
Your Artificial Heart

**Somewhere outside of Seoul- Jiyong’s perspective**

Why does she have to make me walk? Can’t she just come to my house?’ I thought.

I don’t even like her… And why is this building so dark and broken down? She picks the stupidest places to meet.

I walked inside of the dank building, not seeing anyone.

“Yah.” I called, “YAH, you told me to meet you, and I’m here.” I held out my arms. After no response, I yelled again. I sat down on a piece of cement, “Aish…”

“Jiyong.” Someone called. I turned; expecting the face that had demanded I be here, but instead, saw one that sent my heartbeat off the charts.

“Darong.” I said, using her childhood nickname. I meant to say more, but I didn’t trust myself to.

She smiled and came over for a hug, “Wasn’t she-.”

“She told me to come instead.” She said.

“So this thing she wants me to do…” I said, trailing off.

“She wants you to play around with someone, a girl. She wants to get back at a guy for something, but she didn’t tell me who.” She said, reaching into her pocket, “This is her.”

She produced a picture. I squinted, but I still couldn’t see it.

“It’s too dark, I can’t see. Come over here.” I said, shuffling into a beam of moonlight.

The light illuminated the face of a teenage girl. She looked really familiar to me. I couldn’t place my finger on it, but it seemed like I knew her.

“And what if I don’t do what she says?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“She’ll kill you.” She said looking down.

I smirked and lifted her chin with my thumb, “Darong? Do you care if she kills me?”

She shook away from my hand and backed up a little, “I… Uh… I have to go now, she’s waiting.” Even though she stepped out of the light, I could see her face grow red.

I chuckled and waved as she disappeared into the night.

Although I was the one teasing her, my heart was racing and I could feel my face flushing,  ‘This girl… Why doesn’t she just say it?


The next day, you were sitting in a café with Amber for lunch. You were still avoiding Onew; you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if another thing happened to him and his brothers.

You were talking to Amber about an assignment when you heard your phone ring, “Yoboseyo.” You said.

“Hey noona.” Changmin replied.

“Yah, Max, don’t call me that, I feel old.” You said, pouting. Amber laughed and mouthed, ‘Noona?’ You nodded and she covered to keep herself from bursting out laughing.

You heard a quiet chuckle, “Sorry noo-… ~~~~~. I was wondering if you and Amber wanted to come to our performance tonight. It’s our first really big one, and we’d really appreciate if you guys came. Plus, Junsu would be heart-broken if his best friends didn’t come.”

You turned your head to Amber who had shifted so she could hear the conversation. She nodded, “We’ll come. Where is it?”

Changmin gave you the directions and encouraged you to bring some kind of food to congratulate them after the show. You laughed and hung up.


You and Amber dressed semi-formal because you weren’t sure what to wear. You pulled up to the concert hall in Amber’s beat-up pickup truck, “We’re here~” Amber chirped. You pulled at your jacket since it was getting a little cooler outside, picked up a container full of baked goods, and got out of the car, grinding sounds following you as you shut the door. You winced at the screech of Amber’s door, then walked over to her, linking her arm in yours.


You stood at the big doors in front of the hall DBSK was performing in with about five hundred other people, “I didn’t know they were so popular.” Amber said, tiptoeing to see over the crowd of people. You mumbled in agreement and hopped to see if the line was moving.

Please have your tickets ready before you get to the booth.” A voice boomed above you.

You looked at Amber who had a horrified expression, “Tickets?”

The crowd in front of you thinned out, everyone was already inside. You and Amber just stood there, “Changmin… He never said anything…”

“Excuse me.” Someone said, coming up to you. He was big, (you were assuming he was an usher or security guard) and you were afraid he was going to tell you to leave, “Are you Amber and ~~~~~?” You looked sideways at Amber who was nodding stupidly, “DBSK reserved seats for you. Oh, here are your backstage passes.”

The usher lightly pushed you to the side door, “It’s that way. Have fun.”

You and Amber stepped inside the door to see a large enough room filled with people running around. There were some with headsets, some with clipboards and some with clothes or makeup, “When did they get so… so…” You searched for the right words.

“Famous?” Amber finished, looking around.

“Hello? HELLO?” You saw a hand wave in front of your face and snapped out of it. Yoochun was standing beside you, slapping your arm and waving his hand in front of Amber’s face. He shook his head and grabbed both of your arms, dragging you to a smaller room. There were five chairs, each in front of a mirror, supposed to be occupied by each member of DBSK. Jaejoong and Yunho were the only ones actually in the chairs, texting furiously while getting their hair done, while Changmin was listening to music and Junsu was walking around. He saw you and Amber and enveloped you both in a bear hug.

