
Confessions of a 17 Year Old




"Be the change that you want to see in the world,"


I don’t exactly know how to start this, I’m kinda awkward with intro’s, hence why I never had a diary or whatever. So here I go... hi. 


I never have wrote down my feelings before, or told anyone my problems. I like to bottle up my emotions, problems and thoughts and finally release it by crying myself to sleep. Yeah depressing life, nahh it's something I'm use to. I guess this is the safest place to release those emotions. 


Some may ask why Luhan is my background, well I am a big fan of EXO's Luhan. Like a massive fan, so I decided to put Luhan as my background. Also some may ask why I started with a quote. Well this quote is by Gandi, and it means that if you want to see something change, then you should react first and that describes my life in one quote. 


Before I let you into my crazy life, I just want to introduce myself, show you my background. 


Hi, my is…. sorry I’m not telling you my name. I’ve been on this site for a year and two months and for that year and two months I have been hiding my real name under the user name Prisjones. The truth is have been tricking people my name is Priscilla Jones. The truth is it isn’t and I'm sorry for the people who I’ve lied to but for personal and safety reasons I would love to keep it at that. If you want my facebook or instagram I have to talk to you first, get to know you before I trust you (you'll understand that I have trust issue). 

So here we go....





Where am I born- I was born in Brisbane Australia, but no I am not Australian. I’m actually Filipino, full blooded I suppose (see what I did there). I don’t have much family here except for three cousin that I haven’t talked to in years (family conflict) an aunty and uncle who I also don’t talk too (also family conflict lol). So pretty much my family in Australia consist of me, my younger sister, my dad and mum. I did have a grand mother who lived half an hour away from me but she died three years ago. 6 months ago, we adopted my cousin from the Philippines, and now she’s studying nursing here and is living with us. So theres I only have 4 people who I consider as my family in Australia. 


My Filipino back ground- Since I grew up in Australia, I have a different mind set of others teenagers my age who grew up in the Philippines. I do have an Australian accent, I can speak Tagalog (Filipino language) fluently. I learnt Tagalog from watching TFC, a cable my mum set up at my house that connects to Filipino channels. So I guess watching that for years I learnt how to speak. Does that mean I can learn Korean the more I watch K-drama? *Starts watching more Korean drama* How can I not learn Tagalog when that is the only language my parents to me in?  Every night we eat a Filipino dishes and even if it isn’t some Filipino dish it probably something with rice. Yes we have rice every night, omg classic Asian!  I also visit the Philippines twice a year since I was 3 years old, I went two years ago and I’m going again in June/ July for my aunty’s wedding. God help me as it will be Summer! I’ve never been to the Philippines in summer, only in December and January.

Australia or Philippines- If you were to ask me whether I would choose Philippines or Australia more. Well I defiantly would love living here in Australia. However, at times I wished I was raised in the Philippines. The reason being because I listen to the stories my mum and dad would talk about when growing up in the Philippines. They weren’t rich, but they had crazy memories with their friends. Here in Australia, it may be a big country but theres nothing to do resorting us to limited things to do. Its hard to explained but I love my life in Australia but sometimes I wish I grew up in the Philippines. Also my whole family is there, cousin, aunties and uncles. That’s something I don’t have in Australia. That is why I love going to the Philippines during Christmas and New Years, because I’m with my family and for the first time, it feels good.


My appearance- I don’t mean to be up myself but I have had a lot of compliments about my appearance, especially positive compliments. I don’t get it, why do people call me pretty, beautiful or cute but no guy has a crush on me? That I don’t get. I’m not thin, yet I’m not fat. I weight 53kg (no judging) and I am 165cm. I have light brown hair (guys I died it) and I have dark brown eyes. I have 2 beauty marks on my face which I want to get rid off and I have chicken pox scars on my stomach. I don’t consider myself pretty but I don’t consider myself ugly. I guess I’m in the middle. I have skinny wrist and skinny ankles but the rest is pretty big hahahah I have tanned skin I guess I got it from my Fiipino herritage. 


