Chapter Six: Flashback

Have we met before?

Kibum’s unconscious state, time unknown.

“Jonghyun? Is that you?”

Kibum tried voicing out when he saw a familiar figure sitting on the bed. Kibum scanned his surroundings, unsure of how or why he got there. Patterned wall designs, bits of crushed music sheets lying on the ground and a comfy looking queen-sized bed. Was this Jonghyun’s room?

His rough guess proved to be right when Jonghyun grunted and spun around to face Kibum, this time Kibum clearly seeing him hold a sheet of expensive-looking paper. To Kibum, Jonghyun was probably too engrossed in the contents of the paper to acknowledge his presence. Kibum tried clearing his throat slightly loudly than he should’ve, but got no response from Jonghyun at all. Puzzled at the treatment he got, Kibum went over to Jonghyun and attempted to snatch the stack of papers from his grip but Kibum’s hands just passed through them like thin air.

“I’m not dead am I?” Kibum whispered to himself.

They just stayed like that for a few minutes, with Jonghyun sprawled on the bed still staring at the contents and Kibum standing at the corner contemplating if he was alive or dead.

“What is that thing you’re reading anyway, you’re looking at it as if it’s going to change your life or something.” Kibum huffed aloud, knowing Jonghyun couldn’t possibly hear him.

Making his way next to Jonghyun, he bent down to scan through the details of the paper.

SM Entertainment…

Kim Jonghyun…

Talented Singer…


Accept the terms and conditions…

Join as Trainee to further potential…

And with those few words, Kibum knew exactly what that paper was. But that’s weird; Jonghyun signed that contract 10 months ago (according to him).  So what was this, another one of his memories?

At the slight creek of the door behind him, Kibum whipped his head to identify the cause of the sudden noise. Strange, there wasn’t anyone entering the room a few seconds later. Kibum tilted his head so that he could see the back of the door. Eyes widening in shock, Kibum took a step backwards to have a clearer view. Without any doubt,

That’s me.

Standing/hiding behind the wooden door, hands still on the doorknob, eyes never leaving Jonghyun. Unaware of Kibum standing behind the door watching him, Jonghyun ruffled his own hair in frustration. Kibum holds his breath as he sees himself sighing and making his presence known to Jonghyun by swinging the door open fully. Jonghyun hastily puts away the papers and welcomes Kibum with a chaste kiss on the lips.

Observing his own facial expressions, Kibum’s breath hitches as he slowly realizes the reason he left.

As if on command, Kibum is brought minutes later to a scene where he’s planted on the ground alone, back touching the wall for support. Confused at the sudden change of surroundings, Kibum notices the streak of tears flowing down the cheeks of /past/ Kibum.

Jonghyun, do you know how much it breaks my heart to see you put away your dream for my sake? You should be singing your heart out in front millions of fans screaming your name, not by my side, not yet. You love both music and this idiot here, But I know you love me too much to give me up…” /past/Kibum’s voice breaks as he continue letting the tears flow down.

“So I’m not going to make you choose, Jonghyun. You won’t have to choose, I-I promise. It’ll be as if we never met.” He ends as he buries his head between his knees, sobbing his heart out.


Christmas night, Jonghyun’s bedroom, 11:11pm.

Kibum shoots straight up as he awakes from his thoughts. He was sweating profusely despite the cold weather and wanted to use his hand to wipe the sweat away but found that something or rather, someone, was weighing it down. Focusing his gaze on that someone, he found Jonghyun using both of his hand to clasp Kibum’s safely in between. He was fast asleep, Kibum guessing from all the work he’d done. Wet towels lying around the bed and a basin of cold ice water (which already melted). Looking at the amount of effort Jonghyun put in, a smile that basically cooed an “Aww” reached Kibum’s face.

He sighs a little too loudly while reminiscing his flashback as Jonghyun jerks awake, as if on guard to protect Kibum. When he figures it was Kibum who made the noise, Jonghyun springs to him and bombards him with questions filled with concern and worry. The ‘How are you?’s, ‘Are you feeling fine?’, ‘Do you need to rest your head a while more?’.  And Kibum wonders what Jonghyun ever did to receive such a treatment from him in the past.

Kibum just shakes his head in a really adorable manner and tells Jonghyun that he’s fine.

“J-Jonghyun? Did you know why I left?”

“I don’t think anyone did, Kibum. Did I do something wrong again?” Jonghyun panicked.

“It’s the exact opposite actually…” Kibum weakly smiled.

With that, Kibum explained to Jonghyun about remembering parts of his memories, including the reason he left and ended up being hit lightly on the head by Jonghyun. Jonghyun chuckled merrily and beamed to Kibum,

“Aren’t we fine now, Kibum? I’m a greedy person you know hehe, I can’t and won’t let go of either.”


Christmas night, Jonghyun’s living room, 11:55pm.

“Presents time! Come on Jonghyun, open it up!” Kibum giggled on the sofa, motioning his nicely wrapped up gift to Jonghyun. He slowly watches and anticipates Jonghyun’s reaction while Jonghyun was tearing up the wrapping paper.

Eyes sparkling with joy, Jonghyun finally tore off the remaining bit of wrapping paper and was marveled by the gift.

“It’s beautiful, Kibum. Thank you.” He whispered, unable to hold in his happiness.

“I didn’t know a snow globe would make you this happy.” Kibum remarked, taking the compliment of his wise choice of gifts.

But Jonghyun on the other hand, passed a thick scrapbook over to Kibum’s lap, awaiting his response this time. Because Kibum was holding a photobook, filled with tons of memories and photos of their lives together before the accident. Right then Kibum locked his eyes with Jonghyun and the message was well received by the other.

You intended on telling me today?


Christmas Night, Jonghyun’s couch, 11:59pm

Resting comfortably together on Jonghyun’s couch, Kibum spoke,

“I think it’s kind of impossible for anyone to dislike you at all, don’t you think.”


“I think I might like you Jonghyun, since I cannot actually bring myself to hate you.” Kibum stated as a matter of fact.

“Was that a confession I heard, Kibum?” Jonghyun tries to pass it off coolly.

Kibum just shrugs his shoulders in defense but his cheeky smile gives him away. “I’ll take that it is,” Jonghyun mumbles as his heart races while he places his lips on Kibum’s forehead and whispers,


Merry Christmas, Kibum.”



Author's note: School has started boohoo:( But no worries, I'll still be updating, just probably not that quickly, around a week at most. Chapter 6, i hope it's still alright. I wonder what's up next for this pairing next hehe. Comment and thank you very much. Much much love to everyone~ I'll update soon alright~

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dreamynite #1
Chapter 5: Such a sweet story
blind_angel #3
Chapter 5: .... O.O does he remember all now?
Chapter 5: Oh I'm so looking forward to the futur chapter. I love it!
Chapter 4: Ugh the curiosity is killing me! and I agree, so sweet and sad at the same time ;;
blind_angel #6
Chapter 2: :'( so sweet and sad at the same time