Come back please?

Your happiness or his

After Yoochun left, Junsu and Changmin did their best to stall her. So they decided to walk her home and help her get ready for the ball. After all Yoochun had specifically told them to stall her just enough time before his flight leaves, telling them he couldn't tell her that he had  to go away. That made the younger guys sad but still complied to their hyung's wish. 

"Jungie, I'll just go home and get changed and then I'll pick you up so that we can go to the ball together. Araso?" Junsu said to her with the most soft voice he could possibly muster and hugged her. Ah Jung nodded and was about to ask if Yoochun would be with him but before she could open he mouth he had already left the room. 

Changmin left a little earlier because he had to change and also pick up his date for the ball. Which she was pretty excited to meet, really. Taking her towel she proceeded to the bathroom to take a nice long hot shower before she got dressy in her beautiful powder blue dress she had bought with Jae. 

"Jae.." she said and thought about him. He was still not contacting her, what had happened to him? Was this some kind of part of his sweet surprise or something for the ball? She hoped it was because she was starting to worry about her boyfriend being mission in action lately. 

Finishing her bath and wiping herself dry, first she did her hair. She blowed dried it and curled the ends and sprayed the right amount of hairspray to make it stay until after the party, satisfied with that she moved on to make up, putting on some light powder on her face and some blush a little eyeliner to make her eyes pop and some mascara finishing it up with some pink stained lipgloss she smiled at her handiwork. 

She took the dress that was laid down on her bed and slipped inside of it and zipped it securely. She was done now, and all she needed to do was get into her shoes but she decided that when Junsu came to pick her up she would just where them later. Sitting down at the edge of the bed, she saw the red envelope that Yoochun was ed to her earlier at school, after that hug.. She dazed at the warmth she felt when he hugged him. 

She opened it and began to read the very uniformed and beautiful cursive penmanship that belonged to Yoochun.


Dearest Jungie,

By the time you have read this maybe I'm somewhere 350000 high up in the air and the plane that I'm riding is on it's way to America. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this, That I was leaving after graduation. Remember when you would always ask me what I would do after graduation? You would never get a reply from me, right? Anyway, that's beside the point. All I say here is to explain, because I'm too much of coward to tell you all this in person. And also, when you're near the words just fully escape my mouth. 

I don't know how to tell you this in the most un-corny way but no matter how I say it, it will always end up with the same meaning. I love you, I had always been inlove with you since I met you, I just admitted my feelings to myself when Yunho got you that confession gift. I was raged with jealously and frustration because I couldn't do anything because you were my bestfriend and that I saw you were too happy. I wouldn't want to take you away from your happiness, it means too much to me. And it killed me everytime I saw you and Yunho together and when the time I was at your house and you two were kissing, I thought my heart was going to explode and that I might die from that. But if enduring the pain, braving shame, despising myself for the sake of affection and accepting my misery without question is the definition of love. Then that's why I probably ended up enduring everything that time. And doing it all over with Jaejoong. Only, I couldn't help it anymore. I knew sometime, I had to let you go, I had to let go my love for you.

When I saw you at the park with Jaejoong that time when you first kissed, that's where I drew the line. That I will keep my distance from you, so that I could also help myself into forgetting my feelings. But it only caused it to more pain and hurt because we ended up fighting, and the words you said to me, it cut like a knife, with every word I knew I deserved it anyway. I was a coward for not telling you personally, but I tried my best to leave a hint when I kissed you yesterday. So yes, even though I may have left now, But I could guarantee that this feelings will still continue for you. I may not be there physically but I know in your heart somewhere, you love me too. And I'm really thankful for that. 

Multiply it by infinity, take it to the depths of forever and you'll still only have a glimpse of how much I love youI can't explain why I love you, but I only what I feel. Maybe it's because the the more I know you, the more I fell in love with you. You're not really hard to Ah Jung, you're really something. I've fallen in love with you and I'll never let you go. I love you more than anyone, I just had to let you know. And if you ever wonder why, I don't know what I'll say, but still I'll never stop loving you. 

I'm sorry Ah Jung. I love you. I'll come back for you, I promise. And when that time comes, I hope we could start over again.



Your Chunnie


Ah Jung was crying her heart out, the tears stained the paper he had written on. She pulled the letter close to her chest and began to cry even harder. Yoochun had left her, not so much without a goodbye. How could she be so stupid to overlook his love for her, how could she be so insensitive to consider her feelings for him as well. 

So that's why she felt he was leaving, it was kind of a warning. She should have known. If only she wasn't being so insensitive and selfish, maybe she would have stopped him from leaving. He had loved her from the beginning.

She believed that Yoochun wouldn't go anywhere, she believed that Yoochun was going to stay by her side forever when the fact that she didn't even had any claims on him. Who was she to expect that he would never leave her behind. She never saw this day would come because she planted in her brain that Yoochun was and always her goody bestfriend that wouldn't dare to leave her. 

But obviously, she was wrong. 

Yoochun lef t her. How could she be so selfish that she now only realize that she never stopped to ask him about his love life nor if there was anyone he was interested in. It was always about her and Yunho or Jae but she never tried to ask his feelings. 

And now Yoochun was gone she didn't have anyone she could feel safe with, not even with Jae. When he's being obviously MIA to her, it was beginning to bug her when she heard the doorbell ring. She forgot she was in a beautiful dress and that she looked so stunning tonight with her all dolled up for the ball, she suddenly didn't feel like going anymore. She let the door bell ring and ring and ring until she could no longer hear or feel anything anymore. Hurt and guilt was eating her alive and it was really a . 

All she wanted to do was cry and stuff her face in Yoochun's chest. All she wanted now more than ever was Yoochun.

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Amna11 #1
I really like this story. Thanks for ur hard work to write this wonderful story
This story made me cry a few times and laugh a lot . I loved it. I was thinking to myself that Victoria was going to be Changmin's secret girlfriend . ^^
Dawwwwww! I really love this fic it's so cute! Who knew I'd love Yoochun so much? and Jae... gosh jae how I love him too *-* I love all of them really...
whiteprincess23 #4
wow!! I really love it! Seems like Chunnie was the best friend a girl could have cause he is so sweet that he did all those things for ah jung unnie n.n anyways 5 months ago I was a silent reader and I couldn't enter to but then I create my account. Yep! Whiteprincess23 is here!! I'm a new reader!! Well about the sequel I hope you do one cause your story really deserves it *peaces sign* <br />
<br />
Fighting <3
Sparky #5
It was amazing! Now for the next one! :>:>
I'm second on the list!!! That was such a beautiful ending. Kyah best proposal ever!!
whoaaaa the end already????? i want sequel!!!!!
nar12345 #8
hi 8' first i don't feel like reading ur fanfic after reading the foreword part..coz it sound heavy ..going to be too emotional and lots of heart breaking which i hate in this life...but then i skip myself to chap 41..finally i found myself read through till final chap with smiley in store in my face..Thank You...! for the love of PYC.. (^O^)