Chapter Two: Is it you?

Have we met before?

One week before Kibum’s “Death”, 14 February 2013

“Everything’s prepared and ready, Kibum. The car will pick you up next week at midnight.”

“I understand. Thank you for your help, Doctor.”

Ring Ring Ring , as Kibum’s cellphone went off. It was Jonghyun.

“Kibum-ah where are you now? I’m at home missing you right now.”Jonghyun whined with the fullest amount of aegyo he ever had.

“Quickly, hurry along to spend this special day with him.” The Doctor motioned.

Kibum nodded and exited the room.

“I just left the salon, Jonghyun. Wait for me?”



Norwich International Airport, England, 9.23am

As they collected their bags from the collection area, Jonghyun scanned the area in awe of its beauty and let his thoughts wander off to Kibum again. He whispered quietly to himself.

“Kibum always begged to come to England one day. If only you were here with me Kibum. If only.

Before bitter tears could form again, Jonghyun pushed his thoughts away as Minho motioned him to follow him. The weather outside the airport was a little chilly, but Jonghyun didn’t mind a single bit. Taking in the fresh air, he tagged along with Minho –Wherever he was going, the university he presumed- But was confused when they arrived in front of a random flower shop.

“Buying flowers for your best friend, I suppose hmmm Minho?” Jonghyun commented with a hint of playfulness in his tone.

“Come on, flowers are just manners for a graduation ceremony.”

Ooh Manners” Jonghyun wiggled his eyebrows, which earned him a light punch on his stomach from Minho.

“Here take a pick.” He pointed at a bunch of bouquets. Eyeing him discreetly,  Jonghyun picked out Kibum’s favourite, red roses. As cliché as that is, Kibum found red roses “The most perfect gift anyone could ever get”, his favourite. Jonghyun chuckled at the fond memory but sighed nonetheless. Knowing Minho was worried at his reaction, he quickly tried to cover it up by asking why he was the one picking the flowers and not him instead.

“Those are for Key, Taemin’s closest friend. Taemin mentioned how sad Key would be since there wouldn’t be anyone he knew to be there to congratulate him during the graduation ceremony. So he pestered me to get some for Key as well. Even though I’ve never seen Key before. Taemin insists that I wait till graduation ceremony to meet his friend properly.” Minho explained.

Jonghyun nodded in understanding, knowing Taemin’s character.

“And as for Taemin, I’m getting these.” Minho smiled, holding up another bunch of white roses.



Graduation Ceremony, Oxford University, 4:08 pm.

While making their way into the University, Jonghyun signaled Minho that he needed to use the restroom before the ceremony began and passed the bouquet of roses to him. Minho, on the other hand, was dumb enough to trust Jonghyun’s sense of direction –which a lot- to get him into this situation.


Jonghyun scratched the back of his neck defeat, unsure of which direction to take. Almost all of the graduates had emptied the building to prepare for the ceremony, so there were close to 0 souls who could help. And even if he did find one, it wouldn’t be of much aid to him since his English isn’t really his type of language.

But out of a sudden, Jonghyun heard a familiar voice ringing in his ears. A familiar cackled laughter he couldn’t help but love. More than that, a beautiful voice that was speaking in an obvious Daegu accent.

“Yes mom. I’ll be flying back to Korea tomorrow, now stop worrying. I’ll be fine, really. Yes I love you mom. See you soon alright? Mmm.”

I know that voice anywhere.

Do you guys believe in fate? It’s funny how fate works out though, surprising us in moments we’d never expect.

At the turn of the corridor, Jonghyun spotted a blond-haired guy standing in his graduation robe with his back facing him. Kibum sensed somebody was behind him and turned around to meet a Korean-looking male whose puppy brown orbs started to widen.

Registering every aspect of his facial features, there was only one thought that flashed through Jonghyun’s mind. No doubt,

It’s him.

“Are you lost of something? Because you sure seem like you are.” Kibum questioned.

Knees starting to feel weak, Jonghyun walked towards Kibum to face him.

Ki-Kibum… It’s really you.” He felt a lump in his throat.

“I’m sorry but have we met before? And how do you even know my real name?” Kibum took a step back.

“Don’t you dare say you don’t know me, Kibum. After so much we’ve been through together, don’t you dare.”

“Jeez I’m telling you I really don’t know!” He retorted.

"Don't joke around me with all these Kibum. You KNOW who I am."

One teardrop. Drip.

"Who are you that you're crying in front of me?"

Another teardrop. Drop.

Jonghyun forcefully grabbed Kibum's delicate wrist, in fear of losing him. Again. His eyesight falters due to the amount of unshed tears welled up in his eyes but Jonghyun manages to fix his gaze on Kibum's eyes.



The sound of Kibum's sudden voice made Jonghyun's eyes and ears perk up, with little hope that this was just another one of Kibum's pranks. But then again, how many pranks have lasted more than close to a year?

Kibum spoke up,

"I probably know you.

I probably loved you a lot.

That's why I probably erased you."

Jonghyun’s grasp on Kibum’s wrist slowly started to loosen and Kibum took the chance to retract his arm forcefully.

“Now excuse me, but I have a graduation ceremony to attend to.” Kibum said as a matter of fact and walked away from Jonghyun, not once eyeing back at him.

