sehun clenched his phone tightly as he showed the messages to the shorter man.

At first, Luhan's eyes blinked sleepily as he read the messages. Then, in a split second his eyes widened in shock.

"I'm not a girl." he formed the words after a long time of moving his lips wordlessly, his voice offended to the brim. Sehun glanced at Luhan and realised. "Oh, yeah. I didn't notice. Sorry."

Luhan grabbed the phone from Sehun and began to type messages, but before he could send them, the phone was snatched out of his hands.

"Look," Sehun hissed. "Just let them believe what they want. I don't want another stream of messages saying 'oh so you're gay now?'" Luhan wanted to protest but didn't because he realised that he did in fact kind of get Sehun into this mess. He reluctantly let the topic go.

Just as he was about to believe that Sehun was in a bad mood, he saw those eyes crease up into crescents as Sehun laughed into his hand.

"Still. You do look like a girl." Luhan narrowed his eyes and felt really tempted to hit the other but restrained himself. Instead he began walking off.

"What? Where are you going?" Sehun asked and began to follow.

"Well? Aren't we a couple? We're supposed to be on a date, right?" Luhan let out a small smile, one that was as innocent as a newborn child but hit Sehun straight in the heart. Sehun was stunned for a moment, sputtered slightly before running a bit to catch up.



Luhan, although still a little sour over the fact that Sehun had told him that he looked like a girl, was relieved that this was how he was going to get away from his friends. He could use Sehun as a scapegoat. Heh heh heh.



As they walked, a realisation came to Sehun, but he left it because he thought he was being stupid. Moments later, when they got nowhere, Sehun spoke up.

"Well, where are we going?" He asked awkwardly after following Luhan like a blind dog. Luhan stopped abruptly, and Sehun could immediately tell that Luhan didn't know.

For a moment they were silent, thinking up of places to go, then, a chorus of 'Bubble Tea shop' passed their lips simultaneously.

Their eyes widened in surprise and they both smiled at each other. Suddenly, it was as if something came over the both of them and they looked away, a slight tinge of pink colouring their otherwise pale cheeks.

Wordlessly the both of them began walking towards the bubble tea shop. Once they entered, Luhan ordered his usual and Sehun also his usual. Sipping his taro bubble tea, Luhan glanced at Sehun's chocolate flavoured one and realised he had never tried it before.

"Sehunnie," He began, knowing Sehun's name after introducing themselves. "can I try that?" Sehun stared at Luhan like he just asked something extremely strange. "Why won't you just buy one yourself?"

"... Because it would be a waste of money if I ... never mind." Luhan flushed and began drinking his own. Sehun noticed the awkwardness and hesitantly began speaking.

"Sorry if I sounded like an ," He mumbled. "it's just that, in my family, we don't share anything. We don't need to." He spoke while they looked for a seat. "Sharing is considered really ... low class, I guess."

"Are you rich?" Luhan asked with wide eyes. Sehun flushed in embarrassment and looked away. "Uh, well, ... I just ... my dad owns a large company and ..." Knowing that this was probably an embarrassing topic, Luhan dropped it. Instead, Luhan began telling Sehun how he came from China as a transfer student in college.

"You have to call me hyung," Luhan teased when he found out that Sehun was still in high school. Sehun rolled his eyes and excused himself to the toilet. Luhan had finished his bubble tea but was still quite hungry. He eyed Sehun's bubble tea hungrily, and, after a while of looking around to see if Sehun had come back, took a small sip from it.

The thrill of doing something so 'dangerous' made Luhan feel alive. He tasted the chocolate on his lips before playing with the flowers Sehun had given him. Looking at the tag, it read $100. Sehun really was rich, to be wanting to spend so much money on such a small dare. He rested his head on his hand while looking at the flowers - they were so pretty.

Meanwhile, Sehun had come back from the toilets. It was the first time in a long, long while that he had used a public one and he couldn't bring himself to dry his hands with a dryer or tissues. Neither would he want to wipe the water onto his cloak. So, with wet hands, he began to walk back to their table. The sight that caught his eyes took his breath away.

