Valentine's day without Woohyun

Beauty and the Nerd

Minhee's pov

It's been a couple days since my birthday party and I've gotten so much closer to Baekhyun and EXO. I've sorta forgotten about Woohyun but whenever I see him wth his girlfriend, all the memories come back. I've got to get that out of my head.

It's shocking that Hana is actually hanging out with Kai. I see them together during lunch. Are they dating? If they are, they would actually make a pretty good couple. It's valentines and I'm alone. If I was still with Woohyun he would've planned something huge like every year but I guess not this year.

I would go out with they boys that have asked me out but other girls like them so it wouldn't be nice. I just need to get use to the feeling of be alone and . I'll try to get use to it. 

''Hey Minhee, are you okay without a date this year?'' Anna asked. I smiled and nodded. ''Yeah of course.'' Of course not. Hana chuckled. ''Come on Minhee, don't lie. I know you aren't okay.'' She said. What can I say? She knows me too well. I sighed. ''I'm not okay. You're right. But what can I do?'' I asked. I haven't actually asked someone out. They ask me out. ''Not sure.'' Jiyoung said. 

''Do you guys have a date this year?'' I asked. ''Ummm. No.'' Hana said. Why is she saying it in such a weird way? It sounds like she's trying to hide something. I shrugged and turned to Anna. ''What about you?'' She shook her head. I turned to Jiyoung. Same results. 

''So if you guys don't have a date, wanna hang out at the mall?" I asked. They stood there. ''I can't sorry Minhee.'' Hana said. ''We can't either. Umma wants us to help her with things around the house.'' Jiyoung said. I faked a smile and nodded. Alright. Now what? I guess I'll go to the library. I'll be going on a date with books. Ahahahaha.... oh face it. That joke wasn't even funny.

I told Mr.Kim I would walk to the library. I grabbed my earbuds and plugged them in my ear and started walking. 

Theres so many things happening in my life. Woohyun left me. I made new friends. Umma wants me to run the fashion business. I just don't really have time to myself. I wish I was younger so I wouldn't have so much responsiblities. 

I felt someone grab my arm. ''Ah!'' I turned and wacked the person with my bag. 

''Oowww..'' I heard the person whine. ''Calm down Minhee. It's me. Baekhyun.'' He held his waist in pain. My eyes widened. ''Omo. I'm so sorry Baekhyun. Are you okay?" He tried to stand up but wobbled. ''I'm fine.'' He said.

''Where are you going all by yourself?'' He asked. ''I was on my way to the library.'' I told him. He nodded. ''What about you?'' I asked. ''I was actually on my way to the library too. I was suppose to hang out with EXO but they said they were busy.'' Similar problem to me. ''Oh, me too. The girls were busy.'' I told him. 

''Hey, instead of going to the library, wanna go to Han River?'' Baekhyun asked. I haven't been there since I was like six. ''Yeah sure.'' 

"Isn't the weather nice today?" Baekhyun asked. "Yeah it relaxing. I haven't been to this river in ages and I'm really happy I'm back." I said. "Seriously? You haven't been here for ages?" He asked with a shock face. I chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, it just that I've been busy with things at home. My mom wants me to take over the fashion line. Being. A daughter of two successful people isn't fun. They give you so much responsibilities." I told him. He nodded. "Well that for you then. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes." He said. We both laughed. "Yeah, I've been going throught a lot. Most of my happiness was from Woohyun."

Baekhyun's smile disappeared. "Minhee, you aren't gonna get better if you keep thinking about him. Trust me, I've been through this before." He said. I stared at him. He was right. "You've been through this?" I asked. He nodded. ''Probably everyone has.'' He said.

''Who did you go through it with?'' He stood and stared at the river. ''In middle school, there was this really pretty girl I liked. She was smart, nice, but every guy liked her. I was a geek. I barely had friends but one day she walked up to me and asked me to be her friend but sadly she moved away and I never saw her again.'' He explain. I nodded. ''Oh well I'm sorry to hear that Baekhyun. I hope you see her again.'' He smiled. ''I'll be seeing her very soon.'' He said.

''Hey Minhee, wanna get some ice cream?'' Baekhyun asked. My stomache growled. I held it and blushed. ''I'm guessing thats a yes.'' He chuckled. 

We walked to a small ice cream shop. I asked for chocolate and so did Baekhyun. 

''Thanks.'' He handed the ice cream to me. ''So why does you mom want you to run the fashion line?'' Baekhyun suddenly asked. I looked up. ''My mom said that since she's getting older and its harder for her to keep up, she wants me to run it. Since she's my mom, I have to do it.'' I told him. ''Are you gonna do it?'' He asked. I sighed and nodded. ''I have to, but I really don't want to. In March, my mom will sign the company over to me. There's just one problem. If I do this, I'm moving to the California. My mom wants to make the fashion line international.''

Baekhyun chocked on the icecream. ''Omo, Baekhyun-ah, are you okay?'' He kept coughing and then nodded. ''Really?'' He asked I could see the shock in his eyes. ''Yeah, I really don't wanna do this but I don't want to disobey my mom. What should I do?" I asked. 

''Minhee, if you want to help your mom, do it but if you do this, think of all the things your leaving behind.'' Baekhyun was right. If I do this, I leave everthing behind. 



I'm so sorry I haven't been updating. School is driving me crazy! So I hope you enjoy this chapter. Sorry if theres mistakes, I didn't read it over. AND, I'm looking for a co author! I need help with this fanfic. If you want to be a co author answer these questions....




Why you want to be co author

Please message me this on my wall. First come first serve. Co author applications have to be turned in during March 2nd and March 5th. 

Thanks! If you do want to work with me, I'll be very happy! I will acutally be hiring two authors. One for the fanfic and I need one to make posters and trailers, so you must be able to do these things to be an author.


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Kristina97only #1
Chapter 10: she must end up with baek, tiff with woohyun i suggest .-.
Chapter 7: "what about baekhyun??? ToT" YESSS, what about him??? oh my god!!! :(
She needs to discover that she knew him for a long time!
Antecipaiting the next chapter!! :) <3
Kristina97only #3
Chapter 7: what about baekhyun??? ToT
Ooh! What a big coincidence and I'm so happy for it. The character's name with BaekHyun is MinHee, my name's MinHee. Big coincidence! :) So happy... That feeling~... Hehehe :)
Chapter 6: Move to California??? What????! No way!!!!
Kekekeke I'm loving it, please update soon!
Chapter 6: update soooooon hehe ^^
Chapter 4: I think Hana will suit well with Kai.

Why did you even put them together ;~;

I'm shipping them together now.
Chapter 3: Omigaaaaaaaaaash~ please update soon, THIS IS BEAUTIFUL~~~ ♡♥♡♥♡
ImNotUlgyImExotic #9
Please update soon(:
BaekhyunLoveo #10