Knees finally giving way, Jonghyun’s knees fell with a thud on the hard ground. Still at disbelief at the situation, tears slowly blurred his vision once again. Clutching his heart with both his hands, he tried to comprehend what “Kibum” had said before but  to no avail. He knew one thing for sure, his heart was hurting, a lot.

Kibum… Was that you?



After Graduation Ceremony, 5:25 pm.

Taemin bounced happily next to Minho after the ceremony ended, where Minho welcomed gladly with a warm hug and congrats. He presented Taemin with the white roses which the latter accepted gratefully, not missing the slight blush on his cheeks that Jonghyun didn’t miss out.

“Oh! You guys have to meet Key-hyung!” Taemin piped, and shouted across the crowd in search of his Key-hyung.

That was the moment Jonghyun wondered if the heavens really loved him or hated him to treat him like this. Oh, how fate loves to play around. Because at the call of Taemin’s voice, the blonde ‘Kibum’ from before whipped his head in recognition of his name and slowly started to make his way to Taemin.

It can’t be.

Both Jonghyun and Minho’s breath hitches as their gazes fell on Key as he struggled his way through the massive sardine-packed crowd.

It can’t be.

But it could, apparently.

“Key hyung! You’re here!” Taemin beamed, still overwhelmed with the joyful atmosphere. Still oblivious to the two stoned figures standing in front of them. Kibum on the other hand noticed the both of them-especially the shorter male-. The one standing next to Taemin was no doubt Minho, from what he remembered with the pictures Taemin kept shoving into Kibum’s face. However Minho had a face as if he’d just seen a ghost.

Did he know me before too?

Eyes glancing towards the male he met from just now, compared to Minho, his expression started to soften and it slowly became as if he was going to cry –again. A little freaked out and confused about their reactions, and finding a little rude if he just walked away, Kibum whispered to Taemin.

“So what’s the deal with them?”

With that, Minho broke off his train of thoughts and introduced himself out of manners. But of course, Kibum need not be told twice to remember Minho’s name.

“Hello you must be Key. My name is Min-.”

“Minho right? Oh I know. Taemin has told me so much about you.” Kibum cut him off and smirked at Taemin.


-“The name’s Jonghyun. And you?”

“Kibum. But don’t you think Jonghyun isn’t really a good name for a hobbit like you?”

“Hobbit? Mind you, aren’t you a little weird in name-calling.”

“Looks like we’ll get along just fine, downsized human.”

“Looks like we will.” Jonghyun chuckled.-


Looking carefully at the guy before him, Kibum’s head started to ache a little. Slowly, images and scenes start to immerge. Kibum couldn’t make out the male’s face in his lost memories but brushes it away when the guy he met earlier on offered a friendly handshake.

“The name’s Jonghyun. It’s nice to meet you.”

“I’m pretty sure you know my name already, or am I wrong, Jonghyun-ssi?”

With that, both Taemin and Minho eyed Jonghyun suspiciously, awaiting his explaination.

“We met earlier on before the ceremony started!” Jonghyun raised both his hands up to his chest, as if to signal he was innocent.

Taemin, being as oblivious as usual, decided to have the perfect timing to drag Minho away to show him something in their University, leaving Jonghyun and Kibum on their own.

Not wanting it to be anymore awkward for the both of them, Kibum suggested that he’s going to go pack up his stuff for tomorrow and turned to scatter away before Jonghyun could even react.

Nevertheless, Jonghyun ran after Kibum and caught up, catching his wrists for the second time in that day, only this time it was very much gentler.

“Look Kib- I mean Key, Things didn’t go that well for our first meeting. I’m sorry I overreacted.” Jonghyun looked sad as if he really meant it-and he did.

Kibum blinked at him, and gave him an expression that practically said And?

“Maybe we could start over with the introducti- no wait you already do know my nam- Er I mean we could probably redo this hmmm thing?” Jonghyun stuttered, and ended up covering his face in embarassment with the bouquet of flowers.

Kibum cackled at Jonghyun and smiled a genuine smile that made Jonghyun’s heart melt at the sight of it.

“So are those flowers for Taemin?”

Jonghyun didn’t even notice he was holding up the roses until Kibum mentioned it. Once he did, he beamed and handed the bouquet to Kibum.

“No, they’re for you actually. Picked them out myself at the flower shop. Congratulations on graduating?”

Once again, Kibum couldn’t hide his smile and thanked him generously. After a bit of small chatter, Kibum noticed the time and informed Jonghyun that he really needed to pack his things in time for tomorrow.

As much as Jonghyun wanted Kibum to stay, he waved Kibum goodbye before Kibum turned around and spoke,

“And for the account, Red roses are my favourite.” And made his way back to his dorm.

I know, Kibum. I always did.


Baby steps.



Authors note: My my, this chapter took quite a while since I changed parts of it over and over again. I hope it didn’t really confuse you guys! Much much love to everyone~ I’ll update soon and thank you~

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dreamynite #1
Chapter 5: Such a sweet story
blind_angel #3
Chapter 5: .... O.O does he remember all now?
Chapter 5: Oh I'm so looking forward to the futur chapter. I love it!
Chapter 4: Ugh the curiosity is killing me! and I agree, so sweet and sad at the same time ;;
blind_angel #6
Chapter 2: :'( so sweet and sad at the same time