My school life- I graduated high school 3 months ago. My school life from the beginning wasn’t that great. Since I was my parents first child, they spoke to me in Tagalog, so I hardly knew english which became a problem when I entered preschool. I never talked which worried my teachers, which they set up an immediate interview with my parents telling me I need to be kept down. My mum disagreed as there wasn’t really anything wrong with me. I was the smartest I guess, my mum said by pre school I could speak two languages, can read a book at 3rd grade level and do maths at 4th grade level. For a pre schooler I was very intelligent but I just hardly spoke because I wasn’t familiar with the environment. I went to a primary school within the same area, which honestly I don’t remember it as much. In 5th grade my parents built a house close to the city, that was when my family’s wealth rose and that was when I moved to a prestigious Catholic school. Honestly I didn’t fit in. The school was so prestigious that the kids that attended the school were future heirs. Not even joking! I was bullied from 5th grade to 7th grade for not being ‘rich’. A lot of people didn't like me becuase they considered me filthy for not being able to buy expensive material stuff like them. Sure my parents were earning a lot at that time and our wealth was rising but it wasn’t enough to reach my classmates standard. I mean these people were freaken millionaires! Thankfully primary school was over, and on to high school which I asked my mum to go to another private school but not as prestigious like my primary school. I made friends and I fit in well but education wise my school wasn’t that great. So in 10th grade my mum transfered me to an another prestigious high school which ranks in the top 5 in Australia at the time. Like primary school my classmates were the elite kids, these guys were just as wealthy as my classmates in primary school but this time they were heir’s (yes like the k-drama heirs). This was an exclusive private Catholic school for all girls, the tuition fee is very expensive. I wasn’t bullied but I did feel like an outsider, my classmates had everything in their hands while me, I had to either work for it (I have a part time job) or wait until it’s my parents pay day. Thankfully I graduated, I didn’t do as well as I was capable of but I just made the cut of result to get into the University of Queensland. Now I’m attending there early admission, majoring in secondary teaching at what is considered as one of the best universities in Australia.


Friends- I honestly don’t have a best friend, but I do have friends. I manage to make some in high school but after high school, 90% of them I don't keep in touch with. In university though I have made many more new friends, as a new chapter unfolds, I have met all these awsome people. 


Love life- pfft what love life? I’ve only had one boyfriend, I went out with him for two years before dumping me because he said it wouldn’t work when I had to transfer schools. I never really had a thing with guys after that, now that I’m in university, going out and such there is this Well I explain at a later date. Maybe the next chapter?


Dream- I dream of graduating from university to make my parents proud, I mean until this day they are still paying their debt for my school (I told you it was expensive). I honestly don’t know if I want to be a teacher but I guess graduating university makes my parents happy then I shall do it. I’m 17 and I’m still trying to find myself, you can’t push me into wanting to do something. I don’t want to be pushed, what if I end up hating my job 30 years time? And thats all because I was pushed to know what I want when I was 16- 17. My dream? I want my parents to be proud of me, I want to go on an unlimited shopping spree, I want to meet snsd and EXO and go to an SM town concert, I want to travel every border of every country. My dream is find myself and get lost in a place and find the beauty in it and one day I know I will achieve it.

What got me in kpop- honestly the first kpop song I heard is the boys english ver. by SNSD. It was actually Cn blue and SNSD who introduced me into this crazy world of kpop. I became obsess with CN Blue when I went to the Philppines two years ago and my cousin was watching heartstring which was broadcasted in Tagolog dubb. I watched and fell in love with Yonghwa, so I did some research and bam I became a kpop fan. I started watching all their MV, listening to their songs, I even strated watching WGM with Yonghwa anSeohyun and then I watched Khuntoria and became a fan of 2pm and F(x). Then I watched Dream High which led me to Miss A and IU and so on. Wow, how much my life has changed since then.


What is my plan in the next year- So I plan to continue this course in university and see what I can do with it. I’m going to continue working my part time job so I can save for my trip to the philippines and trip next year June to Korea  and Japan with my cousin and my sister. I will finally get my licence. I actually went for it 2 days ago, but I failed my divers test. No I didn’t cry but I did re book my test so it’s in a month time. Also I’ll be turning 18 in September, you know what that means? Yes I am legal to go clubbing!! YAYAYAY party party hahahah.




So now you have an insight of my life, below are short facts about me.


