
Beauty and the Nerd

Minhee's pov

''We have the results.'' The mc said. ''The winners are....Baekhyun and Minhee!'' 

Everyone clapped and Baekhyun and I went up to the stage. Baekhyun got a crown placed on his head while I got a tiara. ''Give this couple a round of applause.'' Everyone clapped and whistled. I turned to Baekhyun and smiled. He did the same. EXO, Hana, Jiyoung, and Anna run up the stage and hugged us. We all laughed.

''Congrats for winning Baek.'' Chen said. ''Thanks.'' Baekhyun said. ''It's time for the couple winner dance.'' The mc said. Dance? You mean with Baekhyun? ''Care to dance winner?'' Baekhyun said and held out his hand. I smiled and nodded. I took his hand and we headed to the dance floor. 

''Is something wrong? You seem tense.'' Baekhyun asked. He was right. I'm not having the best time. ''It's just that I miss Woohyun. He always spends my birthday with me.'' I said.

So you still love him. I don't have a chance. 

''Oh, you should try to forget him and enjoy your birthday.'' Baekhyun said. ''Yeah you're right.''  I sighed and tried to focus on the dance......I can't. I keep seeing pictures in my head of him and me together. Smiling. Laughing. Loving each other. Will I ever get over him? ''Baekhyun, I'll be back.'' I told him. I escaped his grasp and ran off.

I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in there. I turned and slided my back on the door. A tear fell from my eye. I miss you so much Woohyun.... I hugged my knees then started crying my heart out. Please be mine again Woohyun. I'm ot myself without you. 

I got off the ground and washed my face at the sink. I heard the door open. The girls walked in. ''Minhee, we heard. Are you okay?" Jiyoung asked. I nodded. ''This is your special day, let's have fun. huh?'' Anna said. I sighed. ''I just miss him so much.'' I said. Hana walked up to me. ''Come here.'' She opened her arms. I walked up to her and hugged her. ''Don't cry. He didn't deserve you. You deserve much more. Do you think Baekhyun will like it if you cried?" She asked. I broke the hug. ''Baekhyun doesn't like me. We're just friends. Nothing more.'' I told her. 

After we finished fixing my hair and make up, we went outside to cut the cake.

''She's back!'' Kai shouted and pointed at me. 

Baekhyun ran up to me. ''Hey are you okay?'' Baekhyun asked. ''I'm fine. Please don't worry about me.'' I assured him. He nodded. ''Sweety,cut the cake.'' Umma said. She handed me the knife. I started cutting the cake into small sections. 

I handed out the last piece. Okay, I do not want to hold this knife anymore. I am so gonna cut myself. 

I placed the knife down on the table when the blade passed my finger. ''Ow!'' I yelled. I looked at my finger. There was a cut and blood was seeping through. ''Omo, Minhee-ah, you're bleeding.'' Sehun said. I held onto my finger tight. Gosh this hurts. ''I'm fine.'' I said. ''You're not. I'll help you. Let's go.'' Baekhyun said and took my arm.

He took out a band aid. ''It's bleeding too much.'' He said. ''Yeah, I cut my-'' He took my finger and on the cut with us mouth. ''That should help stop the bleeding.'' I felt my face turn instantly red. 

He placed the band aid on my finger gently and threw away the wrapper. ''Thanks Baekhyun.'' He smiled. ''Wouldn't want you to be in a pain.'' He said. I smiled and nodded. 

''You're back.'' Jiyoung said. ''Are you okay? Does it hurt?'' Anna asked. I shook my head. ''It's just a small cut. Don't worry.'' ''Thanks for helping her nerd. I mean Baekhyun.'' Hana said. Baekhyun chuckled. ''Don't sweat it.'' He said.

~2 hours later

The party just ended. Everybody went home but I stayed behind. I wanted to be alone and relax. 

I sat on a chair and closed my eyes

''Oppa!'' I yelled. Woohyun turned around. ''Minhee!'' He opened his arms and I jumped into him. ''I missed you.How was your day?'' I asked. ''Lonely. You weren't with me.'' He said. I smiled and pecked his lips. 

We were sitting on the grass in the garden. ''Oppa, what do you love about life?" I asked. ''I love that in life, you get to meet someone special and spend the rest of your life with them.'' He said. I smiled and nodded. ''What about you?'' He asked back. ''I love that when you meet that someone special, you can trust them. They'll always be there when you fall and pick you.'' I said. Woohyun lied down on my lap. ''For me, that person is you.'' Woohyun said.

Lies. They were all lies. A tear fell from my eyes. All the words he said were lies. I guess you can't trust the person you love. 

I felt someone pat my back. ''Minhee?'' I heard someone say. I turned around and saw Baekhyun. ''What are you still doing here?'' I asked. ''I forgot my jacket. Why are you still here?'' He asked. ''Oh ummm, I just wanted to stay back and clean up.'' I lied. ''Oh okay, it's pretty late though. Want me to walk you home?" He asked. I smiled. ''I would like that.'' I answered. He smiled. I stood up but he stopped me. ''Wait. I still didn't give you your birthday present.'' He pulled out a box. ''Close your eyes.'' I obeyed and closed my eyes. 

I felt something cold on me. It felt like a necklace. 

''Open your eyes.'' He said. I opened my eyes and saw a necklace on me that said ''Forever''. ''Baekhyun, it's lovely. You really didn't have to.'' I said and held the necklace. ''Let's walk you home.'' He said.

We've been walking for 10 minutes and my feet were getting sore. I tried to hold in the pain so Baekhyun wouldn't notice. Then I started limping. 

''Minhee-ah, are you okay?'' He asked. Shoot. I turned to him and nodded. ''Don't lie. Let me see. Where does it hurt?'' He said. I pointed to my feet. ''Oh, it must be your high heels.'' He turned around and crouched down. I stood and stared. ''Come on. Hope on. If you keep walking. Your feet will hurt.'' I sighed and hopped on. 

''Ready?'' He asked. ''Yeah. Please don't drop me.'' I said. I haven't had a piggy back ride from anyone yet. Even from Woohyun. ''Don't worry. I'll be careful and gentle.'' His words assured me. He started walking and I held on tightly. 

''Baekhyun, can I asked you something?'' 

''Sure, ask away.''

''What do you love about life?'' I asked. 

''I love that in life, you'll find your partner. Your life partner.'' 


I'm sorry that I haven't been updating. Thanks to my friends yelling at me to update. You know who you are. ~_~ Also, HAVE A HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! I'm so sad that EXO showtime has ended. Are you? 

I didn't check this over so I might have to grammar mistakes ehehehehe

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Kristina97only #1
Chapter 10: she must end up with baek, tiff with woohyun i suggest .-.
Chapter 7: "what about baekhyun??? ToT" YESSS, what about him??? oh my god!!! :(
She needs to discover that she knew him for a long time!
Antecipaiting the next chapter!! :) <3
Kristina97only #3
Chapter 7: what about baekhyun??? ToT
Ooh! What a big coincidence and I'm so happy for it. The character's name with BaekHyun is MinHee, my name's MinHee. Big coincidence! :) So happy... That feeling~... Hehehe :)
Chapter 6: Move to California??? What????! No way!!!!
Kekekeke I'm loving it, please update soon!
Chapter 6: update soooooon hehe ^^
Chapter 4: I think Hana will suit well with Kai.

Why did you even put them together ;~;

I'm shipping them together now.
Chapter 3: Omigaaaaaaaaaash~ please update soon, THIS IS BEAUTIFUL~~~ ♡♥♡♥♡
ImNotUlgyImExotic #9
Please update soon(:
BaekhyunLoveo #10