He Likes Me Before I Did

I wasnt able to update yesterday because of the fact that my laptop crashed and all that I wrote was deleted.

After, I wasn't in the mood to repeat all the things I have wrote. Crazy.






It was Friday, you were skipping happily going to school. Of course, you were always the first one to arrive at school. You don't expect someone would arrive before you. *Everyone in the school are damn lazy.*

You had that big grin on your face going up in your classroom. Before you twist the door knob of your homeroom classroom, you took out your big mirror from your bag. You sighed. "You never change appearance, _________."

Yes, you never did. You're the girl who wears thick glasses, has wavy waist length hair and the nerdy girl that everyone bullies, tease, and knows. You opened the door and went inside your room. You sat on your assigned seat and ducked and took a quick nap.

Few minutes later, students started to pile up the classrooms and so are the teachers. You could see flying papers everywhere, pucnching guys anywhere and girls chit-chatting.  But you just stayed there on your seat, reading your dictionary.

Your classmates started to take their seats also. While you were reading you were distructed by an orange-haired guy whom you fell in love with for almost a year now. A smile crept in your face. *The only person who makes my day. Right, he doesn't talk to me and his' friends are fund of teasing me, but I still like him. I love you Lee Byunghun.*

Byunghun passed through you and saw you smiling. He, himself, can't stop from smiling also. *That's right, ________. Keep on smiling. I know that you will be able to smile forever. I wonder what you look like under those glasses, and I wonder why I can't confess to you after 5 years of loving you.*


Class ended and you packed your things. But before you could go out of the room, your classmates started to bully you already.

"Oh, look! The loner is going home already."

"Oh my gosh! She's a desperate nerd."

"Does she even have friends?"

"Get lost you rotten ."

"Live your life in hell."


You bit your lip in anger. You finally thought of standing up for yourself.

"I would definitely do nothing to let you cowards my world up. Tell nobody even ing feels me. till it kills me, it's okay with me. But you ting my world up already, I bet I have to your world up too. There will be reasons or there ever will be."

You walked but then turned again, "I just wanna say thanks because your hate is what that gave me strength."

Crying, you returned home.

You threw yourself in your bed, you hugged your pillow like if it was a person, it would be dead now. You sobbed and cursed at yourself.

"Why the hell am I ugly?"

"Should I changed?"

*I should, I should. And that's the only way I can their worlds. You retards!*








I'm planning to give this a 3 chapters. Haha! So, how was the first chap? Did you..... enjoy?!

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@last chaprter: awwwwww............SO CUUUUUUUUTE ^__________^
thanks for the great story
@chapter 7:awwwww....... ;(
@chapter 6: OMG...... he confessed already and it's so CUTE
@chapter 5: can't wait to read
@chapter 4: AWWWWWWW......same date
@ awwwwww..........can't wait to read the other chapters hihihi
@chapter 2: awwww....
Annyeong new reader and subsciber ^_____^
@ chapter 1: good start of the story...
note: i might comment on each chapter 'cuz i love commenting .that's all
Hello new subscriber ^^
Hehe the ending is so cute AHHH!! (fainting in a corner) haha :)
cute story...:D