1. I am obesse with the brand Chanel. I have a lot of fake Chanel and my room is decorated Chanel style, so it’s black and white with paintings of different Chanel logo’s. I also want to name my first daughter Chanel, yepp I'm obsess. 


2. I am actually have OCD it's crazy, like everything I do in a day is planned. My parents are aware of this and they bought me five different diaries that keep track of the date. One is a homework diary, one is a diary that tells me dates, one is about what I'm going to wear, the other is a schedual of when I get paid and when to spend my money and so on. It's actually getting serious that I get agressive when something dosen't go with schedual. When I was getting bullied badly, and when I suffered lonliness in high school, my mother took me to a psychologist and they figured out that my OCD is actually caused by the stress I suffered from getting bullied. It is a psychological sickness that I have, I get very protective, I hate germs and I do like to get things perfect. Since I finally sorted my life, slowly I'm getting better and better and surprsingly I went from 5 diaries to only owning 2 this year which apparently is a massive improvement. 


3. I have 6 piecings and I do plan to get more. I actually have an obsession, I mean I won't cover my body with pericings, I'll probably get like three more. I only get it done becuase its my way of realving stress, weird I know. I have a belly piercing, a helix percing, my orginal pericing on my ears and two pairs next to it (I'm in high tolerance in pain).


4. Don't laugh, but I am a massive Beyonce fan. Like she is my GOD. Not even joking, her books are like my bible's, her albums are like my Gospel music, her perfume is like my holy water. Seriously I love Beyonce and some may hate me but I love her more then I love Kpop. Yep I said it! *Gets killed by millions of fan girls* but seriously. You got to admit, she's much more amazing then all of the artist in the Kpop industry, I mean this is BEYONCE. Like she's very passionate with her music, and works hard to give a great performance and that is something I love about her. Not only her but I also love BRItney Spears. Omy I've been a fan since I was 3 years old, I mean I love her just as much as Kpop and out of Beyonce, her and Kpop, I would always choose Beyonce. Becuase I am Beyonce. 


5. I'm really weird... like seriously weird. Like the guys people find attractive I don't. The guys I do find attractive, nobody doesn't; because of this trait, I don't find many boys attractive. Yes that includes guys in Kpop, the guys you maybe obsess with, I find really ugly and that also includes Western guys *cough* Channing Tatum *cough* (please don't kill me).


6. Growing up in Australia I have developed an Australian accent obviously!


7. My ideal type is a manly guy, like really manly. I like guys with big hands, I guess it's meant to represent manliness hahahah idk? I like guys taller then me, but not to tall, I like guys who are older then me. I like guys who driver and especially respect my parents.


8. I hate drinking alchol but when I do drink I pretend I'm playing some game of who can get drunk the fastest. Yes drinking under the influence is pretty common in Australia. 


9. I am very judgemental, like really bad. I get it, I'm not perfect but I can't help it. I'm a big fashionista that I always judge people first with their clothing and then what people eat (I'm a big health freak). Yeah I need to stop! 


10. I am a big health freak, I love my Vergtables and fruits. I hate choclate and lollies, I hate fatty food and I don't eat it. I don't even eat rice anymore which is hard considering I live in an Asian culture. I hate soft drinks and I mesured one time how much water I drink a day and drink about 10 liters. Like legit! Since high school I have been bringing two 1.5 liter bottles to class. So this is my daily intake:

Breakfast- Yoghurt 

Lunch- Yoghurt, fruit and nuts. 


Dinner- vegtables, soup and and fruit for desert.


I also work out a lot, like I work out an hour a day at least sometimes two if I have time. I also have abs forming :0 finally! I also take like 5 vitamins a day, I drink skinny me tea and I drink this pill that stops my food craving. In 4 weeks I manage to drop from 61kg to 53kg. Which is a total lost of 8kg in 4 weeks and thats me doing the healthy way. I also don't eat past 7pm and I drink lots and lots of water. 


*Extra fact* I am obsess with the movie mean girls, like I know every word off by heart. I quote it at least once a day, showing how sad I really am







So I guess this is just back ground information about me. Next chapter will be about my parents and my relationship with my parents. I always wanted to talk about them becuase they have a big influence in my life and you'll undertand when I talk about my parents next chapter. In the mean time here is a picture of my Jesus:



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