Chapter Three: Strangely Familiar

Have we met before?

Daegu Private Hospital, 3 days before Kibum’s “death”

“Kibum, just a slight reminder, your memories, those you’ve chose to forget, will come back when the chemical in your body starts to wear off. The initial stages of you recalling memories include sudden images and scenes flashing through your mind. They start to appear around 9 months from the starting date. Blurred and unclear at first, but your lost memories will be recovered by a year.”

“I think I can handle it. One year is all I need to get used it.”

“If you are sure, Kibum.”

A nod was given.


Day after graduation ceremony, Norwich International Airport, North Entrance, 6:23pm.

As Jonghyun wandered around in the semi-packed airport, he contemplated about Kibum’s so called “death”. Usually he wouldn’t even want to get near that topic, but ever since yesterday, everything had become so suspicious.

Only one phone call to inform of the grave news.

Never had he seen the body.

Kibum’s parents weren’t there at his funeral to mourn as well.

That’s strange.

And if that’s really the case and Kibum isn’t dead yet, how did Kibum forget Jonghyun.

Or rather, why?

His fingers lingered on the call button on Kibum’s new contact number. Taemin took quite a lot of persuasion from Jonghyun (which included bribing Minho to help as well) but nonetheless, he got hold of the numbers. But what could Jonghyun call Kibum for? He can’t be calling out of a sudden and go,

“Hi Kibum it’s Jonghyun, I miss you.” (He really did wish it was that easy.) But no, it wasn’t.

At loss for thoughts, Jonghyun grunted and made his way to check in for his flight.


Norwich International Airport, South Entrance, 6:45pm.

Kibum was confused. Very confused. He’d spent the night and basically the whole day trying to sort out his thoughts but to no avail. There were many many questions running in his mind.

Who was the Jonghyun from his past memories?

Why did he want to forget him?

Was it the same Jonghyun as the one he met earlier on?

What was Jonghyun’s relation with him?

Was there another Jonghyun out there?

Am I going mental or something?

No, Kibum answered himself regarding the last question. So many questions he needed answers to but no one to provide it. Well, no one he remembers that is. Rolling his eyes in utter annoyance, Kibum made his way to check in for his flight as he made his silent goodbyes to England.

Kibum was still rather thankful that he booked the business class since he could never stand the cramped seats in the economy class that couldn’t incline backwards much. Adding on, there was only a small confined space assigned to each person. To Kibum, the economy class seats were literally a living hell for him.

Since Minho and Taemin wanted to spend one more day in London, Jonghyun had to fly back himself a day before them (to think that Minho had planned to send him back first.) He couldn’t have booked better seats for him though. That big-eyed .

Economy class seat A4-02.

Jonghyun made his way down the aisle to find his seat, which wasn’t really hard.

“A1-02…A2-02…A3-02…A4-02!” Jonghyun said to himself, only to be frozen in his spot as he eyed the male was already at the window seat next his designated seat. 

Yeap. The heavens really love me.

Because right there sat a perfect-looking Kibum. Scratch that, a very perfect yet irritated Kibum. His eyebrows knitted together, mood grumpy which Jonghyun could guess that a lot of things were bothering Kibum at the same time. However, Kibum who was busy being grumpy was oblivious about Jonghyun standing next to his seat. He was mentally cursing and whining about the stupid mistake he made,


Back at the entry gantry…

“Can I please see your ticket?” The staff asked politely and Kibum handed his ticket to the lady without hesitation.

“A4-01, Please proceed down this aisle to the economy class,” she motioned the direction for Kibum.

“Yes thank yo- what? Economy class?” Kibum eyes widened, not believing his ears.

“Yes sir, it states right here on your plane ticket.”


That’s right, Kibum booked the wrong seat. He groaned out loud, incapable to control his annoyance anymore and made it seem as if it would help alleviate his anger.

“Are you really that pissed that I’m sitting next to you?” Jonghyun joked.

Startled by the noise ‘intrusion’, Kibum glanced quickly at the person who made the comment, to find a smiling Jonghyun looking down (almost adoringly) at him. And at that moment, Kibum thought maybe the 12 hour long plane ride wouldn’t be so bad afterall.


5 hours into the plane ride, 12:30am.

Wrong. If there was one word to describe his thought just now on the flight being more bearable. Because from the moment Jonghyun happily plopped down next Kibum, he hasn’t stopped talking or asking questions. Kibum actually would’ve enjoyed listening to Jonghyun, but he starts to blame it on the lack of sleep last night when his head starts to ache all over again.


-“Kibum Kibum Kibum answer me would you?” Jonghyun whined.

“Why aren’t you answering Kibum?”


“KIbummmmmmm-“  Whack. Kibum placed his palm over Jonghyun’s lips to finally shut him up about going to his performance in school. Kibum could actually feel Jonghyun pouting with all his might under his hand. Knowing his best friend wasn’t taking no for an answer (and deep down he wanted to go), Kibum slowly removed his palm and smiled a little, showing his dimples,

“Do you even have to ask?”

Jonghyun, delighted with the response, took Kibum’s hand and pecked it lightly.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” And between those lines, hearts started to race even quicker. –


Blurred faces again. He felt Jonghyun nudging him with his elbow and was about to open his mouth to ask if Kibum was alright when Kibum’s palm went right up to Jonghyun’s mouth by instinct. He shushed Jonghyun for the sake of it because his head was still hurting. And with Jonghyun’s undeniable pouting and whiny noises under his hand, it felt like Déjà vu. His hand flew away from Jonghyun’s face as if he’d just touch fire.

Halfway through the flight, Kibum was shifting non-stop in his seat, unable to find a comfortable position to fall asleep in. Jonghyun sensed Kibum’s silent (or not so silent) distress and tapped on Kibum’s arm to get his attention. Noticing Jonghyun hadn’t been talking for a while ever since his headaches, he sent a questioning look to Jonghyun which was returned with Jonghyun gesturing Kibum to lie on his shoulder.

Shocked at the sudden proposal of the idea (they’ve only met for 2 days in Kibum’s mind), Kibum shook his head and told Jonghyun he was fine. But knowing Kibum’s stubborn personality, he waited till he was half-asleep in his uncomfortable position and helped him to rest his head on his shoulder.

As half-sleep as he could be, Kibum knew exactly what Jonghyun did and was too tired to retort. Instead, he mentally thanked Jonghyun and gave a stir. Taking in Kibum’s familiar scent, Jonghyun sighed softly in contentment, slowly dropping his head to lean against Kibum’s and fell soundly asleep.

Strangely familiar.

For now, Kibum would push away all the worries and questions to rest his mind. And gradually, he dozed off in Jonghyun’s warm shoulders.


Author's note: Hohoho chapter up! Wonder what's going to happen next hmmm.? Thank you to all the lovely subscribers! Much much love to everyone! I'll update soon alright~ Enjoy~

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dreamynite #1
Chapter 5: Such a sweet story
blind_angel #3
Chapter 5: .... O.O does he remember all now?
Chapter 5: Oh I'm so looking forward to the futur chapter. I love it!
Chapter 4: Ugh the curiosity is killing me! and I agree, so sweet and sad at the same time ;;
blind_angel #6
Chapter 2: :'( so sweet and sad at the same time