Date and wardrobe picking

Beauty and the Nerd

Baekhyun's pov

Did I hear her correctly? Did she just ask me to be her date? ''Um Minhee, I'm not turning you down or anything but don't you have a boyfriend?'' She looked down and sighed. ''No...Woohyun broke up with me for another girl. He said our relationship wasn't how it use to be.'' She said. What a jerk. ''Oh, I'm sorry.'' I said. ''It's fine. It happens. I'm over it.'' She said but I could tell shes not. ''Minhee.'' She lifted her head up. ''Yes?'' ''I would love to be your date.'' I said. She smiled and jumped up. ''Thanks Baekhyun!'' She hugged me. Am I dreaming? She broke the hug. ''Meet me at the gate after school.'' She said. ''Why?'' I asked. ''We're going shopping and I'm gonna help you prepare for my party.'' I nodded and smiled. ''I should get going so Hana doesn't worry. See you later!'' She skipped away. I shook my head and laughed. 

~~~After School

I stood at waiting for her. 

I then saw her come out with a smile on her face. ''Baekhyun-ah!'' She yelled. I chuckled and she ran up to me. ''Let's go. Mr. Kim, my driver with drive us to the mall. ''Okay, lets go.'' I said. 

We walked to her car and got in. ''Mr.Kim, drive us to the mall please.'' She said. ''Yes Ms.Park.'' He said. Her last name is Park? Chanyeol will be happy to hear that. 

We arrived at the mall and she dragged me inside. ''Woah slow down.'' I said. She chuckled.''Sorry, I just love shopping. We're gonna head over to my mom's store. She'll give you something to wear.'' She said. ''What do you mean she'll ''give'' me something to wear? Don't you have to pay?'' I asked. ''Nope, my mom own's a clothing line so I get cloths for free and so does anyone who I am close with.'' She said. We're close.... ''Oh.'' 

''Umma!'' She yelled as we entered the store. Everything looked so fancy. I saw woman walk out with a very high class outfit while I looked like a geek with glasses. ''Hello sw''eety.'' She said and looked at me. ''Who is this?'' She asked. ''This is Baekhyun, he'll be my date to my birthday party.'' Minhee said. ''What about Woohyun?'' Her mother asked. ''I'll tell you about it later. May you please find a tux for Baekhyun to wear?'' Minhee asked.''Of course.'' Her mother went to the racks and started searching. ''I hope I'm not troubling you.'' I said. Her mother turned to me and smiled. ''You are not. I love helping people find the perfect outfit.'' She said. She continued looking when she smiled at one. She held it up. ''This one is perfect. Baekhyun go try it on.'' She told me. I nodded and she gave me the tux.

I went to the fitting rooms and put it on. This feels so different. I've never worn something so nice before. I looked at the price tag. $299.99?! Well the cloths she designs are very nice and good quality. I'm just glad I'm not paying for this or I'll be broke. I looked at myself again and walked out. 

Minhee smiled and so did her mother. ''It's perfect, well almost. Let me help you.'' She walked over to me and took off my glasses. ''There.'' She said. ''You look amazing Baekhyun.'' Her mother said. I bowed. ''Thank you for giving this to me.'' I said. She nodded. ''My pleasure.''

I turned from this to this . ''Since your done, it's my turn. Go take off your tux and my mom will wrap it up.'' Minhee said and I nodded. 

After I gave the tux to Mrs.Park I went over to Minhee and helped her look. ''Baekhyun do you think this one looks good?" She asked. ''I designed it! Of course it's good!'' We heard her mom yell. We both laughed. ''I'll go try it on.'' She said.

I sat on the chair waiting for her. The curtains opened and she walked out. My jaw dropped. She was beautiful.  She twirled. ''So? How does it look?'' She asked. ''You look amazing!'' I said. She smiled. ''Baekhyun, I know I've only known you for a short time but it's like we've known each others for years.'' She said. Because we have none each other for years Minhee, you just don't remember. ''Yeah.'' I replied. ''Text EXO to come here later and get their tux. I'm hungry, when I get changed, you wanna get some pizza?''  She asked. I didn't know she eats junk food. ''Sure.'' I said. ''Be right back.'' I nodded. 

''Lets go.'' She said and we walked to the food court. We ordered and sat down. 

''You sure like pizza.'' I said. She nodded. ''Who doesn't?'' She said. 

We sat and talked about school and life. She turned out to be a nerd too. We do have a lot of things in common and that I would never expected. 

We finished our pizza. ''Baekhyun, today was really fun and I hope we can hang out like this again.'' She said. YES PLEASE. ''Yeah totally.'' I said. ''It's getting let. Let's get you home.'' I nodded.

We got off at my house. ''I'll see you at school tomorrow!'' She said happily. I nodded and she drove off. BEST DAY EVER. 


Another chapter! Sorry I couldn't update the day before. Something went wrong with my computer. How do you think Hana will react after she finds out Baekhyun is Minhee's date?

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Kristina97only #1
Chapter 10: she must end up with baek, tiff with woohyun i suggest .-.
Chapter 7: "what about baekhyun??? ToT" YESSS, what about him??? oh my god!!! :(
She needs to discover that she knew him for a long time!
Antecipaiting the next chapter!! :) <3
Kristina97only #3
Chapter 7: what about baekhyun??? ToT
Ooh! What a big coincidence and I'm so happy for it. The character's name with BaekHyun is MinHee, my name's MinHee. Big coincidence! :) So happy... That feeling~... Hehehe :)
Chapter 6: Move to California??? What????! No way!!!!
Kekekeke I'm loving it, please update soon!
Chapter 6: update soooooon hehe ^^
Chapter 4: I think Hana will suit well with Kai.

Why did you even put them together ;~;

I'm shipping them together now.
Chapter 3: Omigaaaaaaaaaash~ please update soon, THIS IS BEAUTIFUL~~~ ♡♥♡♥♡
ImNotUlgyImExotic #9
Please update soon(:
BaekhyunLoveo #10