“Oh no…”

Your Artificial Heart


**A/N Hey guys, uh, I kinda forgot what day it is… ^^” So um, yeah, it’s Friday night/Saturday morning.**


You were just about to reach the door to the lobby when it swung open, revealing a concerned Key followed by a somewhat angry looking Minho and a confused Jonghyun.

You fell back due to the impact of the door and landed half on your broken arm, half on your . Even through the cast, your arm hurt like hell. You yelped then bit the inside of your cheek. Minho bent down and swiftly picked you up, while Jonghyun snapped out of whatever he was thinking and threw your bag over his shoulder and walked back to the car, going to bring it around to the front of the building.

Key emitted a huge gasp then stood beside Minho, your hair, “Mianhe ~~~~~! I didn’t know you were there! Really! Are you alright?”

You swallowed the remaining pain and nodded, “I’m fine.” He let out a little sigh of relief then led Minho out to the car Jonghyun had brought around. Minho slid you into the back seat, careful not to bump your arm, and let himself into the front seat. Key climbed into the back seat and smiled apologetically. You stuck your tongue out at him and glanced around the car again. It still amazed you that Onew; the oldest of the five, had the least flashy car. You’d figured he’d have a pimped out, swagged up car, but instead, had the simplest of all. “It reflects his personality; simple on the outside, but complex on the inside.

Obviously, someone had heard your thoughts, ‘Barf! Don’t get all mushy around me please, at least not out loud. Save it for Onew hyung.’ Minho sent with a small snicker.

You waited until he looked at some passing cars to swat the side of his head, “Hey, hey, don’t hate on the-.”

“THAT’S MY LINE.” Jonghyun boomed, “I don’t get anywhere close to enough lines in this fanfic, and most of them are filler, so leave me my signature one!”

You laughed and rolled your eyes. You looked down at your arm, where somewhere between Minho “barfing” and Jonghyun getting robbed, had started to throb, “Is your arm hurting?” Key asked, noticing your expression. You glanced at yourself in the rearview mirror. Besides looking pained and a little pale, you looked fine; no stray hairs flying all over, and face free of blemishes. ‘How’d I manage this on so little sleep?’ You thought. You realized just how tired you were in that moment. You looked to Key, the pained expression being replaced by extreme exhaustion, “Yeah…” You were too tired to say anymore. Key patted his shoulder and pulled you a little closer to him so you rest on him. You quietly thanked him, then fell into a deep sleep.


You woke up in the same dream you’d had twice before, only certain elements were clearer. You revisited the alleyway, but this time, you saw some of the harasser’s face. It was definitely a she, with cascading, brown hair, her lips full and glossy in the dim light. She had large, sparkling eyes, perfectly framed by long, thick eyelashes. When she turned, you noticed that her nose was a bit too long for her face and had a spot of a dark substance on it. You heard murmurs, at the edge of your subconscious, working their way to your ears.


You stirred after hearing your favourite voice repeat your name. He repeated it once more, giving your cheek a slight brush with his lips, sending a tingle down your spine.

You gently grabbed his shirt, pulling him back down, returning his kiss. You felt your eyes open to the person that became your safe place to hide, your sanctuary and bliss. You blinked twice, his face coming into focus. Your eyes darted at his mouth, revealing a set of teeth that resembled the colour of snow. The apples of his cheeks were covered with an ever-so-subtle blush, causing you to grin at his charm. You looked into his deep, crystal-like eyes, seeing happiness and joy. You his cheek and spoke his name aloud, “Seunghyun…”


You shot up, breathing hard. You closed your eyes and tried to calm down. When you opened your eyes, you were relieved when you finally saw Onew’s smiling face. He reached down to his wrist and brought his thumbnail across it, releasing a trickle of red blood, “Drink.” He coaxed.

You grasped his wrist with your good hand and brought it to your mouth, not the cut, just letting the blood drip onto your tongue. After about 30 seconds, the cut had closed and healed, leaving a small, pink line on his pale wrist.

“Have you been feeding?” you asked, ‘On other people, I mean?’ He opened his mouth, and then closed it. He then nodded, ‘From now on, I only want you and your brothers to feed from me. It’ll make me feel less guilty about all of this if I’m getting something taken away.’ You sent, swallowing the last bit of blood.

He laughed, almost sounding as if he was going to cry, ‘It’s not your fault. Please don’t think it is. She won’t come between us, she can’t.’ He sent, pressing his forehead to yours, looking straight into your eyes, ‘Saranghae, ~~~~~.'

“Saranghae Onew.” You replied aloud, smiling. You drifted back to sleep in Onew’s arms.


You woke up to slight snoring beside you. You to your side to see Onew still in “Neverland”. You smiled at his chubby cheeks and bedhead, and poked his face, waking him up. His eyes opened to a slit, just enough to see your face, “Morning~” You said.

He smiled drowsily and mumbled something into his pillow. Before you could laugh, the small TV in the corner of Onew’s room came on, revealing the morning news.

Our top story today; two students from Seoul High have disappeared. It has been confirmed that the two missing students are Shim Changmin and Park Yoochun. We will be giving you the details to this case as we receive them.”

Your mouth dropped open as you looked to Onew, “Oh no…”

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Thank you to everyone, whether it be those who have been with me from the start or ones who are just reading it now. Thank you for your support! ^^


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lee-chelle #1
Chapter 30: Loved the story! But.. Could I get some closure as to why she dreamt of TOP?
obsessedwithkpop #2
Thank you for all your comments and support! :D
anonymousshowal #3
Chapter 30: This was an awesome story dude!!
It's no problem! I know school can be horrible sometimes too! Just take ur time! I'm a faithful reader and I luv this story!!
Please Update soon :)
obsessedwithkpop #8
@iluvreading Sorry, I was rushing the last update. No she's not a vampire, he just gave her some blood so she wouldn't be so tired and out of it. Thanks for reading :)
Wait sorry I'm confused! Why is she drinking Onew's blood. Did she turn into a vampire and I just missed it? Anyways pls update soon and I hope you reply to my question!!!