He Likes Me Before I Did



After L.Joe and your graduation, your parents planned to let you come with them back in Paris. For all of your life, you dreamt to become a fashion designer like your mom. You don't want to leave L.Joe, but he was telling you to pursue your dreams. 


"Are all ready?" L.Joe asked as he was pulling your luggage going inside the airport. You sadly nodded and stopped walking, you faced him. "I don't want to leave." you sobbed. He quickly let go of your luggage and cupped your face with his' hands. "~~~~~, for me. You have to. You've been dreaming for this for all of your life. I'll feel bad if you trash it because of me."

As tears crept in your eyes, you nodded. 

You approached the lady who was in-charge for the check in. "You're bound to Paris, ma'am? You're flight will be on 3:00PM. Your gates are at 2ND floor. Thank you and enjoy your flight!" she gave you your tickets. 

"We still have 40 minutes left. Let's get some coffee. Do you want?" L.Joe suggested. Putting your passport and your ticket inside your bag, you nodded. "Sure." 

You entered the cafe that was located on the 2nd floor of the airport. The both of you took a seat as soon as you got your orders. 40 minutes was like 2 seconds for you. It wasn't enough to say goodbye to L.Joe. You shared pecks on the lips, sweet conversations and your funny memories way back when you were in high school. Sadly, 40 minutes was over.

As you were standing at the gates, you traced the floor with circles with your toes.L.Joe scratched the back of his' neck. "Hey, I have to go now." you softly said.

L.Joe nodded and placed his' hands in your shoulders. "Hey little girl." you pouted. "I'm not a little girl anymore!"

L.Joe chuckled and continued. "Call me when you get to Paris, okay? Email me every night about what happened with your day, make a lot of friends, and! Don't find another guy." 

You chuckled and tightly hugged him. "I promise L.Joe. I do." "Okay now little girl, you have to go." he pulled back and gave you short kiss. "I don't really want to L.Joe." "But you have to."

But still, your body doesn't want you to go. L.Joe held your hand. "Go now. You'll miss your flight." you nodded and walked  away. As you were walking going to the the bars...... *Don't look back ~~~~~~. Don't ever dare to.* you thought. Just as when the in-charge was going to get your ticket and your passport, you jumped through the bars and ran fast hugging L.Joe as tight as you can. "I love you so much L.Joe." tears swell up in your eyes. L.Joe swinged you back and forth, trying to comfort you. "I love you to ~~~~. Now go before the plane really fly away without you." As you wiped you tears, you waved at him. And then, you boarded the airplane. 

*Goodbye, my love. I'll see you soon.* L.Joe then, walked away.






One more! One more!:) 

Btw, the song! They are one of my favorite ballad groups and their songs are really great! Awwww, this is going to end now. TT

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@last chaprter: awwwwww............SO CUUUUUUUUTE ^__________^
thanks for the great story
@chapter 7:awwwww....... ;(
@chapter 6: OMG...... he confessed already and it's so CUTE
@chapter 5: can't wait to read
@chapter 4: AWWWWWWW......same date
@ awwwwww..........can't wait to read the other chapters hihihi
@chapter 2: awwww....
Annyeong new reader and subsciber ^_____^
@ chapter 1: good start of the story...
note: i might comment on each chapter 'cuz i love commenting .that's all
Hello new subscriber ^^
Hehe the ending is so cute AHHH!! (fainting in a corner) haha :)
cute story...:D