“You came!” he said with a grin. You and Amber nodded and looked around, still taking everything in. He laughed, “Okay, before you two go crazy, we got a recording deal.”

You gasped, “When? How? Who?”

“After our performance yesterday, some representative came in from a company and asked us to join. Our parents met them, signed the contracts, and here we are.” He said, jamming his hands into his pockets and looking around.

You pulled Junsu and Yoochun into a hug, “Congratulations!” You said.

As soon as you stepped back, Amber came rushing over. She jumped into Junsu and Yoochun’s arms, then ran over to the three remaining boys and planted a quick kiss on their cheeks, “CONGRATULATIONS!”

Everyone laughed, “Changmin, how come you didn’t tell me when you invited us?”

He shrugged, “I wanted it to be a surprise.”

You heard a knock on the door, “Excuse me DBSK.” A loud voice called.

The same usher from before walked in with a pair of teenage girls who started squealing when they saw DBSK, “OMO~” The girls screamed in unison.

You looked to Junsu and Yoochun. They both mouthed, “Fans.” You could see the smile that was threatening to take over their faces.

You backed away to sit on the small couch and pulled Amber with you. You sat in awe as the two girls turned red and continued squealing, the volume escalating as the five members stood in a line and introduced themselves. Each girl was given an autograph, then got to have a short conversation with DBSK, talking about anything and everything.


After about ten minutes, a man rushed in, “DBSK, please come to stage. You’ll be performing in five minutes.”

They all nodded and stood up, “Aww, oppas, can’t you stay?” The girls cooed. They smiled and shook their heads, “Kamsahamnida oppas.” The pair said (in unison yet again) while bowing. The five members copied them, then waved as their fans walked out to join the audience.

You looked at each of the boys’ faces; each was smiling, and you could see that half of them were even a little teary. You and Amber stood up and gave them a group hug. The five got dragged away to do last minute makeup and hair touch-ups. You sighed in happiness, then started to walk out while DBSK was being guided to the stage. You stayed just long enough to hear the boys do a cheer, “Dong Bang~ Dong Bang~ Dong Bang Shin Ki~ Fighting~!”

You smiled and dragged Amber to your seats just in time to see the five boys emerge to greet about a thousand screaming fans. You cheered and clapped in happiness as your childhood friends sang their hearts out. You hadn’t even noticed who was beside you at the time, cheering almost as loud as you. It was Onew with his brothers. As soon as you saw them, you switched seats with Amber. You could see Onew looking at you through the corner of your eye. You couldn’t stand the look he had on his face, so you angled yourself so you could only see the performance.


After about an hour of performing, talking to the audience and joking around, DBSK’s exit was marked by a standing ovation. Everyone was clapping, to the point that their hands were red and swollen. Some were even crying at the beautiful voices before them. You had enjoyed the concert a little less when you knew Onew was there, but you still had to smile at DBSK’s dreams coming true.

You were walking out with Amber, but decided you were going to walk home, you needed some time to think. You started walking down the street when you heard someone call your name, “~~~~~!” they called. You didn’t turn around, you just kept walking, “~~~~~, I know you can hear me.” You started to run, even though you knew it wouldn’t do any good. In about two seconds flat, Taemin was in front of you with his small hands on his tiny waist. He had a serious look on his face, but was more concerned then angry. He breathed in, then said, “Spill. Now.”


I know it took long… Yeah, school started :\ I’m doing this before school so I really have to go, thanks for reading~ <3 PS, I hope I didn't give anything away with that nickname ;) If you know who it is, please don't tell, I'd like to keep it a secret from at least one person :P

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Thank you to everyone, whether it be those who have been with me from the start or ones who are just reading it now. Thank you for your support! ^^


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lee-chelle #1
Chapter 30: Loved the story! But.. Could I get some closure as to why she dreamt of TOP?
obsessedwithkpop #2
Thank you for all your comments and support! :D
anonymousshowal #3
Chapter 30: This was an awesome story dude!!
It's no problem! I know school can be horrible sometimes too! Just take ur time! I'm a faithful reader and I luv this story!!
Please Update soon :)
obsessedwithkpop #8
@iluvreading Sorry, I was rushing the last update. No she's not a vampire, he just gave her some blood so she wouldn't be so tired and out of it. Thanks for reading :)
Wait sorry I'm confused! Why is she drinking Onew's blood. Did she turn into a vampire and I just missed it? Anyways pls update soon and I hope you reply to my question!!!