An Opportunity

Your happiness or his

"Really! You're not really on timing you kno.." Ah Jung stopped at mid sentence when she finally looked up to see the person responsible for her fall. It was the most beautiful thing in the world for her eyes, a walking statue that she wished to have, but she can't. She snapped out of her day dreaming again and quickly said "Mianhae! I thought it was some rude person I didn't know, and it's not really a good for me nor for chunnie.." and she kept babbling about some irrelevant things in front of Jae Joong. Until she realized she was doing so, she put two hands in her in to stop herself from intense blabbering. Ah Jung was like that, when she's nervous or if she's in the same room (let alone talking) to the person she likes she starts blabbing like a maniac. 

Jae joong smiled his famous half smile that could make girls all over the world pregnant just by smiling and offered Ah Jung his hand so that she could get up from the ground. "Anni, It's okay. Don't worry about it" Ah Jung took his hand (It was rather soft and warm she thought) and got up from the rather damp and cold ground. She didn't realize this earlier when she sat down the side walk when she had a semi-brekadown in front of Yoochun. 

When she was standing firmly in the ground, yes she had a hard time balancing herself when Jaejoong was in the same room as hers let alone talking to her which was a little too close. "Jaejoong-sshi, in the ice cream shop earlier.. About Yoochun's behaviour.. I'm sorry. He's not feeling well and I guess he was just cranky about it, please don't misunderstand him. He's not usually like that. Mianhae again.." Ah Jung said while looking down at her filthly shoes because of the damp ground, she suddenly made a mental note to brush her shoes tomorrow. Jaejoong looked far and then back at her and smiled his golden smile and softly said "There's no problem really, Ah Jung. I too, was a little bit cranky about the weather because of it's indecisiveness. And please don't be sorry, I'm sure he doesn't want you pleading like this for him. And please! Just call me Jaejoong" he finished his sentence and made an okay sign to Ah Jung. 

Ah Jung smiled, she realized she's smiling like an idiot whenever she's seeing, thinking and now talking to Jaejoong. She mentally slapped herself and stopped herself from staring to the walking statue and the hand-made face that only God can make. Then she heard a soothing husky voice spoke "Where are you going by the way? Do you have class tomorrow?" the walking statue stated and waited for an answer. Ah Jung thought that this was the time, God was helping her into Jaejoong's heart. She didn't really have to go home yet, so maybe she could invent something, just to spend more time with the love of her life. "Umm. I'm just going to the bookstore to get some things I need, and yes I have class. How about you? Would you like to come with? Smooth Ah Jung-ah, real smooth. she gave her innocent smile and waited for his answer. "Sure, I'd love to. After all it's getting dark and I wouldn't want something happen to you in the middle of the night. Aniyo, I don't have class." He said and walking towards the way to the bookstore. 

Yes! He said yes! A little more time with Jaejoong! I'm being too greedy, but this is an opportunity. I should grab it while it's here. Oh Chunnie! I have a lot to tell you tomorrow! Oh right Chunnie! She immediately took out her phone and started punching the keypad. 

Chunnie, I hope you're feeling better than before. Don't forget to drink medicine and sleep early! Take a break from video games from today, Arasseo? I have a lot to tell you tomorrow so be there! - Jungie

She fell behind Jaejoong, he quickly took account of what was happening. "Nugu? Something wrong?" he asked with concern showing in his flawless face. "Aniyo, I was just checking on Yoochun. I hope he's better now. Let's go?" she said while stowing away her phone inside her bag and went to catch up with Jaejoong's pace. 

While walking at the streets of the bustling city of Seoul, lights and music were present everywhere glistening in the night and making Ah Jung smile in delight. She loved it here even thought she was born and raised in Seoul, Korea she would never get tired of it, it was just too innovative and always fresh to her eyes. I was paradise to her, she wouldn't want to leave it. Jaejoong notice her eyes twinkle in the night and said "You seem to love the city at night?" he said while looking at the led lights that made Ah Jung's eyes twinkle. "Yes, it's just so mesmerizing. I'm sure other countries will have something like this but this is home. And the feeling of home can never be replaced with other riches in the world." She said sentimentally and she mentally slapped herself for being too emotional. "Mian, I was being too detailed about the night life in Seoul" she said again while blushing. 

Jaejoong let out a small chuckle and patted Ah Jung's hair and said "Anni, you're cute that way." He said and looked far away again and all Ah Jung could do was stare at the beautful back side of his head. Man, even the back of his head was beautiful. Jaejoong turned to look back at her. But the front looks so much better than the back. She quickly looked away and tried her best not to smile like an idiot.


Few minutes later they arrive at the bookstore. It was filled with overly decorated school supplies like paper, notebooks, pens, etc. Ah Jung left Jaejoong for a while and told him she would get the things she "needed" for her assignment. Ah Jung just picked up random things like a cute sticky notepad, a furry pen and felt paper in different colors. She quickly paid for it and made her way to find Jaejoong.

I didn't know that this bookstore was this big. She thought of getting her phone and to text Jaejoong where he was but she remembered that even though she was his number one fan, she wasn't a stalker. She respected his privacy and didn't get his number, if fate was nice he would get her number. Afterall she still had pride. She slapped herself and when to search for him through the aisles. 

