Chapter 9....

Is This It.....?



On set, there was now just myself, Sunggyu, the staff, Myungsoo, and the actress for the MV. The actress soon left after her parts of the MV were filmed and so it was just Sunggyu, Myungsoo, and myself. I guess I was lost in a daze, because Myungsoo was sitting right next to me by the time I paid attention again. “Haru.” I turned my head and looked up. “Ah, Myungsoo-ah.” He gave me his little cheesy smile. “It’s hard, isn’t it? Juggling twins, your career, and your marriage, huh?” I nodded my head. He had a point though. It was hard, even though I never paid attention to it, it was. “You look a lot worse then you did a month ago. Have you just ever thought about resting?” “Well, yeah, but there’s no point in resting because if I do, my kids have to too, and if they do, they end up asking about their dad, and well… You know how that goes.” “Haru-ah… Besides this career and us, you’re the best thing that has ever happened to him. Did you see him playing with the twins earlier? He shined, didn’t he?” “Well, I guess so.” “He also shines when he’s with you, but in a different kind of way. He’s a soft-hearted guy. He can’t stay mad at a person for a long time, but you’re the first person he’s been mad at for this long. He doesn’t like you doing this to yourself nor to the kids.” I yet again nodded my head. There was some sense in it. “Myungsoo-ah, have you ever just felt like you’ve loved someone, yet again you don’t? Like, there’s a boundary between each other. You want to love that person, but it’s complicated to.” He yet again gave me one of his smiles. I swear, they’re always the ones that I look forward to seeing. “If I knew what love was, I wouldn’t be here trying to solve yours.” We both laughed at his response. “You know, Myungsoo… I’m quite jealous of your future wife. She’s marrying a really good guy and someone who has a smile to die for. You’re way different than what you look like. You’re very charming.” He laughed. “Really!? Ha! Daebak!! If I were you, I’d be jealous of my future wife too.. But, Haru-ah, hyung’s a really good guy. I’m jealous you’re married to him.. It sounds hilarious, I know, but you’re very lucky to have him as your husband and as the twins dad. He’s good.” I chuckled a little. He was the only one I could always count on for being silly and cute and of course, for putting a smile on my face. He was Myungsoo. Kim Myung Soo. 

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adrypink #1
Chapter 12: omgggggg i like it i like it i like it!!
Gosh everything is well planned.. I dropped my jaw when i know haru's parents planned it all... But sunggyu being so sweet inside! I cant take ittttt :""D

This is such a lovely, short story. Can you make a sequel? I'm just asking tho. I just cant get out of good fics lol

Thank you for the storyyy and keep up the good work authornim! I hope you write much more good fics! ;)