Get that into your stubborn head

Your happiness or his


4 days before the Graduation Ball
Jaejoong and Ah Jung were in the mall to find a dress she could wear to the ball, Jaejoong loved shopping so she thought he was the perfect shopping buddy to ask and she didn't have "girlfriends" she could ask because she isn't really the girly and fangirling type, well she did that secretly of course she didn't want to ruin her image. "Jae, How about this?" she stepped out of the curtain of the fitting room with a baby blue tube dress that was just in her knees and it was very plain and simple, Ah Jung was a simple-design kind of person, but still wanted to be edgy. Angling his head and judging the dress "No, try this one on" he said and handed her another dress.
After a few minutes of waiting for her to change, she was done and when she stepped out of the curtain Jaejoong tried his best to keep his jaw from falling, even the male employees who were present tried to not gawk at her image. She was stunning. The dress that Jaejoong picked out for her was like a greek goddess style of dress, where it's white and flowy and simple but still had some sparkle with those gems and beads in the top part of the dress. Turning herself around so that he could he get a better look of the dress on her "What do you think? I kind of like this. Don't you.." "It's perfect" Jaejoong cut her off and kissed her out of the blue and she kissed back, not caring about the other people who were smiling and telling how adorable and cute they were. 
Jaejoong POV
I know I acted out of impulse, but when she was of the fitting room she was golden and stunning and I can't really find the perfect words to say to even describe her beauty. How could you not kiss her when she looks like that? I'm happy that despite the PDA she had kissed me back. I know, I am one lucky to have her. 
*buzz buzz* I quickly fished out my cellphone from my pocket, maybe it's Changmin asking for some advice again. Aish! This kid, not really on timing! Getting it out, slid my finger for the lock and touched the envelope. Only to find out it was absolutely not Changmin.. I was going to up. 
"Jae, I'm going to pay now aight?" she said while leaving him to go to the cashier while he was left spaced out and only nodded at her, sitting himself down slowly like his knees would fall off if he didn't do it carefully, he sighed and many things were running through his mind. All the while he thought it was done, all the while he thought it had faded away, all the while he thought he had forgotten. 
"Jae.." *not answering* "Boojae!" *still not answering* "Jaejoong!!" he jerked from his seat only to find a confused Ah Jung towering over him and holding out her hand "I'm done, let's go?" she said softly and he took her hand and stood up and placed an awkward arm around her. She was telling him stories about what happened in her classes, how much she misses her family and that how much he missed Yoochun but in his head all he could think about was that text her received earlier. He knew something was going to go wrong, if not with him, it might be with Ah Jung..

Changmin and Ah Jung were in the ice cream shop together were she used to go with Yoochun and now she always goes with Jaejoong. They had a date today, somehow Changmin was now playing the role of her bestfriend, Jaejoong too was he bestfriend but it's not the same "when you're involved with your bestfriend romantically, Isn't that weird?" she thought to herself while Changmin was getting their desserts. 

He arrived with the desserts and gave one to her and started to talk "So.. How's it going with Yoochun-hyung?" he asked while his triple scoop ice cream cone and concentrating on it. "Yah! Why are you asking about him, he's not even my boyfriend you should ask about Jaejoong, This kid!" she said and on hers too but looked at him questioningly. "Sorry, but lately you've been ranting about Yoochun-hyung and it seems you have a lot to tell me about him again today" he said as a matter of factly and smirked when he saw Ah Jung expression "Oh.. Yeah, About that.. There he goes again, being a player. Seriously! I don't know why but it's getting on nerves! especially when I see those s hanging in his arm! And when my imagination goes wild.." she shook her head to get rid out of the image in her head, that would stain her brain for life. "Jungie, Can I be honest with you since I'm your super cute dongsaeng and I love you?" he said and took another huge on his ice cream cone "Exaggerated but continue" she said with a curious look in her face.

