It's you

Your happiness or his

There she was standing in front of a smiling person, she studied him and gave him a confused look and said "Umm. Excuse me? Do you need something?" she said politely, eventhough she thought that this person was creepy he was still human. The towering figure then smiled more and let out a small chuckle and finally spoke "Hi. You forget easily, you know that?" he said while letting out another chuckle. 

Ah Jung at him and thought about what he said. I forget things? Did we meet before? Did I borrow money from him? Did I break his heart? I don't even kn.. her thoughts were put on halt when she suddenly rememberd him "AHH! Oh my gosh! Mianhae! I didn't realize it was you, Gomawo" she said and bowing. He was laughing and put a hand on her shoulder "I assumed you remember? And no problem" he smiled and went for the door. 

He was already in the hallway when her heard some feet that were jogging to catch up on him, he smiled and stopped in his tracks. "Yah! Tell person!" she was calling after him. He looked back and saw that it was the the girl he gave up his seat for, panting and wiping away sweat with the back of her hand. "Eh? Tall person? I have a name, Ah Jung-ah" he said and smiled a sly smile to her. She was surprised by his sudden knowledge and scared at the same time thinking that maybe he could be stalker, she took a few steps backward and said "Yah! How did you? Are you a stalker?!" she said with full force and hitting him right in the face with her words. He looked confused and let out a laugh that lasted for about 2 minutes while Ah Jung looked completely lost and a little scared. "Yah! Stop laughing!" she said poking him. He stopped and looked at her "Yah! Don't you think your a little too confident of yourself? I'm surely not a stalker" he said while walking. She quickly walked to catch up with him and when she did she stopped him "Oh. Mian! But how did you know?" she said unpatiently but waited for him to answer. "Aren't we classmates, just ealier?" he said while walking again. 

"Arasseo, arasseo! Mian!" she said and walked to his side "You also go to this school, and we're even classmates! Now please tell me your name" she said with full aegyo but observing the people in the hall, Jaejoong might walk by. "Hahaha! Your old and you're still doing Aegyo. But it works so, yeah. Changmin" he said suavely and tapped her shoulder. 

So that's his name.. Changmin, changmin, changmin. Hmm.. "Hi Changmin. *bows* Are you new here? How come I've never seen you before?" she said while stopping him, she was curious about her new friend. Changmin let out a laugh at her question "Well, Noona. I want to let you know that I've been studying here since my first year and now I'm on my third year so I'm pretty sure I'm not new here. And you've never seen me before because I sit in front and you always sit with pretty boy Yoochun behind and near the window" he said and emphasized the word Noona. Ah Jung felt a sting in the emphasized word, she didn't really liked to be called such things, she felt old which she is but she doesn't want to accept it, in her world she's 19 forever, on that. "Yah! Stop it with the Noona. I look young, I don't pass as a Noona. Especially for you, you're huge. Wait! Did you just call Chunnie a pretty boy?" she said measuring his height with hers and let out more laughter.

After a little more talking with Changmin, they exchanged numbers and promised to get lunch together since he had class in 20 minutes. Ah Jung nooded at his leave and decided that she would just go to Yoochun's house since she was done for the day. She fished her phone out of her bag again and looked for Chunnie in the number list and touched it. Ring, ring. Ring, ring. 

"Yeoboseyo?" a smooth deep voice like no other answered the call. "Chunnie! Eodiya? I'm done for the day!" she said explaining to her that she was free and that she wanted to meet with her bestfriend. "Umm. I'm.. Ugh. I'm here at my Sang Jun-sshi's office. Wae?" Obviously he lied but Ah Jung didn't really have to know where he was. "Oh. What time will you be done? Let's go to the swing!" she said excitedly and hoping he would give a positive answer. "I'm done in 30 minutes. I'll come get you at school, ne?" he said in a monotone voice, not really showing any emotion. "Arasseoyo, Take care Chunnie!" with that she hung up, placed her phone in her bag and waited in the canteen of the school. 

Meanwhile, Yoochun was not in his Stepfather-to-be's office. He didn't really have one since he worked in the states, he just visits his mom regularly, yes he was loaded that's why he can fly anywhere and anytime. Yoochun was in the Department of Foreign Affairs with his mom, they have been there since morning because they were applying for American visas. The thought of moving away made him frown, and to see a frown in his beautiful face caught his mother's eye. "Yoochun-ah.. I know you don't want to leave. I know you don't want to be apart from Ah Jung and as much as I like her, t I can't live in America safe and sound while you're here and I don't know what life you have going on. I feel selfish and guilty" she looked down and took Yoochun's hand in hers. 

Yoochun's Omma knows about his love for Ah Jung. Although he didn't even say it directly his mom just knew by his actions, and the way he acts when he's with her. Finally, for the first time she mentioned his love for Ah Jung in front of him and telling him that she liked Ah Jung, it made him more sad to leave Ah Jung. 

"I know, Omma. Kamsahamnida" He said and held his mom's hand tighter and patted her head. "Miss Park Yoona and Mister Park Yoochun!" the teller called them and it was time for their interview. "Let's go, Chun-ah. Gomawo" she said and wiped her cheek and fetched her bag from the seat and made her way to the teller's booth. Yoochun also stood up and followed after his mom inside the booth. 

