“Uh… ~~~~~…?”

Your Artificial Heart


You woke up thrashing and screaming, “Umma?! Appa?!” You shot up crying.

After you stopped crying and took a couple of deep breaths, you dropped back down onto your pillow, “It was just a dream… just a dream.” You repeated. A thought popped into your head, “But what if this dream will help me find out who killed my parents… That couple could be my parents, and that girl… It must be her…” You said to yourself. You blinked a couple of times, then got up.


You picked up your bag and grabbed a water bottle, amazed that you got yourself ready properly. You were in so deep in thought the whole time, you didn’t even remember half of what you’d done.

Walking outside your door, you saw Jaejoong waiting for you instead of Junsu. You smiled and started locking your door, “Where’s Junsu?” You asked.

“Hi to you too.” Jaejoong said teasingly.

“Oh, oppa, sorry. I-.”

“It’s okay,” he laughed, “He had to go early for tutoring or something.”

You nodded, “Oh.”

You noticed Jaejoong was only wearing a tank top with ripped jeans, “It’s really warm out in the hallway.” He started fanning you with his hands, then stopped and fanned himself with a smile.

You ped your light sweater and blew air out of your cheeks, “Hurray, a freak heat wave.”

Jaejoong’s eyes widened and he turned away, “Uh… ~~~~~…?”

“Muh?” You said, confused at his actions.

“Your shirt… I mean…” He looked at you just long enough for you to see his face was tomato red and to point at your chest.

You looked down and saw that your gray polka-dotted bra was on the outside of your black shirt. Your mouth dropped open and you immediately covered your chest, “Heh… Uh… I…” you stuttered.

Jaejoong looked back at your pink face and laughed awkwardly, “You can go fix that, I’ll wait outside.”

You nodded and started to unlock your door, “Gomawo.” ‘Guess I didn’t get ready properly.’ You thought, chuckling.

You fixed your shirt situation, then ditched your jacket. When you walked outside, Jaejoong put his hands over his eyes, “Did you put your underwear outside your pants now?” He peeked through his fingers with a smile.

You ran over and slapped him, “Stop it! It was a mistake.” You whined.

He laughed and uncovered his eyes. His laughter was contagious and soon, you were laughing with him as you walked to school.


When you got onto the campus, you looked around and spotted Amber with Key. Sitting beside them was Onew, Jonghyun, and Minho. The girl’s voice echoed in your head. You knew you couldn’t go near Onew or she would hurt someone else, so you grabbed Jaejoong’s arm and brought him to a bench. He opened his mouth to ask a question, but the bell rang. You remembered the first day back when the bell had saved you from Amber’s myriad of questions, ‘My savior.’ You thought, walking into the school.


You were sitting in class writing some of the essay Amber had told you about when Onew walked in talking to Amber. You looked beside you to see that there was a seat. You panicked, got up, and went to a single seat in the back.

“Hey babe.” You heard from beside you.  You looked over to see Taecyeon, a true kinkga in every right, looking you up and down.

Eww…’ You picked up your stuff again and stood, looking around the room. The only seat that was left was beside Amber, who was beside Onew. She turned around and waved you over. You sighed and walked over.

“Wanna switch seats?” Amber asked you, gesturing to Onew.

You shook your head, “No, I’m fine.” You flopped down and continued to write. Someone poked your head and you looked up. It was Onew. You quietly gasped, then regained your composure, “I have to finish this, sorry.” You looked down with a momentary feeling of guilt. You reasoned with yourself, ‘But you’re just keeping him safe.’ You blew air out of your cheeks and continued to write.

The teacher walked in and announced you were having a pop quiz, ‘Oh great, another thing to ruin my day.


 After the test, which wasn’t that hard considering you’d missed a couple days of school. Onew offered to walk you to class but you mumbled something about having to see one of your teachers.

You were walking down the hallway with your head down when you bumped into someone, “Oh, mianhe.” You said. It was Key. He waved off the apology with a smile and continued on, ‘I’m going to be late.’ You heard, you turned around to find Key elbowing his way through the jungle that is high school. You smiled a little, ‘Good luck.’ You sent.

“THANKS~” Key screamed down the hallway. You laughed and continued to your next class.


After a day of resisting Onew, his brothers, and sometimes Amber, you started walking home sans Jaejoong; he had some performance to do and had to leave right after school. You were partly happy alone, because you had time to think and try to analyze your dream.

‘~~~~~.’ You turned around to see no one; just your school emptying down the street and a few people walking. There was no one, from your knowledge, capable of sending thoughts, “~~~~~!” You spun around again and saw GD jogging toward you with a couple of grocery bags in his hand, “Hey ~~~~~, I called you twice, you didn’t hear me the first time?” He asked, averting his eyes for a second and biting his lip.

“No, mianhe, I was thinking… about school.’ You said, with a nervous smile.

“Oh, well, I’m going home now, want to walk with me?” You nodded and he jerked his head toward your apartment.  

“So, do you have any siblings?” He asked, looking at you.

You bit your lip, “I’m an only child, an orphan too.”

“Oh, sorry.” He said, casually.

“What about you?” You asked.

He stopped in front of you and started waving his arms like wings, “I’m a free bird~ I left as soon as I finished school.” You laughed at his imitation of a bird, then slapped his arm as people beginning to walk down the street started to stare at you, “Oppa, stop… GD… Jiyong!” You whined. He laughed and continued to walk beside you.

After a couple minutes, you were at you door, “Thank you Jiyong, this was really fun.” You said with a smile.

He nodded and raised his hand in a wave as he walked though the door, ‘Jiyong’s pretty nice...


F.T. Island's in Toronto~~~~~ <333 They were so cute at the airport <333333 ...Sorry, I'm done spazzing ^^"

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Thank you to everyone, whether it be those who have been with me from the start or ones who are just reading it now. Thank you for your support! ^^


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lee-chelle #1
Chapter 30: Loved the story! But.. Could I get some closure as to why she dreamt of TOP?
obsessedwithkpop #2
Thank you for all your comments and support! :D
anonymousshowal #3
Chapter 30: This was an awesome story dude!!
It's no problem! I know school can be horrible sometimes too! Just take ur time! I'm a faithful reader and I luv this story!!
Please Update soon :)
obsessedwithkpop #8
@iluvreading Sorry, I was rushing the last update. No she's not a vampire, he just gave her some blood so she wouldn't be so tired and out of it. Thanks for reading :)
Wait sorry I'm confused! Why is she drinking Onew's blood. Did she turn into a vampire and I just missed it? Anyways pls update soon and I hope you reply to my question!!!