Chapter Five:True or False.

Have we met before?

Christmas morning, SM Entertainment, 10:33am.

Kibum was standing outside the company dressed only at the minimum for a weather like this. Thermal wear paired with jeans plus an outer coat. Because obviously, he wasn’t expecting to be waiting for Jonghyun that long. It was winter time in Korea right then and the cold howling wind blew past Kibum, making him curse under his breath for the second time that day and for his cough to worsen by a little. Jonghyun had insisted (not that Kibum didn’t like idea though) that Kibum and him have a sleepover on Christmas day over at Jonghyun’s apartment because really wanted and that Kibum couldn’t say no to those puppy eyes.

It was still interesting how he and Jonghyun got so close-“Best friends”, even- in a matter of three weeks. Every day without fail, Jonghyun would show up at the dance academy to drag Kibum to lunch. And on weekends, attempts by Jonghyun to whip up a feast for both, which usually ends with sauces and whipped cream on their faces, laughter filling the air. In short, Kibum really enjoyed Jonghyun’s company these weeks. Also as much as Kibum wants to deny it, hidden feelings developed can’t really be hidden well.

“Kibum! Were you waiting?” Jonghyun jogged out of his company’s back door.

“No silly, I was busy sweating my off out here. What took you so long?” he scoffed.

At that moment, Jonghyun took off his own scarf and wrapped it around Kibum’s neck, covering his lips. Kibum of course, protested back that he wasn’t really cold and Jonghyun could have his scarf back, which earned him a pinch on his red button-like nose.

“I know today’s Christmas day, but you didn’t have to dress as a reindeer, Kibum. Your nose is all red hehe.” Jonghyun joked, tugging on Kibum’s arm to go to his apartment. And Jonghyun didn’t know if Kibum was really freezing to be able to leave slight redness on his cheeks.


On the streets of Korea, 10:52am.

Never letting go of Kibum’s arm, Jonghyun and Kibum strolled through the streets together, taking in the Christmas atmosphere. Everyone looked so happy to Jonghyun, the decorations along the streets were beyond beautiful, already sparkling in the glimmer together with Jonghyun’s brown orbs. The streets looked as if they were painted with the festive colours; gold, green and red. Jonghyun and Kibum could soak in this atmosphere all day.

Now this is Christmas.

Kibum wanted to stay there forever, but he was starting to feel uncomfortable and colder in the temperature. Mainly because the odds weren’t in his favor while waiting a full hour for Jonghyun in the cold.

Out of the blue, a white cold substance fell on the tip of Kibum’s nose. He shot his head up and smiled, and for a moment he forgot about being sick. That’s right, snow. Jonghyun being the kid he is gasped and starting jumping at his spot in amazement but stopped when he felt Kibum clutching tighter onto his arm. Kibum’s head was hurting, really badly.


-“Jonghyun look it’s snowing!” Kibum shouted in excitement, dragging Jonghyun out of his house to welcome the first snow in Korea. Jonghyun chuckled at how adorable his lover was being in sight of the snow. As much as he loved snow, Kibum was well, always at the top of the list.

Fazed by the cool white material, Kibum failed to notice Jonghyun looking fondly at him once again. Thus after successfully catching some snowflakes, Kibum spun around and brought his hand up to let Jonghyun take a look, his other hand still entangled with Jonghyun’s.

“Look hehe, something you love.”

“I’m looking at someone I love instead, Kibum.”

“Waaaaaaaaaaaaah cheesy” Kibum giggled and tried to push himself away from Jonghyun but ended up being pulled into Jonghyun’s strong arms. Sharing each other’s embrace while enjoying the first snow in Korea as Kibum whispered into Jonghyun’s ears,

“I love you too, Jonghyun.”-


Kibum didn’t know he holding onto Jonghyun so tightly until he opened his eyes once the pain faded away. Eyes shooting up to meet Jonghyun’s, Kibum didn’t know what or how to feel. Relieved? Betrayed? Angry? Instead when Jonghyun brushed away the snow on Kibum’s hair and asked if he was alright, he merely gave a weak smile. But it was clear this time round, no blur images or scenes, just the Jonghyun he knew in the lost memories. Kibum just had one question at that point.

Why didn’t he tell me before?


Jonghyun’s apartment, 12:02pm.

With the television on to provide some background noise, Kibum tapped Jonghyun’s thigh, suggesting an interesting (but dangerous) game.

“Let’s play a game, Jonghyun-ah.”

“What game, hmm scissors-paper-stone? ‘Cause you and I both know you at it.”

“Pfft no. The ‘True or False’ game. Come on come on Jonghyun!” Kibum did a little aegyo whilst shaking Jonghyun’s arm. Note: Both were sitting down on Jonghyun’s carpet floor in front of the television.

“Alright alright you start.”

“Hmmm an easy one first, I… like red roses.” Kibum started.

“True. And I’m 178cm tall.”


“Oh come on Kibum you know I am!” And they both broke out into fit of laughter.

And after a few warm-ups, Kibum decided to drop the bomb.


“And your next statement, sir.” Jonghyun laughed.

“You knew I was that ‘Kibum’ you lost in the accident.” Kibum stated as a matter of fact and from Jonghyun’s startled expression, Kibum knew he wasn’t wrong.

“True.” Jonghyun sighed in defeat. It was silent for a few moments before Kibum finally spoke up.


“For how long Jonghyun, did you know?”

“Are we really going to this topic? It’s Christmas for goodness sake, let it go Kibum.”

“How selfish could you get it Jonghyun? How do you expect me to let it go when you hid the hard truth from me for god knows how ing long!” Kibum flamed, his anger slowing building in him, adding fuel to his already burning fever.

“It was for your own good, Kibum.”

“For me, or for you?

“What was I supposed to do, prance into your life claiming we’re lovers and expect everything to sink in for you immediately? NO Kibum, you know I never mean to hurt you, you know.”

“Then tell me Jonghyun, why did I leave then? Heck, I shouldn’t even have got close to you in the first place if I knew you were the one I so desperately wanted to forget.” The hurtful words accidentally slipped out of his lips.

“Kibum don’t-.” leave me again.

The loud banging in Kibum’s head came back once again, but this time Kibum knew it was from the fever he tried to suppress earlier on. In lack of energy, Kibum decided it wouldn’t make much of a difference if he left now. He needed to get home to deal with his fever and throbbing head, fast.

“You know what? I’ll… just leave now. I’m sorry, Jonghyun.” Kibum stood up, making the thin blanket fall from his legs. He tried focusing his fading vision to make his way to the door. One… Two… three steps before Kibum fell into a deep abyss of darkness.



“Jonghyun? Is that you?”



Author's note: WAAAAAA it's finally up! I'm sorry it was a little later than usual, I was celebrating Chinese New Year with my family for a few days. I hope you guys like the story up till now, much much love to everyone~ Comment on your views, and I'll update soon alright! Thank you sweethearts! To those that celebrate CNY, I hope you had a very blessed holiday~

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dreamynite #1
Chapter 5: Such a sweet story
blind_angel #3
Chapter 5: .... O.O does he remember all now?
Chapter 5: Oh I'm so looking forward to the futur chapter. I love it!
Chapter 4: Ugh the curiosity is killing me! and I agree, so sweet and sad at the same time ;;
blind_angel #6
Chapter 2: :'( so sweet and sad at the same time