“Miss me?"

Your Artificial Heart


**Minho’s Point of View**

How did Key hyung get so hurt? I mean, how did he let himself be hurt so bad? He’s usually more careful than all of us combined… I bet it was her. She was so jealous when Onew hyung broke up with her. Why would you hold a grudge for so long? It probably was her. I’ll make sure to ask Key hyung when he gets better. I should try sooner… Who’s coming up here? It’s Yunho… hyung? Heck, I don’t know what to call him… Wait, where’s he going? Is he supposed to be going up there? Whatever, not my problem.


You looked down the hall to see Yunho was there. You smiled weakly and waved him in. He put his jacket down and looked at you, “So… How is he?”

You started walking and gestured for him to follow. When you stepped in the room, you were relieved to see Key was wide eyed and bushy tailed, well, as much as he could be lying in a bed, “Hi…” Key whispered. 

Yunho sat down on a chair, “First,” Yunho began, “You guys are..?”

“Vampires.” Onew said.

He nodded, “I thought so… So I’m guessing you want my blood for Key?”

Key shook his head, “I’ve had enough blood. I need your energy.”

Yunho looked from Onew to Key to you with questioning eyes.

Onew launched into a big explanation about their various needs and powers. You tuned out to think, but caught pieces of the conversation. It seemed to be almost the same speech Onew gave you.


After explaining everything to Yunho, Onew kept asking Yunho if he was sure he wanted to give he his energy. Yunho replied with the same thing every time, “Yes, I’m sure.”

Yunho sat down beside Key and put his arm out. He gratefully took it and closed his mouth over Yunho’s arm.


Key and Yunho sat in your room talking about what ever came to mind after Key had fed while you sat in the living room with the other four brothers. “How did you guys get… the stains out of the carpet?” You asked, amazed that your cream coloured carpet was still cream coloured and the floors in the hallway were spotless.

“We just used a little magic.” Jonghyun said with a wink. Minho smiled and punched Jonghyun on the arm, while Taemin just sat there looking tired.

“Taemin threw water on it and you two cleaned for your life.” Key said, walking with Yunho’s arm around his waist to steady him, “And may I add, that you three have never cleaned our house like that.” He laughed.

Jonghyun and Onew rushed over to him and brought him to the couch, “Before you all ask, yes, I am feeling better.”

Everyone laughed, but Yunho looked a little nervous. You walked over to him and squeezed his arm. He looked down at you and smiled. Then he whispered, “Thank you.”


It was getting late, and Key was almost back to his old self, so the five brothers went home. You followed Yunho to the door, “Thank you for helping Key. It means a lot to all of us.” He nodded and continued walking, “Oh, Yunho? Please don’t tell anyone.”

“I won’t, don’t worry. Their secrets are safe with me.” He put his hand on your arm for a brief second, then walked down the hallway and down the stairs, out of sight.


It was after midnight, but you still weren’t tired. You flicked through channel after channel, finding nothing. You blew air out of your cheeks and looked through all the shows you had recording. Suddenly, the T.V. went black. As soon as it went off, though, it came back on. There was no image, just bars of black and white. Through the fuzzy noise the T.V. was emitting, you heard a faint sound. The sound got progressively louder, turning into a giggle, then a cackle. After a few seconds, the laughter stopped, giving way to more fuzziness. A shadow formed in the black and white, not clear enough to tell who it was, but enough to see that it was a person, most likely a girl due to the shadow of hair cascading down their shoulders. The noise made way to the same silky voice that you’d heard on the bus, “Miss me? How’d you like my little present? Key was so fun to mess with, such a big ego; such a fun one to crush. He knows who I am, you know. Ask him. It would be a pleasure to make your acquaintance sometime soon.” She said, mockingly.

You couldn’t stand this, “I didn’t even talk to Onew after you… after… Why did you hurt Key? Why not just hurt me, just kill me for all I care. Just don’t. Hurt. Them.”

Don’t sound so eager, or I might just take you up on that offer. But not yet, I have some games to play and you and your friends are just the pawns.” The T.V. flicked back to the list of recorded shows, masking the room in silence.

You shook your head and started throwing pillows, “Why did she have to do that? Just kill me!” You yelled, “ME.” You were about to scream when you heard a small knock on the door. ‘Who could that be? It’s already… 2 a.m.

You walked over to the door, tiptoeing to see through the peephole. You saw a boy, a little older than you, looking from your door to the staircase at the end of the hall, then back to your door. He had blond hair with bangs that covered his eyes. He had a blue hoodie on with a pair of black track pants. He wasn’t too tall, but he definitely wasn’t short.

He raised his hand, but before he could knock again, you calmed down and opened the door, “Hi.” He said.

“Hi, uh… did you need something?” You asked.

He shook his head while trying to look inside, “I heard yelling and banging and I was wondering if you were okay.”

You smiled, mentally slapping yourself for being so loud, “Thanks, but I’m fine. Uh… can I ask why you’re here so late? No offense or anything, but…” You trailed off.

He laughed and pointed the door beside yours, “I’m your new neighbour. I just moved in today.”

“Oh.” You said, a little embarrassed, “Well, I’m Kim ~~~~~.” You held out your hand.

“I’m Kwon Jiyong, but you can call me GD.” He said.

You smiled and yawned, “It’s really late, and I’m tired. Nice to meet you Jiyong, I mean, GD. Mianhe for the noise.” He nodded and waved as he walked back into his room.

GD… He sounds nice enough, but he looks a little familiar…

You yawned again and picked up the pillows off the floor. You brushed your teeth, washed your face, then went to bed trying not to dream about anything.


You opened your eyes to see a dark street, and looked around, ‘I’ve been here before… I already had this dream…’ As you advanced, you found out that it was the same dream you had before, only a little clearer. You witnessed the couple getting mauled, then disappearing. You saw the young girl dancing around her room, then picking up the phone and crying, mumbling her parents' names. But this time, you saw that the young girl bore a huge resemblance to you, same eyes, same face, same body. Your eyes widened as you gasped. You went to lean on the door behind you but fell through it. Lying on the ground, you squeezed your eyes shut to block out the mournful scream that followed. You couldn't believe that the young girl was you.


Yes it’s short, I know. Sorry :P The rest of Big Bang will come into this soon enough, don't worry. Please keep reading <3

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Thank you to everyone, whether it be those who have been with me from the start or ones who are just reading it now. Thank you for your support! ^^


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lee-chelle #1
Chapter 30: Loved the story! But.. Could I get some closure as to why she dreamt of TOP?
obsessedwithkpop #2
Thank you for all your comments and support! :D
anonymousshowal #3
Chapter 30: This was an awesome story dude!!
It's no problem! I know school can be horrible sometimes too! Just take ur time! I'm a faithful reader and I luv this story!!
Please Update soon :)
obsessedwithkpop #8
@iluvreading Sorry, I was rushing the last update. No she's not a vampire, he just gave her some blood so she wouldn't be so tired and out of it. Thanks for reading :)
Wait sorry I'm confused! Why is she drinking Onew's blood. Did she turn into a vampire and I just missed it? Anyways pls update soon and I hope you reply to my question!!!