He Likes Me Before I Did

Listen to this!



You were on your room's balcony, relaxing.

"They say when you love, you become prettier.

They say if you love, you change a little.

What do I have to do to make love inside me prettier?"

You closed your eyes as you were listening closely to the song's lyrics. *I should love you more Byunghun. In that way, I'll be pretty.* and suddenly...................................................

"Lee _______________! Go and changed. I have some important matters to do with you." Your sister yelled and went out of your room after. You rolled your eyes. "What does she wants now?!"

Obeying, you changed and dashed downstairs. You saw your sister waiting for you. She shooked her head.

"Serious mess. Let's get you pretty-fied today!" she exclaimed.

*P-pre-pretty-FIED?!* you gulped.

Before you could open your mouth to protest, your sister already dragged you.


"Are you sure?!!" you shouted when you saw the big 'Optic Clinic' sign. She nodded excitedly. "Yes, you have to get rid of those. Not to mention. You're glasses."

You rolled your eyes, "Hey! I love these glasses."

She smiled. "I know, but you have to say bye-bye to her. And hello to your contacts!"

You had nothing to do but to obey what your sister wants. After getting contacts, your eyes wont stop from watering. You wanted to get it but your sister would cuss if you would. She even took your glasses. Away from you.

"Eonni, my eyes hurts! Please, let me take this off, huh?" you plea. She rolled her eyes and pulled your wrist. She blowed your eyes with her breath. You sighed in releaf. "Thanks." you said. "But hey! It worked. It doesn't hurt anymore!"

Your sister rolled her eyes and chuckled. "I promise you. After this, no one will ever bully you being ugly! Hey, you're not ugly. It's just.... they're jealous of you. Okay?" she explained. You felt your eyes watery again from what she said. You nodded. "I know."

You paused. Then your sister dragged you again. "Time to chage hair colour, baby girl." she said as the both of you enetered a salon.

"Yes, how may I help you young ladies?" the worker asked. Your sister chuckled, "Please straigthened her hair, and change it to uhmmmmmmm. Red!" she pointed out.

You widened your eyes. "What? Red? Are you kidding me?" you exclaimed. *This ajhumma really.*

She wiggled her eyebrows. But then, you just obeyed what she wants.

After several hours at the salon, youwere as pretty as new. You're big eyes were now shown, you straight and red hair is now making you a princess-like.  You breathe in before you watch yourself in the mirror. "Wow."

*Is this me? Really? Am I really this beautiful?* you eyes started to tear. Your sister never saw you so hapy before. She went over you and patted your shoulder. "I can't believe it also. You're so, pretty baby girl!" she smiled.







I'm so lame. I don't even know if you like itm guys. Come on! Comments are love, you know?

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@last chaprter: awwwwww............SO CUUUUUUUUTE ^__________^
thanks for the great story
@chapter 7:awwwww....... ;(
@chapter 6: OMG...... he confessed already and it's so CUTE
@chapter 5: can't wait to read
@chapter 4: AWWWWWWW......same date
@ awwwwww..........can't wait to read the other chapters hihihi
@chapter 2: awwww....
Annyeong new reader and subsciber ^_____^
@ chapter 1: good start of the story...
note: i might comment on each chapter 'cuz i love commenting .that's all
Hello new subscriber ^^
Hehe the ending is so cute AHHH!! (fainting in a corner) haha :)
cute story...:D