Luhan had momentarily fell asleep onto the bouquet of flowers, his lips the same normal, pouty look and his eyelashes resting against his white cheeks. For a while, Sehun wondered if he had caught a virus that caused him to experience such feelings, but shook it away.

"Hey," He called as he stared down at the older man in front of him. Quietly, he nudged Luhan with his leg, feeling awkward because he couldn't use his wet hands. After a while Luhan scrunched up his face in annoyance and opened his eyes.

"What?" He asked sleepily, moving up to rub his eye.

"Can we go and buy a handkerchief from a store?" Sehun asked, his hands still in front of him like a retard. Luhan finally noticed and laughed.

"What for?"

"To wipe my hands." Duh, hyung. Sehun thought to himself. Luhan stared up him in shock, grabbed Sehun's wrists and wiped them on his cloak.

Sehun gasped in horror. "What are you doing?!"

"I'm ... wiping your hands." Luhan spoke slowly, almost laughing at the look on Sehun's face. "or you could use the tissues from the bathroom you know." Sehun spluttered, still horrified.

"They are full of germs," Sehun gasped. "And you're ruining my cloak!"

"Oh, come off it." Luhan replied and rolled his eyes. Before Sehun could react, Luhan had stuffed the bubble tea straw in his mouth.

“Who the heck buys a handkerchief just to wipe their hands?" Luhan muttered to himself, shaking his head before spotting the flowers in the corner.

"Ahh!" He exclaimed and went to pick up the flowers. "I squished them!" Luhan began to fret over the flowers. Now it was Sehun's turn to roll his eyes, after having calmed down.

"They're just flowers," He spoke. "I could always get you another bunch."

Luhan stopped moving, his expression resembling one as if he'd been slapped. He placed the flowers gently on the table and glared up at Sehun. "You don't understand," He growled, and Sehun blinked in surprise. Even when Luhan was angry, he didn't look a bit scary.

"Those flowers cost a lot. Moreover, they are living things. You can't just simply replace them." Luhan grabbed the flowers and, after checking that he hadn't really ruined any petals, went up to Sehun again and poked him in the chest 'threateningly'. "You. Should appreciate things more." With that, he grabbed his empty bubble tea cup, threw it in the bin, and walked out of the shop.

Sehun blinked, surprised at how much Luhan appreciated life, was taken aback. Never before had he met anyone that stood up to him like that, coming from a rich family. He didn't know how to react. The man he just met was definitely interesting.

And that's why Sehun couldn't let him leave.


With that, he rushed out of the bubble tea cafe, searching around, desperate, hoping that Luhan hadn't just left him like that. Sehun had felt a definite attraction towards his hyung, and he hoped it was mutual.

Just as he was about to give up, he saw a hint of dark orange hair. Luhan appeared from the corner, holding the flowers and a vase, it seemed.

Luhan looked up and spotted Sehun, flushed and panting.

"Did you have a morning jog?" He asked innocently while placing the flowers one by one inside the vase.

"You ..." Sehun began, but gave up as he tried to catch his breath. Never in his life had he ran that much before, searching around the streets and corners of this town. "Don't. Just leave... Me like that." Luhan blinked in confusion, then laughed.

"You thought I left you?" With that Luhan let out a laugh and, with his free arm, dragged Sehun out to a park bench and sat the both of them down.

"Even I'm not that mean." Sehun could hear the 'innocence' in Luhan's voice but knew that wasn't th  case. After all, it seemed like Luhan was capable of doing anything if he was angry.

"Ahh, it can't fit anymore." Luhan spoke aloud, disappointed as he tried to fit the last three flowers in the vase but in vain. He sighed after a while, then caught sight of Sehun's blond hair. With a cheeky smile, he rested the vase on the park bench carefully before scooting closer to Sehun.

"Hold still." He whispered as he began to put the flower in Sehun's hair. Sehun, still catching his breath didn't realise until he saw Luhan's wide eyes staring up. This time Sehun had more trouble catching his breath, his heart beginning to beat wildly as he counted the amount of eyelashes Luhan had on his left eye, trying to calm himself down.