Changmin was about to be completely honest with his Noona, she being blind to even consider her feelings and he had seen enough of his Yoochun-hyung's fake acts, Oh yes he could see it, that he was acting and Junsu was ranting about Yoochun to him that confirm his hunch. "Gong Ah Jung.." he started, he used the full to make her listen and nervous and to anticipate his words, and it worked he saw Ah Jung tensed up from her seat "Don't you think your just jealous of the girls? Don't you think the reason your being overly irritated by those girls is because you secretly wished it was you than them? Don't you think you have feelings for you bestfriend but you're just denying it because you have Jaejoong-hyung? It might be you feelings even started before Jaejoong-Hyung came into the picture?" he said and he let her ponder on her words.

He talking complete nonsense, that's what Ah Jung thought. How could she be jealous of those girls? They were not even on the same level, and how could she want to be in their place, to be played by a playboy, no she didn't want that. And how could she even have feelings for her bestfriend? Ohh, EX-bestfriend? That was complete koo-koo! Changmin is talking nonsense, but a little nudge in her heart knows that a part of his hunches were somehow true but fighting to deny it. "Whaaa? Are you even hearing yourself? How could I even possibly have any remote feelings for him? And correction it's EX! EX-BESTFRIEND! And  I loved Jaejoong and Yoochun knew about it all along. If he.. If he.. If he," she cut herself off not knowing to say. "I think Yoochun-hyung has feelings for you, you know it. You're just too stubborn to acknowledge it and he's just too much of good person to say it" Changmin said and took her hand and held with his two hands "Jungie, I'm not saying this because I want to ruin your relationship with Jaejoong-hyung. I love you two, I hope you end up happy till forever but I'm saying this because you might lose someone you think is already lost but it isn't. This here, What I'm saying is chance to make things okay again" he said and squeezed her hand. She didn't know how to react to his words, she knows in her heart that she wanted her Chunnie back in her life again. Oh how she missed his corny jokes and bear-warm hugs and his comforting gaze. She missed him, but pride was telling her to blow him off and it ate her whole.

"He's a complete now Minnie. Once you change into a person like that, which I was trying to prevent him from doing, you can't go back" she said coldly and he knew she wanted to drop the conversation, so he did and just talked about the lighter and happier things. But he knew that somehow, deep inside her brain that whatever he said, she was processing it slowly and that was enough for him.

Jaejoong left Ah Jung in the Ice cream shop because she had a date with Changmin. Usually he would wait for Changmin to arrive but today he just dropped her off and left. Why? Because he was meeting someone, someone from the past..


A/N: Short one.  I know, forgive me but I didn't want to say anything here yet. Hihi

Jaejoong is supposed to meet someone? And will Ah Jung get what Changmin said in her head? Changmin is doing such a good job, don't you guys think so? Hihihi Comments if you love Changmin! ~^^



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Amna11 #1
I really like this story. Thanks for ur hard work to write this wonderful story
This story made me cry a few times and laugh a lot . I loved it. I was thinking to myself that Victoria was going to be Changmin's secret girlfriend . ^^
Dawwwwww! I really love this fic it's so cute! Who knew I'd love Yoochun so much? and Jae... gosh jae how I love him too *-* I love all of them really...
whiteprincess23 #4
wow!! I really love it! Seems like Chunnie was the best friend a girl could have cause he is so sweet that he did all those things for ah jung unnie n.n anyways 5 months ago I was a silent reader and I couldn't enter to but then I create my account. Yep! Whiteprincess23 is here!! I'm a new reader!! Well about the sequel I hope you do one cause your story really deserves it *peaces sign* <br />
<br />
Fighting <3
Sparky #5
It was amazing! Now for the next one! :>:>
I'm second on the list!!! That was such a beautiful ending. Kyah best proposal ever!!
whoaaaa the end already????? i want sequel!!!!!
nar12345 #8
hi 8' first i don't feel like reading ur fanfic after reading the foreword part..coz it sound heavy ..going to be too emotional and lots of heart breaking which i hate in this life...but then i skip myself to chap 41..finally i found myself read through till final chap with smiley in store in my face..Thank You...! for the love of PYC.. (^O^)