"Jaejoong-sshi!" she said loud enough for him to hear but not loud enough to disturb the other customers. She did that for atleast 2 more times and she finally found him in the music section. It was a little deserted though, that section and it's in the far corner of the bookstore. "Jaejoong-ssi! There you are! I've been looking all over." she said and smiled at him. "I'm ready to go, are you?" Jaejoong didn't look up at her but still continued reading the book he was holding, she thought it was rather rude of him to do so. After waiting for like 30 minutes more she finally spoke and said "Jaejoong-sshi, I have to go. It's getting a little late and I still have class and I'm a little tired and I think you're not yet done so.. I'll leave first. Anneyeong!" She waved at him and still not looking at up at her. And when she was about to walk out on him she felt a soft hand land on her shoulder, she was shocked at the skinship and she smiled inwardly of course, keeping all her spazzing inside of her but afraid she might explode anytime soon. 

"I told you to call me Jaejoong only. You were running around the bookstore calling me Jaejoong-sshi. I guess, silent treatment does work" He does while giving a approved look on his face. Ah Jung was surprised, so he wasn't looking, talking to her because he called him Jaejoong-sshi and not Jaejoong. Man this guy had some name calling issues but whatever, he's gorgeous! Ah Jung let out a muffled laugh and hit Jaejoong lightly in the chest and said "Haha! Mian JAEJOONG! I was being careless. Can we go now?" she said and she was surprised by the way she talked to him, she was comfortable and she even hit in him in the chest. Ah Jung laugh inside her head because of that. 

"Okayy, okayy" he said and pouted. That pout would make you want to bite his lips for the rest of forever and stay that way. Ah Jung felt another hand take her arm and dragged her slightly to the entrance of the bookstore. She blushed by the sudden gesture and kept her cool anf went with the flow, seconds later they were outside the bookstore and the heavenly voice spoke "Ah Jung-ah, where do you live?" Ah Jung was suddenly caught off guard with his question but realized he was just being polite. "It's just near, I'll just walk from here. Thank you, Jaejoong-ah." She said while waving at him and smiling at left. 

Jaejoong felt sick, he wasn't supposed to leave her alone to walk in the middle of the night, he wasn't being a gentleman. Pabo, Jaejoong-ah. When he wa finished scolding himself mentally, he jogged to where Ah Jung was headed, and thankfully he caught with her. "Yah! Do you think I would let you go like that at this time?" he said and went with her pace. Ah Jung smiled at him and looked at her dirty shoes again and said "Gomawo, Jaejoong-ah" he smiled and looked forward.

While walking she felt her bag vibrate, she was sure it was her phone. She quicky slipped off one strap of her bag and fished for her handphone, once she got the phone she quickly swiped the screen to reveal the message. 

Jungie-ah, Eodiya? Dinner will be served soon. - Omma

Oh. I'm on my way home, im near. See you later, Omma - Jungie

she placed her cellphone back and remembered that she texted Yoochun earlier but he didn't respond. I guess he still feels sick. I hope he gets better tomorrow. "He's gonna be fine" he said with a smile. Ah Jung almost forgot that she was with someone,and then she gasped! she didn't notice she was thinking out loud and that Jaejoong heard everything he said. "Mian, I'm just worried. He doesn't usually get sick, but when he gets sick he gets sick" she said her face falling slightly. 

Breaking the silence, voice from heaven spoke again huskily "So.. How long have you and Yoochun-sshi been together?" Ah Jung smiled at the Yoochun-sshi part, and then she answered "Hahaha! Yoochun-sshi! It sounds so weird to my ears. Aniya, we're not together. We're just really really close. Like brother and sister" she laughed "I remember when I first met Chunnie, I didn't bother calling him Yoochun-sshi. I was being disrespectful to him and didn't bother calling him Oppa as well. I'm surprised he stuck with all through out these years, I'm lucky I have Chunnie as my best friend. Although, we've only been bestfriends for 3 years I almost know him inside and out" she said with a triumphant smile and chuckled lightly, remembering a funny memory of them years back. 

Jaejoong looked from a far which you can't really tell the expression of his face. "Ahh. That's why, you too are so close." he said and before he could continue Ah Jung spoke "Jaejoong, we're here *points to the gate* Gomawo for walking me home and accompanying me to the bookstore, I appreciate it. See you!" she said and waved goodbye at him and went inside the gate. 

For a little while Jaejoong stayed outside and left her house and went home. He had tingly feeling in his heart. He just wasn't sure what caused it and what was it. 


A/N: A long one! I hope it's worth the wait of update! Jaejoong finally makes an appearance! I hope you're still reading and supporting this fic! Comments are loved! Oh! And if anyone is willing to make a banner or poster for my fic I would gladly accept! ~^^

Note: Bold = the person thought. Italic = flashback yellow higlight = text message

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Amna11 #1
I really like this story. Thanks for ur hard work to write this wonderful story
This story made me cry a few times and laugh a lot . I loved it. I was thinking to myself that Victoria was going to be Changmin's secret girlfriend . ^^
Dawwwwww! I really love this fic it's so cute! Who knew I'd love Yoochun so much? and Jae... gosh jae how I love him too *-* I love all of them really...
whiteprincess23 #4
wow!! I really love it! Seems like Chunnie was the best friend a girl could have cause he is so sweet that he did all those things for ah jung unnie n.n anyways 5 months ago I was a silent reader and I couldn't enter to but then I create my account. Yep! Whiteprincess23 is here!! I'm a new reader!! Well about the sequel I hope you do one cause your story really deserves it *peaces sign* <br />
<br />
Fighting <3
Sparky #5
It was amazing! Now for the next one! :>:>
I'm second on the list!!! That was such a beautiful ending. Kyah best proposal ever!!
whoaaaa the end already????? i want sequel!!!!!
nar12345 #8
hi 8' first i don't feel like reading ur fanfic after reading the foreword part..coz it sound heavy ..going to be too emotional and lots of heart breaking which i hate in this life...but then i skip myself to chap 41..finally i found myself read through till final chap with smiley in store in my face..Thank You...! for the love of PYC.. (^O^)