Waving Goodbyes

The Walls Of The Heart




The two girls in the back seat looked at each other and grinned. Sunny looked through the rear view mirror and smiled.


-"Being in love is great isn't it?" Sunny said.


-"Listen...it's not going to be easy...I want you two to stay together okay, not only me but lots of people fought for your love just promise me you won't ever break up..."


-"Even if it gets to the point of being unbearable...don't destroy this thing you two have okay?" Sunny said.


-"We won't, we thank you for your support and help" Tiffany said as she smiled.


-"Promise?" Sunny said as she stopped in a red light and extended her hand and pinky.


-"Promise" Taeyeon and Tiffany said in unison as they joined their fingers with Sunny's.


-"Good" Sunny said as she smiled and continued to drive.



A few minutes later they arrived at the airport. Jessica and Seohyun were there waiting for them on the runway in front of the plane that would take them to Japan.

The two girls were crying as they looked at their friends arriving.


-"Remember our promise" Sunny said as she stayed behind.


They both nodded their heads at Sunny and the latter smiled as she walked back inside.


-"I'll miss you" Seohyun said as she looked at both girls.


-"I'll miss you too, girls" Jessica said as she hugged them.


-"We'll miss you too" Tiffany said.


-"Of course we will" Taeyeon said as she smilled.


-"And besides it's not like we are gone forever" Taeyeon said with a smile.


-"Tiffany unnie, your family will probably send someone after you two" Seohyun said.


-"I got someone of my utmost trust to take care of you two in Japan" Seohyun said as she signaled someone to come.


-"Hello unnies" Yoona said as she appeared and embraced Seohyun.


-"I'll miss you Hyunnie" Yoona said as she looked Seohyun in the eyes.


-"I'll miss you too Yoong" Seohyun said as she gave Yoona a small peck on the lips.


-"Yoona? Seo?" Taeyeon said as she pointed at both of them.


-"Yeah, unnie, Yoona will explain on the way now get your on that plane" Seohyun said as she smiled and cleaned her tears.


-"Taeyeon...Fighting" Jessica said as she looked at Taeyeon getting on the plane.


-"Tiffany unnie, I have someone on the phone for you" Seohyun said as she signaled Yoona to give her the phone.


-"Here" Seohyun said as she gave the phone to Tiffany.


-"Hello?" Tiffany said as she put the phone to her ear.


-"Hello, this is Miss Tiffany" A male voice on the other side said.


-"Yes, Who is this?" Tiffany said.


-"This is Nichkhun" The voice said, surprising Tiffany.


-"Oh...Hello" Tiffany said.


-"Miss Tiffany I just want to say that I also don't agree on this arranged marriage, I want to tell you that I'll do my utmost to stop this" He said.


-"Your friend already filled me in on the details of your little get away, I'll support it so some time arround you'll be coming to Thailand as we settle this" He said.


Tiffany was touched by his actions even though she didn't know him.


-"Thank you very much..." Tiffany said.


-"You don't need to thank me, now get on that plane" Nichkhun said as he hung up.


Tiffany blankly stared at the handphone and smiled.


-"Now unnie into the plane please" Seohyun said as she pulled Tiffany.


-"Unnie...I'll miss you..." Seohyun said.


-"I know you will" Tiffany said as she entered the plane.


-"Hyunnie~~" Yoona called as she tugged on Seohyun's sleeve.


-"I know, I know...but you have to protect them, okay? I love you Yoona" Seohyun said as she kissed Yoona.


-"I'll miss you...us" Yoona said.


-"I know, but go, do this for me okay?" Seohyun said.


-"Okay" Yoona said as she walked towards the plane.


As Yoona got inside the door of the plane was closed and Seohyun and Jessica were ordered out of the runway by the airport crew. They together with Sunny looked from the airport as the plane took off carrying all their hopes inside it.


Taeyeon and Tiffany looked at each other. They smiled slightly. Tiffany sat beside Taeyeon and kissed her.


-"I love you" Tiffany said.


-"You already said that" Taeyeon said as she looked into Tiffany's eyes.


-"I can't get enough of it" Tiffany said as she kissed Taeyeon again and again.


Yoona went to the farthest back of the cabin so she wouldn't disturb them.


And so Taeyeon and Tiffany could only hope for this matter to be settled by their friends. They wanted it to be settled. They wanted their families to accept them...

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cwright01_ #1
This is such a good story! Finished it in one seating ! Thanks author !
Chapter 10: done reading and thanks for make this story ^^ nice one :D