Luhan could feel Sehun stiffen under him and wondered why Sehun was always like that.

"Stop, this will ruin my father's repu-"

"Oh, who cares." Luhan finally finished winding the flower around Sehun's hair and laughed. "You might be rich, but not everyone's nosy enough to rat you out. Besides, no one's here." Luhan looked around and picked up another flower.

"If it makes you feel better, I'll put one in my hair too." Luhan began playing with his hair, but the flower kept falling out. Frustrated, Luhan took off his cloak and began twisting the stem of the flower around his hair. Luhan smiled proudly when he finished, turning around and giving Sehun a wide smile. Sehun laughed back, his eyes those happy crescents again, and covered his laugh with his hand, almost as if he was a shy person.

"What?" Luhan asked, confused. Sehun laughed, spluttered, tried to explain, but ended up laughing again.

"What?" Luhan demanded to know.

After Sehun's fits of laughter died down, he his lips (something that Luhan noticed Sehun did a lot) and, with an almost evil smile, said "Are you sure you're not a girl?" With that, Sehun laughed again, laughed until he choked, but continued laughing. Luhan was offended, but noticed that the stiffness in Sehun's shoulders had relaxed, and that it was obvious that Sehun had not laughed this much in a long time, almost as if he was restricted to formal laughing. He made sure to give Sehun a punch though, revenge for calling him a girl yet again. Still, he couldn't deny the fact that his heart skipped a few beats while he watched Sehun's wide smile. When he laughed he looked much like a boy again.

The orange of the sky indicated that their day was nearly over. Both were disappointed, almost reluctant, because they had had a great day.

“Well.” Luhan began as they stood in front of each other. "Let’s hope we find each other again in this big city." Sehun agreed, and even though Luhan had known Sehun for barely a day, he could tell Sehun had something up his sleeve with that evil smile of his.

Luhan squinted as he began to walk away, and shivered. Just as he did so, he felt something heavy resting upon his shoulders.

"Hyung, you forgot your cloak." Sehun said. "Take care of yourself." With that, he disappeared into the crowd. Luhan raised an eyebrow, feeling disappointed that there wasn't anything more, like finding out what school they went to or exchanging emails, but he couldn't do anything about it. Clutching the heavy vase in his hands, he barely began walking until he felt the vibration of his phone.

Oh, caught back into reality, Luhan thought as he took his phone out, praying that his friends haven't asked him to do anything else for the day. Just let me go, he thought to himself.

At first he thought about ignoring the text, but when he took out his phone, his eyes widened in shock.

Bubble tea next time? ^^ It was from an unknown number. In an instant Luhan knew who it was. A wide smile split his face as he quickened his pace not only so he could get out of the cold, but also because he could quickly text back.

Today sure was a strange day out of all days. He thought. 

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the_twelvesxoxo #1
T^T you had me in a pool of tears that was utterly beautiful a miracle instead <3 You have proven me that Love will come back as it will always be yours that was really *thumbs up
Chapter 10: I readed this story i long time ago but i found it again today and readed it again in one go.
This story is so sweet and beautiful. No rushed things, no unecessary thing, just pure love and ups & downs of the daily life of two people.
I don't kinda like sad endings because i'm too emotional but both of the endings bought me to tears ;___; thank you for sharing
Chapter 11: sequel please author-nim!
atticusfinch #4
Chapter 10: good job author <3333 this was beautiful, as beautiful and touching as when i first read it. please keep it up ;u;
atticusfinch #5
Chapter 11: didn't comment in chap 10 because was so eager to read the alternative!!!
i'll go comment now all because i am ocd and don't like missing one chapter.
atticusfinch #6
Chapter 9: o m g w h a t s o s o o n ; - ;
atticusfinch #7
atticusfinch #8
Chapter 7: ;________________________________________;
atticusfinch #9
atticusfinch #10
i remember i read this a while back but that was when i didn't have an account. i'm going to read this again :)