
Your Artificial Heart

Several weeks had past, and in that time, many things changed, but at the same time remained the same. Changmin and Yoochun had recovered successfully; they hadn't been turned and now that they knew the girls who abused them were gone, the fear they had felt every day in captivity was too. Because of this situation, you decided to tell your friends about Onew and his family members' true nature. Of course, the initial reaction was shock and disgust, but once they got past the soul-stealing and blood- parts, they realized that those things did not define any of the five boys and there was much more to them than just being powerful vampires. Amber was much more upset than the others; she had been dating Key for a while. She was angry at Key, for not telling her something so significant about himself, while she told him everything. But she was even more angry at herself; she had never noticed anything different about him even though they had spent a lot of time together. She thought that Key might find that sort of stupid. But, seconds after the two of them began talking, they both closed the distance between each other and hugged. When they pulled back, you could see the blush on Amber's cheeks as Key leaned in and kissed her gently. You fangirled silently and let them have some alone time after that. 

The two groups of vampires had gotten even closer after the battle, the divide between them, so apparent at the very beginning as the vamp essentially stuck to his own group, now almost gone. You did not even see two groups anymore, it was just one big group of vampires who cared for you, your friends, and each other. The vampires were like your saviours, bringing you back from the brink of death, healing you, and making you understand how precious life actually is. They had changed the way you looked at life, and it affected how you lived it in a very positive way. 
Having your parents back was a huge change: your mother finally got the chance to be a real mother to you, and there was no way she was going to fall short, setting rules against boys in your apartment, calling whenever he was leaving and they were not home, and many others. Although you weren't used to it, you tried very hard to, because you knew that it wasn't their fault that they had disappeared from your life several years ago. Your father was the complete opposite of your mother, but oddly complimentary. He was laid back and allowed you to do whatever you wanted providing you have someone some kind of notice. Although they got on your nerves sometimes, you knew that without their contrasting personalities, you would not be as happy as you were now. Whenever you looked at them, you could see that they acted exactly the same as they did when they were alive, but their love was much, much stronger. 

This thought led you to one that made you smile widely: Onew. Like your parents', the love between you and Onew grew each day even though it felt like it could not be any greater. In the past weeks, you had shared more kisses, hugs, and admiring glances than ever before and had even "spent a night together". You could not explain how much you loved him in words, so whenever it came time to talk about it, you sent him a bunch of images that you hoped would do so for you, because, as you know, a picture can be worth a thousand words. Each time you did this, Onew did the same, sending back his own images that attempted to convey just how much he cared about and loved you. 

You couldn't believe that even though you lived in different realms, you had so much in common. Perhaps that was what made your love so strong; a male and a female crossing paths that originate from different worlds, millions of kilometres apart, seemingly brought together by fate. 
Although his heart didn't need to beat like yours, you knew it functioned the same way: it sped up when you were looking at someone you loved, revealed your real feelings and discarded anything unnecessary, and allowed you to live on, whether as a necessary bodily function or somewhere to hold your emotions and love for another person.

Maybe his heart wasn't artificial at all. 

Maybe he needed his just as much as you needed yours.  

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Thank you to everyone, whether it be those who have been with me from the start or ones who are just reading it now. Thank you for your support! ^^


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lee-chelle #1
Chapter 30: Loved the story! But.. Could I get some closure as to why she dreamt of TOP?
obsessedwithkpop #2
Thank you for all your comments and support! :D
anonymousshowal #3
Chapter 30: This was an awesome story dude!!
It's no problem! I know school can be horrible sometimes too! Just take ur time! I'm a faithful reader and I luv this story!!
Please Update soon :)
obsessedwithkpop #8
@iluvreading Sorry, I was rushing the last update. No she's not a vampire, he just gave her some blood so she wouldn't be so tired and out of it. Thanks for reading :)
Wait sorry I'm confused! Why is she drinking Onew's blood. Did she turn into a vampire and I just missed it? Anyways pls update soon and I hope you reply to my question!!!