After 30 minutes of interviewing and questions, they were done. "I'm glad to approve your visas Miss Yoona and Mister Yoochun! Have a happy life!" the teller said cheerfully and stood up and led them to the exit. The Park's took their leave and was now inside the car. "Omma, I have to go somewhere. I'll drop you in the planner's office, okay?" he said. Nodding and realizing his son was driving she said "Okay, I better get ready with the wedding stuffs" she said excitedly. Yoochun nodded while listening to his ramble about wedding and marriage and love.


Oh. How come he's not here yet? He's not even texting. Chunnie's never late. Touching her phone again and ready to send a text to Yoochun when aa smooth deep smexy voice whispered in her ear said "Always the impatient one" without looking she immediately slapped the person from behind and laughed "Chunnie, You pabo! You're late. It's so not like you" she said while dragging his sleeve motioning him to take a seat. "Mian, I was stuck in traffic. By the way, I have Omma's.." he was in the middle of the sentence when she said "Oh! How is Auntie? I'm so excited for the wedding!" she said excitedly and shook Yoochun. "Um. I just dropped her off to the planner's office.." he said expressionless. 

They left the school's canteen and headed for the car "Waaah! Chunnie! Auntie lent the car?" she said still looking amazed because of the car. "if you didn't cut me off earlier, you would've known" he said and again he waa expressionless "Ohh. Mian, someone's being cranky" she said and hopped in the front seat. "Are you okay now? Did you drink medicine last night?" she then asked remembering Yoochun's sudden leave last night "Huh? Ah! Yup, I did. I guess I was just feeling a little under the weather last night" he said and drove off to the road. 

"Chunnie, After you left last night.. Something.. Um. Something kind of happened" she said, unsure of her words. She was excited to tell Yoochun everything but still quite unsure if she should,a afterall he knows Yoochun doesn't like the God-like Kim Jae Joong. I guess overly handsome guys can't stand each other. "What? Is it bad? Oh! Mianhae Ah Jung-ah for leaving like that.." his apologies were cut off again by Ah Jung's chuckling "Yah! It's not bad, in fact it was good, very very very good" she said with dreamy smile on her face "It's Jae Joong" she added to her dreamy face. 

Yoochun's face felt hot and his chest started to sink and mind was going on overdrive and thinking of all the possible things that could happen to them. Actually anything can be possible since Ah Jung likes him and as for the other party, he doesn't kow. He hopes he doesn't though Mianhae Ah Jung, I'm being selfish. His thoughts were starteled by her "Yah! Aren't even going to ask what happened? I though you support me in Project Kim Jae Joong?" she said and slapping his free arm while his other was on the steering wheel. But before he could answer (which he didn't really want to know) they arrived at their spot Saved by the bell.

They got out of the car and Ah Jung jogged to her swing and Yoochun sat on the edge of the slide and then he spoke before Ah Jung could continue what was left in the car earlier, he would ask anything to make her forget about telling him what had happened last night with Jae Joong "Jung-ah.." he said softly. Ah Jung faced him and started pushing the sand so that the swing could sway a little "Mm?" she hummed and gave Yoochun a cute face. "How come you never call me Oppa?" he suddenly asked. Ah Jung was shocked by the sudden and randomness of his question. "Oppa? Yoochun. Oppa? because you never said to call you Oppa Chunnie. Why? Do you want me to call you.. Oppa?" she said unsure of the latter word, and still a little confused. What is up with Chunnie today? What's up with the Oppa thing? 

Yoochun didn't want to ask that question because he didn't want to make her feel uneasy or uncomfortable around him, but he had to ask anything to make her forget about the conversation earlier in the car, looks like it worked because she had this confused and questioning face. "Aniya, Forget about it. I was just curious" he said and faced the other side so he could see the luscious trees instead of the awkward stituation. "Yah! *Poking him* Answer me!" she said "Aniya! Don't call me Oppa if you don't want to. I was just asking, I remembered you're not like the normal girls here in Korea" after saying the last parts of his sentence he knew it was wrong, wrong enough for her to be mad. And he was right. 


A/N: Did you like Changmin? I hope you do! I'm really in the zone in writing so I'll prolly write the next one after I post this. Comments are loved! ~^^

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Amna11 #1
I really like this story. Thanks for ur hard work to write this wonderful story
This story made me cry a few times and laugh a lot . I loved it. I was thinking to myself that Victoria was going to be Changmin's secret girlfriend . ^^
Dawwwwww! I really love this fic it's so cute! Who knew I'd love Yoochun so much? and Jae... gosh jae how I love him too *-* I love all of them really...
whiteprincess23 #4
wow!! I really love it! Seems like Chunnie was the best friend a girl could have cause he is so sweet that he did all those things for ah jung unnie n.n anyways 5 months ago I was a silent reader and I couldn't enter to but then I create my account. Yep! Whiteprincess23 is here!! I'm a new reader!! Well about the sequel I hope you do one cause your story really deserves it *peaces sign* <br />
<br />
Fighting <3
Sparky #5
It was amazing! Now for the next one! :>:>
I'm second on the list!!! That was such a beautiful ending. Kyah best proposal ever!!
whoaaaa the end already????? i want sequel!!!!!
nar12345 #8
hi 8' first i don't feel like reading ur fanfic after reading the foreword part..coz it sound heavy ..going to be too emotional and lots of heart breaking which i hate in this life...but then i skip myself to chap 41..finally i found myself read through till final chap with smiley in store in my face..Thank You...! for the love of PYC.. (^O^)